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1、雅思口语答案里一定要用yes和no吗 雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗?今天给大家带来了雅思口语不得不了解的小常识,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗?不要理解错这个标题,口语里正面回答考官问题,当然要用到yes和no,只不过这两个词跟已经用烂的happy,beautiful类似,没错,就是也被用烂。但是,残酷的现实是你还是得用,还是得回答问题表明自己的“是”“否”态度,所以我们可以对于yes和no进行如下的替换,或者补充。相信绝大多数的替换词或者表达大家都熟悉,对于想不到或者偶尔用的几个我们来举几个例子:. 所有例子里

2、的问题(Q)均*于1-4月份题库。答案难度标准6-6.5分。问题出处请参见括弧内的TOPIC.e.g.Q: Do you have many friends? (FRIEND)A: Yes. Im quite confident to say that. Most of my friends come from my schools. We share some interests in common and always hang out to do some outside activities, such as jogging and sports like football.e.g.Q

3、: Do you think people will drive more in the future? (TRANSPORTATION)A: I seriously doubt it. Nowaways peoples living standard is getting improved gradually and I believe more attention would be drawn onto the awareness of living condition, such as environmental protection. Driving more would just m

4、ake it worse. I think public transports will take up the major place.e.g.Q: Do you think people will actually buy things because of advertisements? (ADVERTISEMENT)A: The whole purpose of ads is to draw customers attention. They will use exaggerated (夸张的) ways to try convince people that ads are actu

5、ally selling whats good for customers. And it always work on potential consumers. So I would say so.e.g.Q: Do you carry different things when you go out in the morning and in the evening? (FORGET THINGS)A: Im afraid so. / Im afraid yes. I always take my backpack when I go out in the morning and Ill

6、put my wallet, PC and a couple books in it cause I need to go study. But in the evening, I just go out to exercise or hang out with friends. So just my cellephone and some cash would be enough.例子可以很多,希望能帮到大家。雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:sport that you prefer to do and is a little expensive话题:有点贵的运动Describe a spo

7、rt that you prefer to do and is a little expensiveYou should sayWhat it isHow much it usually costsWho usually do it withAnd explain why you like to do this activity范文”Even though people say its quite costly, its meant for the rich, but I would love to play tennis one day.I knew just a bit about thi

8、s sport, but its not too hard to estimate the price. As an amateur, at least I should have a nice Nike or Adidas which up to now is about 50 USD, not to mention other fancy sportswear like T- shirt, shorts and socks. For equipment, bats, bat bags and also I should never forget safety equipment, sadl

9、y, its said that the higher it costs the better, so Im gonna give it around 200 USD. So that would be 250 USD in total. Quite expensive Im afraid. Anyway, my dad, who is not only motivated, but also knowledgeable about the sport, would definitely be my go-to partner. I guess the reason why Im into t

10、his quite-expensive sport firstly is because of its intense, intensive practice, intensive competitiveness, for example, which helps increase my patience and focus. In addition, such independent sport makes me feel rewarded, feel proud because what Ive won actually is myself.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:old obje

11、ct that your family has kept经典旧题:家中保存很久的物品Describe an old object that your family has kept for a long time.You should say:what it ishow your family first got this thinghow long your family has had itand explain why it is important to your family.满分范文:Ok right then, well after a bit of thought, the o

12、bject that Id like to talk about is my piano, as its probably the oldest thing we have in our family.And as for how we first got it, well Im honestly not that sure, because its been in the family for as long as I can remember. ButIthink Im right in saying that my grandparents bought it, although I n

13、ever actually asked them. And they passed the piano down to me, because Im the only one of their grandchildren who plays the piano, so I feel very fortunate and grateful to have it.Anyway, regarding the importance of it, well, simply speaking, Id say its extremely important, at least for me personal

14、ly, the main reason being that it has a very strong sentimental value to me. You know, whenever I play the piano, it reminds me of my grandparents, especially my grandma, who used to always play it and sing to me when I was little.So it really means a lot to me, and although it doesnt sound as good

15、as a lot of pianos, I wouldnt change it for any other! Because um, how can I put itum I guess what Im trying to say is that, to me, its more than just a piano, you know, its kind of a memento and something to remember my grandparents by.So yeah, thats pretty much it.Notes:Sentimental value - 情感价值Any

16、way - (表示略去一些细节转到下一个主要话题)总之 You use anyway or anyhow to indicate that you are missing out some details in a story and are passing on to the next main point or event.how can I put it 怎么说呢?its more than just a piano 不仅仅是钢琴Memento - 遗物,纪念品,用以回忆的东西So yeah, thats pretty much it. 所以嗯,差不多就这些。Other useful p

17、hrases:There are a few scratches on it 上面有些刮痕划痕I polish it quite a lot to keep it looking nice 我经常把它擦光雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:a time you had good experience in the countryside新晋话题:乡村妙遇Describe a time you had good experience in the countrysideYou should say:Where you wentWhat you didWhen you did itWho you we

18、nt with高分范文I belong to Huanggang.It is a small town, and there are many villages near my hometown.My maternal uncle and aunt have a farmhouse in a village near my hometown.Their farmhouse is it the center of lush green farms.Last year, they invited us over to stay with them for a few days.Their farm

19、house is very well maintained, as they have given a portion of it to a family who stays there and looks after it.They have maintained a very good kitchen garden, and I remember, the whole week we enjoyed fresh veges from our garden.They had grown aubergines, okra, bottle gourd, broccoli, cauliflower

20、, mint, coriander and green chilly. My uncle is retired from the agriculture department, and he knew a lot about organic farming.He never sprayed any insecticides and pesticides and even prepared compost at home from the kitchen waste.Those vegetables tasted different. What we eat in the cities has

21、so much spray of insecticides and pesticides, that the taste of veges is different.It was so much fun.They have 4 dogs, two pugs and two German shepherds.Every morning, we used to go for long walks in the fields, and the four dogs would walk by our sides without their leashes.In the cities, you alwa

22、ys have your leash your dog while going for a walk.After the walk, we would all eat delicious parathas with butter made by my aunt.We played badminton in their courtyard, and sometimes we also played Frisbee.The air also seemed fresh and pollution free.The atmosphere was so calm and quiet. There was

23、 also no noise pollution. They have such a peaceful life, with absolutely no hurry and worry.I look forward to going and staying with them again this summer.雅思口语Part2话题高分范文:an interesting house or apartment you visited新晋话题:有趣的住家Describe an interesting house or apartment you visited.You should say:Wh

24、ere this place isWhat it is likeWhen you want to live in there示意范文:I have visited many houses and apartments, and I liked most of them.But here, I would like to talk about a house, which I find very interesting.This is the house of my aunt and uncle, who live in Chandigarh.It is a double story house

25、 with four bedrooms, one kitchen, one hall and one drawing room.I find the house very interesting, because the total energy needed to run the house is obtained from solar panels.They have set up solar panels with a cost of 10000 yuan and now all their air conditioners and geysers run on solar panels

26、.They also do not have to worry about power cuts because they are generating their own power from solar panels.Otherwise also that house is very energy efficient. During the daytime theres so much light from the windows that they do not need to turn on the lights.The house is so well ventilated that

27、 they do not need to switch on the fan also at times.My uncle was telling us that now they have to pay the electricity bill of 20 yuan per month, whereas earlier it was about 120 yuan a month.The maintenance cost of the solar panels is quite less.They have decorated the house with minimalistic approach, and there is no clutter of unnecessary furniture.The woodwork is also very simple, which looks very good and is evergreen. I would definitely like to live in such a house one day.雅思口语答案里一定要用 yes 和 no 吗


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