1、雅思听力备考复习计划表:巧用雅思听力机经 雅思听力备考复习计划表,巧用雅思听力机经,今天就给大家带来了雅思听力备考复习计划表答,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思听力备考复习计划表:巧用雅思听力机经雅思听力备考第一周:最好的听力单词本是雅思听力机经这里读的不是机经故事本身,而是机经里的单词。考生应用有色笔圈出各版本故事中标有实心下划线的单词(即听力答案),边圈划边背诵陌生单词的拼写。背诵时注意要轻声读出每个单词的正确发音,并看着英文默想中文。说白了,第一遍读经的时候,机经就是一本单词手册,一本直接显示雅思听力答案的单词手册。雅思听力共有四大种题型:Completion(填
2、空题),Choice(选择题),Map or Label(地图或标签题),Matching(搭配题),其中前二种为必考题型。每种题型都有不同的应对技巧,朗阁海外考试研究中心建议考生在第一周备考阶段,把“剑桥真题”中的题目按照题型分类,每天做一种题型,总结不同题型的解题要点。并重点操练自己最易失分的题型。雅思听力备考第二周:熟记听力重点词汇经过第一周的背诵,有心的考生一定会发现,机经中一些单词会反复出现,有些场景的再现频率也很高。这些单词和场景,正是雅思听力的常考考点,尤其是在同类场景中重复出现的单词,更是考试的重中之重,比如,如果你发现机经里有10个版本都考到了关于租房子的场景,而这类场景中又
4、听力卷子,以熟悉不同题型混合在同一份卷子上的应对方法,具体可按以下四个步骤操作:第一步: 听音做套题。完全模拟考试四个Sections,在规定时间内做题并誊写答题卡。第二步: 先不要对答案,再听一遍。 把与第一遍所听不同的答案写在旁边。第一遍没有听清楚的地方,这一遍一定要注意,注意自己是哪里听不清,为什么听不清,为什么没有捕捉到答案(是因为听前预测不准确?还是听中没有把握好信号词?或者是因为听后补全的答案不精确?)。同时继续观察自己哪些题型比较薄弱,在今后做题中重点训练。第三步: 对照听力原文,再听一遍。重复第二步中要观察的东西(非常重要)。找每一个题目的提示词、信号词和与答案的对应词。你会发
6、时间、价格等在英语中是有专门书写格式的,不能沿用中式习惯书写。在注重细节的基础上,考生还应把所有的陌生单词再从头至尾背诵一遍,以求巩固记忆,温故知新。雅思听力备考第四周:专背预测版本最后一周,词汇准备已基本定局,推荐考生浏览雅思学习网站上的每周考试全面预测,专门背诵预测到的听力版本,以做最后冲刺。最后一周做真题的目的在于熟悉听力流程,保持考试状态。建议考生巧妙统筹听力时间,拿到试卷后,利用开场白和读Example的总共两分钟不到的时间先看Section 3或Section 4,把题目尽量先理解。等听力正式开考后,再翻页至Section 1,跟着听力的指导做。在考试时绝对要不停地要求自己保持高度
7、的注意力,争取做到把Section 1和Section 2的分数拿稳。2018年7月19日雅思听力机经预测场次20XX0213 20XX0519 20XX0901 20XX 20XX场景其他雅思听力题型填空10内容概述一位男子刚搬进一个社区,询问关于订报纸和垃圾回收分类等相关情况。关于社区废物回收:废品回收时间从周三改到周五1. Waste of newspaper is collected:Every second week2.名字:PeterWisborough(人物拼写)3.NO.16 Bridge Road4.最近的受理点:Central Park5.free of charge:A
8、yellow box6.POST CODE:RH12PE7.邮箱:helplineblackcat8.可以回收:Metals9.不回收:Magazines10.Savvybooklet(常识,介绍手册的名字)雅思听力Section One场次20XX055 20XX0906 20XX 20XX场景租房咨询雅思听力题型填空10内容概述一男一女聊转租房屋1. Empty for: (2 weeks)Rent: ($100)/Month这里问每周多少?从生活经验来看,100可能是4周或2周的另一种说法:Apartment number: (889710)。3. Address No.: (17A)4
9、. Landladys telephone number: (889710)。56. Switch on: (water heater) and (fridge)7. The price of hiring a cleaning maid: ($5)8. Rules: before go outsidemust (lock all windows);9. Rules:must not (play music) after midnight10. Call (landlady) Mrs. Roche for furtherinformationor want more details雅思听力Se
10、ction One场次20XX0903 20XX场景问卷调查雅思听力题型填空10内容概述电话调查某城市本地人对该城市的满意度和建议。1.Fowler Road2.邮编:RO62LR3.职业:Waiter对城市的评价:4.Streets的干净程度5.Health Service的满意度6.Police的印象被问到满意的地方:7.一个是parks有很多可以跟老婆散步8.还有一个是有schools,很方便9.可以和local交流10.swimming pool雅思听力Section One场次20XX094 20XX场景场馆预订雅思听力题型填空10内容概述为父亲过生日的酒店选址1.75英镑2.食物的
11、三种标准和价钱standard3.traditional4.具体钱数9.505.drinksare extra6.酒店可以帮助联系band7.可以提供flowers8.还可以帮助制作name cards9.如果提前一个月预订,住宿可以享受45%的折扣10.预订请联系:Corgen雅思听力Section One场次20XX1105 20XX场景保险理赔雅思听力题型填空10内容概述女的家里窗户被风吹坏,打电话给保险公司索赔1.电话号码:9981444(后面读作fourteen double four)2.保险公司名称:AdvanceInsurance Co.3.保险type:Buildingins
12、urance4.保险level:Superlevel5.然后是说一阵风把哪里的窗户吹开了,kitchendoor坏了6.那里有三个窗只有middle的坏了7.投保人的son看到了事情的经过8.最后什么时候来修,next Wednesday9.什么时间8.00 am10.问什么时候能修好,10th February雅思听力Section One场次20XX062 20XX0109场景求职咨询雅思听力题型填空10内容概述一篇学生出国旅游同时想找PART TIME JOB的电话联系对话,一个女孩子想出国,并找一份工作,开头姓名字已经给出,叫Sarah Brown1.出生日期March 8th 198
13、82.电话号码0903 775 1153. hopes to travelNorthEurope4.什么方式去:wants to bytrain5.工作在:find work in ahotel6.推荐工作在:recommend to do e.g.farmwork。7. better to have a Europeanpass8. provide abookletof information9.申请做保险代理apply aninsurancefrom agency10.Internet Cafeto communicate雅思听力Section Two场次20XX031 20XX0811
14、20XX场景其他雅思听力题型选择1填空9内容概述关于太平洋制衣公司Pacific Clothing Firm招聘介绍,先说服务行业竞争,再说主要是职位的空缺、人员的要求和福利。选择1:1服装行业竞争的重点in order to succeed, clothing firms should:选:(B. sell new product)填空9:需要的职位three types of professions the firm is looking for:2.designers3.accountants4.engineers要求员工的技能the firm plans to recruit empl
15、oyees who are:5.clever另一版本:collaborative6.loyal7.hard-working提供的待遇问题:8.员工不用pay for, company will offer:(free transportation)9.为员工和他们的家人提供?company provides a (fitness centre) for employees and their families.10.此处有2个版本的答案:there is aseminarabout latest development in fashion.员工在那里接受培训? the firm holds
16、its training in (workplace).雅思听力Section Two场次20XX0813 20XX097 20XX0813 20XX0520 20XX1205 20XX场景旅游介绍雅思听力题型填空4单选2配对4内容概述关于mitchell island的travelling advice选择21.可以坐什么交通工具到小岛上?AA. planeB. ferry C. hovercraft C. hover craft为干扰项是,但是他又说这个项目被取消了还是怎么了,所以不能选。2.第二个选择题是问坐出租车需要彭彭提请注意什么?选B.A. uncomfortable B.unro
17、ad worth C. unregistered配对43-6.是Matching题,要求分别把E-east coast;N-north coast;W-west coast对应到相关服务的选项上3.第一个服务好像是什么餐饮之类的,self-cafeteria restaurant这一项填E4. natural walk to amusing park,填N5. shop,不用填6.第四个高尔夫课程Golf Course,填N填空47.tropical diseases8.要带bottles of water9.snakes原文:因为说是东海岸有危险动物,好像是例如西海岸的蛇10.岛上唯一有犯罪
18、记录的是monkeys原文:这里唯一提到过的“犯罪”是谁干的,说是本地的猴子为了找食物。雅思听力Section Two场次20XX1105场景其他雅思听力题型单选3配对7内容概述电话咨询戛纳交通公司和戛纳基本情况单选31.C:全球有分支branches global2.B:提供司机:provide driver3.A:hire a car in the package配对74.B:有minibus5.A:可以去路况不好的地方6.B:最近新开业的公司7.B准时8.B minibus特征是状况不好(old,poor maintenance)9.Btaxi分成两种类型取决于money10.C银行给的
19、某些面值钞票不多雅思听力Section Two场次20XX1107A 20XX0821场景地点介绍雅思听力题型地图5填空5内容概述总统山介绍地图51.花费:1 million2.目的:develop tourism3.朝向:southeast4.命名:lawyer命名的5.用时:7 years配对56.Information center:photography7.refreshment8.souvenir9.workshop10.visitor centre雅思听力Section Two场次20XX1203 20XX0804场景其他雅思听力题型单选5配对5内容概述多伦多工作室介绍单选51.新
20、增服务New workshop is to offer service likeA. home visitB. children caring2. first workshop提供什么服务A. get to know the cityB. finding a jobC. findingaccommodation3. which interpreter is not availableB. ItalianC. Turkish4. Rom 204九月举办的项目:seminar in September in English forA. Finance next is in September. t
21、he next is financeB. healthC. engineer5. Where is the information display?A. lecture roomB. lobbyC. Room 101配对5A something about IT industryB help to fill in the formC give advice to accommodationD give advice about educationE people working in the same lineF getting to know the public transportatio
22、nG something about leisure activity6. Room 202 -C7. Room 205 -E8. Room 206 -G9. Room 207 -F10. Room 208 -B雅思听力Section Three场次20XX0816 20XX109 20XX0415 20XX雅思听力题型填空7,配对3内容概述观察鲸鱼observation of whales填空71.Watch Time(观察的次数,原文说the time of watch)2.问题是State of sea eg.:calm(风平浪静),or choppy(波涛汹涌) etc.3.visib
23、ility能见度:nearest100 metres能见度visibility女的先说50米,男的说一百米比较好4.the presence offishing boats他们说还要看看有没有船接着是要记录的内容,有:5.appearance6.behavior给出了appearance然后女的说还有behavior7.size是group size配对3给出四副鲸鱼的图像选出相对应名称的鲸鱼是哪个A.体形只是a quarter of that of blue whale, and with wavy fins on the backB.是with hump back fins which a
24、re wavy;C.是without fins;D.是with wavy fins on the back, and the largest one in the ocean8.minke whale小须鲸对应B9.northen right whale对应C10.sperm whale抹香鲸对应A雅思听力Section Three场次20XX0106 20XX0805 20XX1121 20XX 20XX 20XX雅思听力题型填空10内容概述女生要求换专业,以及学习中遇到的问题及相应对策填空10Table1name of the original course: 1.Economic His
25、tory.starting time: 2.last September.the courses she wants to change:the first choice: 3.Politics, but this course is very hot.the second choice: 4.PhilosophyTable 2studying problems and the possible solutions in the original course:There are three main problems:5.lectures too difficult.The first so
26、lution: record the class, and it indeed works.The second solution: suggest to take part in a 6.discussion group7.not enough tutorials.Poor performance in homeworkThe first solution: do more background readingThe second solution: ask for help from the 8.Student ServiceThen the girl says she didnt wan
27、t to bother them, but the teacher says it is their duty. And the teacher wants to have a feedback to see whether the problems have been solved. So they make a appointment on 9.February 17th.But the teacher will not be here at that time, she should find the 10.Senior Advisorreflect the feedback.雅思听力S
28、ection Three场次20XX1020 20XX1014雅思听力题型填空6配对4内容概述讲的是两个学生讨论如何开展对老人的调查访问,他们的住址在哪里,然后是取得到他们的东西、让他们明白调查什么,一男一女要准备些什么填空61.名单和资料从phone book里找,Find the name list and materials from the phone book and then get the trust from the elderly people.2. For preparation:identify suitable topicsfor the participants.3.
29、Developtrustto get the acceptance of the manager.4.给老人们阐述课程purpose. Explain the purpose.5.Mayrecordthe process.6.Need to make afilm.配对4A: relative of student B: museumC: antique shop D: Participant E: internetF: market7.The first photo -D. participant8.The second photo -A. relative of the student9.T
30、he third is cloth -B. museum10.The forth store toy -F. internet caf雅思听力Section Four场次20XX0613 20XX0606 20XX06 20XX学科动物雅思听力题型填空6单选4内容概述蜜蜂用什么来navigation以及这个功能在人类身上的应用帮助盲人等,蜜蜂视觉和人类视觉单选41.The amazing part isC small brain(bees can fly smoothly even though they have very small brain)2.How do people distin
31、guish one bee form another?B color stripes( by looking for signs in different colors on bees body)3.Wings clingsB a sign applied to their bodies( the science stick a sign under wings)4.Choosewe can calculate the distance( we can know how far the bee can fly by knowing the time it flies)表格填空6( it tal
32、ks about the current problems and advantages of road detection)Current problemadvantages5 sticks have not enough warning(lack of enough warming)6 drivers can find instruments with the help of radar7urbanarea8thewayofflyingcanhelpus know distance and speed9 the Marsorthe earth(不确定)10 if there is wate
33、r 雅思听力Section Four场次20XX0410 20XX089 20XX0915学科科技雅思听力题型填空10内容概述有关bionomics仿生学的,人从自然和昆虫(蜘蛛)中获取技能。填空101.Arctic (Eskimo) people copy the hunting skill spider.2.silk which is stronger than steel.3.finer than human hair application4.environmentally friendlyequipmentfor fishing5.treat sports (athlete) inj
34、ures6.medical stitches: self-dissolving (removal)pain.7.Problem: noise of a trainOwl:artificial skill8.skatingboardsused by Olympic9.vibration on plane and end of a tunnel10.reduce the loss of energy雅思听力Section Four场次20XX013 20XX03 20XX017学科其他雅思听力题型填空10内容概述澳大利亚轮胎回收的流程1.the typical tire dealer may ge
35、nerate 6000 to 8000 waste tires per month2.there are companies recycle rubbers for profit3.recycled no limit no size of tire4.(5%) of the research has been completed5.wheel hub to be production of steel wires6.get rid of dirt segments and7.The rubber can be molded with plastic for products8.rubber-m
36、olded products are carpet padding or floor materials9.X.X is based on water and therefore environmentally friendly10.MSDS is an in kapplied to the thread of the tire as a visible colour雅思听力Section Four场次20XX109 20XX0105 20XX 20XX学科其他雅思听力题型填空10内容概述一个男生介绍如何做演讲1.演讲者会变得更紧张,people get more nervous if the
37、 speech is important2.The speech is not a gift天赋but can be learned by people.3.说记住你的audience will only remember the last thing you said4.确保你的演讲内容be well-organized5.Dont start your speech until audiencepay attention6.你可以把你的大意记在card或者you can make your notes on cards or a sheet of paper7.dont need to w
38、rite speech in full8.可以只写just one or two ideas9.记住要time yourself10.不要just read your talks雅思听力Section Four场次20XX031 20XX067 20XX0418 20XX0811 20XX1219 20XX学科自然环境雅思听力题型填空5单选5内容概述巴西国家土著公园,巴西热带雨林填空51.Map covers the areas of:9.000 hectares2.This rainforest is the: worlds biggest national park3.Cooperatio
39、n from: government; scientist and help from local Indian tribes4.They applied the GPRS data, local knowledge and aerial photographs5.Some places are unmarked; besides forest, the plants used for medicine单选56.this map outcome will be the first and most important step in:C. protect the local and world
40、 forest land7.another result can be:A. develop community8.map can be used to educate them:B. local history9.The problem when making the map:A. language barriers10.Finally the most important success is:C. we won local peoples contribution2018年7月21日场雅思听力机经预测场次20XX031 20XX0811场景旅游咨询题型填空10内容概述男士想去新西兰南部度
41、假,向一机构咨询travel的事情1. tour type:grouptrip/self-drive2. maximum days stay:133. month:NovemberPersonalinformation:4. Address:Liberty5.选择机构最后选了Adventure Note: No problems required关于trip具体内容的选择:6.参与这次旅行不需要visa7.出海sail可看到:dolphins and whales8. offer free pick at the airport to hotel9. extra travel please i
42、nform in: at the End/beginningof holiday雅思听力Section One场次20XX1008 20XX059 20XX0207场景健身咨询题型填空7,选择3内容概述女士打电话咨询关于健身房的信息填空7:1.women2.health check3.every 6 weeks3.yoga4.program5.yoga6.caf7.massage单选38. A Gold Membership off-peak:in the evenings of weekdays9. A Silver membership has to pay extra $5:every
43、time using the club10. B Gold membership:$57 per month(Join fee was $500 but this weekend is $50)雅思听力Section One场次20XX092场景俱乐部咨询题型填空10内容概述退休男士咨询业余戏剧社1. Address: theclubhouse (排练场所)2. No experience required, but especially want actors andmalesingers(招男歌手)3. Really need someone who candrive4. Meeting opens at 6 8 pm, everyTuesday5. Close time:August(每年这个时候休息