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1、托福阅读满分前辈分享备考提升经验 托福阅读满分前辈分享备考提升经验 拿满30分从训练阅读技巧开始,今天给大家带来了托福阅读满分前辈分享备考提升经验 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读满分前辈分享备考提升经验 拿满30分从训练阅读技巧开始托福阅读满分需要从*入手很多人备考托福阅读,更多时候都把精力放在阅读题型和解题技巧上,而对*只是当成一个获取必要信息的源头,这其实是有偏颇的。考生如何读好*,怎样看懂*,这其中有许多窍门需要大家在备考中掌握学习。1. 读*顺序首先是阅读*的顺序,因为传统的阅读解题习惯,很多同学都会选择先看完全文再做题的做法。但这种做法在托福阅读中其实

2、不太行得通。原因很简单,托福阅读*的篇幅相对其考试时间限制来说其实是有点超标的,只有少数阅读速度极快理解能力过人短期记忆优秀的考生能够确保读完*再做题并保证时间和解题正确率。对大部分考生来说,目前阅读部分的考试时间并不足以支持大家用这种传统方式来做题。真正适合考生的做法是直接边读*边看题目。而托福阅读考试本身的流程设计也比较支持这种做法,题目考到那一段*就会自动拉到哪里,如果是涉及到原文的关键内容还会有明显的标黑,这对于边读*边做题的顺序来说都是非常方便有利的。2. 了解*结构即使是按照边读*边做题目的方式,也有很多同学觉得时间紧张。这是因为大家对*内容读得太细所致。正确的阅读托福*的顺序应该

3、是先看*每个段落的首句,因为按照老外的写作习惯段落第一句基本上都是主题句中心句,之后的部分则是对中心主题的展开。而考生比较头疼的长难句往往都集中在段落中心句之后的部分里,所以如果单从理解*大意的角度来说,直接看完中心句就已经足够了。这种做法也能减少读长难句造成的时间消耗,提升考生的阅读解题速度。3. 避免过度提速有些时候为了避免阅读时间不够用,部分考生可能会下意识地强迫自己提升阅读速度,而这种强行加速的做法会带来比较严重的后遗症,那就是虽然看过了,但因为阅读不完全没有彻底理解消化,导致考生对*内容没有足够深刻的印象,也就是看完以后根本没记住到底*说了什么。想要避免这种情况,除了保持相对稳定的阅

4、读速度外,另一种方法是在读完每一段*内容之后,不要立即开始看一段内容,而是先暂停一下现在脑海里对刚才读过的内容做一个简单的总结归纳,比如这段主要讲了什么,有哪些例子论据,包含了什么关键词等等。通过这种好似喝完一口红酒以后品一下味道的做法,考生对*的印象才会真正保留下来,帮助大家加深对*的理解,更为顺利地解题。总而言之,托福阅读想要拿到高分满分,考生在读*环节也需要做足够的训练掌握必要的技巧才行,否则只是关注在解题上而忽略了对阅读*的训练,想要拿到阅读30分还是很困难的。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:恐龙大规模灭绝事件托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Dinosaurs rapidly

5、became extinct about 65 million years ago as part of a mass extinction known as the K-T event, because it is associated with a geological signature known as the K-T boundary, usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world. (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceo

6、us, derived from the German name Kreideieit).词汇讲解:abbreviation /?briv?e?n/ n. 简略,缩短derive /d?ra?v/ v. 获得,得到;源自,源于结构划分:Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago (as part of a mass extinction) (known as the K-T event),(because it is associated with a geological signature) (known as t

7、he K-T boundary), (usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world). (K is the traditional abbreviation for the Cretaceous, (derived from the German nameKreideieit).深度分析:这个句子的主干就是:Dinosaurs rapidly became extinct about 65 million years ago修饰一:(as part of a mass extinction) ,

8、介词短语中文:成为大灭绝事件的一部分修饰二:(known as the K-T event) ,非谓语动词中文:称之为K-T事件修饰三:(because it is associated with a geological signature) ,从句中文:因为它与地质学上的标签有联系修饰四:(known as the K-T boundary) ,非谓语动词中文:称为之K-T边缘修饰五:(usually a thin band of sedimentation found in various parts of the world) ,同位语中文:K-T边界通常是一块在世界各地都能找到的薄薄

9、的沉积带修饰六:(derived from the German name Kreideieit),非谓语动词中文:源自德国名字kreidezeit参考翻译:大约在6500万年前,恐龙迅速地灭绝,成为K-T大规模灭绝事件的一部分,被称作K-T是因为它与地质学上的标签K-T边界有关,K-T边界通常是一块在世界各地都能找到的薄薄的沉积带。(K在惯例上是白垩纪Cretaceous的缩写,源自德国名字kreidezeit)托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:哺乳动物的竞争托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:Others have blamed extinction on competition fro

10、m the mammals, which allegedly ate all the dinosaur eggs-except that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million years of coexistence.词汇

11、讲解:allegedly/?led?idli/ adv.据称,据传闻结构划分:Others have blamed extinction on competition from the mammals, (which allegedly ate all the dinosaur eggs)-except (that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late Triassic, about 190 million years ago, and there is no reason to believe that mam

12、mals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120million years of coexistence.)深度分析:这个句子的主干就是:Others have blamed extinction on competition from the mammals修饰一:(which allegedly ate all the dinosaur eggs),从句中文:据说它们吃掉了所有的恐龙蛋修饰二:(that mammals and dinosaurs appeared at the same time in the Late

13、Triassic, about 190 million years ago,and there is no reason to believe that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million years of coexistence.) ,从句注意这个从句里面还有一个从句:(that mammals suddenly acquired a taste for dinosaur eggs after 120 million years of coexistence)中文:哺乳动物和恐龙同时出现在

14、约190万年前的晚三叠世,没理由认为哺乳动物在和恐龙共同生活了120万年之后,忽然爱吃恐龙蛋了。参考翻译:其他科学家将(恐龙的)灭绝归咎于哺乳动物的竞争,据说它们吃掉了所有的恐龙蛋只是,哺乳动物和恐龙同时出现在约190万年前的晚三叠世,没理由认为哺乳动物在和恐龙共同生活了120万年之后,忽然爱吃恐龙蛋了。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:妇女和社会雇佣体系托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:If the exclusion from public employments decreed against women leads to a greater sum of mutual happin

15、ess for the two sexes, then this becomes a law that all Societies have been compelled to acknowledge and sanction.United States Bill of Rights, 1791词汇讲解:exclusion= n.排除decree= v.颁布,规定mutual= a. 共同的compel= v.强迫,规定acknowledge= v.承认sanction= v.批准句子分析:【主干】then this becomes a law.【成分分析】If the exclusion leads to a greater sum of mutual happiness for the two sexes, 状语从句from public employments 介词短语,修饰exclusiondecreed against women 定语,修饰exclusionthat all Societies have been compelled to acknowledge and sanction. 定语从句,修饰a law参考翻译:如果妇女被排除在社会雇佣体系之外,能够带来全人类更大的幸福,那么这就成为了全社会必须承认和认同的律法。


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