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1、3类雅思阅读词汇分析讲解 词汇在雅思阅读中一直都有着非常重要的地位。今天给大家带来了3类雅思阅读词汇分析讲解,希望能帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。3类雅思阅读词汇分析讲解雅思阅读词汇一、考点词汇所谓考点词汇,就是指雅思阅读中常出现的对句意、题意有着重要影响的词汇。考点词汇是雅思考试中最常出现的高频词汇,也就是说,不同的雅思*中,这些词汇经常重复出现,并且都有着举足轻重的地位。按照雅思阅读考查点同义转换的思路,考点词汇主要是动词(verb)、形容词(adjective)或副词(adverb)、以及个别的名词(noun)。如果在平时阅读过程中,注意积累考点词汇并背诵其含义,那么我们在

2、解决阅读问题时就会轻松很多。考点词由于出现频率非常高,因此实际上考点词汇是比较有限的(limited)。我们在记忆考点词汇时,有两个方法是非常好用的。第一个是渗透衍生词记忆法,就是将常出现的词汇连带它们的衍生词一同记忆,凡是衍生词,都与原词汇属于同一分支,表现为词性不同但意思相连,如define/definition; adjust/adjustment; evaluate/evaluation/evaluative等。建议大家在记忆这些单词时,要渗透进一个思想意识,那就是:当我们遇到一个考点词,如果该词的前半部分字母组合或后半部分字母组合与之前记忆过的某考点词相一致(consistent),

3、那么这个“新词”的含义就一定与“旧词”有着不可分割的关系(connection)。有了这个思想意识,我们就能够将本不熟悉的词变得熟悉、本不敏感的(sensitive)拼写方式变得敏感了。尤其对于非常长的单词,很多同学看到就会觉得是一个完全的新词,其实如果仔细推敲字母组合(combination),就能找出一个与它很相像的旧词。比如,剑桥五中有这样一篇*“The Birth of Scientific English”, 其中有一句:It lacked thegrammatical resources required to represent the world in an objective

4、 and impersonal way,and to discuss the relations, such as cause and effect, that might hold between complex andhypothetical entities. 其中的grammatical并不是一个陌生的词汇,因为大家都熟悉grammar这个词;还有hypothetical这个词,虽然难度较大,但是我们经常见到hypothesis,因此可以推断hypothetical有“假设”这一层含义。第二个就是渗透同义词积累记忆法。同义词也是同义转换喜欢考查的部分,比如expansion/devel

5、opment; exaggerate/overstate等。同义词是可以连串记忆的,再加上高频出现、数量有限,因此我们可以通过平时的积累来提高词汇量。雅思阅读词汇二、常识类词汇常识类词汇是指在解题时,这类词汇不是考查同义转换,也不是考查范围、程度等考点,而是*涉及的背景内容,了解这类词的含义有助于利用常识或背景知识来更好地理解*。常识类词汇较难,也与日常生活中的英语词汇相差甚远,因此是不容易把握的。我们了解这类词就不需要找衍生词、也不需要积累同义词了,只是作为兴趣了解,或是给解题带来更大的把握。这类词汇有:aquaculture/delta/orbitalcortex/morphology/p

6、sychic/sea cow等等。那么,我们在练习雅思阅读时,如何判定哪些词汇需要记忆,哪些词汇只要简单了解呢?其实高频考点词的数量是有限的,而以上提到的常识类词汇范围比较广,是每篇*中涉及的一个背景话题,因此只要大家看到非考点词,并在一篇*中反复出现、作为一个话题型词汇并且比较生僻,就是常识性词汇了。雅思阅读词汇三、专业性词汇专业性词汇与常识类词汇在范围上有交叉的部分,只不过专业性词汇是非常生僻、考生也没有必要去了解的词汇。专业性词汇可以在文中保留自己的原型,不用被追究含义,可以充当定位词的地位,比如剑桥*中的sulphide/Principia/desalination等等。这些词汇在我们

7、平时积累阅读词汇时就可以视为选择记忆的了。如果大家有兴趣接触,可以尝试去记忆,但是一般情况下这些专业性太强的词汇就不建议考生徒增记忆工作量了。综上所述,雅思阅读词汇的积累是有选择性的,大家在记忆阅读词汇时,高频的考点词是无法逃避的(unavoidable),这些词汇需要我们非常熟悉地印入脑海并能迅速反应出其含义。但是对于后两类词汇,我们是希望大家能够多记忆一些常识类词汇以便更完整、更透彻地理解*;而专业性词汇就不要求强化记忆了。有了扎实的词汇功夫,搭配上阅读技巧和解题技巧,我们就能够在阅读考试中取得令自己满意的成绩(score)。雅思考试阅读模拟练习及答案The Triumph of Unre

8、asonA.Neoclassical economics is built on the assumption that humans are rational beings who have a clear idea of their best interests and strive to extract maximum benefit (or “utility”, in economist-speak) from any situation. Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of decision-making is rat

9、ional. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotionseven when reason is clearly involved.B.The role of emotions in decisions makes perfect sense. For situations met frequently in the past, such as obtaining food and mates, and confronting or fleeing from threats, t

10、he neural mechanisms required to weigh up the pros and cons will have been honed by evolution to produce an optimal outcome. Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic theory predict the same practical consequences for utility in thes

11、e cases. But does this still apply when the ancestral machinery has to respond to the stimuli of urban modernity?C.One of the people who thinks that it does not is George Loewenstein, an economist at Carnegie Mellon University, in Pittsburgh. In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subve

12、rted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt. To prove the point he has teamed up with two psychologists, Brian Knutson of Stanford University and Drazen Prelec of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, to look at what happens in the brain when it is deciding

13、 what to buy.D.In a study, the three researchers asked 26 volunteers to decide whether to buy a series of products such as a box of chocolates or a DVD of the television show that were flashed on a computer screen one after another. In each round of the task, the researchers first presented the prod

14、uct and then its price, with each step lasting four seconds. In the final stage, which also lasted four seconds, they asked the volunteers to make up their minds. While the volunteers were taking part in the experiment, the researchers scanned their brains using a technique called functional magneti

15、c resonance imaging (fMRI)。 This measures blood flow and oxygen consumption in the brain, as an indication of its activity.E.The researchers found that different parts of the brain were involved at different stages of the test. The nucleus accumbens was the most active part when a product was being

16、displayed. Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.F.When the price appeared, however, fMRI reported more activity in other parts of the brain. Excessively high prices increased activity in the insular cortex, a brain region linked to

17、expectations of pain, monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures. The researchers also found greater activity in this region of the brain when the subject decided not to purchase an item.G.Price information activated the medial prefrontal cortex, too. This part of the brain is involved in r

18、ational calculation. In the experiment its activity seemed to correlate with a volunteers reaction to both product and price, rather than to price alone. Thus, the sense of a good bargain evoked higher activity levels in the medial prefrontal cortex, and this often preceded a decision to buy.H.Peopl

19、es shopping behaviour therefore seems to have piggy-backed on old neural circuits evolved for anticipation of reward and the avoidance of hazards. What Dr Loewenstein found interesting was the separation of the assessment of the product (which seems to be associated with the nucleus accumbens) from

20、the assessment of its price (associated with the insular cortex), even though the two are then synthesised in the prefrontal cortex. His hypothesis is that rather than weighing the present good against future alternatives, as orthodox economics suggests happens, people actually balance the immediate

21、 pleasure of the prospective possession of a product with the immediate pain of paying for it.I.That makes perfect sense as an evolved mechanism for trading. If one useful object is being traded for another (hard cash in modern time), the future utility of what is being given up is embedded in the o

22、bject being traded. Emotion is as capable of assigning such a value as reason. Buying on credit, though, may be different. The abstract nature of credit cards, coupled with the deferment of payment that they promise, may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。J.Whether it

23、actually does so will be the subject of further experiments that the three researchers are now designing. These will test whether people with distinctly different spending behaviour, such as miserliness and extravagance, experience different amounts of pain in response to prices. They will also asse

24、ss whether, in the same individuals, buying with credit cards eases the pain compared with paying by cash. If they find that it does, then credit cards may have to join the list of things such as fatty and sugary foods, and recreational drugs, that subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurab

25、le at the time but can have a long and malign aftertaste.Questions 1-6Do the following statemets reflect the claims of the writer in Reading Passage 1?Write your answer in Boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.TRUE if the statement reflets the claims of the writerFALSE if the statement contradicts the clai

26、ms of the writerNOT GIVEN if it is possbile to say what the writer thinks about this1. The belief of neoclassical economics does not accord with the increasing evidence that humans make use of the emotions to make decisions.2. Animals are urged by emotion to strive for an optimal outcomes or extract

27、 maximum utility from any situation.3. George Loewenstein thinks that modern ways of shopping tend to allow people to accumulate their debts.4. The more active the nucleus accumens was, the stronger the desire of people for the product in question became.5. The prefrontal cortex of the human brain i

28、s linked to monetary loss and the viewing of upsetting pictures.6. When the activity in nucleus accumbens was increased by the sense of a good bargain, people tended to purchase coffee.Questions 7-9Choose the appropriate letters A-D and write them in boxes 7-9 on your answe sheet.7. Which of the fol

29、lowing statements about orthodox economics is true?A. The process which people make their decisions is rational.B. People have a clear idea of their best interests in any situation.C. Humans make judgement on the basis of reason rather then emotion.D. People weigh the present good against future alt

30、ernatives in shopping.8. The word “miserliness” in line 3 of Paragraph J means_.A. peoples behavior of buying luxurious goodsB. peoples behavior of buying very special itemsC. peoples behavior of being very mean in shoppingD. peoples behavior of being very generous in shopping9. The three researcher

31、s are now designing the future experiments, which testA. whether people with very different spending behaviour experience different amounts of pain in response to products.B. whether buying an item with credit cards eases the pain of the same individuals compared with paying for it by cash.C. whethe

32、r the abstract nature of credit cards may modulate the “con” side of the calculation in favour of the “pro”。D. whether the credit cards may subvert human instincts in ways that seem pleasurable but with a terrible effect.Questions 10-13Complete the notes below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from Re

33、ading Passage 1 for each answer.Write your answers in boxes 10-13 on your answer sheet.To find what happens in the brain of humans when it is deciding things to buy, George Loewenstein and his co-researchers did an experiment by using the technique of fMRI. They found that different parts of the bra

34、in were invloved in the process. The activity in 10 was greatly increased with the displaying of certain product. The great activity was found in the insular cortex when 11and the subject decided not to buy a product. The activity of the medial prefrontal cortex seemed to associate with both 12infor

35、maiton. What interested Dr Loewenstein was the 13 of the assessment of the product and its price in different parts of the brain.Part IINotes to Reading Passage 11. the nucleus accumbens, the insular cortex, and the medial prefrontal cortex:大脑的不同部位 (皮层,皮质等)e.g. cerebellar cortex 小脑皮层cerebral cortex

36、大脑皮层2. hone:珩磨,磨快,磨练,训练使。更完美或有效。3. subvert:毁灭,破坏;摧毁:4. piggyback:骑在肩上;在肩上骑5. deferment:推迟、延迟、分期付款6. aftertaste:余味,回味事情或经历结束后的感觉,特指令人不快的感觉Part IIIKeys and explanations to the Questions 1-131. TRUESee the second and third sentence in Paragraph A “Neoclassical economics assumes that the process of deci

37、sion-making is rational. But that contradicts growing evidence that decision-making draws on the emotionseven when reason is clearly involved.”2. TRUESee the third sentence in Paragrph B “ Since emotion is the mechanism by which animals are prodded towards such outcomes, evolutionary and economic th

38、eory predict the same practical consequences for utility in these cases.”3. FALSESee the second sentence in Paragrph C “In particular, he suspects that modern shopping has subverted the decision-making machinery in a way that encourages people to run up debt.”4. TRUESee the last sentence in Paragrph

39、 E “Moreover, the level of its activity correlated with the reported desirability of the product in question.”5. FALSESee the second sentence in Paragrph F and G respectively “Excessively high prices increased activity in the insular cortex, a brain region linked to expectations of pain, monetary loss and the view.3类雅思阅读词汇分析讲解


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