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1、雅思口语考试这事儿 雅思口语考试这事儿,今天给大家带来了雅思口语考试这事儿,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考试这事儿生硬“伦敦”音这是芥末刚开始学英语时最爱犯的病。天天听BBC,看英国视频,刻意模仿人家的腔调,恶心了别人也恶心了自己,实战经验证明芥末当初是装逼不成反被虐。因此,芥末要告诉各位宝宝,在考场上不要刻意去模仿标准的英国英语(the standard Queens English)。只要不影响到对方的理解,什么口音都无妨,大家自然发挥就好,不要东施效颦,赔了夫人又折兵过分拽词口语考试不是让大家演讲,不需要用华丽的辞藻、高昂的语调去朗诵。口语是为了方便大家日

2、常交流,因此,不要在考试的时候说一般人都听不懂的专业术语。也不要因为想不起想说的词而发狂,遇到这种情况,大家可以用相近的词语代替,通过解释、举例等方式绕着弯子进行说明。不要以为老外的词汇量有多丰富,日常用的也就一两千个,大家大可放心揪着语法不放就拿咱们中国日常交流来说,大家会刻意去强调主谓宾定状补吗?在英国不是一样么?大家说话是为了交流,因此在雅思口语考场上,只要能做到说的话都让彼此理解接受就OK,这里芥末还要多说一句,雅思考试上用词失误比语法失误更能造成考官的理解障碍,所以大家用词一定要谨慎。虽说语法不是很重要,但类似把“she”说成“he,I am说I is这种低级语法错误,大家还是要多多

3、注意的。最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a positive change that you have made to your lifeYou should say:what the change waswhen it happenedwhere it happenedand explain how you have benefited from this change前考官范文:Ok, well the positive change which I would like to tell you about was actually a pretty simple one, but

4、 its improved my life a great deal, and basically all it was, was getting up an hour earlier every day.The reason I started doing it was because it got to the point where my whole day was taken up with various stuff, like classes and homework, and I found that I hardly had any free time left. So I k

5、ind of realized that the only way to make more time for myself was to get up earlier, and so thats what I decided to do. It wasnt easy at first, especially when it was cold, but thankfully it got a lot easier, and now I find it no effort at all getting out of bed at five in the morning,Anyway, as fo

6、r when I first started doing this, well, I guess it must have probably been about two or three years ago, round about the time I was busy preparing for my university entrance exams, and I was getting up at something like five or six every morning to revise. And after my exams finished, I remember th

7、inking to myself, wouldnt it be good to continue getting up early and have all this extra time to do things at the beginning of the day.So thats pretty much how it all started, and finally, with regard to how Ive benefited from this change, well to put it simply, Id say Ive benefited immensely, in m

8、ore ways than one. For example, its given me time to do a bit of exercise every day, which I didnt use to have time for. So now Ive become a lot fitter. And as well as this, I also now have the time to eat a proper breakfast every day, instead of skipping it, like I used to do, so Ive basically beco

9、me much healthier as a result.Thats more or less everything, I guess, so thanks very much for listening.Notes:it got to the point where. - 到了.的地步taken up - 被占据I find it no effort at all - 我现在觉得一点都不费劲最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:Describe a big company范文:国民女生老干妈Id like to talk about a family business establish

10、ed by a strong and powerful Chinese woman, whos now the owner of Laoganma Special Flavor Foodstuffs Company. Im interested in this company mostly because of her life story. She started her career selling spicy sauce, back then, she didnt own a shop, not even a stand, so she went from door to door as

11、king people if they needed spicy sauce, no matter how terrible the weather was.At first, no one would buy it, because people thought it was weird buying sauce this way, and some people even assumed that she was a beggar. However, with her perseverance and hard work, some people finally decided to tr

12、y her sauce, and it turned out to be out of this world. Her homemade sauce became a hit in the neighborhood, and her business became bigger and bigger, and one day a businessman came to her, offering to buy her special recipe with a huge amount of money, but she turned it down, cause she has bigger

13、dreams, that is, to open her own company.And actually, the rest is history. We all know that she made it. Shes not fighting alone anymore. Today, there are more than 3000 employees working for her.Now her product is sold in over 30 countries, and a variety of flavors are produced, such as oil chili,

14、 hot and spicy, beef soybean and flavored chili chicken.Because of her remarkable achievement, she once got on the cover of the magazine Women of China. Now that shes getting old, her son has taken over the business and brought it to a whole new level.I have to say, her sauce is my favorite flavorin

15、g, and some Chinese even couldnt finish a meal without it. Thats also a reason as to why I have a great affection for this company.最新5-8月雅思口语Part2话题范文:a group activity you took part inYou should say:what the activity waswho was with youhow easy or difficult it wasand explain how you felt about being

16、 part of this team.参考范文:Ok right then, well the group activity Id like to talk about was actually an English speaking competition I took part in during my first year at university, which everyone on my course had to be in, so it was basically compulsory for us, otherwise I can safely say theres no w

17、ay I would have taken part in it, because at that time, my English really wasnt that great!But anyway, as for what we had to do, well, to begin with, we were all put into small groups of about four or five, and in our groups, we had to write a small play in English lasting about seven or eight minut

18、es, and then act it out in front of all the students and lecturers on our course.So regarding how difficult it was, well if truth be told, we all found it incredibly tough, at least in my group anyway, because none of us had ever written a play in English before, so it was a big challenge for us. Bu

19、t I suppose it was reassuring to know that everyone on our course was in the same boat, and thankfully we were helped by the fact that a couple of guys in our group spoke really good English, so if it wasnt for them, I honestly dont know how we would have done it!Anyway, in the end, we managed to pu

20、t something quite good together and actually ended up coming second out of about 10 groups, which we were really happy about, because we never expected to do that well!And finally, with regard to how I felt about being part of this team, well I basically just felt super lucky, because firstly we had

21、 some really smart guys in our group, and it turned out that they were good actors as well, which was a big bonus! But probably what impressed me most about my teammates was the fact that, when we were running out of time to come up with something to write, they all managed to remain calm and focuse

22、d, which was a huge help, otherwise we could have just panicked and given up. But we didnt, and in the end we were able to succeed. So this experience has really taught me a lot about how to act under pressure in a group situation.雅思口语Part2话题范文: a happy childhood memorywhen and where the incident yo

23、u remember happenedwho you were withwhat happened exactlyand explain why it is a happy memory.参考范文:Childhood memories are strange things, because sometimes you cant quite be sure if you really remember something, or if you just think you do because others have told you about it, or you have seen a p

24、hoto of the event later on. Im going to talk to you about a memory that Im very confident is real. Ill tell you what it is, when it happened, how it affected me and why I still remember it.The memory is the earliest one I have of me and my Dad. I was very small indeed, Im not exactly sure how old, b

25、ut Id guess about three years old, maybe even younger. My Dad was not a particularly tall or strong man, but I was small enough, and by comparison, he was big enough then, for me to stand with both my feet on one of his, and to reach up with my arms and cling onto his leg. I would then hang on and l

26、augh delightedly as he tried to go about his daily business, walking around the house with me gripping on tightly refusing to be budged. It was a favourite game.I dont know that I can honestly say it affected me in my life. However, in my family, we dont really talk about things very much or do a lo

27、t together. We dont live particularly close to one another so see each other rather infrequently. I suppose the way the incident affected me was by making me at a subconscious level feel close to my Dad even years later as we had shared that happy play time together when I was tiny.I didnt know I ha

28、d held onto this memory until quite recently. Sadly my Dad died, he had been very ill for a long time, so it wasnt unexpected, but of course it was very sad. I wanted to say something about him at his funeral, and I wanted to pick a memory that was personal just to him and to me. For some reason tha

29、t image of me tiny and laughing and him solemnly pretending that he hadnt noticed I was there came into my mind and it seemed very appropriate somehow to share that one. It was a happy memory, but also an intimate one. I think he would have been really pleased that I could recall it so many decades later.So why can I remember it? Im not sure, but I like to think the memory was there dormant all the time just waiting for the moment when I needed to retrieve it. It is a comforting thing to recall. The human mind is an amazing thing!


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