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1、雅思口语考场中的三重障碍 雅思口语考场中的三重障碍!今天给大家带来了雅思口语考场中的三重障碍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思口语考场中的三重障碍一般考生在备考的过程中,须渡三重障碍,方能新鲜出炉,收获果实。障碍一:无话可说刚接触雅思口试的一些考生会出现这样的情况:考试中,被问问题时,左思右想不知如何作答,于是便以沉默回应。同时对面的口语考官也秀出一张poker face(冷酷的面庞),对考生冷漠的表现不予理会。此时,恐怕整个考场的空气都要凝固了。出现以上情况的主要原因之一是思维短路,而导致思维短路的因素又主要涵盖两个层面:对口语考试话题“熟悉度不够”及“思路单一”。面

2、对 “熟悉程度不够”,考生可以主动寻找素材,比如上网查询或大范围阅读。这是一项需要考生长期积累才可解决的问题。而面对“思路单一”,则建议考生答题的时候换种思考方式,比如在回答Do you think flowers are important?这个问题时,多数新考生会直接回答Yes, I do./No, I dont, becausebecausebecause”这里之所以不断重复because这个词,是因为想不出要如何扩展回答。但如果我们换种思路,比如反向思考If there were no flowers, what would be like? (如果没有花,那世界会变成什么样?)也许,

3、看到这儿,你会有更多的观点叙述花的重要性。再比如,回答How often do you eat chocolate?这个问题时,对于现在不喜欢吃巧克力的人来说,直接解释恐怕有点儿困难,因为很多时候,不喜欢一些事物并没有任何理由。但如果我们从不同的角度展开问题,也许又可以让自己变得健谈起来。比如现在我很少吃巧克力,可能一年内只吃一两次,但是小的时候几乎天天都吃,尤其是.口味。See?结合自身情况对比不同时间的特点,又可以拓展问题了。“总结一下,在初期备考时,如果碰到难题,直接解释不了,不妨换种思路想想,也许就柳暗花明又一村了。”障碍二:逻辑混乱考生在口语考试备考中的第二大障碍是逻辑混乱。考生们的

4、各种“神逻辑”,经常令听者感到头晕目眩。这里所谓的“神逻辑”,通常是指由于连接词、代词等使用不当而引起得逻辑不清。首先我们来看看错误最多的连接词。考生们用得最多也错得最多的是because和so。请看以下几个例句:1. I go to school from Monday to Friday, because my parents go to work every single day. 我周一至周五上学的原因是我的爸爸妈妈每天都要上班。2. The teacher told me this website, so I use it twice a week. 我每个星期使用两次这个网站的原因


6、的使用对一些考生也具有一定的挑战。比如,有些考生会把while, whereas和but的意思相混淆,虽然三者都有转折之意,但but的转折意向更为强烈,而其余两个单词一般用于平行对比。请对比下面两个句子的含义:1)Talking of sports, most girls enjoyswimming; while/whereas most boys like playing football; 2)Talking of sports, most girls enjoy swimming, but she likes playing football. 在第二个句子中,明显强调的是“她喜欢踢足球

7、”,而第一个句子仅仅是平行对比男孩女孩喜欢的运动而已,并没有特别强调某个人的喜好。最后,个别代词的错误使用也会让听者感到无比费解。有学生前一句中讲到I love novels,结果后半句中出现了its really interesting,不知道这里的it到底指代的是哪一本novel。还有同学刚说完people如何如何,后面又出现了it居然把人变了属性,而且还将各类人统一变成了it,听者表示实在很难理解其中的含义。不论怎样,多数情况下都是代词it惹的祸,所以要格外注意它的使用。“了解了上述各种“神逻辑”,相信各路烤鸭们都能在备考时特别注意连接词和代词的含义及其使用方式,最终可以让考官理解清楚我

8、们的逻辑。”障碍三:语意混淆如果你已经跨越了雅思口语的第二道坎儿,那么恭喜你,离成功不远了。现在你基本上可以和外籍考官侃侃而谈,而且你的思路清晰,对方可以大致跟上你的节奏。BUT有时候,对面的歪果仁还是会认为我们国人讲的英文有点儿晦涩难懂。首先看三个中式英语表达:1. relax myself2. make hard efforts3. this subject is close to money在英文中,“让我自己很放松”只有relax me这种说法,没有relax myself这么一说;“付出了辛苦的努力”一般在英文中叫做make a lot of efforts;而“一个离钱很近的专业”

9、在英文中并非翻译得那么直接,说成learning this subject enables me to earn more money会更合适一些。除了各种中式搭配错误,还有些词义相近的表达也容易用错。比如,在I visited some sightseeing和The Great Wall is a famous building这两句话中, 因为某些单词理解偏差,导致听者有些困惑。第一句中sightseeing表示“观光”,怎么可以visit呢?一般最常见的搭配是go sightseeing;第二句里building一般表示“有屋顶和门窗的建筑”,而万里长城显然是不符合这样一个特定含义的,

10、只能用structure来形容。想来,之所以我们在讲英文时会令英美人士感到费解,很大程度上是缘于母语以及汉英字典的影响。一方面,中文和英文是两种不同的语系,很多措辞都不太一致,同学们总是习惯于逐字将中文意思翻译成英文,导致出现诸如relax myself或learn knowledge的说法;另一方面,每每在汉英字典里查到了某个英文表达,多数同学会全盘接受,但其实一个英文单词在不同场景下可能会有不同的含义,有时虽然汉语意思相似,但用法及英文含义却不尽相同。比如前文中提到的structure 和building,虽然在多数汉英字典里两个词都被翻译成“建筑”,但其实用法还是有点儿区别的。所以,建议

11、同学们查完汉英字典后,再把相应的单词放到特定情景下(比如用英英字典)double check一次。经历了三重障碍的洗礼,想必你已经有所顿悟,但还是建议各路烤鸭们在备考的过程中,结合自身情况进行练习。建议考生们准备一个记录错误的本子,每次练习完一个话题后,按照雅思口语的评分标准分门别类地记录下自己的错误表达。刚开始可能会遇到很多障碍,但只要能够循序渐进地练习,慢慢就会发现,错误会越来越少,口语也自然会越来越好。雅思口语Part2话题答案:APP这款app操作简单,只需要用我们的邮箱或者Facebook账号注册,就成为了这个program的一员,选择你的角色(a sighted one or bl

12、ind one),保持log on状态,就随时可以接到求助消息或发出求助信号。The App Id like to share with you is called Be My Eyes, which is the most heart-warming App Ive ever known. It is for now only available at iphone app store, and as we can tell from the name, it basically makes a live video connection from a blind persons phone

13、 to a random sighted volunteers phone, so that the volunteer could help them with little day-to-day things, like matching up socks, finding out whether the food has passed its expiration date in the fridge, or things like that. Sometimes they might be uncomfortable always asking friends, relatives o

14、r neighbors for help with those simple tasks, so I guess thats why the developer created this app.When I first heard of it from the Internet, I was curious how it worked. So I installed it, and then I just really started liking it. I like that I have an opportunity to help people who cant see in thi

15、s way that is also kind of cool and kind of no hassle for me at all. When someone whos blind or visually impaired needs help, the app will send a notification to me. I havent helped so many people yet, but I think what Im doing with this app is really meaningful.The app depends on there being enough

16、 volunteers. And the amazing thing about it is that with so many volunteers around the world, we could offer help at any time. Like, if a blind person needs help at 3 oclock in the morning, the app just ping a volunteer in another time zone.This app has enabled blind people to feel more independent

17、than they were before, and Im also glad that I could be of some help.语言点解析:1. sighted= able to see; not blind2. day-to-day只放在名词前面,involving the usual events or tasks of each day,例如:She has been looking after the day-to-day running of the school.他还有一个用法,表示“逐日的”,planning for only one day at a time,例如:

18、I have organized the cleaning on a day-to-day basis, until our usual cleaner returns.3. expiration dateThe date after which an official document, agreement, etc. is no longer valid, or after which something should not be used or eaten. 海外生存英语必备.4. hassleA situation that is annoying because it involv

19、es doing something difficult or complicated that needs a lot of effort. 例如:Its a hassle having to travel with so many bags. 下次想表达“一点儿不麻烦,举手之劳”,就可以用no hassle at all.5. visually impaired-impaired表示having the type of physical or mental problem mentioned,例如:hearing-impaired children, speech-impaired.雅思口

20、语Part2话题答案:equipment at your home中老年人特别喜欢逛的一个地方,就是“花鸟鱼市”。那里有一件equipment,是可以放在雅思口语答案里的哦!那就是大大的观赏鱼缸!这个不但可以作为a piece of equipment at your home的答案,还可以作为A gift that you recently gave to others的答案!改一改还可以把它变成以前的一道雅思口语题目就是“家中老物件”。Anyway, its been a long time now, and my cat is getting old, I mean, he wont j

21、ump around and chase moving stuff any more, so I thought it would be a good time for my dad to pick up the old hobby. So I just went ahead and bought him a huge fish tank where he could keep as many fishes as he wants.My dad was thrilled when he saw the gift. We placed it in our living room, and the

22、 best thing about it is that its not only a fish tank, but can also serve as a coffee table. Its about this long (body language这个时候派上用场了,拿手比划), and its adorned with precious stones. This tank has become my fathers favorite item in our home and he bought quite a few expensive tropical fish.There are

23、light bulbs on top of the tank, and when its getting dark, my dad likes to turn them on, and the whole living room would be lit up with the warm, soft light. So I have to say, its a great decoration.And the fish tank is an advanced one. I mean, its equipped with a self-cleaning system that could fil

24、ter the waste automatically. So the water is always crystal clear.And the “view” (body language又出场了,请拿手指打引号) in the tank is gorgeous, I mean, if you look closer, its just like a real underwater world. It has seaweed, coral reefs, shells, everything you are supposed to see in the ocean.So both of my

25、dad and my mom are pretty satisfied with this gift.语言点解析:1. decorative(Of an object or a building) decorated in a way that makes it attractive; intended to look attractive or pretty. 例如:The mirror is functional yet decorative.The decorative touches have made this house a warm and welcoming home.2. p

26、laceA house or flat / apartment; a persons home. 例如:What about dinner at my place?Im fed up with living with my parents, so Im looking for a place of my own.3. thrilledVery excited and pleased. 下次想表达“激动的,兴奋的”,不要光会用excited哦!例如:I was thrilled to be invited.如果想表达“对即将发生的好事儿特别激动”的心情,可以用psyched,例如:The kid

27、s are really psyched about the vacation.4. adornTo make something/ somebody look more attractive by decorating it or them with something. 这是个较为正式的说法,某些情况下可以替换decorate,而且经常用在被动句式中,例如:The walls were adorned with paintings.雅思口语Part2话题答案:a way to save money尤其是已经在国外生活过一个学期的娃们,更会深有体会吧!之前从来没进过厨房的你是不是开始自己做饭

28、了?衣服必须自己洗啊,哪里有钱送去干洗店(the dry cleaners)!甚至为了省个20刀头发都开始自己剪了(cut my own hair to save money)!搬到新家自己布置(do my own home decorating),家具必须得是宜家的,自己组装(assemble the furniture on my own),因为便宜啊!甚至有心灵手巧的孩子自己修车(do my own car repairs),自己修热水器啥的(do my own repairs around the house),特全能!所以一个学期下来,真能省不少钱啊!于是我们按照Do it your

29、self的原则,来搞一下雅思口语a way to save money这个话题吧:Well, my way of saving money is to do things myself. Actually, its been a while since the last time I did it, but Im gonna share it with you anyway.The thing is, my ex boyfriend used to study in America, and I would visit him during summer vacations. Back the

30、n, we were students, we didnt have that much money, you know. Besides, we basically spent most of the money on the flight tickets, so it was like, every day we were on a budget. So you see, we just had to be frugal and cut down on all those unnecessary costs. Our trick was to do everything by oursel

31、ves. Like, we would assemble the furniture on our own from IKEA cause its a lot cheaper that way. We would do the laundry ourselves and bear the loud noise the clothes dryer made, instead of going to the dry cleaners. And we would cook our own meals, cause we couldnt afford to eat out every day.The

32、funniest part was that he used to get me to cut his hair, cause according to him, each time I gave him a haircut, we would save, like 20 dollars, so thats about 120 RMB, which was quite an amount of money. Wed rather spend the money on food or entertainment than in a barbershop. At first, I would ju

33、st trim the bangs, and later I got bolder, and started to try new hairstyles. Sometimes it looked hilarious, but after I got the hang of it, it got much better.So you see, that was how I, I mean, we, saved money, and it really worked.语言点解析:1. anywayAnyway除了有“把扯远的话题扯回来”的功能之外,还有despite,even so的意思。例如:I

34、m afraid we cant come, but thanks for the invitation anyway.2. The thing is, The thing is is used to introduce an important fact, reason or explanation.例如:Im sorry my assignment isnt finished. The thing is, Ive had a lot of other work this week. 有的时候我们还会看到thing前面有各种形容词,常用的有funny,amazing,awful等。3. cu

35、t down onIt means to reduce the size, amount or number of something. 例如:The doctor told him to cut down on his drinking.4. trickA way of doing something that works well or a good method. 例如:The trick is to pick the animal up by the back of its neck.5. dry cleanersA shop or store where clothes, curta

36、ins, etc. are cleaned, especially with chemicals. 就是“干洗店”。例如:Can you pick up my suit from the cleaners?6. eat outTo have a meal in a restaurant, etc. rather than at home. 例如:Do you feel like eating out tonight?7. trimTo make something neater, smaller, better by cutting parts from it. 通常跟hair搭配使用,表示“修剪一下”,trim the bangs就是修一下刘海。同时,trim还有名词的词性,例如:a wash and trim.8. get the hang of somethingTo learn how to do or to use something or to understand something. 例如:Its not difficult once you get the hang of it.雅思口语考场中的三重障碍


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