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1、托福阅读遭遇文章有术语词汇怎么办? 托福阅读遭遇*有术语词汇怎么办?备考需提前了解这3类热点话题专用词,给大家带来了备考需提前了解这3类热点话题专用词,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读遭遇*有术语词汇怎么办?备考需提前了解这3类热点话题专用词提升托福阅读词汇要按照话题频率虽然托福阅读*选材类型众多,但其中大部分*的阅读难度还是比较低的,而生词出现较为集中的*也有迹可循。考生只要重点准备一些应对这类话题的词汇,在看来就能较为有效地解决阅读考试中遇到生词的问题。当然,对于学术性很强的专业词汇,一方面大家在记忆时也不用像记住其他核心词汇那样深度背诵,只要能够确保基本的辨识

2、就可以了;另一方面如果词汇专业性太强,托福*本身也会给出解释,一般以同位语形式直接紧跟在生词之后,或者以比较明显的方式在同段落的其它位置提供说明。所以,大家只需要适当记忆一些常见生词话题的术语词汇就可以了。托福阅读3大话题常见词汇汇总分析那么,托福阅读哪些话题的*比较容易出现较多生词需要考生记忆呢?总结下来主要有这3类:1. 气候生态环境类话题这类话题因为如今见诸报端较多,涉及到濒危动物保护或者环境问题,所以是托福阅读话题中的常客,考生经常可以在做各类练习真题以及考试中遇到。而这个话题对应的词汇,比如unpredictable无法预测的,range幅度,extinction灭绝,endange

3、red濒危,tropical热带,jungle丛林,equatorial赤道等等,大家都需要有所了解,收集好相关词汇。2. 人类历史及考古学话题这个话题最近几年也颇为受到托福考试 的话题,选取自这个话题的托福阅读*层出不穷。特别是涉及到历史的话题,具体*内容实在太多,比如人类文化变迁,古代人类生活习惯等等。而一旦出现这种话题,很多相关词汇也常会让考生觉得头疼,毕竟对这类话题感兴趣的同学实在算不上多。这些词汇请大家适当了解一下:relics遗迹,remains遗迹,mausoleum陵墓,handicraft工艺品,territorial领土,civilization文明。3. 地理天文学话题这

4、个话题因为比较生僻,一直以来都被托福考试拿来作为为难考生性质的*。这类*即使是看中文也往往很难理解,因此考生的答题正确率和完成度都是明显比较低的。有鉴于此,希望大家能够重点积累话题相关的词汇,以提升对*的理解能力。常见词汇有:volcano火山,layer 岩层,karst喀斯特地形,permeable可渗透,meteo陨石,asteroid小行星等等。对于以上这些话题相关的词汇,建议大家能够重点准备。假如在备考中遇到涉及这些话题的*,也希望大家能够认真研究看懂,特别是其中出现的一些词汇需要收集以后做简单记忆,如此才能确保在托福考试中不会因为遇到陌生话题的*而影响理解和解题。托福阅读高难度*长

5、难句实例解析:岩石艺术研究人员的描述术语托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The frequency with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive termthe Panaramitee stylea label which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North indesert South Australi

6、a, which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.词汇讲解:motif /m?ti?f/ n. 装饰的图案或式样;(音乐的)乐旨,(文学的)主题.term n. 术语peck /pek/ v. 鸟以喙啄结构划分:The frequency (with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites) has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive termthe Panaramitee stylealabel

7、(which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North in desertSouth Australia),(which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.)深度分析:这个句子的主干:The frequency has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive term注意这里的lead.to短语修饰一:(with which certain simple motifs appear

8、 in these oldest sites) ,从句,修饰the frequency中文:一些简单图案出现在这些最古老遗址上修饰二:(which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia) ,从句修饰a label,注意这个从句里面还有两个介词短语:which takes its name (from the extensive rock pavements)(at Panaramitee North in desert South Austr

9、alia)(from the extensive rock pavements) ,来自宽广的岩石路面(at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia),在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North中文:取名于在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North宽广的岩石路面修饰三:(which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.) ,从句,修饰rock pavements,注意这个从句里面还有个非谓语动词:which are covered with motifs (pecke

10、d into the surface.)(pecked into the surface.),刻进路面中文:这些路面被刻进表面的图案所覆盖参考翻译:一些简单图案出现在这些最古老遗址上的频率使得岩石艺术研究人员采用了一个描述性的术语Panaramitee风格这个称号取名于在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North宽广的岩石路面,这些路面被刻进表面的图案所覆盖。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:暗箱设备产生图像的方式托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The images produced by the camera obscura, a boxlike device that use

11、d a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper,were already familiarthe device had been much employed by topographical artists like the Italian painter Canaletto in his detail ed views of the city of Venice.词汇讲解:camera obscura n. 暗箱pinhole n. 小孔,针孔topograp

12、hical /?t?p?r?fik?l/ adj. 地形上的,地形学的结构划分:The images (produced by the camera obscura), (a boxlike device) (that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper), were already familiarthe device had been much employed (bytopographical artists) (like the Ita

13、lian painter Canaletto) (in his detailed views of the city of Venice).深度分析:这个句子的主干就是The images were already familiar本句中的断句请特别注意一下,主语和谓语被非谓语动词以及从句隔开了。修饰一:(produced by the camera obscura) ,非谓语动词,修饰the images中文:由暗箱所产生的修饰二:(a boxlike device) ,同位语中文:盒装设备修饰三:(that used a pinhole or lens to throw an image

14、onto a ground-glass screen or a piece of white paper) ,从句,修饰a boxlike device)中文:用一个小孔或透镜把一张图像投射到一块毛玻璃或一张纸上修饰四:(by topographical artists) ,介词短语中文:通过地形艺术家修饰五:(like the Italian painter Canaletto),介词短语中文:像意大利画家Canaletto修饰六:(in his detailed views of the city of Venice),介词短语中文:在详细呈现威尼斯风景时参考翻译:由暗箱(一种盒装设备,用

15、一个小孔或透镜把一张图像投射到一块毛玻璃或一张纸上)所产生的图像已经很熟悉了这种设备已经被地形艺术家使用,例如意大利画家Canaletto在详细呈现威尼斯风景时使用了这种设备。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:全新快拍摄影证实科学结果托福阅读100个长难句实例分析原句案例:The new candid photographyunposed pictures that were made when the subjects were unaware that their pictures were being takenconfirmed these scientific results, and

16、 at the same time, thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images that the camera often imposed, suggested new compositional formats.词汇讲解:candid photography n. 快拍摄影subject n. 对象radical /r?d?kl/ adj. 根本的,基本的,彻底的crop v. 剪短impose /?mp?z/ v. 将某事物强加於compositional adj. 组成的结构划分:The new candid photogra

17、phy(unposed pictures) (that were made) (when the subjects were unaware) (that their pictures were being taken)confirmed these scientific results, and (at the same time), (thanks to the radical cropping (trimming) of images)(that the camera often imposed), suggested new compositional formats.深度分析:这个句

18、子主干:The new candid photography confirmed these scientific results and suggested new compositional formats.修饰一:(unposed pictures) ,非谓语动词,修饰The new candid photography中文:没有摆拍的照片修饰二:(that were made) ,从句,修饰unposed pictures中文:被拍修饰三:(when the subjects were unaware) ,从句中文:当对象没有意识到修饰四:(that their pictures we

19、re beingtaken),从句中文:他们正在被拍修饰五:(at the same time) ,介词短语中文:同时修饰六:(thanks to the radical cropping(trimming) of images) ,介词短语中文:由于对于图像彻底的裁剪修饰七:(that the camera often imposed) ,从句中文:相机经常自带有参考翻译:这种新的快拍摄影在对象没有意识到他们正在被拍时,没有摆拍的照片证实了这些科学结果,与此同时,由于相机经常自带对于图像彻底的裁剪,表明了新的构图方式。托福阅读高难度*长难句实例解析:人的思维形成认知流动性托福阅读100个长难

20、句实例分析原句案例:It is archaeologist Steven Mithens thesis, brilliantly developed in his book The Prehistory of the Mind (1996), that approximately 40,000 years ago the human mind developed cognitive fluidity, that is, the integration of the specializations of the mind: technical, natural history (geared t

21、o understanding the behavior and distribution of natural resources), social intelligence, and the linguistic capacity.词汇讲解:archaeologist /?:ki?l?d?ist/ n. 考古学家cognitive /?k?nitiv/ adj. 认知的fluidity /flu:id?ti/ n. 流动性integration /?nt?gre?(?)n/ n. 整合,熔合gear /g?/ v. 调整,适用于结构划分:It is archaeologist Steven

22、 Mithens thesis, (brilliantly developed in his book The Prehistory of the Mind (1996), (that approximately 40,000 years ago the human mind developed cognitive fluidity), (that is), (the integration of the specializations of the mind: technical, natural history (geared to understanding the behavior a

23、nd distribution of natural resources), social intelligence, and the linguistic capacity. )深度分析:这个句子的主干就是It is archaeologist Steven Mithens thesis+后面的同位语从句,断句要注意,中间被非谓语动词 (brilliantly developed in his book The Prehistory of the Mind (1996)隔开了修饰一:(brilliantly developed in his bookThe Prehistory of the

24、 Mind (1996) ,非谓语动词,修饰thesis中文:在他的书The Prehistory of the Mind(1996)中完美形成修饰二:(that approximately 40,000 years ago the human mind developed cognitive fluidity) ,从句,解释thesis中文:大约四万年前,人的思维形成了认知流动性修饰三:(that is) ,插入语中文:那就是修饰四:(the integration of the specializations of the mind: technical, natural history

25、(geared to understanding the behavior and distribution of natural resources), social intelligence, and the linguistic capacity. ) ,同位语,解释cognitive fluidity。其中还有一个非谓语动词(geared to understanding the behavior and distribution of natural resources),修饰history中文:即思想专业化的融合:技术、自然历史(用于去理解自然资源的运转和分配)、社会智力以及语言能力。参考翻译:考古学家Steven Mithen的命题这在他的书The Prehistory of the Mind(1996)中完美形成认为:大约四万年前,人的思维形成了认知流动性,即思想专业化的融合:技术、自然历史(用于去理解自然资源的运转和分配)、社会智力以及语言能力。


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