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1、托福阅读解题需学会看逻辑提示词 托福阅读解题需学会看“脸色”,这些逻辑提示词不可不知。今天给大家带来托福阅读解题需学会看“脸色,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读解题需学会看“脸色” 这些逻辑提示词不可不知托福阅读逻辑提示词是什么?今天来聊聊托福阅读。不知大家是否细心留意过一些频繁出现在段落中的“提示词”。通过这些“提示词”,可以判断出句与句之间的关联,帮助洞悉段落的发展线索。不仅可以加快阅读的速度,更能提高阅读的效率。下面就来了解一下这五种提示词吧。托福阅读逻辑提示词类型:信息相同and, moreover, furthermore, whats more, in

2、addition, that, then, also, and also, else, likewise.当大家看到这些提示词的时候,需要意识到句子前后的关系是并列、相近、或更进一步的,此时阅读速度无需减慢。托福阅读逻辑提示词类型:因果关系because, for, for this reason, so, as, since, by virtue of, due to, owing to, therefore, consequently, as a consequence, thus, hence.当大家看到这些提示词的时候,需要正确认识到句子间的因果关系。托福阅读逻辑提示词类型:叙述顺序f

3、irst, second, third, then, finally, to begin with, first of all, in the first place, and so on, last, next, above all, last but not the least, after, before, afterward.掌握好这些提示词,就能把握住作者的叙述顺序,理清每一个论据。托福阅读逻辑提示词类型:思路转折although, even though, however, but, on the contrary, in spite of, despite, otherwise,

4、 nevertheless, yet.看到这些提示词,就表明出现了完全不同信息的迹象。在阅读时,要格外注意,一旦出现这些词,就需要放慢阅读的速度,从而透彻地理解作者的意图。托福阅读逻辑提示词类型:总结归纳as a result, finally, in short, in conclusion, in a nutshell, in brief, in a word, to summarize, on the whole.托福阅读长难句实战向分析演练:The Independent Television.托福阅读长难句实例The Independent Television Commission

5、, regulator of television advertising in the United Kingdom, has criticized advertisers for misleadingness creating a wrong impression either intentionally or unintentionallyin an effort to control advertisers use of techniques that make it difficult for children to judge the true size, action, perf

6、ormance, or construction of a toy.句子分析本句主干部分的谓语动词是.has criticized.,主语是The Independent Television Commission,而regulator of .则作为同位语,是对主语的补充说明。破折号之间的creating a wrong impression.是现在分词作后置定语,修饰前面的misleadingness。最后that引导的定语从句,修饰前面的techniques。单词回顾regulator这里表示“监管机构”。criticize sb. for sth. 指“为了某事批评某人”,比如:He

7、criticized me for not finishing the work in time. 他因我未及时完成工作而批评我。intentionally表示“有意地”,名词为intention。in an effort to表示“努力想”,类似effort的用法,还有make every effort 表示“尽一切努力”,spare no effort表示“不遗余力”。句子翻译监管英国电视广告的独立电视委员会批评广告商们的误导行为有意或无意地给人创造了一种错误印象,委员会还努力控制广告商们利用技巧,因为通过技巧处理之后的广告会使得儿童很难判断玩具的真实尺寸、功能、 性能和构造。托福阅读长难

8、句实战向分析演练:The explanation is that.托福阅读长难句实例The explanation is that the Maya excavated depressions, or modified natural depressions, and then plugged up leaks in the karst by plastering the bottoms of the depressions in order to create reservoirs, which collected rain from large plastered catchment ba

9、sins and stored it for use in the dry season.句子分析本句主要是在做解释,这个解释是通过is之后that引导的表语从句来展开。在这个从句中有多个谓语动词并列出现,分别是:excavated, modified, plugged up,这些动作的实施都是为了in order to后面表达的目的,即create reservoirs,最后which引导的非限定性定语从句,修饰前面的名词reservoirs。这句话句简题的正确答案应该是选项A. Southern Maya populations obtained the water they needed

10、 for the dry season by collecting and storing rainwater in sealed depressions. (玛雅南部地区的居民通过堵住缝隙的低地来收集和储存雨水,以备旱季之用。)我们来看看其他几个错误答案的原因:选项B. The Maya are credited with creating methods for modifying natural rainwater and storing it. 其中的modifying natural rainwater是原句所没有提到的;选项C. Leaks in the karst caused

11、difficulties in the creation of reservoirs, which were needed to store water for the dry season. 其中leaks in the karst这个问题在原句中已经通过涂上灰泥得到了解决,所以不存在困难;选项D. Southern Mayans were more successful at collecting rain than storing it during dry seasons. 其中more successful的比较在原句中没有提到。单词回顾depression本意是“沮丧;萧条”,在这

12、里表示“低地”。excavate depressions指的是“挖掘低地”。modify本意是“修改”,在这里说的是“改造自然的低地”。plug up leaks指的是“堵住漏水的地方”。karst是大家所熟悉的一种地貌,叫“喀斯特地貌”,具有溶蚀力的水对可溶性岩石(大多为石灰岩)进行溶蚀等作用所形成的地貌。catchment basins指的是“集水盆地”。plaster作名词,表示“石膏“,作动词,表示”涂以灰泥” ,比如:His broken leg was encased in plaster. 他骨折的腿被打上了石膏。句子翻译有一种解释是玛雅人挖掘或者改造自然的低地,然后通过在低地底

13、部涂上灰泥来堵住喀斯特地貌所造成的漏水地方,这样做可以建立水库,而这些水库可以收集来自抹了灰泥的大型集水盆地的雨水并储存起来,以备旱季所用。托福阅读长难句实战向分析演练:Fladmarks hypothesis received.托福阅读长难句实例Fladmarks hypothesis received additional support from the fact that the greatest diversity in native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americas, suggesting

14、that this region has been settled the longest.句子分析本句的主句应该是Fladmarks hypothesis received additional support from the fact,然后that引导的是同位语从句,进一步解释说明前面的the fact。最后suggesting that.是现在分词结构,也引导宾语从句,这里意思是“表明”。解题思路本句句简题的答案应该是C. The fact that the greatest diversity of Native American languages occurs along the west coast of the Americans lends strength to Fradmarks hypothesis.(在西海岸美洲原住民语言的最大多样性强化了弗莱德马克的假设。)句子翻译美洲西海岸地区最多样的原住民语言的存在表明了这个地区是美洲定居时间最早的,这一事实给弗莱德马克的假设提供了进一步的证据支持。托福阅读解题需学会看逻辑提示词


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