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1、雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句 雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句,今天就一起来学习学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句雅思写作技巧那么多,该从何下手,本期就为大家带来雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句。而考生也知道句式表达要多样性,但很难参透具体如何操作才能让自己的句子丰富多样,结果是普遍句式比较单一,写到复杂结构时往往就是堆斥各种从句,似乎除了从句再无其它复杂结构可写。事实上,剑桥考官的范文中,复杂句的数量寥寥可数,很多时候都是把简单句进行了华丽的包装,今天就来看看考官喜欢的“高分句型是什么样的,和你想象的是不是有差距!1、翻新定语从句定语从句是同学们复合句中用的

2、最普遍的,也是最容易掌握的句式。但如果想要出色地使用定语从句,同学们在平时就要多注重积累。同学们可以参考剑9的Test 2范文中第四段的最后一句话:This rise was particularly noticeable between 1990 and 2000, during which time the use of mobile phones tripled.这里考官并没有用“常规”的which引导的定语从句,而是使用了“介词+关系词”的方式,使得句子变得高大上了许多。像这样比较容易掌握的方式,是在句子后出现时间的时候,使用during which或者by which这样的结构,可以

3、将具体图表变化的趋势写出来,或者可以直接使用关系副词中指代时间的when。e.g.剑8Test 2 This cost decreased to only 5% of total expenditure in 1991 but rose dramatically in 2001 when it represented 23% of the school budget.2、状语前置所谓状语前置就是把状语(副词,介词短语,分词,不定式)放到句首。考官频繁使用这种语法结构,而很多考生却没有意识,这种句式通过一堆长句子中出现一个小短语,可以让句子产生长短结合的紧凑感,实例如下:1)Obviously,

4、 education systems are based on the belief that all children can effectively be taught to acquire different skills.2)Like self-awareness,this is also very difficult to achieve, but I think these are the two factors that may be most important for achieving happiness.3)As a result of media attention,

5、sports professionals in my country have become stars and celebrities.3、句中插入短语和状语前置类似,长句子中间插入一个小短语,可以让句子读起来更轻松灵活。考官实例如下:1)This will affect the job market, which, after all, is a key target in any economic plan.2)Sports stars and pop stars,for example, are soon replaced by the neat younger, more energ

6、etic generation.4、倒装句这种语法现象考生都学过,但往往在作文中忘记或没有意识使用。考官范文中的倒装例子并不多,主要体现在以下几种情况中:1)Only in this way can this problem be effectively solved.2)Strange as it may seem, parents attention sometimes hinders studentsacademic development.考生在平时的语言积累和写作练习中,可以多模仿这几种固定句式,在*中穿插1-2句倒装句。5、强调句强调句的句式框架结构为It is+(被强调的成分)

7、that/who+(句子剩余成分), 类似于中文的“正是导致了”的意思。例如,考官范文中的例句:1)It is the interaction of the two that shapes a person personality and dictates how that personality develops.2)It is only those who reach the very top of their profession who can get these huge salaries.强调句式是考生比较难把握的一种句型,容易和it引导的形式主语相混淆,其实我们可以通过去掉It

8、is that/It iswho的框架看剩下的是否是一个完整的句子来判断强调句写的是否正确。考生可以通过以上几种句式结构的介绍,搭配简单句去使用,让句式灵活多变。6、平行结构严格来讲,平行结构并不属于特殊句式,而是英语语法的规范要求,但是由于遵守这个基本语法规则的考生太少了,平行结构也升级成了一种“特殊句式”。这种结构的使用在考官范文里出现较多,最常见的形式是在表示并列关系的连接词,例如 and/or等的前后两侧用名词对名词,形容词对形容词,动词不定式对动词不定式,分词短语对分词短语,从句对从句比如:1)Satisfaction is also increased by a sense of

9、responsibility for and loyal to a team.2) Even when children use a computer for other purposes, such as getting information or emailing friends, it is no substitute for human interaction.3)Some essays are hard to understand not because they are long but because they are obscure.最后,小站雅思觉得,考生们除了参考高分范文

10、,其实阅读真题的一些句式也是很好的参考哦。雅思写作高分范文:关于学生学科优劣的话题及其解题思路雅思写作题目:For older school children, some people think that these children should study a large number of subjects, but others believe that children should study less subjects but in details. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.雅思写作题目讲解:第一,考

11、生可以说接触到更广泛的知识,拓宽视野,启发好奇心。第二,学科之间的内在联系让学生可以更深刻地理解世界和社会,学习多角度理解事物但是:人的发展是不均衡的,不得不学习自己不擅长的科目可能会令学生产生厌学情绪。第三,专攻的效率和成绩及其可以选择自己喜欢的科目。雅思写作范文:There has been a debate about the range of subjects students are encouraged to learn. While some people advocate a curriculum covering a wide variety of subjects, oth

12、ers propose a more concentrating way of study.关于鼓励学生学习科目的问题一直争论不休。虽然有些人提倡一门涵盖多种科目的课程,但另一些人则提出一种更加集中的学习方式。Some people argue that students should be engaged into a broad range of curriculum and their most convincing reason is the possible scope of knowledge and horizon that students can expand during

13、their learning process. It is true that such students would be exposed to various disciplines which allow them to understand the world and society from a variety of perspectives. Whats more, these diverse areas of knowledge are connected with each other directly or indirectly,facilitating students t

14、o better and more deeply understand each subject and inspiring their curiosity to their world. However, not everyone gets developed in balance. While some students are excellent at language and weak at mathematics, some are talented in science and challenged by history. In these cases, coercing scho

15、ol children to study the subjects that they find difficult is very likely to end up with students getting tired of study altogether which is certainly the last thing that educators and parents would want to see.一些人认为学生应该参与广泛的课程,他们最令人信服的原因是学生在学习过程中可能扩大的知识范围和视野。的确,这些学生将接触到各种学科,这些学科使他们能够从多种角度了解世界和社会。更重

16、要的是,这些不同的知识领域直接或间接地联系在一起,促进学生更好、更深刻地理解每门学科,激发他们对世界的好奇心。然而,并不是每个人都得到平衡发展。有些学生语言好,数学差,有些学生在科学方面有天赋,受到历史的挑战。在这些情况下,强迫学童学习他们觉得困难的科目很可能会导致学生对学习感到厌倦,这肯定是教育工作者和家长最不想看到的。The other side of the argument is also reasonable. Teenagers focusing on a few subjects tend to be able to perform well because they conce

17、ntrate their limited time and energy on a narrow range of school work. The increased efficiency and academic results in turn enhance their confidence in their academic ability and sense of achievement. Allowing students to select a small number of subjects also gives them the opportunity to be only

18、immersed in their favorites classes or what they are good at instead of those (that)they have no clue about at all. This is crucial for individuals and society as well because it means that everyone can be an able and useful person as everyone has his/her strength.争论的另一面也是合理的。关注少数科目的青少年往往能够表现良好,因为他们

19、把有限的时间和精力集中在狭窄范围的学校工作上。效率的提高和学业成绩的提高反过来又增强了他们对学术能力和成就感的信心。允许学生选择少数科目也给他们机会只沉浸在他们最喜欢的课程或者他们擅长的课程中,而不是那些他们根本不知道的课程。这对个人和社会也是至关重要的,因为这意味着每个人都可以成为一个有能力和有用的人,因为每个人都有他/她的力量。My personal view about this controversy is that both sides are based on good sense, and they can be reconciled with each other. In th

20、e primary stage of education, children should be encouraged to get involved in as many areas of knowledge as possible so as to have more chances to experience the world. As for the secondary school, adolescents basically have identified their tendency in academic and career terms, so they should be

21、allowed to narrow down their study to a particular domain related to their future career.我个人对这场争论的看法是,双方都是建立在良好的基础上的,他们可以相互和解。在教育的初级阶段,应该鼓励孩子参与到尽可能多的知识领域,以便有更多的机会去体验世界。至于中学,青少年在学术和职业方面基本上已经确定了他们的倾向,因此应该允许他们把学习范围缩小到与未来职业相关的特定领域。雅思写作高分范文之如何解决城市生活质量雅思写作题目:The quality of life in big cities is decreasing

22、. What are the causes and what actions should be taken to solve this problem?雅思写作题目讲解:第一段:开头第二段:原因环境污染,健康问题,工作压力第三段:解决绿色科技+绿化,健康意识+运动设施,学会自我减压第四段:结尾雅思写作范文:In recent decades, a large number of young population surge into major cities to pursue a better life, but to their disappointment, the quality o

23、f city life is not as high as they expected.近几十年来,大量年轻人涌入大城市追求更好的生活,但令他们失望的是,城市生活的质量并没有他们预期的那么高。The fundamental reason for declining quality of life should be the centralization of various societal resources, such as hospitals, education institutions, large companies and so forth. Centralizing fine

24、resources in a place is originally why a city is founded, but over concentration can lead to high density of population who come to share these resources by being employed or starting a business, and cause problems in many social aspects including traffic congestion, high living cost, severe polluti

25、on, etc. Ironically, in spite of tight squeeze in small flats, city dwellers have no opportunity to develop close relationships with their family, friends and neighbors and the reason for such social isolation is that young people are busy competing for precious opportunities for a successful career

26、 and life, leaving little time for their personal life.生活质量下降的根本原因应该是医院、教育机构、大公司等各种社会资源的集中。把好的资源集中到一个地方本来就是一个城市建立的原因,但是过度集中会导致高密度的人口,他们通过就业或创业来分享这些资源,并在许多社会方面造成问题,包括交通拥挤、高生活水平。具有讽刺意味的是,尽管小公寓拥挤不堪,城市居民却没有机会与家人、朋友和邻居发展密切的关系,而这种社会孤立的原因是年轻人忙于争夺宝贵的机会。成功的事业和生活,留给他们的私人生活很少的时间。To tackle these problems, diver

27、se measures should be taken but the most effective one should be to uproot the resource centralization. By that I mean to move some industry, business and services from metropolises to smaller cities, thereby encouraging people to move out too. This decentralization can relieve the stress in polluti

28、on, traffic and competition.要解决这些问题,应该采取多种措施,但最有效的措施应该是根除资源集中。我的意思是把一些工业、商业和服务业从大城市转移到小城市,从而鼓励人们也搬出去。这种分散可以缓解污染、交通和竞争的压力。Social isolation can directly contribute to lower level of happiness and satisfaction with life, and higher crime and suicide rates. But this can be addressed by knitting a close

29、net within local community. To be specific, community center should be established as a stage, so as to organize community activities to provide residents chances to get familiar with their neighbors and to offer domestic service to family with young children and elderly members. Property developers

30、 should be required to design public space in residential areas where children and parents can meet others and consequently establish connection with their community.社会孤立可以直接导致较低的幸福感和对生活的满意度,以及较高的犯罪率和自杀率。但这可以通过在当地社区编织一个封闭的网络来解决。具体而言,应以社区中心为舞台,组织社区活动,为居民提供熟悉邻里的机会,为有小孩和老人的家庭提供家政服务。应该要求房地产开发商在住宅区设计公共空间

31、,让孩子和父母可以见面,从而建立与社区的联系。It is common in many countries that urbanization is often accompanied with some social issues. Nonetheless, these issues can be resolved by some active and positive actions and I personally think that decentralization is the most effective one.在许多国家,城市化经常伴随着一些社会问题。然而,这些问题可以通过一些积极和积极的行动来解决,我个人认为权力下放是最有效的一种。雅思写作技巧之如何写出高分从句


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