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1、雅思写作时间应该怎么分配 雅思写作时间如何安排,既要顾及小作文又要写大作文,感觉时间来不及,怎么办,好慌哦。初步接触雅思写作是不是就是这种感觉?不知道怎么分配时间?下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作时间好慌 考试应该怎么分配时间?1、雅思小作文时间安排:雅思小作文时间为20分钟,同样按照雅思小作文解题步骤来安排时间。第一步:审题。时间不要超过2分钟,这一步中考生要找出题目的要求,topic、time以及place等。此外考生也要阅读图表的标题,横纵轴的文字信息,尤其注意纵轴单位,图标内的对象所包含的文字信息。第二步:观察数据然后找出主要特征和能证明这些特征的关键点。时间不要超过3分钟。这


3、生在没有想清楚之前就动笔写,那么不仅会造成*逻辑结构不清晰,也会导致不断的擦掉重写,也在一定程度上浪费了时间。第二步:正文的撰写,时间在22-26分钟为宜。在这一步中考生要注重对段落的不同部分给予不同的重视,比如主题句,因为主题句可以使读者更清晰地明白段落的中心思想。第三步:检查这一步一定要留出时间来,时间为1-3分钟,通过这一步考生可以发现自己是否有标点或是拼写错误,但是不要做过大的改动。2018年5月4日雅思写作真题范文之科技的冲击大作文题目为:Some people think the increasing use of technology in the workplace is go

4、od for young peoples prospects of gaining job and harder for old people. To what extent do you agree or disagree?一些人认为在工作场所越来越多地使用科技对年轻人的就业前景有好处,而对老年人来说则更难。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?Conventional thinking assumes that elder workers have trouble adapting to new technologies and many of us even visualize elders wh

5、o cannot find their way around a keyboard and have to ask their grandchildren what an APP is. I believe this notion is nothing more than a stereotype which is not accurate at all. People claim that elder employees need more time to have a good command of a new technology at work since they would lea

6、rn less and remember less than younger employees. Unfortunately, this is not true. In fact, the elder adults cognitive performance is more consistent than that of the younger workers. Elder workers wealth of experience enables them to design strategies to solve problems in order to learn new things.

7、传统思维认为,年长的员工很难适应新技术,我们中的许多人甚至想象那些无法在键盘周围找到路、不得不问孙辈应用程序是什么的老年人。我认为这只是一种刻板印象,根本不准确。人们声称年长的员工需要更多的时间在工作中更好地掌握一项新技术,因为他们学到的和记住的要比年轻的员工少。不幸的是,事实并非如此。事实上,老年人的认知表现比年轻人更一致。年长员工丰富的经验使他们能够设计解决问题的策略,以便学习新事物。Besides, elder employees are less likely than their younger colleagues to find using technology in the w

8、orkplace stressful. When looking at younger generations in the workforce, a large proportion of them are used to using technology in their personal lives, which raises the expectations of what technology can be in their professional lives. However, they do not always achieve that level of clearness

9、and proficiency at work, so they could feel a sense of frustration at tools that are not up to snuff. In contrast, elder people who have been working longer usually are more tolerant for technology that may not always be as good as it might be. More importantly, elder workers bring skills to many jo

10、bs that younger workers cannot duplicate. Even if their detailed technology savvy is not as good as those of the 20-year-olds, they bring different skills of great value to the table. In most cases, elder workers productivity is more consistent than younger workers because their motivation is higher

11、 than the younger workers and they are more stable and less erratic. Experience helps older workers compensate for the physical and mental changes that accompany aging.此外,与年轻同事相比,年长员工不太可能在工作中感到使用科技产品的压力。当我们观察职场中的年轻一代时,他们中有很大一部分人习惯于在个人生活中使用技术,这提高了人们对技术在他们职业生活中的作用的预期。然而,这并不能让他们在工作中取得同样的效率和明确性,所以当工具不够精

12、确时,他们会对工具感到不满。与之对比的是,年长的员工面对不太好的技术时会更有忍耐力。更重要的是,年长的员工将技巧带进工作中,那是年轻员工无法复制的能力,即使他们对技术的精通程度不如20多岁的年轻人,但他们也能把各种有价值的技能带到工作中来。在大多数情况下,年长员工的工作效率比年轻员工更稳定,因为他们的积极性高于年轻员工,而且他们更稳定,不那么反复无常。经验可以帮助年老的员工弥补伴随年龄增长而来的身体和精神上的变化。To conclude, elder workers can learn high-tech skills if they are given the opportunity and

13、 incentive to do so and it is a real mistake to conclude that they cannot. I believe even if in the era of technology, there are more to consider when it come to a promising career.综上所述,如果年长的员工有机会和动机学习高科技技能,他们就可以学习,如果认为他们不能,那就大错特错了。我相信,即使是在科技时代,当涉及到一个有前途的职业时,还有更多的事情需要考虑。雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文:佩枪维护治安原题是:Poli

14、ce in some countries like England dont carry guns. Some people dont approve of this because they think that police with guns gives them security. Others think that police carrying guns decreases crimes. What is your opinion? Give relevant examples and experiences.佩枪维护治安。雅思大作文范文Unlike most countries,

15、 the police in the United Kingdom do not normally carry guns. Some people think it leaves citizens unprotected, while others believe that this practice reduces the overall violence in society. Police having guns however is an issue secondary to criminals having guns. (45 words)Because criminals usua

16、lly have access to guns, police officers need them in order to control crime. If police in the U.K. are able to go without guns and not have crime getting completely out of control then they have already set a fine example that other countries should follow. The fact that they are able to do this is

17、 an indication of their ability to control the flow of guns to the general populace and this makes citizens safer than anything else. To a civilian, taking guns away from criminals is more important than giving them to police. (98 words)For places that are not able to, or are unwilling to control th

18、is availability of guns to criminals, police have no choice. Countries with weak or ineffective gun laws, or countries bordering such countries, like Mexico which has strong gun laws, but virtually no way to prevent them from being smuggled over the border from the U.S., need a police force that is

19、not only armed, but is armed better than the criminals. This domestic arms race is the fate of any country that does not realize that civilians have no need of being armed and should have no access to weapons whatsoever.(103 words)The root of the problem is embarrassingly corrupt governments and ine

20、ffective half-measures taken to control the circulation of guns, which allows criminals to easily come into possession of guns. Nations around the world should hope to someday reach the point where their police force can afford not to carry guns and still be effective. (54words)雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文:是否交税原题

21、是:Some people think they should keep all the money they earn without paying taxes, others disagree. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.一些人认为他们应该把所有他们挣到的钱归自己所有而不需要缴税,其他人则不同意这个观点。雅思大作文范文People work hard and earn money which ideally they would like to retain for themselves. However, a signifi

22、cant portion of this usually has to be given to the state. In my view, it is right that people pay their fair share of taxes.Money is everything in todays livelihoods. This is because money is used to buy all the necessities such as food, water, and shelter. Money is also used to help a familys chil

23、dren in the form of school fees and other activities. In addition to this, people do not only need money to cater for their necessities, but also for future investments. The more that people have to invest, the more they believe they can accumulate in the long term. As a result, many are reluctant t

24、o lose some of their income through the deduction of tax.Nevertheless, citizens should be obliged to pay taxes to the government for a number of reasons. They should accept that the taxes they pay help the government offer them the public services all over the country. These public services are thin

25、gs such as the construction of roads, bridges, public hospitals, parks and other public services. The same tax money helps the countrys economy to be stable. Through taxes, the government can pay off its debts. In short, tax money is a way of ensuring that people have comfortable livelihoods.In conc

26、lusion, even though many people think that they should not pay taxes, that money is useful to the stability of any country. Therefore, people should not avoid paying taxes as it may affect the countrys economy and services that it provides.雅思写作大作文预测及参考范文:延迟退休原题是:Some say old people should continue t

27、o work, if their condition allows them to do so. To what extent do you agree or disagree?有人说老年人应该继续工作,如果他们的条件允许他们这样做的话。你在多大程度上同意或不同意?雅思大作文范文Traditionally, people who attained the age of retirement would simply leave their place of work for a life full of leisure. Increasingly around the world, it ha

28、s been observed that more and more retirees have made the decision to continue working, for example, taking on freelance or consultancy positions. The reasons for this are many fold, which I will explain below. Based on my observations of this trend, I am emphatically in favour of retirees working,

29、as this brings benefits not only to the retiree but also to the community at large.One key benefit generated by retirees continuing to work is that the store of knowledge possessed by the retiree is not lost. Having spent many years honing their craft, it would be a waste to lose those skillsets of

30、the older generation when they attain the age of retirement. I have observed many companies engaging their former employees after they attain the age of retirement in contract mentorship positions to ensure these valuable members of the organisation are available to coach the younger generation and

31、provide continuity of knowledge.Another benefit is that the retiree will still enjoy a source of income, which would be helpful in defraying high living expenses. Inflation rates around the world are high at present, and lead to rising costs of living. Some retirees I know, who chose not to work and

32、 rely on their savings are constantly stressed trying to make ends meet. They must forego luxuries that they could afford when they were working, simply because they no longer have the means to spend on them, as inflation eats into the purchasing power of their savings.For retirees who found pleasur

33、e in their work in the past, working past retirement age would be an enjoyable task. I have observed some retirees who used to thrive in the previous careers and who previously enjoyed the thrill and excitement of their work, find themselves utterly bored when they no longer work. Indeed, I have obs

34、erved that older people who do not keep their minds active might even suffer from health ailments such as dementia.Having considered the points above, I believe that people choose to work after the age of retirement as they can still contribute their skills, earn a decent income, and find it an enjoyable activity that may even benefit their health. Due to these advantages, I am firmly in favour of the older generation choosing to work after their retirement.雅思写作时间应该怎么分配


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