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1、雅思写作开头如何写 这样写雅思写作开头,7分离你不远,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。这样写雅思写作开头,7分离你不远雅思写作题目中的观点类,我们通常以认可或者不认可来进行作答。并且这类题型中的观点也只有一个,考生也无需担心选错哪一个。考官在乎的是论证的过程,就是考生是否有足够的例子证明自己观点的对错。小站君认为开头应该遵循第一句是题目中的背景。第二句是对观点进行选择,一般同意的话可以进行转述题目,不同意的话可以用让步状语从句改写,例如although,if等。第三句是说明自己的观点。我们从下面的例子进行分析一下。例子:Some people believe that living in bi

2、g cities is bad for health. Do you agree or disagree?按照上述的方法,我们选择同意的话,就第一句就是背景句“These days, it is quite common to see that a growing number of people choose to settle down in large cities.”第二句则是对观点进行同意,那么可以写成“ But some people argue that leading an urban life would produce negative influences on peop

3、les health. ”最后一句就是表述自己的观点“ Personally, I agree with this idea. (个人观点)”。考生若想要一个引人关注的开头,最重要的就是对背景和题目的改写,切记不要直接照抄题目。雅思写作题目第二种就是讨论类,通常这种的重点就是探讨两方的观点,然后表明自己的观点。这种题目的开头只需要写出讨论话题的背景以及用用自己的话陈述双方的观点。对于个人的观点,无需放在开头。考生若要出彩的开头,还是需要落脚在改写上面,可以通过一些模板的套用,和语句的转化进行改写,侧重点就是双方的观点是什么。雅思写作题目第三种就是优劣势类,通常是题目会给出一个背景或者趋势,让考

4、生进行比较分析优劣之别。往往考生认为此类题目需要陈述背景,其实是不用的,只需要表达考生的分析结果,认为是好处大于坏处,还是相反。这时候开头就不比过于累赘,只需要一句话进行表达。我们看下面例子:Shopping online is replacing shopping in stores. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?根据上述方法,我们不需要过多描述背景,只需要选择某一方,然后用一句话代替即可:These days, it is common to see that people prefer choosing online shop

5、ping to shopping in physical stores. Although some problems would occur as this trend continues, I believe such development brings more benefits.雅思写作题目第四种就是报告类,跟上述的优劣势接近,都是给一个案例或者报告进行分析,开头段只需要考生对题目进行改写和延伸。对于这类题目,考生需要记住的是开头不宜过长,而且也不需要带自己的观点。只需要改写题目即可。考生了解完写作题目的分类之后,最需要注意的就是对背景句的改写。一个精彩的开头往往考察的就是你对题目和

6、背景的改写能力。这时候就需要我们对句型的扩展。因为往往雅思写作题目都是简洁明了的,所以要对题目或者背景改写。我们看下面例子:There was a substantial increase.There was a substantial increase in the number of cars.There was a substantial increase in the number of cars using clean energy.从上述三段可以很清楚了解,扩展句型的重要性。不仅能够让考官知道你句子扩展的能力,还能增加字数。最后,提升雅思写作的开头还需要对主语进行多种变化的训练。从

7、上述可以知道主语很多情况都是一大串的观点,如果考生直接搬到句子中,很容易让考官觉得是直接照抄。这时候就需要我们对主语进行多种变化的练习。从下面例子可以看出:Why is the old buildings turns down/knocked down based on its historical and artistic value?如果疑问句做主语的,描述的是老建筑是否被拆掉是依据它的历史和艺术价值。我们可以把主语改为这样:Whether an old building should be torn down/knocked down depends on its value in hi

8、story and art.只有这样对主语进行多样性训练,才能保证句子结构多样性,让考官认可考生熟练运用句子,表达地道。2018年9月13日雅思写作大作文真题7分范文:科研是资源浪费?雅思写作7分范文Research is the most important activity to achieve scientific progress for a better future. To a great extent, scientific research is necessary and not a waste of time and money. The bottom line is th

9、at scientific research not only needs more funding, but also “smarter” spending.研究是实现科学进步、走向更美好未来的最重要活动。在很大程度上,科学研究是必要的,而不是浪费时间和金钱。底线是在科学研究方面,不仅需要更多的资金,还需要“更聪明”的支出。Scientific research, although being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear d

10、oubts and find solutions. To begin with, advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the worldfrom diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characte

11、rized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research projects successfully. And this is why most people would agree that investments in scientific research pay off in the long run, while only a minority would argue that it is not worth the huge time

12、 and money put into it.科学研究虽然昂贵而费力,但却是人类繁荣的引擎,它无止境地寻求真理,以消除疑虑和找到解决办法。首先,几乎所有科学领域的进展都显示出有希望解决有关世界本质的疑惑-从疾病和气候变化到宇宙的起源。对大多数科学家来说,寻找真理是其职业的主要动机,其特点是长时间工作和个人牺牲,但是要成功地完成他们的研究项目也需要巨额的资金。这就是为什么大多数人都认为,对科学研究的投资从长远来看是有回报的,而只有少数人会争辩说,投入大量的时间和金钱是不值得的。Nevertheless, the public needs to be convinced that money (a

13、long with time) is being spent wisely since pointless scientific research projects may burn through time and money, which leads to a meaningless waste in both, of course. To avoid that waste, scientists need to prove that their research projects are worth it, and that the spending is in an acceptabl

14、e manner for scientific advancement. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is not“smart” enough, so to speak.然而,公众需要确信,金钱(以及时间)

15、正在被明智地使用,因为毫无意义的科学研究项目可能会消耗掉时间和金钱,从而导致在这两方面的无谓浪费。为了避免这种浪费,科学家们需要证明他们的研究项目是值得的,而且花费相对于科学进步来说是可以接受的。然而,在进行研究的政府和大学两级的低效率或不确定性,有时确实使人们认为投资于一些不必要的研究还不够“聪明”(打个比方)。研究是实现科学进步、走向更美好未来的最重要活动。在很大程度上,科学研究是必要的,而不是浪费时间和金钱。底线是在科学研究方面,不仅需要更多的资金,还需要“更聪明”的支出。In conclusion, it is necessary to invest in research for s

16、cientific progress. But scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money. In all events, there would be no better tomorrow without scientific research today.总之,有必要投资于为了科学进步的研究。但是,应该明智地进行科学研究,以免浪费时间和金钱。无论如何,没有今天的科学研究,明天就不会更好。雅思写作高分表达1. Scientific research, al

17、though being expensive and laborious, is the engine of human prosperity by endlessly seeking the truth to clear doubts and find solutions.科学研究虽然昂贵而费力,但却是人类繁荣的引擎,它无止境地寻求真理,以消除疑虑和找到解决办法。2. Advances across virtually all fields of science show promise for solving puzzles about the nature of the worldfro

18、m diseases and climate-change to the origin of the universe.几乎所有科学领域的进展都显示出有希望解决有关世界本质的疑惑-从疾病和气候变化到宇宙的起源。3. For most scientists, the search for truth is the main motivation to a career characterized by long hours and personal sacrifice, but huge money is also required to carry out their research pro

19、jects successfully.对大多数科学家来说,寻找真理是其职业的主要动机,其特点是长时间工作和个人牺牲,但是要成功地完成他们的研究项目也需要巨额的资金。4. Unfortunately, the inefficiency or uncertainty at both government and university levels where research is being conducted sometimes do make people think that the investment in some unnecessary research projects is n

20、ot “smart” enough, so to speak.然而,在进行研究的政府和大学两级的低效率或不确定性,有时确实使人们认为投资于一些不必要的研究还不够“聪明”(打个比方)。5.Scientific research should be done wisely so as not to result in a waste of time and money.应该明智地进行科学研究,以免浪费时间和金钱。2018年9月13日雅思大作文写作真题及范文:科学投资Some people think that too much money and time have been allocated

21、in scientific research. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?本题讨论的话题是科学研究浪费了太多的钱和时间。问题属于单边讨论-同意或不同意。雅思写作结构P1:引入话题+亮明观点;P2:让步段-指出科学研究给人类带来的好处P3:转折段1-转折科学研究浪费了大量的钱,而这些钱可以用来扶贫济困。P4: 转折段2-教育也应该是投资的重点之一。P5:总结全文。雅思大作文真题范文:Scientific research is promised to identify and unravel myste

22、ries about the existence of human beings and some urgent issues ranging from tangled complexity of the brain system to the ultimate truth about the existence of the universe. However, it is beyond dispute that there are issues that do plague human beings as a race such as poverty and illiteracy. The

23、refore, I am convinced that the colossal amount of time and money could definitely be applied to address more pressing problems at hand such as famine and ignorance.科学研究被许诺去发现和解开关于人类存在的奥秘,以及一些紧迫的问题,从复杂的大脑系统到关于宇宙存在的终极真相。然而,无可争议的是,有一些问题困扰着人类,就像贫穷和文盲一样。因此,我相信,大量的时间和金钱可以用来解决更紧迫的问题,如饥荒和无知。Admittedly, cut

24、ting-edge innovations have tremendously transformed the way of our life. People all benefit from the advances made possible through medical research, from more effective chemotherapy, to vaccines that protect against deadly disease and to increased knowledge about nutrition and healthy lifestyles. H

25、owever, there is little value if we invest too much on some researches that barely lead to new information about nature, the human body, or medicine.无可否认,尖端的创新已经极大地改变了我们的生活方式。人们都受益于通过医学研究,从更有效的化疗,到预防致命疾病的疫苗,以及增加对营养和健康生活方式的知识的进步。然而,如果我们在一些研究上投入太多,而这些研究几乎不能带来关于自然、人体或医学的新信息,那就没有什么价值了。Authorities invest

26、ment should not be confined within the boundary of scientific researches solely. To be more specific, more than half of the world population are still living under the poverty line while an overwhelming amount of resources is drained to figure out how to send a spaceship to the Venus. Under such cas

27、es, what benefits the outer space would bring to a poor mother whose child starves and suffers from malnutrition? These problems will not likely be solved by the evolution of inventions and space exploration alone, but through joint efforts and financial funding from international aid agencies and c

28、harity groups.有关部门的投资不应仅局限于科学研究的范围内。更具体地说,世界上超过一半的人口仍然生活在贫困线以下,而大量的资源被排干,以弄清楚如何将一艘宇宙飞船送到金星。在这种情况下,外部空间会给贫穷的母亲带来什么好处,而她的孩子却因营养不良而挨饿?这些问题不可能仅靠发明和空间探索的演变来解决,而是通过国际援助机构和慈善组织的共同努力和资金资助来解决。Furthermore, money should be directly allocated to alleviate illiteracy in underdeveloped areas. It is a common sense

29、 that a more favourable intellectual support is helping to improve economic prospects. Compared with the costs totally funded by individuals, if governments account relevant obligations, individual economic pressure will be relieved to a large extent.此外,应直接分配资金,以减轻欠发达地区的文盲。人们普遍认为,更有利的智力支持有助于改善经济前景。与完全由个人资助的成本相比,如果政府承担相关义务,个人经济压力将在很大程度上得到缓解。To sum up, the allocation of funds are to be allocated to other sectors beyond scientific researches, which contributes to the boon of the society as a whole.总而言之,资金的分配将被分配到科学研究之外的其他领域,这有助于整个社会的福祉。雅思写作开头如何写


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