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1、雅思大作文写作范文整合 今天和同学们来分享一下雅思大作文范文,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思大作文写作范文小班教学VS大班教学,你更赞成哪个?题目:Some people think language class should be taught in small class, others think the number of students doesnt matter. Do you agree or disagree?小班教学VS大班教学,你更赞成哪个?范文:There has been a long debate about whether student

2、 should be grouped in a small size class when they are learning language. Some people support that small class seems better for language education while others disagree that the number of people is a key factor of language learning. I side with the former view as it is more reasonable.关于学生在学习语言时是否应该

3、分组到一个小班级里,存在着长期的争论。一些人支持小班似乎更有利于语言教育,而另一些人不同意人数是语言学习的一个关键因素。我同意前一种观点,因为它更合理。As we know, in a small class, usually less than six students, teachers can adjust materials and teaching methods more easily according to students aptitude and need. For example, different students have different weaknesses

4、in terms of English learning. Some students want to know how to build a big vocabulary but others may feel confused about the grammar. In this case, teachers in small class can control their teaching paces to ensure every student can improve their English level. Moreover, small class grouping is bas

5、ed on students similar abilities; therefore, these students are more likely to enjoy a common topic of conversation. By exchanging knowledge , they can make more progress toward their language setting.我们知道,在一个小班,通常少于6个学生,教师可以更容易地调整材料和教学方法,根据学生的能力和需要。例如,不同的学生在英语学习方面有不同的弱点。一些学生想知道如何建立一个大的词汇量,但其他人可能对语法

6、感到困惑。在这种情况下,小班教师可以控制他们的教学步伐,以确保每个学生都能提高他们的英语水平。此外,小班分组是基于学生的相似能力;因此,这些学生更有可能喜欢一个共同的话题。通过交换知识,他们可以在语言设置方面取得更大的进步。For those students with great drive, they can learn well no matter how many people in a class. However, most students will reduce their learning efficiency in a big class. This is because

7、in a big class, students who lack confidence will seldom talk in front of others when they are learning a new language. Besides, teachers will consider more about the class atmosphere instead of students personal practical need since they are more like to give a presentation in a big class.对于那些有上进心的

8、学生,不管一个班级有多少人,他们都能学得很好。然而,大多数学生会在一个大课堂上降低他们的学习效率。这是因为在一个大课堂上,缺乏自信的学生在学习一门新语言时很少在别人面前讲话。此外,老师会更多地考虑课堂气氛,而不是学生的个人实际需要,因为他们更喜欢在大课堂上做演讲。In my opinion, the number of students in one class is an influential factor to language learning. Students can get more chance to communicate with teachers and peers in

9、 their target language.在我看来,一个班级的学生人数是影响语言学习的一个因素。学生可以有更多的机会与老师和同龄人用他们的目标语言交流。雅思大作文写作范文你赞成商超禁止出售任何对人健康有害的食品吗?题目:Shops should not be allowed to sell any food and drinks which are proved to be scientifically harmful for peoples health. Do you agree or disagree?你赞成商超禁止出售任何对人健康有害的食品吗?范文:As the concern f

10、or health is growing, the food safety issues have triggered many debates in recent decades. Some people put an argument that shops are not permitted to sell any harmful food forward. I disagree with this opinion and will give supporting ideas from two (shop and food) aspects.随着人们对健康的关注越来越多,近几十年来食品安全

11、问题引发了许多争论。一些人认为商店不允许出售任何有害食品。我不同意这个观点,我会从两个方面(商店和食物)给出我的论据。To shops, it is a reasonable right that big stores can sell any legal commodities, including those foods which are harmful to peoples health. The act of purchasing and selling is a business activity, which is irrelevant to public health and

12、business responsibilities. Shops do not need to take the consequences for customers personal choice since everybody is free to choose what they want to eat and drink. Besides, some recognized bad foods are truly quite popular among the public; therefore, shops will lose considerable economic benefit

13、s if they stop selling these goods. These bad foods with low nutritional valuer like processed food and canned drinks are usually taste good because the producer often add different kinds of addictives to these foods and drinks in order to enhance their flavors. Also, some processed foods are even r

14、egarded traditional food that people will have almost every day, pickle is a telling example. In addition, because of the lower price, some food like genetically modified products are attractive to general public, despite the fact that they may undermine peoples health.对于商店来说,大商店可以出售任何合法的商品,包括那些对人们健

15、康有害的食品,这是一个合理的权利。买卖行为是一种与公共卫生和商业责任无关的商业活动。商店不需要为顾客的个人选择承担后果,因为每个人都可以自由选择他们想要的食物和饮料。此外,一些公认的坏食品确实很受公众欢迎;因此,如果商店停止销售这些商品,将会失去可观的经济利益。这些低营养价值的劣质食品,如加工食品和罐装饮料,通常味道很好,因为生产商经常在这些食品和饮料中添加不同种类的添加剂,以增强其风味。此外,一些加工食品甚至被认为是人们几乎每天都会吃的传统食品,泡菜就是一个很好的例子。此外,由于价格较低,一些食品,如转基因产品,虽然可能会损害人们的健康,但对一般公众有吸引力。In conclusion, i

16、t is unnecessary for shops to stop selling any harmful foods and drinks, not only because they have right to choose foods and drinks to sell but also because they will suffer huge financial loss from doing this.总之,商店没有必要停止出售任何有害的食品和饮料,不仅因为他们有权选择出售的食品和饮料,而且因为这样做他们将遭受巨大的经济损失。雅思大作文写作范文你认为美术课程应该强制纳入高中必修

17、课程吗?题目:Some people think painting and drawings are as important as other subjects, they should be compulsory in high school education. What do you think?你认为美术课程应该强制纳入高中必修课程吗?范文:This debate reminds me a story,a group of Chinese students visited America,during the process of communication activity,Ame

18、rican students invited Chinese peers to play musical instrument together,yet,what a pity is that almost nobody is well-versed in art performance .Virtually,many educators and parents have been pondering,for years,the connotation of perfect education. As I see it,only imparting career-oriented knowle

19、dge leaves much to be desired,therefore, it is of necessity to include painting and drawings as compulsory part of high school curriculum.这场辩论让我想起了一个故事,一群中国学生访问美国,在沟通的过程中活动,美国学生邀请中国的同龄人一起玩乐器,然而,遗憾的是,几乎没有人是精通艺术表现.事实上,许多教育者和父母一直在思考,多年来,完美的教育的内涵。在我看来,只传授就业导向型知识亟待改变,因此,它是必要的,包括绘画和素描作为高中课程的必修课。I first tu

20、rn to the chief aim of education to justify my viewpoint. An ideal education should entail helping youngsters realize comprehensive development and cultivating their manifold talents. Academic education is important,however,art-related courses are equally indispensable because the popularity of art

21、courses could,to large extent, mould ones temperament,enhance ones art accomplishment,instill confidence into ones heart. Also,a number of students are now over-burdened with exam-oriented and exercise-stuffed education,they,sometimes,feel fed up with school life,thereby,studying art course can be c

22、onsidered as an effective stress-reducer, which helps students to brave academic challenges energetically. Last, knowledge is not a burden, a man of many parts should never confine himself to job-related knowledge. Instead, one is expected to become more versatile via developing various capabilities

23、.我首先谈教育的主要目的来证明我的观点。理想的教育应该是帮助青少年实现全面发展,培养多方面的人才。学术教育是重要的,然而,许多课程都是不可或缺的,因为艺术课程的流行,很大程度上,塑造一个人的气质,提升艺术修养,增强信心的心。同时,现在很多学生负担过重和应试题海教育,他们有时感到厌倦了学校生活,因此,学习艺术课程可以被认为是一个有效的应激,这有助于学生积极勇敢的学术挑战。最后,知识不是负担,一个多才多艺的人不应该局限于工作相关的知识。相反,人们期望通过开发各种功能使其变得更加通用。Some others might take a skeptical attitude towards my sta

24、nd. Those who believe that it is probably a hasty decision to introduce pairings or drawings to the curriculum of school education might argue that this practice is more likely to interfere with students study of main courses and occupy a lot of precious time. Meanwhile,some people might contend tha

25、t art-related courses bear little relevance to ones future job-seeking. What I want to refute,however,is that this utilitarian mentality will inevitably hinder ones all-round development and deprive students of enjoyment brought about by art learning.有些人可能对我的立场持怀疑态度。有些人认为在学校教育课程中引入配对或绘图可能是草率的决定,他们可能

26、会辩称,这种做法更有可能干扰学生学习主干课程,占用大量宝贵时间。与此同时,有些人可能会认为艺术相关课程承担未来的求职关系不大。我想反驳,但是,这个功利的心态必然会阻碍一个人的全面发展和剥夺学生的艺术学习所带来的乐趣。To conclude, the introduction of art-related courses into high school education enjoys glaring merits to tap the students many capabilities, hence, I re-affirm my conviction that it is advisab

27、le and feasible to encourage those who in the formative years to acquire paintings and drawings.综上所述,在高中教育中引入与艺术相关的课程有很多优点,可以充分发挥学生的多种能力。因此,我重申我的信念,鼓励那些在成长阶段学习绘画的人学习绘画是明智和可行的。雅思大作文写作范文政府资助教育这一行为,你认为利与弊哪个更大?题目:Childrens education is expensive. In some countries, the government pay some of or all of t

28、he costs. Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?政府资助教育这一行为,你认为利与弊哪个更大?范文:In an era of knowledge-based economy, education for all is a valued concept. The impacts of government funding on childrens education have aroused widespread controversy. As far as I am concerned, potential benefits of t

29、his initiative overshadow its perceived drawbacks.在知识经济时代,全民教育是一种价值观念。政府资助对儿童教育的影响引起了广泛的争议。在我看来,这一倡议的潜在好处掩盖了其明显的缺点。Admittedly, there may be challenges if governments offer to pay for all childrens educational expenses. For one thing, taking full responsibility for next generations education is likel

30、y to incur an enormous financial burden for governments. In other words, governments are accountable for not only education but other public services, such as public transport, health care, and so forth. For another, it is also possible that some parents will take advantage of this policy. To be spe

31、cific, people who are not morally aware may take it for granted and refuse to contribute to their sons and daughters future development, thus failing to play their roles in parenting.无可否认,如果政府愿意支付所有孩子的教育费用,可能会有挑战。首先,为下一代的教育承担全部责任可能会给政府带来巨大的财政负担。换句话说,政府不仅要对教育负责,还要对其他公共服务负责,比如公共交通、医疗保健等等。另一方面,也有可能一些家长

32、会利用这一政策。具体来说,没有道德意识的人可能会认为这是理所当然的,拒绝为子女的未来发展做贡献,从而无法在养育子女方面发挥自己的作用。Nevertheless, governments engagement in childrens education brings more profoundly positive impacts.然而,政府对儿童教育的参与带来了更深刻的积极影响。First and foremost, providing education for children regardless of their races and ethnicities can effective

33、ly foster educational equality. For instance, in many underdeveloped areas of the world, multitudes of parents have to work overtime in order to pay mounting bills. In this regard, if governments share some of childrens tuition fees and accommodation fees, this will be a real blessing for families t

34、hat are economically disadvantaged.首先,为不分种族和民族的儿童提供教育可以有效地促进教育平等。例如,在世界上许多不发达地区,许多父母不得不加班以支付越来越多的账单。在这方面,如果政府分担一些孩子的学费和住宿费,这对那些经济上处于不利地位的家庭来说将是一件好事。Moreover, under no circumstances should authorities downplay and neglect childrens education. A convincing example is No Child Left Behind Act in the Un

35、ited States. By investing a considerable amount of money in supporting elementary and secondary education, American government will, in a long term, promote overall social development and well-being of its people.此外,在任何情况下,当局都不应该轻视和忽视儿童的教育。美国的不让一个孩子掉队法就是一个令人信服的例子。通过投入大量资金支持初等和中等教育,美国政府将在长期内促进其人民的全面社

36、会发展和福祉。In brief, childrens education deserves financial support from governments. Meanwhile, it should be borne in mind that educating the next generation is a shared obligation for governments as well as individuals.总之,儿童教育应该得到政府的财政支持。同时,应该铭记教育下一代是政府和个人共同的义务。雅思大作文写作范文在家办公学习的利与弊题目:With computers and

37、 Internet, people can study and work without going to school or company.Do the advantages outweigh its disadvantages?在家办公学习的利与弊范文:I personally believe it is not necessarily bliss for people to study and work wherever they wish rather than in schools or companies.我个人认为,人们更应该在任何他们想去的地方学习和工作,而不是只在学校或公司

38、。It is understandable why some people are overwhelmed by the possibility that they can free themselves from commuting every day, sustaining themselves simply by clicking the mouse or touching the screen. They are exhilarated by the hallucination that they were longer to toil and could fully savor th

39、e comfortable life brought by technology. Nonetheless, the reality shows a different picture and such a lifestyle could also bring thorny problems.这是可以理解的,为什么有些人被这样一种可能性压垮了,他们可以从每天的通勤中解放出来,仅仅通过点击鼠标或触摸屏幕来维持自己的生活。他们感到兴奋的是,他们的工作时间更长,可以充分享受科技带来的舒适生活。然而,现实显示了一幅不同的画面,这样的生活方式也会带来棘手的问题。Firstly, students and

40、 employees may feel physically unbound to study or work, yet the almighty technology could actually increase their work pressure and make them become tethered around tasks without much rest. This is typically ture for office workers. In the past, many of them has a fixed schedule each day, which was

41、 usually terminated when they clock out. With technologies such as email and mobile phone, however, managers are endowed with the ability to find employees whenever they like: consequently, people will gradually realize that they can hardly distinguish their life from work. Some employees, for insta

42、nce, are called to attend video meetings even when they are on vocation.首先,学生和员工可能会觉得身体上不受学习或工作的束缚,但全能的技术实际上会增加他们的工作压力,让他们在没有太多休息的情况下被任务束缚。这对于上班族来说是很典型的。在过去,他们中的许多人每天都有一个固定的时间表,通常在他们打卡下班的时候就终止了。然而,随着电子邮件和手机等技术的出现,经理们被赋予了随时随地寻找员工的能力:因此,人们会逐渐意识到他们很难区分自己的生活和工作。例如,有些员工甚至在休假时也会被叫去参加视频会议。Furthermore, the

43、equality of peoples study and work under such circumstances should be questioned. For instance, acquiring information and knowledge never equals receiving education. In this age when young people are constantly bombarded by myriad sources of knowledge like on-line courses and electronic gadgets cont

44、aining lessons by top teachers, instructing students how to learn and providing a learning environment where they could interact and collaborate with others are increasingly indispensable. Without being supervised properly, few teenagers could be self-disciplined enough to concentrate on study. For

45、workers, lack of face to face communication is quite likely to undermine their creativity. There is mounting evidence that most brilliant ideas spring up when people pf similar fields are placed together.此外,在这种情况下人们的学习和工作的平等应该受到质疑。例如,获取信息和知识从来不等于接受教育。在这个年轻人不断受到无数知识*的轰炸的时代,像在线课程和电子设备,包含了顶级教师的课程,指导学生如

46、何学习,提供一个学习环境,他们可以与他人互动和合作越来越不可或缺。没有适当的监督,很少有青少年能够自律到能够专心学习。对于员工来说,缺乏面对面的交流很可能会削弱他们的创造力。越来越多的证据表明,当人们把相似的领域放在一起时,最聪明的想法就会涌现出来。Finally, given that people are not urged to travel between home and company or school, most of them will reduce the chance of doing “voluntary exercise”-unconscious sport like

47、 jogging to bus station or riding bicycle, which will gradually raise their likelihood of suffering from health problems like obesity and high blood pressure.最后,鉴于人们不在穿梭于公司或学校和家之间,他们中的大多数将减少的可能性做“自愿运动”无意识的运动喜欢慢跑汽车站或骑自行车,它会逐渐提高的可能性患有健康问题,例如肥胖和高血压。In conclusion, some people may celebrate the comfort a

48、nd efficiency brought by advanced technology, yet I tend to subscribe to the view that it bring more challenges including balance between work and life, degrade quality of study and work as well as deteriorating health. Overall, I believe it is a negative development.综上所述,有些人可能会称赞先进技术带来的舒适和效率,但我倾向于认为它带来了更多的挑战,包括工作和生活的平衡,学习和工作质量的下降以及健康状况的恶化。总的来说,我认为这是一个消极的发展。雅思大作文写作范文整合


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