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1、攻克雅思口语复杂句 攻克雅思口语复杂句,今天给大家带来了攻克雅思口语复杂句,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。攻克雅思口语复杂句具体而言,仅仅掌握上一部分所讲的“点线法”是不足以应对Part II的问题的。例如:Describe a place to relax.You should say:1) what the place is,2) who you often do this with,3) when and where you often do this4) explain why this is an effective way for relaxation.依据“

2、点线法”,第一步是形成相关的关键词,所以,针对这个题目,我们可以形成的关键词可能有:caf (what the place is)friend (who you often do this with)every Sunday, near the park, (when and where you often do this),no work, coffeetalk with friend (why this is an effective way for relaxation)。有了以上的关键词汇,第二个步骤是造简单的句子:I go to caf to relax. I go there wi

3、th my friend. I go there every Sunday. It is because I dont have work. I like coffee. I like to talk to my friend in the caf.句子造到了这里就已经完成了对第二部分所有问题的回答,暂且不管回答的时长,单单看这些句式,给考官的第一印象就是过于简单,如此这般,第二部分的成绩应该不会太高。所以,考生需要进一步的升华这个句子,从答案1.0版进化到答案2.0版,即“点线法”的第3-5步:缩短简单句,复杂句,和规范性的变化:“I personally like to go to caf

4、 every Sunday with my friend to relax, and the reason for it is that, firstly, I dont have work, secondly I really enjoy coffee, and on top of that, I like talking to my friend. ”句子变化到这里就算是完成了基本的“点线法”。以上仅仅是一个简单“点线法”的范例,就算是考生可以把这些简单的句子连接成一个完美的复杂句,然而在时间上而言,也是很难达到一到两分钟的考试要求。所以,我们还需要一些额外的东西。在这里,我称之为“放大法

5、”。其实质为在基本的关键词里面再一次扩充关键词,然后再结合实例“复杂句化”每一个关键词所引出的简单句。在这里,“复杂句化”指的不仅仅是句式的复杂化,还有具体细节的复杂化。Figure 1: An illustration of “点线法” and “放大法”还是以“Describe a place to relax”为例,首先,我们使用基本的“点线法”中的关键词来启发我们的思路。不同的是,在进入到简单句的造句之前,学生需要在第一组关键词中再发掘他的“子集”关键词。如上图(Figure 1)所示,第一级关键词 Caf(咖啡厅),在此之后,相关的“子集”关键词可以包括:dcor, atmosphe

6、re, advantages of this caf, price等等。如此一来,仅caf这一个关键词就可以引申出另外的四个关键词汇。建立在caf, dcor, atmosphere, advantages of this caf, price这一组相互关联的关键词上面,学生们需要进一步添加一些例子。具体地举例来说I go to caf to relax - Starbucks. The dcor of that caf is unique leather chairs. The atmosphere is amazing Italian music. This caf has many ad

7、vantages Colombian coffee beans. This cafs price is reasonable ?25/cup.剩下的部分,学生可以按照“点线法”的步骤2-5进行。针对Part II的独白话题,考生在考前准备时可以结合“点线法”和“放大法”进行练习。当然,在考试这种精力高度集中的情况下,学生可能很难罗列出多组关键词和“子集”关键词,但是,熟练掌握了这两种方法可以帮助他们培养出在紧张情况下的随机应变和语言组织能力。更重要的是,这也可以帮助学生在今后出国留学和工作中更好的应对各种未知的挑战。第三部分的难度是相对而言是比较高的,它考察的不仅仅是学生的语言能力,还有学生对

8、主观想法的精确表达能力。就考试形式而言,它与第一部分考试是有一定程度上重合的。所以,基本上我们还是可以沿用“点线法”。当然,在内容上考生需要把答案提升若干个档次。以“Why do many people move from small towns to big cities?”为例,按照“点线法”的步骤:1. 关键词:convenient, better jobs, better school, more income。2. 简单句:a) big cities are more convenient b) big cities have better jobs c) big cities ha

9、ve better schools d) big cities give more income。 3. 缩短简单句: Big cities are more convenient, have better jobs and schools, and give more income. 4. 复杂句:Big cities are more convenient and have a lot to offer, which include better jobs, better schools, as well as higher income.上面的这个例句就简单的“点线法”的基本应用。当然,

10、如果考生需要在Part III取得更加理想的成绩,除了熟练掌握回答的基本方式,还要在答案的内容上进行反复的雕琢,做到思路清晰,链接顺畅,内容深刻。雅思考试是出国留学不可或缺的重要申请材料之一,很多学生深知雅思的重要性,但是反复地准备,反复地去考试都不能取得理想的成绩。尤其是口语部分,一直都是国内学生很难迈过的一道坎。其中原因是多种多样的,大致可以分为两类:个别问题和普遍问题。个别问题包括:学生临场发挥不好,学生本身基础不高,还有题目出得过于稀奇古怪,等等。普遍问题也有很多,而这篇*就着重分析了其中的一个。根据自身的教学经验和其它教师的反馈情况等,作者总结出中国学生的一个普遍问题为不会使用英语的

11、复杂句。针对上述问题,本篇*首先从中国学生的语言习惯上进行了分析。由于大家的母语为汉语,而汉语的很多表达方式都为简单句的形式,所以学生在潜移默化中习惯了直接把简单的汉语句子翻译成英语。这就造成了中国学生在用英语表达自己的时候只会使用简单句,而不是相对地道的英语复杂句式。结合雅思口语考试的三个部分,本篇*提出了“点线法”和“放大法”。简单来说,这两个方法是以关键词为基础,以句子的由简到繁的变化为依托的。广大考生在备考的时候,可以在提高自身词汇和思路的同时,尽可能多的练习这两种方法,从而达到高能高分的目的。最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:an interesting historical

12、event you knowYou should say,What event it isHow you know this eventWhy is it so interestingAnd explain your feelings towards this event.参考范文:古代历史如果大家觉得hold不住的话,可以想想近代历史,例如中美建交啊(the establishment of Sino-US diplomatic relations),中华人民共和国成立啊(the founding of the Peoples Republic of China)或是港澳回归啊(The re

13、turn of Hong Kong and Macao)都可以,因为大家都比较熟知,而且背景知识也不复杂。今天呢我们就以澳门回归为例来分析下这个雅思口语话题。China enjoys a long history, which is recognized as a time-honored country,and speaking of an historical events, the one Id like to mention today is the return of Macau.If my memory never fails me, the transfer of soverei

14、gnty of Macau from the Portuguese republic to the China occurred on 20 December 1999 with the witness of thousands of people, which is one of the most significant historical events in my Chinese history. I can say that every Chinese knows that, since it was written in details in the history text boo

15、k.In my opinion, it has a great influence on the political world. While to China, it was an event about reunion, about dignity.I can imagine the scene of the national flag of China flying at the ground of Macau surely brings tears to peoples eyes. In my eyes, it is not only a symbol of the beginning

16、 of a new era of Macao, also an occasion for family reunion. You know we suffered a lot, pain, hunger, homeless even death during the World War One and Two. After decades of struggling and fight, we finally kicked intruders back to their home and kept our homeland. So we really feel proud and excite

17、d at the day.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a decision that you disagreed withYou should say:What the decision wasHow it was madeWhat you disagreed withAnd explain why you disagreed with it参考范文:We all have to make decisions from time to time.Some decisions are agreed upon by all, whereas some decisions are not

18、 liked by all.Here, I would like to talk about a decision, which was made by my two friends Raman and Sunder, when we were in 10th class. They decided to bunk school and go to watch a movie in a multiplex.I disagreed strongly. First of all, the idea of bunking school did not seem right to me. Then,

19、going for a movie without parents permission was out of question as far as my thinking was concerned.I advised them to go for the movie on a Sunday, in the morning show, after taking permission from our parents. But they were adamant, and were forcing me also to accompany them.I was in a dilemma, as

20、 I did not want to disappoint my friends.But, my father is very strict.I knew that if he found out, he would be very upset and may even not talk to me for days.I could not even bear to think of that.So, I said a firm no to my friends and again tried to dissuade them from bunkingschool. They, however

21、, did not agree and went for the movie. I remember, I felt very light at heart for not going with them.I cannot even think of lying to my parents, or hiding anything from them.So, this was the decision made by my friends which I did not like.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:future plan which is not related to wo

22、rk or studyYou should say- what the plan is- when you thought of the plan- who is involved in the plan- and say how you think you will achieve the plan.参考答案:Let me talk about my plans for this upcoming Christmas holiday.Just a few weeks ago, my friend in Argentina contacted me and told me that he an

23、d his family are planning to visit the San Francisco Bay Area during the holidays. Since he is one of my best childhood friends and Ive been living in the area for several years, I didnt hesitate and offered to be their tour guide.They plan to stay here for only a week, and my plan is to drive my SU

24、V and take them to some of the most popular tourist spots within the city of San Francisco, which includes the Golden Gate Bridge, Lombard Street, and the Coit Tower. Im also thinking to spend a day to tour some of the most famous wineries in the Napa Valley. And if they are up for longer drives, Im

25、 also willing to take them to Lake Tahoe and the Yosemite National Park.Ive always been good at making travel arrangements. As soon as my friend can confirm their dates, I will start doing research on hotels and restaurants, and try to come up with a detailed itinerary so that they can know what to

26、expect during their stay.Oh, since they will be here during the winter, which tends to be rainy and snowy, I will also have to constantly check on the weather forecast and make changes if necessary. The point is to be safe throughout the entire trip and find alternatives if the weather doesnt cooperate.攻克雅思口语复杂句


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