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1、雅思口语这些词帮你抓住考官耳朵 流利度和连贯性是雅思口语的评分标准之一。其中,连接词和语篇标示词的使用是一项重要的评分项。不过大部分考生还是停留在and,but,so这三个简单的连词上。雅思口语这些词 帮你抓住考官耳朵流利度和连贯性是雅思口语的评分标准之一。其中,连接词和语篇标示词的使用是一项重要的评分项。不过大部分考生还是停留在and,but,so这三个简单的连词上。其实在考试中使用恰当的衔接词,不仅能体现出衔接词的地道和多样性,也会对内容的连贯性方面的分数会有直接提高。一、并列关系并列关系在雅思口语考试的运用一般是在回答Why的提问时,当考生想阐述的理由不止一个,为了使自己的答案有逻辑,也

2、为了让考官能够GET到自己的论点,通常,小烤鸭们都会选择一些表示首先,其次,第三,最后的词来引导句子,常见的表达方式有这些:首先:Firstly, First of all, What I want to mention firstly is that., To start with, To begin with, For one thing, My first point is that.其次:Secondly,In the next place, Moreover, My second point (reason) is that.第三:Thirdly, furthermore, Besi

3、des最后:In the end, Finally, Lastly, In the end, My last point (reason) is that, Last but not the least二、因果关系因果关系,顾名思义,就是要解释原因,常见的因果关系的用法有这些:最简单就是so, because, 如果想避免重复,使自己的回答更加出彩,我们还可以使用这些:due to, because of, owing to, thanks to, as a result of, inconsequence of, on account of,in view of, hence, theref

4、ore, thus, accordingly和consequently等。在口语中,有的时候一些nativespeaker会用cause或者coz来代替because,在口语考试中这种非正式用法可以使用,但是切记不要使用的过于频繁。三、让步关系表示让步关系的用法一般有这些:Although,Though, Regardless of. Even if, Even though, As long as等四、转折关系转折关系是指一个句子里后面的分句没有顺延着前面的分句说下去,而是与它相反,我们第一反应想到的表示转折关系的词就是But,除此之外,英语中表示转折关系的用法有这些:Although,De

5、spite, However,In spite of, Instead, Nevertheless, On the contrary , Otherwise, Though , While,Yet五、递进关系英语中表示递进关系的词语有:not onlybut also,as well(as),at the sametime,besides,further more,in addition(to),like wise ,more over,worse still同时还有一些句子可以表示递进关系,以下的用法一般出现在说完一个Point以后打算进入下一个Point之前,比如:Another poin

6、t I would love to say is thatOn top of that I can also add thatAnd I shouldnt forget to mention that In addition to what Ive just said, I can add thatApart from what Ive mentioned, another key point is that六、修饰关系口语中表示修饰关系,一般都是对人,对事,对物,对时间以及对地点的修饰,通常一般会有从句的形式来修饰先行词,常用来表示修饰关系的词语有:that ,who ,which,when

7、 ,where七、对比关系对比关系是指一句话的前半句和后半句形成了对比,口语中常见表示对比关系的用法有:On the other hand ,while ,Whereas, Incontrast, On the contrary八、举例和泛指在口语考试中,我们为了使自己的内容不要听起来过于苍白,因此经常加一些例子是自己的内容听起来更加丰富,英语中常见的举例用法有:like ,such as ,Take.forexample ,In some cases ,and stuff like that ,and things like that ,or something like that九、其他a

8、s well ,as well as ,in terms of,instead of ,rather than十、不是连词的表达英语口语中,我们还可以用一些比较高大上的用法来给自己加分,比如:tend to ,basically ,actually十一、谈及;谈到;关于Speaking of; talking about; when itcomes to; as far as s concerned.; as regards ; regarding;通常用于帮助提示转移话题,或转换另一个角度或方面。例1:Speaking of those old people who live alone,

9、I guess their childrenwould support them financially, and visit them on a regular basis.例2:As for how I felt about our city museum, I think it servessignificant purpose as far as education is concerned.例3:When it comes to the drawbacks, I think students study efficiencymay be low since there is no t

10、eacher around to supervise and motivate them.最后,给大家分享一下七悠雅思的口语参考范文,小烤鸭们也能更好的理解如何恰当得使用衔接词答题卡:Describe a change that will improve your local area.You should say:what the change is,how the change works,what kinds of problems the change will solve,and how you feel about the change.参考范文:The change I want

11、 to talk about today is to plant more trees to improve the environment in the local area. On the one hand,the government should increase the budget on the environmental protection(增加在环境保护方面的预算), in which case more workers can be employed to plant more trees on both sides of the road; on the other ha

12、nd,the teacher should teach our younger generation that it is every citizens obligation(每一位公民的义务)to protect the environment. As far as I am concerned,this change will help to solve many problems. Firstly,the air will be purified(空气将会被净化). Trees are beneficial to the environment, since they absorb th

13、e carbon dioxide(吸收二氧化碳) and give off the oxygen(释放氧气). In todays society, the pollution is becoming even more serious,soit is the governments top priority(当务之急) to encourage more people to plant trees in order to purify the air as well as to protect our common home. Secondly, the change will preser

14、ve the soil and the water(保持水土) in my hometown. My hometown is located in the north-western part of China, whichhas serious desertification problem(严重的荒漠化问题). In this case, planting more trees can improve the environment of the city as well as prevent the soil erosion(预防水土流失).As for my feelings abou

15、t the change,firstly,I have to say, this change will definitely improve the air quality as well as strengthen citizens sense of environmental protection(增强市民的环保意识). Secondly,it will set a good example to the rest of the country, and even to the rest of the world. I think there will be an increasingl

16、y number of people to join in the team of alleviating the pollution(缓解污染问题) as well as protecting the earth.Based on the reasons mentioned above, I think this improvement is really beneficial to the local area.雅思口语part1-“Do you like类”题型Step 1I enjoy(表达喜好的短语可以自行替换)something.Step 2Especially, _ and_(举

17、出具体例子)Step 3I guess this is probably because: 给予主观观点Step 4Personal experience 个人经历看个简单的例子:-Do you like watching films?Step 1: Yes, definitely. I fancy watching Sci-fi filmsStep 2: Such as Spider Man and Super Man.Step 3: I think it has wonderful special effects and the plot is exciting.Step 4: Last

18、week, I watchedX with my girlfriend in the cinema, the film was awesome.使用这样的“四步骤法”,大家不愁没话说了吧。2. 在回答Do you like 类的话题时,我们总会涉及喜欢某件事的原因。这里要教大家一个万能的原因。更重要的是,这个原因每个人说起来都合情合理。看个例子:-Do you like history?-Yes, I definitely like history.Well, my father is a fancier ofChinese ancient history, under the subtle

19、influence of him, I began to read many history books since junior high school.这个万能的原因是:由于某人疯狂热爱做某件事儿,从而受到了他/她的耳濡目染,所以自己爱上了做某件事儿。核心短语:a fancier of 疯狂热爱,under the subtle(微妙的)influence of 潜移默化的影响。3. 如果你对于某件事儿实在是无爱的话,我们在考试中应该怎样回答呢。首先要明白,如果你对于某件事儿无爱,按照逻辑来说你必须解释对它无爱的原因,而不能直接就跳到对另一件事儿的喜欢上。这是一个简单的答题思路:Step

20、1: Direct answerStep 2: 反面的 opinionStep 3: bad experience (注意时态)看例子:-Do you like planting flowers?Step 1: No I dont, Im not into planting flowersStep 2: I think its time-consuming.(耗时间的)Step 3: I remember a while ago, I planted some flowers at home; the flowers withered (枯萎)because of my neglect. It

21、 shattered(撕碎) my heart.常见考题解析:-Do you like painting?-Yes, I really fancy painting.Especially, I like the oil painting best.I guess this is probably because this is a perfect way to use my imagination. It makes me more innovative.Last year, I participated in a painting competition. Luckily, I won th

22、e golden medal which gave me strong sense of accomplishments.分析答案:第一步:直截了当地表达喜欢画画。使用fancy doing 的句型。第二步:更具体地举出绘画的细种:油画。第三步:给出两点原因:to use my imagination 发挥想象力;makes me more innovative 变得更有创造力。第四步:生动的实例:去年参加绘画比赛,获得金奖。strong sense of accomplishments 成就感油然而生。-Do you like flowers?-Well, I am an exception

23、. I dislike flowers.Because I am allergic to the pollen.Every spring, my face is swollen because of allergy. So, I dislike flowers.分析答案:第一步:首先表明态度,我是个例外an exception。我不喜欢花。第二步:给理由。我对花粉过敏。第三步:给出糟糕经历:每年春天都会由于过敏脸部红肿。所以不喜欢花。雅思口语做不到keep talking时的临场技谁不知道这种卡顿是致命的呢?每多一处卡顿,烤鸭们就会增加一次降分的风险。可是这该如何是好呢?不慌不慌,有小兔在。演

24、技不够,技巧来凑。为了解决广大烤鸭们的疑惑,小兔精心整理了6个帮你度过卡顿尴尬瞬间的技能,相信这些技能一定能拯救你于考场的水火之中!技能1:用are you/wont you/dont you反问考官当你在考场上觉得自己有说不下去的风险时,只要不是在Part 2中,你都可以适当地反问考官问题,以此来推动对话。这里的反问不是提出一个新问题,而是在你回答完毕后,去询问考官的看法。最简单的操作是:dont you? Wont you? 这样的小后缀。i.e. I am not a vegetarian, are you? 虽说考官不一定会回答你,但是你会让他/她形成一个你乐于聊天、乐于交流的友好印象

25、。还有一个滑头的地方在于,这样的小后缀可以给你争取1-2秒的合理停顿时间:如果考官接过了你的话,你们正好可以继续下去,如果考官没有接你的话,你也可以假装是在等他回答(不过时间很短),虽然等待的时间很短,但是也能给你一点点喘息时间啦。技能2:for example.For example真的是一个非常有用的技能,适用于雅思口语的所有Part。它的具体操作也很简单,当你觉得你可能说不下去的时候,勇敢地举个例子呀!比如说你说你喜欢吃蔬菜,然后你就觉得,没法给考官解释自己为什么喜欢吃蔬菜,你就可以for一个example,I like eating cabbage, carrots and tomat

26、o, 换一下思路,顺势展开,my mother told me that I could not eat a meal without cabbage. 这个场子就救下来啦。技能3:讲一个故事讲故事可以有效地扩充自己的答案内容,而且这样的故事往往是可以提前准备的。在考试之前,储备两三个故事,可以是自己的,也可以是一些名人的故事(可以充当在Part 3中的论据),把它们翻译成英文,做到可以流利复述。于是当你的思维陷入僵局,或者不知道怎么论证你的观点的时候,你就可以自然而然地说“when I was young, I did/was”或者“I have heard a story that.”然后

27、无缝衔接上你的故事,考官再火眼金睛,也不一定能识破你的障眼法哦!技能4:善于使用连接词和套句连接词是口语表达中必要的要素。我们说口语的时候少不了它,我们也会发现,有些连接词几乎可以在很多场合通用。比如说“To be honest”,可以救表达观点的场;“I am not a big fan of”,是另一种表达方式下的“不喜欢”,还可以让表达流畅,同时争取时间;“last but not least” ,又地道又给了你喘息的余地。还有那句在Part 3开头广泛使用的“I cant make a general statement as I believe different groups of

28、 people would give different answers to this question”这些连接词和套句都可以助你一臂之力,让你在争分夺秒的考场环境里迅速找到感觉。(套句运用稍有被怀疑为记忆的风险,但是连接词的使用绝对不用担心)技能5:开一个脑洞,以When来引入其实英语比中文要更不受局限一些,而我们也不应该被自己的传统思维所局限。还是原来的问题,如果考官问你Do you like vegetables? 结合上文我们知道,你不仅可以说你喜欢,可以问考官喜不喜欢,还可以说你喜欢什么样的(for example),还可以讲你的故事(比如小的时候家里人喜欢给你做什么菜/比如说你

29、最喜欢吃的一个dish可能就是哪个菜做成的)。然后重要的是发散!你可以借由这些点,发散出很多其他的内容,就像跟一个你喜欢的人聊天一样,找到恨不得把自己的所有事情都介绍给TA的感觉就对了!而这样的介绍的入口就是When, 大家不妨在练习过程中试试看用when 来带入自己想开的脑洞,小兔告诉大家真的是非常好用哦!其实,再多技能都是小聪明,而更大的聪明还是在于平时就努力练习开口说口语,卡顿就重来。除此之外,把看过的、通过的英语材料“复述”下来,也是不错的练习口语的方式。考场上大家都有觉得思路空白的时候,重要的是及时调整,发挥自己的真实水平。以上的技巧能救一时一刻,剩下的挑战,小兔相信每一位勇敢的烤鸭小战士,一定能交出满意的答卷!雅思口语这些词帮你抓住考官耳朵


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