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1、雅思G类小作文范文分享 为了帮助大家更好的备考雅思写作,今天给大家整理了雅思G类小作文范文,一起来看看吧,就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思G类小作文范文:推荐信题目:You are asked to write a recommendation letter for someone you know well. Say who you are, how you got to know him or her, and why he or she is worth your recommendation. (推荐信)范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing to recomm

2、end to you the outstanding personality of Miss Jiang Junlei.亲爱的先生、女士:我写此信旨在向您推荐姜君蕾女士的超凡个性。I got to know Miss Jiang in 2002 while I was giving a placement test to a group of candidates who applied to our daytime English Intensive Training Program. It happened that she was in the group and she impress

3、ed me greatly with her friendly and lovely smile throughoutthe test. In the following year, while I was organizing a summer camp program with the participation of about 600 high school students coming from all parts of China, I immediately thought of her. The reason was very simple: she is kind, fri

4、endly, patient, helpful and loving, thus well suiting a position as class teacher. Besides, she had some experience in hospital nursing which made my choice of her more reasonableand she proved to me as well as to all my colleagues at the camp that my decision was just too perfect. In fact, I was qu

5、ite surprised by her interpersonalcommunication skills with both the students and their parents though she was very young herself at the time.我是2002年认识姜君蕾的。那时我在给一组报读我们全日制英语课程的学生进行分班测试,她便在其中。她自始至终友好而可爱的微笑给我留下了深刻的印象。第二年,当我在组织有600余名来自中国各地的中学生参加的夏令营项目时,我马上想到了她。理由很简单:她善良、友好、耐心、乐于助人、有一颗爱心,因此,非常适合做一名班主任。此外

6、,她有一定的医院护理经验,这便为我选择她提供了愈加充分的理由。而她也最终向我以及我所有夏令营的同事们证明了我的决定是完美的。事实上,我极为惊讶她小小年纪,居然会有那么强的人际交流能力,在与学生及家长的交流中表现得可谓淋漓尽致。After the summer camp, she told me that she would go to either Britain or Ireland to study for her bachelors degree. I wished her all the best and there she went. We have kept in touch re

7、gularly since then through e-mails. Last May, when she broke for the summer vacation, she came to my new department, Onlytoya IELTS TOEFL Training Centre, to help me with some management and student consulting work. She drafted three cooperation agreements for me, wrote a dozen articles that we used

8、 on our website, gave numerous placement tests to our students, and gave an open lecture on studying and living in Ireland to about 400 Toya students. She was very well accepted by all Toya staff members and our students as well and became, indeed, an indispensableassistant to me. Something well wor

9、th mentioning from my academic perspective as professor in English linguistics and American literature is that her English was fluent and accurate, which convinced me that she is all quick to learn anything new. She told me that she often helps do quite some organization work at her university and a

10、t the Chinese Embassy in Ireland and had done a lot of traveling in Europe. Obviously, these experiences have greatly broadened her vision and enriched her life, making such a valuable asset in every field of work she is going to perform.夏令营结束后,她告诉我要去英国或爱尔兰攻读学士学位。我给了她最美好的祝愿,她便启程了。我们从此便通过电子邮件定期保持着联系。


12、将来要从事的任何领域的工作来讲都是一笔宝贵的财富。All in all, it is both my pleasure and honorto write this recommendation letter for Miss Jiang and I guarantee the truthfulness of all that I have said about her.总之,我很高兴,也很荣幸能够为她写此推荐信,并保证自己所讲的有关于她的一切都是真实可靠的。Should you have any further inquiries, please feel free to contact m

13、e either by e-mail or phone at the following address and number:雅思G类小作文范文:建议信题目:A hotel you stayed in recently asked guests to write to the manager and suggest ways in which they could improve their service. Write a letter to the manager, explainwho you are, say what you liked about the hotel, and s

14、uggest ways in which they could be improved.(建议信)范文:Dear Manager,Im writing in response to your invitationto guests who have recently stayed at your hotel to suggest ways in which you could further improve your service.亲爱的经理:我是看过你们给最近落脚贵宾馆的客人的邀请函后写此信的,你们在信中邀请客人做些提议,以便你们可以进一步改善服务。I was a guest at you

15、r hotel last month and I found that the level of customer service was excellent. Indeed, every member of your staff, from the manager to the room-cleaning maid, was, without exception, extremelypolite and helpful. The standard of the rooms was far beyond what I had expected.我上个月曾入住贵宾馆,发现你们的客户服务非常好。事

16、实上,你们的每一名员工,从经理到房间清洁工都彬彬有礼、乐于助人,无一例外。房间的标准远远超过了我的期盼。However, I found that the hotel restaurant stopped serving breakfast at 8:30am. As I was on holiday, I would have liked to take my breakfast at around 9:30, thus I was unable to do so. I also spoke to several other guests who expressed the same dis

17、appointment. In addition, I feel that if you could supply newspapers in Chinese, the quality of stay for Chinese speakers, of whom the number has been on a steady rise in the past few years, would be considerablyenhanced.然而,我发现宾馆的餐厅早上八点半便停止供应早餐了。因为我是在度假,很希望能够在九点半左右吃早餐,这样情况下就做不到了。我也跟其他几位客人谈过,他们也表达了同样

18、的失望。还有,我感到如果你们能够提供中文报纸,那中国客人的住宿质量将大幅提升,要知道:过去的几年里,中国住客的人数一直处于上升中。I would be happy to know if my suggestions have turned out to be useful in your constant improvementof your overall service.我很希望知道自己的建议是否在你们不断提升整体服务的过程中派上了用场。Looking forward to your reply.Yours faithfully,Kenny Gao期盼受到您的回复。您真诚的:Kenny G

19、ao雅思G类小作文范文:建议信题目:You have a friend who is about to enter university and he wants you to advise him on which subject to specializein. He is very interested in history, but computer science offers better job prospects. Write a letter to give him some advices.(建议信)范文:Dear Jack,You have asked me for my

20、 advice concerning whether you should study history or computer science at university and now I am trying to give you some useful suggestions.亲爱的Jack:你向我征询关于对你在大学里应该学历史还是电脑科学的意见,在此,我想给你一些有用的建议。You must keep in mind that, above all, your university training is a preparationfor your future career. The

21、refore, your first consideration should be to study a subject which will best equip you to earn a living. There is no doubt that the field of computer offers far wider job opportunitiesthan history.你首先应该牢记的一点是:你大学阶段的训练是为你将来的职业生涯做准备的。因此,你的首要考虑应该是要学一门科目,就要保证它能够为你将来谋生奠定最扎实的基础。毫无疑问,电脑专业要比历史专业更具就业潜能。Besi

22、des, we are now in the age of a Hi-tech revolution. In the foreseeable future, not only will it be necessary for everyone to be computer-literate, it will also be necessary for him to be equipped with computer skills merely to earn a living! History, Im afraid, however fascinatingit may be, offers f

23、ew career prospects.再者,我们现在处于高科技革命时代。在可以预见的将来,不但人人都需懂电脑,而且仅仅为了谋生也必须具备电脑技能。而对于历史而言,不管它有多么迷人,它所带来的就业机会却总是有限的。Of course, you dont have to devote all your time at university to studying computers and nothing else. On the contrary, I would recommend that you keep up your reading of history in your spare

24、time. In that way, you will find that your leisure hours are enriched while you prepare yourself for a worthwhilecareer in computers.当然,你没有必要将在大学里的所有时间都用在学电脑上,而对其它的课程都毫不理会。相反,我倒是建议你业余时间里读读历史,那样一来,你会发现在你为将来充满意义的电脑领域的职业生涯做准备的同时,你的业余时光也变得丰富多彩了。Hope you find these suggestions useful in helping you make

25、your decision.希望你会感到这些建议对于你做决定有所裨益。Yours sincerely,Kenny Gao你真诚的Kenny Gao雅思G类小作文范文:申请信题目:You have seen a job advertised in your local newspaper. Write a letter of application. Introduceyourself and give details of your experience and say why youd like the job.(申请信)范文:Dear Sir or Madam,Im writing in

26、response to the advertisement you placed in Chicago Newsdaily for a librarianon Monday, Aug. 23.亲爱的先生/女士:我是看到你们 8月23日星期一在芝加哥新闻日报上招聘图书管理员的广告后才写此信的。I graduated with a Masters degree in telecommunicationsin 1992 and began my career at California State University as a young teacher. In 2002, I was promo

27、ted to associate professor and DeputyDirector of the Department of Telecom Engineering.我于1992年硕士毕业,专业为电讯,然后便成为加利福尼亚州立大学的一名年青教师。2002年,我晋升副教授、电讯工程系副主任。In the past ten years, I have been actively involved in academic researches and have published several articles in “Telecom Now”, “Engineering Research

28、” and “Telecom Strategies”. I also teach marketing strategies on a part-time basis at the university.在过去的十年里,我积极从事学术研究,并在当今电讯、工程研究和电讯战略上发表了多篇*。我还兼职在本校教授市场战略。However, my husband has recently been relocated to Chicago by his company and I am, therefore, seeking a position in the same area in Chicago.然

29、而,我丈夫最近被其所在的公司调往芝加哥,因此,我也期望在芝加哥自己所从事的行业领域找到一份工作。I have enclosed my resume that outlines in detail my qualificationsand experience as well as an open letter of recommendation from California State University.我附上了自己的简历,里面详细忻髁宋业淖世?途?褂幸环饧又荽笱墓?萍鲂拧?BRPlease give me a feedback at your earliest conveniencei

30、f my qualifications meet your requirements.如果我的条件达到了贵方要求,请尽快给我一个答复。I look forward to hearing from you soon.Yours sincerely,Sue Huang期盼受到您的复信。您真诚的Sue Huang雅思G类小作文范文:请求信题目:You have lost your credit card. Write a letter to the bank manager, explain where and how you lost it and any other relevantdetail

31、s. Ask the manager to cancel the old card and send you a replacement one.(请求信)范文:Dear Sir,I am writing to confirmthe loss of my credit card. I telephoned your office earlier today.亲爱的先生:我写信的目的是确认我丢失的一张信用卡。我今天早些时候曾致电您的办公室。The details of my card are as follows. It is a Master-card in the name of Kenny

32、 Gao. The credit card number is 3241 3578 6688. I have had it since 1999. This card is valid from 1999 to 20XX.我那张卡的细节如下:这是一张万事达卡,户名是Kenny Gao,号码是3241 3578 6688,我从1999年到现在一直在用着它,其有效期是1999-20XX。I lost the card yesterday (September 8, 20XX) at about 10:30 in the morning. The only time I used the card

33、that day was to buy a pair of sports shoes at Carrifour on Jinqiao Road. By accident, I left the card at the cashiers, but the shop assistants there could not find the card.我是昨天(20XX年9月8日)早上十点半左右丢失它的。我当天唯一用卡的时间是在金桥路上的加乐福购买一双运动鞋时。无意间,我将卡留在了付款台上了,但店里的服务人员没能找到它。Could you please cancel my card immediate

34、ly and make the necessary arrangementsto issue me with a replacement card? I can be contacted at the following address: Room 201, No. 32, 555 Lane, Huashan Road. Should you ever wish to call me, here is my number: 123456789.您能否马上将该卡取消掉,并做必要的安排给我办理一张新卡?按以下地址可以联系到我:华山路555弄,32号201室。如果您想给我打电话,这是号码:123456789。Thank you for your assistance. I look forward to hearing from you.谢谢您的协助,期盼收到您的答复。Yours faithfully,Kenny Gao您真诚的Kenny Gao雅思G类小作文范文分享


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