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1、雅思大作文模板分享 阅读优秀的雅思写作范文,一定程度上能够帮助众多考生们积累更多雅思写作素材,同时能够熟悉一些语法和句子运用。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大作文模板:网购取代逛商场是好事吗Task:Online shopping is now replacing shopping in store. Do you think it is positive or negative development?雅思大作文模板范文参考:Such is nature to own what our hearts desire that is why many modern people like

2、to spend their hardly earned money on their favorite goods. The contrivance of the Internet has profoundly revolutionized modern peoples option of consumption in many aspects. People have been debating the pros of cons of on-line shopping without reaching any definite agreement. Personally speaking,

3、 the merits of shopping on line prevail over its possible demerits.Seen from the positive aspects, many benefits could be gained by selecting and buying our favorites on line. The most glaring merit is that on-line shopping not only surmounts the geographical barrier,economizes great amounts of time

4、, but also improves the flexibility of consumption. In this sense, those who select on-line shopping have more time to embark on more worthwhile things such as focusing on working or building up physique. Another advantage coming from on-line consumption is that it adds spice to our dull routine of

5、daily life. A case in point is that a lot of fashionable ladies take pleasure in browsing various on-line shops, comparing different prices and bargaining with the owners of on-line shops. They usually end up buying their desirable goods. Last,on-line shopping will exert a beneficial influence on on

6、es financial budget due to the fact that on-line shops, in most cases, do not need to rent spacious places or employing many salesgirls, therefore, the price of on-line merchandise is, comparatively speaking, economical and reasonable, which indicates that we can buy more desirable goods even though

7、 we are hard-pressed for money.Problems, however, inevitably ensue. On-line shopping is a two-edged weapon which can be used equally for good or evil. One possible demerit is that many on-line advertisements are full of flowery phrases and empty promises, therefore, consumers might be fooled into bu

8、ying counterfeited goods. Many stories concerning on-line consumption fraud could justify my worry. Even worse,it is highly possible that some young consumers might spend money like water on their favorite goods on line out of the reason of seizing the chances of discount, in this case, on-line buyi

9、ng will impose much pressure upon some unwise consumers economically.Overall, what is of the utmost importance is to harness the merits of on-line buying and discard its demerits. The government should be urged to strengthen the censorship of on-line ads. Meanwhile, it is the duty of every consumer

10、to raise the awareness of wise consumption.雅思大作文模板:在家办公学习的利弊Task:With computers and Internet, people can study and work without going to school or company.Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?雅思大作文模板范文参考:I personally believe it is not necessarily bliss for people to study and work wherever t

11、hey wish rather than in schools or companies.It is understandable why some people are overwhelmed by the possibility that they can free themselves from commuting every day, sustaining themselves simply by clicking the mouse or touching the screen. They are exhilarated by the hallucination that they

12、were longer to toil and could fully savor the comfortable life brought by technology. Nonetheless, the reality shows a different picture and such a lifestyle could also bring thorny problems.Firstly, students and employees may feel physically unbound to study or work, yet the almighty technology cou

13、ld actually increase their work pressure and make them become tethered around tasks without much rest. This is typically ture for office workers. In the past, many of them has a fixed schedule each day, which was usually terminated when they clock out. With technologies such as email and mobile phon

14、e, however, managers are endowed with the ability to find employees whenever they like: consequently, people will gradually realize that they can hardly distinguish their life from work. Some employees, for instance, are called to attend video meetings even when they are on vocation.Furthermore, the

15、 equality of peoples study and work under such circumstances should be questioned. For instance, acquiring information and knowledge never equals receiving education. In this age when young people are constantly bombarded by myriad sources of knowledge like on-line courses and electronic gadgets con

16、taining lessons by top teachers, instructing students how to learn and providing a learning environment where they could interact and collaborate with others are increasingly indispensable. Without being supervised properly, few teenagers could be self-disciplined enough to concentrate on study. For

17、 workers, lack of face to face communication is quite likely to undermine their creativity. There is mounting evidence that most brilliant ideas spring up when people pf similar fields are placed together.Finally, given that people are not urged to travel between home and company or school, most of

18、them will reduce the chance of doing “voluntary exercise”-unconscious sport like jogging to bus station or riding bicycle, which will gradually raise their likelihood of suffering from health problems like obesity and high blood pressure.In conclusion, some people may celebrate the comfort and effic

19、iency brought by advanced technology, yet I tend to subscribe to the view that it bring more challenges including balance between work and life, degrade quality of study and work as well as deteriorating health. Overall, I believe it is a negative development.雅思大作文模板:教育是为了社会还是个人Task:Some say the pur

20、pose of education is to prepare individuals to be useful to society. Othes say the purpose of education is to achieve personal ambitions. Discuss both views and give our own opinion.雅思大作文模板范文参考:What education serves for has been immersed in conflict for decades. Some firmly believe that it aims to p

21、roduce efficient and capable promoters for the social progress, whereas others argue that to achieve personal fulfillment should be its ultimate goal.Personally, the utilitarian function of education is quite understandable, for to boost a sustainable and bright prospect for the society is the share

22、d objective of human beings at all historical stages and social levels, and education, as such a pivotal approach, has long been resorted to. That is why schools and academies were conventionally designed to cultivate future bureaucrats or pioneers in a specific field. Even nowadays the contents of

23、text books are chosen and courses and programs decided basically in accordance with the current social demands.Besides, let us not forget that it is public schooling that has provided many young minds with opportunities to get free education and thus to change their destiny; therefore, it would be p

24、erfectly rational for these beneficiaries to be dedicated to their communities and to pay back afterwards.Admittedly, however, learning something to one s heart content, one will automatically involve him or herself in it, actively find ways to surmount the difficulties on the way and turn a painsta

25、king process into an enjoyable one, which consequently brings about a decent career, higher social status, in a word, happiness. But if individuals have to learn what they are supposed to instead of what they sincerely desire , they may end up with a pathetic life course. Favorable to the developmen

26、t of the society as it may be, the education regardless of the well-being of individuals is a failure in essence.For me, the two statements are not of a paradox at all and education can be of two-fold function, because one probably has several ambitions, and as long as they select those that can ser

27、ve the society of great value to be the lifetime pursuit and let go the others, both the individuals and the society can prosper.雅思大作文模板:纸质书已经out了?Task:Many people believe that printed books are not good in this digital era, because computer can store more information, while others thinks printed bo

28、oks are still playing a significant role. Discuss both views and give your own ideas.雅思大作文模板范文参考:Along with popularization of the Internet, storage and sharing of information have come to exist in various forms. Some people believe that printed books will still play a considerably significant role.

29、After serious consideration, I am convinced that the importance of printed books will be tremendously undermined, in view of their costs and the emergence of electronic books.To begin with, printed books will be gradually replaced due to their relatively expensive costs. Conspicuously, the decreasin

30、g utilization of printed books is ascribed to their operational costs and destruction to surroundings. For example, publishing a book requires investment of a mass of manpower, material resources and financial resources. Besides,production of printed books also means consumption of vast amounts of w

31、ood, which can reduce the size of forests even further. Finally, the pollutants coming from book production can contaminate the quality of water and atmosphere. Hence, those negative consequences printed books may have an unpleasant impact on printed books themselves.The appearance of electronic boo

32、ks renders lower demands of printed books. Conspicuously, features of electronic books include low-priced and environmentally-friendly, making them become the future of books. For instance, in comparison with traditional book forms, e-books popularized by the Internet are easier to carry, rich in co

33、ntent and real-time updated. Thus, e-books can win more popularity from youngsters and become a first choice for most of the readers.Admittedly, printed books still play a crucial role. For example, a majority of school textbooks are printed, which is like a guarantee of correctness and completeness

34、 of knowledge; e-books on the other hand can be inaccessible due to network problems and computer viruses. However, e-books are bound to be predominant, in view of the increasingly popularized Internet, continuous innovation of technology and sound progress of the environment.In brief, the relativel

35、y high costs of printed books and eco-friendly, portable and two-bit electronic books will certainly hinder the role and function of printed books.雅思大作文模板:免费教育优缺点Task:Childrens education is expensive. In some countries, the government pay some of or all of the costs. Do the advantages outweigh its d

36、isadvantages?雅思大作文模板范文参考:In an era of knowledge-based economy, education for all is a valued concept. The impacts of government funding on childrens education have aroused widespread controversy. As far as I am concerned, potential benefits of this initiative overshadow its perceived drawbacks.Admit

37、tedly, there may be challenges if governments offer to pay for all childrens educational expenses. For one thing, taking full responsibility for next generations education is likely to incur an enormous financial burden for governments. In other words, governments are accountable for not only educat

38、ion but other public services, such as public transport, health care, and so forth. For another, it is also possible that some parents will take advantage of this policy. To be specific, people who are not morally aware may take it for granted and refuse to contribute to their sons and daughters fut

39、ure development, thus failing to play their roles in parenting.Nevertheless, governments engagement in childrens education brings more profoundly positive impacts.First and foremost, providing education for children regardless of their races and ethnicities can effectively foster educational equalit

40、y. For instance, in many underdeveloped areas of the world, multitudes of parents have to work overtime in order to pay mounting bills. In this regard, if governments share some of childrens tuition fees and accommodation fees, this will be a real blessing for families that are economically disadvan

41、taged.Moreover, under no circumstances should authorities downplay and neglect childrens education. A convincing example is No Child Left Behind Act in the United States. By investing a considerable amount of money in supporting elementary and secondary education, American government will, in a long

42、 term, promote overall social development and well-being of its people.In brief, childrens education deserves financial support from governments. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that educating the next generation is a shared obligation for governments as well as individuals.雅思大作文模板:给员工多放假吧Task

43、:Employers should give their staff at least a 4-week holiday a year to make employees better at their jobs. To what extend do you agree or disagree?雅思大作文模板范文参考:The lengths of annual holidays vary in different companies and different countries. Some people think that all employees are entitled to hav

44、e at least 4 weeks of holidays every year. I believe that this practice would enhance the satisfaction of employees and promote the long-term development of the company.Most employees would welcome the four-week long vocation, which means they would have more time to travel and stay with their famil

45、y members. It is common for people to suffer from high stress in their work and taking more time off is an effective way to relieve this pressure. Those busy parents can take this vocation together with their children, which would increase their communication and enhance family cohesion. Some employ

46、ees may take advantage of the holidays to attend training courses and improve their professional skills.From the perspective of the company, some people may argue that long vocation would increase the labor cost and affect the normal operation. However, once the employees welfare is improved, they a

47、re expected to have more motivation to serve the company better. The company may need to hire more people and spend more money on human resources, but it will be rewarded in the long term if employees are happy with how they are treated in the company.To summarize, I believe that 4-week holidays would be popular with people in workplaces as this policy can improve the quality of their lives and motivate them to make more contribution to the company. Therefore, it is also beneficial for the companys long term development.雅思大作文模板分享


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