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1、雅思作文分数不高有哪些原因 雅思作文向来是很多同学的弱项,而雅思作文想要提升也是比较难的,只能先找到原因,各个攻破,雅思作文分数不高有哪些原因?雅思作文分数不高有哪些原因原因一:轻视小作文。由于小作文占作文分数的三分之一,大作文占三分之二(part2 carries more weight than part one),很多学生都高度重视大作文,却忽视了小作文的重要性。有些同学平时几乎很少练习小作文(即图表作文),在考场上20分钟内往往写不完,结果挤占了大作文的写作时间。还有一些同学考试时先写大作文后写小作文,因为他们认为大作文更重要,并且在构思上面花费大量时间,所以大作文写超时了。最后,这些

2、同学其实是被小作文拖了后腿。请看:方案A:小作文5分,大作文6分,写作成绩=5.5方案B: 小作文6分,大作文5分,写作成绩=5.5两个方案殊途同归,显然方案B比较容易实现。对于那些写作分数目标是5.5的同学,应该重点提高小作文。再看:方案C:小作文6.5分,大作文5.5分,写作成绩=6方案D: 小作文5.5分,大作文6分,写作成绩=6这两个是6分方案,也是殊途同归。考生可以根据自己的实际情况来选择适合自己的方案,然后进行突破。结论:小作文和大作文同样重要,小作文相当于一篇雅思阅读*后面的13-14个题目的份量,请千万不要忽视了小作文。原因二:过于依赖作文模板。研究写作的老师会发现:照搬模板的

3、同学写作分数基本上都在5-5.5分之间,从没上过6分。也有一些学生分数上6的,他们的共同特点是没用模板,自己写,主要是用了各种从句。那么,到底该不该使用作文模板呢?其实,如果目标只是5-5.5分的作文的话,用模板是可以轻松实现的。但是,如果希望分数在6分以上的话,最好远离模板,自己原创。当然话又说回来,对于那些语法和词汇基础薄弱的同学来说,让他们自己写是很困难的。如果想短期内(例如3周)达到作文5.5的话,还是建议使用模板。模板的作用主要体现在两个方面:第一、有助于语义连贯。这对于写作评分标准中的CC(Coherence and Cohesion)有立竿见影的作用。然而,很多用了模板的学生普遍


5、的时候没有控制好时间,作文没有写完就交卷了。这主要体现在两个方面:第一、字数明显不够。第二、没有完整的结尾段。还有一些学生写着写着,一不小心就偏题,甚至跑题。一般来说,未写完或偏题,分数在4-4.5,跑题分数一般都在4分以下。这是因为在评分标准中,TR(Task Response任务的完成情况)没有做好,即没有充分的回应题目。另外,照搬模板或背诵范文容易导致跑题偏题。结论:要想取得保底的5分,首先要确保按时写完,而且不能偏题或跑题。原因四:思路窄,论证不够充分。思路窄是很多学生写作时的常见问题。由于现在雅思考生呈现出低龄化现象,这部分考生人生阅历浅,对各种社会问题缺乏认识。在考试中,他们普遍面

6、临对问题本身没有太多了解,甚至用中文都感觉无话可说。另一方面,有些同学光有分论点,却没有能够对论点进行有效的论证。这些都导致其作文分数不高。雅思写作范文:废物循环Task:In some countries there is not enough recycling of waste materials (eg. Paper, glass and cans.) What are the reasons and solutions?Sample answer:The last years has witnessed the increase in the awareness of environ

7、mental protection. However, there are still a lot of waste materials that have not been recycled. This essay will mainly discuss the reasons of this problem and suggest some solutions.One main reason of this problem may be that the public havent realized the importance of recycling wastes. As econom

8、y develops, people have high incomes and can afford a large number of items. At the same time, they dont know how to deal with what they have used and havent realized that their buying habits will cause the consumption of energy, crease waste and increase pollution.This problem can also be attribute

9、d to the lack of recycling sites in the public places. In some countries, the government is not be able to purchase enough recycling sites due to poor financial conditions. As a result, people are likely to find it difficult to place their rubbish into the dustbins.In order to address this problem,

10、the government and citizens should make joint efforts. First of all, the government ought to provide free education of recycling lectures for the public. This is because many citizens havent received decent education and are not well informed of how to recycle and reuse waste items. Whats more, the

11、recycling industry needs to be financially supported. If the government does not pay attention to the establishment and development of this industry, the problem will continue to exist in our society.As mentioned above, the neglect of recycling and the shortage of recycling sites are the main factor

12、s leading to the increase of waste materials. To solve this problem, both the government and the public should collaborate.雅思写作范文:气候变化,要努力避免还是适应Task:Some people think that instead of preventing climate change, we need to find a way to live with it. Do you agree or disagree?有人认为我们应该学会适应气候而不是防止气候变化。你在

13、多大程度上同意或者不同意?解析:气候变化是一个全球性的问题。前几年大家谈及最多的就是气候变暖(global warming, greenhouse effect)问题,好像地球大难临头的样子。近些年科学界对这个问题又有了重新认识,全球变暖的问题好像并不那么迫切了。因此,7月16日这个雅思作文题目才得以出台。要在15年前出这个题目,估计雅思考试本身都会被人喷死!那么,现在,这个问题提出就没有风险了。面对气候变化,我们应该努力去避免它,还是努力去适应它?看起来耳熟能详的问题,论证起来却不那么容易。如果你写难了,你的英语表达一定很有问题。那么,如何比较简单入手来论述呢?首先,描写一下近年来的气候变化

14、情况,然后讲避免气候变化成本很高,还不如去适应它。那么,如何讲避免气候变化成本高呢?从技术层面上去讲的话,累死你,效果还绝对差,所以还不如举例。然后,论证如何适应气候变化,就很容易了。参考范文:Climate change has become a worldwide issue in recent decades. The Earth, according to some scientists, is becoming warmer and warmer and this is an alert signal for the future safety of the Earth. For t

15、hese scientists, we must do something to prevent the climate from becoming worse. Meanwhile, there are also scientists who do not think much of the climate change and therefore suggest that we do nothing but find a way to live with it. For my part, I agree with the second group of scientists.To reve

16、rse the climate change is never an easy undertaking. The widely acknowledged causes of climate change include the automobile gas emissions, factory pollution, deforestation, among others. If we wish to prevent the climate change, we will have to significantly reduce the use of cars and airplanes, cl

17、ose most of the factories and stop people from cutting trees. This means that, in order to make the Earth become cooler by one or two centigrade degree, our normal life will have to sacrifice. This is a cost most of us would never want to pay, although we have been repeatedly told of the benefits of

18、 doing so to the future generation.Then, in face of climate change, rather than trying to prevent it, wed better try to find a way to live with it. For instance, when the hotter climate makes it impossible to grow a certain vegetable in summer, we can grow it earlier than now, store it and then eat

19、it when the weather becomes too hot. Also, we can develop new technologies to grow the vegetable we need even when the climate has changed. Furthermore, when it is necessary, we can make adjustments about our work hours. If the weather has become intolerably hot, we can have a few days off and make

20、up when it gets back to normal. Such flexibilities will help us solve the climate change problem and at the same time will not bring down our productivity.Climate change is not a good thing, but for the time being, I do not think we should take expensive and costly measures to prevent it. Rather, I

21、believe we should find a way to live with it.雅思写作范文:消费品危害自然Topic:The increase in the production of consumer goods results in damage to the natural environment. What are the causes of this? What can be done to solve this problem?Sample answer:The high demand of consumer goods has led to the depletion

22、 of natural resources as well as environmental degradation. How to reverse this situation should be paid more attention and both the government and individuals should take responsibility for this.The past decades have witnessed the expansion of human population, which results in the ever-growing req

23、uirement for various products such as food, clothing. Not only does this cause the decrease of natural resources, but also contributes to environmental deterioration. An example of this is that people cut down more trees for disposable chopsticks and furniture, leading to deforestation in many areas

24、. This further causes some problems like soil, erosion, droughts and change in temperature.Another reason is that people lack environmental awareness. Otherwise, they would not live a throw-away life and cause some avoidable waste or pollution. A large number of people have not yet realized the impo

25、rtance of recycling, nor are they conscious of the households appliances can end up in landfill sites and these non-biodegradable products can have a destructive effect on the environment.To cope with this problem, governments should firstly try to raise publics awareness for environmental protectio

26、n and recycling. Besides, they should also invest heavily in some renewable energy resources such as nuclear, solar or wind energy. Meanwhile, ordinary people should make an effort to consume less and recycle more and classify rubbish in order to reduce the damage of waste.To sum up, the increase of world population and insufficient environmental consciousness are associated with the issue stated. And to combat with it, every member in the society should take actions.雅思作文分数不高有哪些原因


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