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1、雅思写作语法错误分析 雅思写作语法错误分析, 高频句型用好不容易,今天就给大家带来了雅思写作语法错误分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思写作语法错误分析 高频句型用好不容易很多备考雅思写作的同学最爱用的高频句式,也是从小接触英语最开始的句型there be,可以说是人见人爱(虽然对考官来说,也许是人见人厌),在各种话题,雅思大小作文中都通用的结构,可是,它也是很多烤鸭经常不注意就出错的陷阱地方。比如说,我们想表达“有好几个原因导致了这个结果。”,如果按照字面的意思直接翻译,很容易写成“There are several reasons lead to the resu

2、lt.”这样的句子。这样一来,我们会发现,这个句子中出现了双谓语: are和 lead。这种错误,我们可以通过提醒自己,在写there be句型时,be动词部分保持主谓一致,但其他的行为的描述我们去写非谓语或者从句。也就是说,刚才错误的句子我们可以改成There are several reasons leading to the result. 或者There are several reasons which lead to the result.大家可以立刻尝试下,结合非谓语或者从句翻译下面的句子:“有一些公司允许员工在家工作。”除了双谓语的这样的雅思写作高频错误外,很多同学在处理中文想

3、说的比较长难的句子时候,也会直接翻译,而反映出中式英语或者很多语法错误,我们来看一个例子。“在生活中出现的问题可以解决,对未来有可能出现的麻烦进行规避。”你会怎么写这句话呢?曾经有同学写出过 “Life problems can solve, future trouble can prevent.”这样的翻译版本。各位同学如果仔细挑一挑错误,会发现,一个句子中出现了双主语,双谓语。那么,解决办法最简单的是把逗号变句号,写成两句话。或者进行相关的连接词的衔接,比如此句中可以加and来连接两个简单句。除了这个错误外,我们还会发现,问题自己怎么解决?麻烦自己怎么预防?所以,这种中文说起来像主动,但是

4、在英语表达中我们实际上需要被动的翻译,是大家要去多注意和检查的雅思写作陷阱地方。如果对应中文直接翻译,就出现了多动词,语态不合理的问题了。所以这个句子应该改成Problems in life can be solved and trouble in future may be prevented.所以说,很多在雅思写作中的语法错误其实是因为直接对应中文进行翻译而产生的,如果各位备考雅思的同学可以在写作的过程中多注意这些陷阱,就可以减少错误出现的几率直至避免。雅思大作文7种写作误区实例解读 观点含蓄无人懂请看雅思写作误区实例:it seems arbitrary to assume that o

5、lder generations traditional ideas are not the right way in the present age.First of all, international travel requires more than just money, People generate prejudice to(against) a place for their lack of knowledge about it再跟笔者提供的表达进行比较older generations ideas so often still have their place in a mo

6、dern world。people may build prejudice against a place on their ignorance of it during an international travel.雅思写作的观点句要求清晰明了,开门见山是最基本的要义,不要玩任何拐弯抹角的文字游戏。一位考官指出中国考生的作文,最致命的问题就是在导入段开始,一是表达自己观点不清不楚;二是话题都没有读懂,一动笔已偏题。这样的作文,开头寥寥几句读完,考官就给你定好了分数段了。开门见山的表达如何实现,其实很简单,用主动句,用主谓宾句型就可以了。附雅思考官写作的导入段欣赏:开门见山最佳范例Peopl

7、e have different views about how much choice students should have with regard to what they can study at university. While some argue that it would be better for students to be forced into certain key subject areas, I believe that everyone should be able to study the course of their choice.It is true

8、 that foreign films are more popular in many countries than domestically produced films. There could be several reasons why this is the case, and I believe that governments should promote local film-making by subsidizing the industry.雅思大作文7种写作误区实例解读 措辞武断惹人厌请看一个雅思写作例子:There is no denying that encoura

9、ging industries or businesses walk out densely populated cities will diminish the inequality between urban and rural areas. But here is the thing, do we really keep the pros and avoid the cons via this attempt? The answer is obviously no, or otherwise we should be naturally born in balanced developm

10、ent society. In fact, I think that encouraging industries and businesses to move out the cities is an attempt of no point.这段话里,有三处读了觉得不爽的地方:There is no denying that,obviously no,an attempt of no point。虽然这些表达展现出了作者十分的自信(我很欣赏),但是是谁给你的这份自信可以这么决绝地表达。那我作为一个雅思写作考官,就不能deny了么?作为支持产业迁出大城市的一方,我的attempt就变成no p

11、oint了么?我同这位作者进行了交流,原来他的这番决绝是事出有因的:其实我抓不太准写作的强硬度,之前被说观点不明确(因为题目通常正反两面都可我就都说一下)所以。大概是过犹不及现在只陈述单一方好像又太武断= =感觉好为难啊。所以,作者为了让己方的观点更为明确,便如此用词。相信,这个用词的初衷是很多人都有的吧。我对他的答复是:在雅思写作中,你所说的观点不明朗和表达观点时的稳重,中肯一点都不矛盾。要有明显的立场,只需要你采取一边倒的论证方式就行。就算是在陈述反方立场时,你也要表明它的局限性。总之给予站方立场更多的话语权就行。但是表达观点时的中肯,是要杜绝absolutely之类表意极端而轻佻的用词,

12、你的tone不要读起来很决绝(很非此即彼),你是在用你的逻辑一字一句的说服别人,要有这种感觉。在雅思大作文中,如何让自己的口吻更加温和,说理更加中肯?其实有一些常用的学术审慎语可供使用:some most many/much a few/a little/sometimes usual/usually normally generally/in general on the whole/tend to/may might likely/likelihood probable/probably perhaps/maybe might as well像大多数人在雅思写作时都容易中招的there i

13、s no denying/doubt that是一个经典的粗暴句式,其实稍稍修改,它就会温和很多。试着读一读:there is little denying/doubt that。如果要进一步软化的话,可以写成:there is arguably/probably little denying/doubt that。雅思大作文7种写作误区实例解读 语法错误最致命还是看雅思写作实例,大家可以一起来找茬Last but not least, those who lacks skills to deal with people and fails to control their emotions

14、would more likely to form prejudice during their international travel. It is a common situation to get cheated by people there for the reason of ignorance of local situation. Necessarily, open-minded is required to deal with unjudged treatments. Otherwise the bad memories would not only affect the j

15、ourney but lead to the prejudice towards all the citizens of the place.再来看结果Last but not least, those who lacks(lack) skills to deal with people and fails(fail) to control their emotions would (be)more likely to form prejudice during their international travel. It is a common situation to get cheate

16、d by people there for the reason of ignorance of local situation. Necessarily, open-minded(open-mindedness) is required to deal with unjudged(这个词是什么意思?unfair吧?)treatments. Otherwise the bad memories would not only affect the journey but lead to the prejudice towards all the citizens of the place.语法和词汇是语言的两大基石。在雅思写作中,所有渴望高分的烤鸭无不希望能有一双让自己自由翱翔的翅膀。可是很多时候,语法基础的薄弱,让不少人在尝试复杂句型时频频出错,而另一方面,最基础的一些语法,如名词单复数,冠词,动词时态等又时常被很多人忽视,于是一篇用词屌屌,思路涛涛,自我感觉甚好的*被打入6的冷宫时,某些人可能还不知罪在何处。因为有些逛外文论坛的经验,跟国内论坛进行,国人在遣词造句时,对语法的要求真的是很low,各种错字,错词,莫名其妙的表达层出不穷,而我们大都淡然。所以,这种随意也自然地在很多人的作文中得到了体现。学好语法,重视语法,只会让自己的雅思备考之路越走越宽。


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