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1、雅思写作高分范文 多看优秀的范文有助于提升写作能力哦,今天和大家分享雅思写作高分范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作高分范文:关于年轻罪犯刑罚的话题及其解题思路雅思写作题目:Young people who commit serious crimes should be punished in the same way as adults. To what extent do you agree or disagree?雅思写作题目讲解:1.Introduction:先反着想为什么青少年受到的处罚比成人轻?因为他们年幼无知。所以为了反驳次论点我们说青少年现在接受的

2、关于法律的教育很多或很深刻,犯罪时他们是知道自己要面对的后果的。当然严重的惩罚也会对他人有个警示的作用。3.negative sides:大家需要把重点放在“年轻”二字上。设身处地的想想如果你是十七八岁的少年,受到这么严重的处罚会是何等心情?4. Conclusion:表达自己的观点,并总结一下自己不同意的观点及解决方案。雅思写作范文:Crimes can be detestable, while minor offenders and their crimes are from time to time treated with leniency. Thus, some argue that

3、 laws should not discriminate, and equally punish minor criminalsan opinion that this essay is against.犯罪可以是可憎的,而未成年犯及其犯罪则往往是宽大处理。因此,有人认为法律不应该歧视和平等惩罚未成年罪犯这篇*反对的观点。To begin with, minors are yet to approach their maturity, and their crimes, albeit serious, should be punished with the consideration of

4、their young age. Internationally speaking, countries might define the start of adulthood differently18 being the most commonbut they commonly believe that there is a distinction between minor crimes and adult crimes. Minors are likely to be given a better chance for rehabilitation when they commit c

5、rimes because of their inexperience of life and possibly better life prospects. In that case, milder punishments are inflicted on juvenile delinquents: lesser sentencing and relatively less harsh correction facilities are introduced in their cases.首先,未成年人尚未成熟,他们的罪行,虽然严重,应该考虑到他们的年轻。从国际上讲,各国对成年期开始的定义可

6、能有所不同,18是最常见的,但它们通常认为轻微犯罪和成年犯罪之间有区别。未成年人在犯罪时,由于缺乏生活经验,可能还有更好的生活前景,他们可能得到更好的康复机会。在那种情况下,对青少年罪犯的惩罚比较轻:在他们的案件中引入较少的量刑和相对较不严厉的矫正设施。Moreover, considering the correction process, minor offenders should not be punished equally as adult criminals. Despite the above-mentioned arguments that are in young offe

7、nders defense, crimes, especially felonies by minors, deserve heavy punishment to deter crimes and reduce the harm of those crimes to the society. However, sending minors to adult prison might entail unexpectedly negative results. First, minors are naturally closer to more sophisticated criminals an

8、d crimes, which aggravate juvenile delinquency. Second, when in adult correctional facilities, young criminals might be threatened by assaults by adult prisoners, mostly sexually, which is nowhere closer to the purpose of rehabilitation.此外,考虑到矫正程序,未成年犯不应受到成年罪犯的同等惩罚。尽管有上述论点在青少年犯罪者的辩护中,但犯罪,特别是未成年人的重罪,

9、应该受到严厉的惩罚,以阻止犯罪,减少这些犯罪对社会的伤害。然而,将未成年人送入成人监狱可能会带来意想不到的负面结果。首先,未成年人更接近更复杂的犯罪和犯罪,这加重了青少年犯罪。第二,在成人教养机构中,年轻罪犯可能受到成年犯人的攻击,主要是性侵犯,这与康复目的相去甚远。In sum, law breakers, be they minors or not, should be punished for their wrongdoings, but lesser sentences and special correctional facilities might be more reasonab

10、le and helpful.总之,无论违法者是否是未成年人,都应该因他们的过错受到惩罚,但是更轻的刑罚和特殊的惩戒设施可能更合理,更有帮助。【雅思写作满分范文】导致城乡差距因素及其题目详解雅思写作题目:Some people think a rise in standard of living in a country only seems to benefit cities more than rural areas. What problems may those differences cause? How to reduce this problem?雅思写作题目讲解:题型:报告类别

11、:社会发展题目解释:城市和乡村地区的生活水平发展不均;问可能导致的问题 和 解决方案开头段:由于本题是报告类,因次开头段只要引出话题并告诉考官将讨论problems and solutions 即可。雅思写作范文:Differences, on the bright side, enrich the variety of the world. However, differences, in this case originated from policy partiality and regional imbalance, are discouraging: only urban areas

12、 are blessed with living standard improvements. In contrast, less developed areas suffer from such problems as an influx of population, weakening agriculture, and less care for the young and old.差异,从好的一面,丰富了世界的多样性。然而,这种源于政策偏向和区域不平衡的差异令人沮丧:只有城市地区才能改善生活水平。相比之下,欠发达地区遭受诸如人口流入、农业减弱、对年轻人和老年人的照顾不足等问题。To be

13、gin with, problems loom large when a huge rural population migrates into cities. The sudden increase of city dwellers instantly translates into congested traffic, job competition, a rise in daily expenditure, and more polluted environment. To decrease the burden of cities, higher entrance standards

14、are to be set so that unreasonable migration can be curbed to some degree, for example increasing property price and raising job qualifications.首先,当一个庞大的农村人口迁移到城市时,问题就大起来了。城市居民的突然增加立即转化为交通拥挤、就业竞争、日常开支的增加和环境的更多污染。为了减轻城市负担,应制定更高的入境标准,以便在一定程度上抑制不合理的移民,例如提高物价和提高就业资格。Subsequently, with population, labor

15、force in particular, staying in cities, agriculture suffers. Farming is still a generally labor-intensive industry in the world. Thus, less labor force means agricultural instability, and national instability in the bigger picture. With lurking food shortage, governments are compelled to enact favor

16、able policies towards agricultural production as in subsidies in produce price and investment in modern farming technologies.随后,随着人口、劳动力尤其是城市的滞留,农业受到了影响。农业仍然是世界上劳动密集型的产业。因此,劳动力减少意味着农业不稳定,更大程度上意味着国家不稳定。由于潜在的粮食短缺,政府被迫对农业生产实行优惠政策,如对农产品价格的补贴和对现代农业技术的投资。Moreover, when farming lands are abandoned, family

17、members are left behind. It is not likely for migrating rural citizens to bring to cities their less socially competitive family members, i.e. the elderly and the young. With a huge age difference present, either the old or the young can barely take care of the other. In this case, governments will

18、have to step in again to set up nurseries, schools, and retirement homes to accommodate the less-cared-for rural population.此外,当农地被抛弃时,家庭成员被遗弃。移居农村的公民不太可能把社会竞争力较弱的家庭成员,即老人和年轻人带到城市。由于年龄的巨大差异,无论是老人还是年轻人都不能照顾对方。在这种情况下,政府将不得不再次介入,建立托儿所、学校和养老院,以容纳那些没有得到照顾的农村人口。In sum, negative situations resulted in regi

19、onal differences are about waning agriculture, less care for children and senior citizens, and common urbanization-related problems. Governmental control and adjustments, with policy and/or investment, are the cure.总而言之,造成地区差异的负面情况是农业衰退,儿童和老年人较少得到照顾,以及常见的城市化相关问题。政府的控制和调整,包括政策和/或投资,是治本之策。雅思写解题思路:关于科技

20、类的话题雅思写作真题:Some people think space tourism can help to develop countries economy. Whats your opinion? What are the effects?雅思写作思路分析:这道题目属于科技类的只有一个话题的*。我们可以看到这个题目的主题就是太空游客。考生可以按照总分总的形式进行写。第一段可以介绍背景,第二第三段可以写space tourism的好处和缺陷。最后总结一下即可。雅思写作分段解析:第一段:Background Information考生可以根据题目给出来的背景进行改写,切记不要照抄原文。考生应

21、该进行句子转换和同义词的互换。然后结合自己的实际了解的背景知识进行添加。第二就是表面自己的观点,考生可以说赞成和不赞成。如果说赞成,可以说太空旅行总体而言是一件好事,虽然它还存在一些不足。第二段:Supportive Argument考生可以根据太空游的好处来分别述说。通常太空游的好处有:第一,能够带动很大的商机,为各国的经济发展提供一份力。第二,太空游还能促进科技的发展,对很多相关的科技要求很高。因此太空游能刺激各国在航天工业的发展。第三,太空游还能帮助人类扩展见识,了解自然的伟大。第三段:Opposite Argument考生可以根据成本和安全这两个点进行反对说明。首先,太空旅游成本非常的


23、技投入才能达到更好的水平。最后一句就是重申自己的观点。切记不要照抄自己的已经说过的观点,需要转换一下,这样能够凸显遣词造句的能力。雅思写作满分范文关于广告利与弊及其题目讲解雅思写作题目:Advertising encourages consumers to buy in quantity rather than promoting in quality. Do you agree or disagree?雅思写作题目讲解:广告出题种类两种,一种为大范围的(易写),如广告的好与坏;一种为考察细节的(难写),如来自竞争公司的广告对消费者的影响,而此次考试属于后者。所以大家要加强审题练习。雅思写作范

24、文:To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statement?Advertising usually encourages consumers to buy a product or service in quantity rather than promoting its quality.Give reasons for your answer and include any examples from your own knowledge or experience.你在多大程度上同意或不同意下面的说法?广告通

25、常鼓励消费者大量购买产品或服务,而不是提高其质量。给出你回答的理由,并举出任何来自你自己的知识或经验的例子。Advertising is the life of trade as suppliers want to sell things in quantity; however, the success or failure of every advertisement eventually depends on the quality of a product or service. It may be said that a bad investment is going for qua

26、ntity over quality, without being aware that customers are becoming more careful with their wallets, especiAlthough advertising is the most effective way to encourage mass consumption, particularly if the goods are cheap and worthless, the bitterness of poor quality is remembered long after the swee

27、tness of low pricing is forgotten. In a certain way, quality is like cooking, and you cannot fake good quality any more than you can fake a good meal.虽然广告是鼓励大众消费最有效的方法,特别是如果商品便宜且毫无价值的话,但人们在忘掉低价的甜蜜之后很久就会记住质量差的苦涩。在某种程度上,质量就像烹饪,你不能伪造好质量比你可以假装一顿美餐。In conclusion, just because quality is more important th

28、an quantity, it does not mean that advertising does not play a decisive role in influencing the public mind. The point is that consumers have now become more prudent in spending behaviors and hence are no longer as penny-wise and quality-foolish as before. In all events, suppliers should continue in

29、vesting in advertising their quality products because, if they stop advertising to save money, it would be as stupid as stopping the clock to save time.总之,仅仅因为质量比数量更重要,并不意味着广告在影响公众心态方面没有起到决定性的作用。关键是,消费者现在在消费行为上变得更加谨慎,因此不再像以前那样精打细算、质量愚蠢。无论如何,供应商应该继续投资于为他们的优质产品做广告,因为如果他们停止做广告以节省金钱,那就像停止做钟表以节省时间一样愚蠢。al

30、ly with the sluggish economy right now. While quality sounds hard to define, you know that it is quality rather than quantity that matters.广告是贸易的生命,因为供应商想大量销售商品;然而,每个广告的成功与否最终取决于产品或服务的质量。可以说,一个糟糕的投资是追求数量而不是质量,而没有意识到消费者正在更加小心他们的钱包,特别是现在经济不景气。虽然质量听起来很难定义,但重要的是质量而不是数量。The greatest thing to be achieved

31、in advertising is believably, and nothing is more believable than the product itself. So, the most powerful element in advertising is the truth, not half lying. For example, a huge advertising campaign will make a bad product fail faster because it will certainly get more people to know that it is bad.广告所能达到的最大成就是可信性,没有比产品本身更可信的东西了。所以,广告中最有力的因素是事实,而不是半谎言。例如,一场大规模的广告活动会使一个糟糕的产品更快地失败,因为它肯定会让更多的人知道它是坏的。雅思写作高分范文


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