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1、雅思口语四步提高法 雅思口语四步提高法!今天给大家带来了雅思口语四步提高法,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语四步提高法Step1.写出语法正确的句子你需要做的第一件事情就是学习写出语法正确的句子。找到一本可以教会你这项技能的高品质书籍。品质最好的学习书籍是那些由英语母语的专家所撰写的学习类书籍。从另一方面而言,由中国作者所著书中的解释性文字和对英文的翻译(尤其是对于生词的翻译)都使读者比较易于理解。因此,你应该对于这两种书籍都加以使用,但是同时也要明白,中文的英语学习类书籍都倾向于把英语当做一个学科来看待,而不会把它视为沟通工具。不仅如此,里面的英语有时候会出现过于

2、正式的情况,因为这些书籍主要是针对写作而不是口语。一本好的语法书的确应该包含一些生词,但是与此同时,它的“每一课”当中不能充斥着大量生词,使读者被生词压垮。我知道学习语法有点枯燥,但这却是必须的。语法有点类似于解数学题的正确方法。Step2.在口语对话中说出语法正确的句子对于口语而言,借由书籍来学习如何造句仅仅是万里长征的第一步。你还需要在对话场景中说出语法正确的句子。在这一步中,你应该使用“朗文国际英语教程(Side by Side)”,并从第 1 册开始学起。(只有对于那些了解自己已经处于 6.5 分水平并且把目标设定在 7.0 分的学生而言可以跳过第 1 册,其他人都应该从头学起。)当然

3、,你必须要使用朗文国籍英语教程(Side by Side)书中的配套录音材料不采用录音材料,就无法正确地利用这套书籍进行自学。“Side by Side”学生手册中还有很不错的习题,可以练习写出语法正确的句子,但是这些习题集中没有语法方面的详细解释。如果想了解对各种语法的详细解释,我推荐你们使用中文版英语语法大全(Collins Cobuild English Grammar)。在某种程度上讲,事实上你可以采用朗文国际英语教程(Side by Side)和英语语法大全(Collins Cobuild English Grammar)而忽略我在第 1 步中所提到的书籍。使用朗文国际英语教程(Si

4、de by Side)丛书将令你踏上“用英语思维”的光明大道。这即是说,你将会利用自己头脑中所储备的英语知识来直接讲话,而不是把中文思路翻译成英语。这是提升流利性的非常重要的一环。Step3.模仿语调自然的英语口语录音材料除了进行第 1、2 步之外,你还应该寻找相对简单而且有趣的英文听力材料进行模仿练习,从而改善自己的发音。有些人在这部分当中可能需要投入比别人多一些的时间,需根据其当前的发音状况而定,但是总体而言,每个人都应该进行这项练习。模仿并不意味着复制每个词的发音。它是指复制英语本土人士讲话的方方面面,比如词与词之间的连接方式、在每句话中对一个(或多个)特定词汇加上重音的方法、以及讲话时

5、语调的抑扬顿挫。很明显,你需要在这项练习中找到最适合自己的良好资料,因为你应该去模仿越自然越好的说话方式,这也包括自然的说话语速。你需要尽可能多地搜集在对话或谈话场景下的录音材料,或是与雅思口试的方式类似的谈话材料。我个人认为,如果你能够花点时间对剑桥雅思真题4-10的听力测试材料中相关部分的陌生表达方式加以学习,使它们变得“相对简单”一点,那么这些资料也很适合作为这项练习的模仿对象。在你对听力资料进行模仿时,要同时使用听力的文本。Step4.与口语搭档进行沟通当你在进行第 1 至 3 步练习取得一点进步之后,应该找一个人(最好不只一个人)做你的口语练习搭档。这是学习说英语的一个非常重要的部分


7、观点也是交换信息的一种方式!不要太担心语法错误第 1 和 2 步的练习专注于语法的准确性,但是这项练习主要是为了提升流利度和使用你在个人学习中所学到的工具(即语言)。这不仅仅是迄今为止大幅提升流利程度的最佳方式,如果你能使用这种方式来练习使用语法及词汇的话,那么你对它们的印象会深刻得多。我再重复一遍:第 1 至 3 步为你提供了英语口语的基本工具,但是如果你真的很想取得最快的进步,那么你需要在实际的沟通情境中使用这些工具。这项练习是摆脱“中文思维”并将其翻译成英语这种习惯的主要方法。通过减少并最终消除翻译的步骤,你的流利度将会得到明显的提升。雅思口语话题part2新题范文:a piece of

8、 clothing you like wearing喜欢穿的衣服You should say- what the item of clothing is- where and when you bought it- when you wear it- and explain why you like wearing it.参考9分范文:关于皮夹克Brief introductionIm not really that into clothes. I do try and look fairly smart but Im not that bothered by my personal appe

9、arance and the clothes Im wearing. But I will tell about my favourite article of clothing my leather jacket. That is by some distance my favourite piece of clothing.What it is and looks likeIts a fairly normal or regular leather jacket. The one unusual feature I suppose is that it has white stripes

10、down the sleeves. Its also quite well-worn by now because Ive had it some time and I tend to wear throughout the winter months. In fact its got quite a few little tears where its caught on sharp objects. I still love it though and I dont mind at all that it looks rather second-hand.When I bought itI

11、 bought it at least 5 years ago now. It came from one of those big department stores and not a specialist leather shop. My old coat was very shabby and I was told by my girlfriend that I definitely needed to buy another one I think she was embarrassed to be seen with me.Where I bought itSo I went ou

12、t by myself. I think it must have been sometime in January when the New Year sales were on. My girlfriend wanted to come with me and help me choose something smart but I said I would do it by myself. We shop in very different ways. She always wants to try everything on and can spend hours buying not

13、hing. My approach is quite different. If I see something that I like and it fits I buy it. She might be two hours in a shop while I normally only take 15 minutes.Why I bought itAnyway I saw this jacket and I thought that it looked really cool. I had always secretly wanted a leather jacket and becaus

14、e the sales were on and it was reduced by 50% I just bought it. My girlfriend was really shocked when she saw what I had bought.Why I like itI like it because its different it;s just not like any other clothes I have in my wardrobe.雅思口语part2新题范文: a person who gave a clever solution to a problem参考范文:

15、折飞机(老外所写,行文超级地道)i gonna tell a story about thinking out of the box, when the box is defined by airplaneWhen I was in high school our physics teacher gave us a challenge that involved making a paper air plane of any shape. The only objective was to get it to fly as far as possible. I had some paper a

16、ir plane making skills so I made the best plane I could and it flew pretty far.the prize seemed to get under my belt.One guy made the greatest, yet simplest paper airplane of all time. He stood there at the starting line with a regular piece of paper. Some classmates scratched their head while silen

17、tly chuckling to themselves. Moments later he took the flat piece of paper, crumpled it up, and threw it down the hall way.He beat the class with ease.Some of the students got mad and said that he cheated.The physics teacher said, How so? I said it could be any shape. A paper ball is indeed a shape.

18、He won the contest with flying colors.A saying goes likeTalent hits a target no one else can hit; Genius hits a target no one else can see.I still regard this classmate as a genius.雅思口语题库part2范文: big company(organisation) employs a lot of peopleDescribe a big company or organisation that employs a l

19、ot of people大公司。you should say:what it ishow big is ithow many employees works thereand explain what do you think about it1.适用人群:全适用2.主题:Zara3.故事线:Zara因其流行的服装款式,低廉的价格和优质的服务吸引了众多顾客,作为一个初创公司,雇佣了世界各地的数千名员工,是许多初创企业和年轻人经营自己企业的标志。Id like to talk about Zalora group, one of the leading companies specializin

20、g in selling clothes.It is an e-commerce company for online shopping purposes and provides a wide variety of style as well as current fashion trend for both men and women . The company has been through so many ups and downs that there was a time when they were on the edge of bankruptcy. At first, I

21、didnt care much about it ,not until I came across a eye-catching dress when going shopping in the mega mall did I become interested in its products. What amazed me is that the price is much cheaper than other brands so I can get the best offer without asking for a bargain. Normally it would take me

22、3 days for the merchandise to be delivered but just only 2 days I could receive it. Another thing is that the refund policy of zalora is much better than Lazada which is its competitor. Customers can return unpleasing products within 10 days and get a brand new one with similar price so thats the re

23、ason why zalora has great customer base than any competitors. Lately, the company has expanded its chain all over the place, therefore, customers no longer have to wait for delivered products and can enjoy great service from physical stores.Starting from modest investment to a leading company that h

24、as highly profitable and thousands of employees coming from all over the world, zalora is an icon for lots of start-ups and youngsters running their own businesses.4.高分口语语料地道用词:e-commerce companyphysical storesa wide variety ofcurrent fashion trendeye-catching dressask for a bargain高分句型: The company

25、 has been through so many ups and downs that there was a time when they were on the edge of bankruptcy.At first, I didnt care much about it ,not until I came across a eye-catching dress when going shopping in the mega mall did I become interested in its products.Customers can return unpleasing produ

26、cts within 10 days and get a brand new one with similar price so thats the reason why zalora has great customer base than any competitors.Starting from modest investment to a leading company that has highly profitable and thousands of employees coming from all over the world, zalora is an icon for lots of start-ups and youngsters running their own businesses.


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