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1、雅思考试经验:写作突破6.5分技巧 雅思今天为同学们介绍一个小烤鸭的考试经验。在*中她客观分析了自己的不足,针对性训练使自己的雅思写作在两周内突破6.5分。下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思考试经验:写作突破6.5分技巧1. 我在上写作培训班之前句型转换之间只能靠简单的连接词生硬的链接,无法做到无形的逻辑关系表达。通过写作老师上课的句型、逻辑以及语法的讲解,和辅导老师课下的词汇辅导,对我重新打开思路,起到了很大的帮助。我的重要建议是大作文中一定要多靠各种状语从句如表达原因,表达让步和表达目的等逻辑关系来代替机械的连接过渡词;2. 想要雅思写作提高,需要做大量的练习。在上培训班的时候,我尽量做

2、到每天一篇作文,坚持练习了半个月。临考前,利用一些网上的作文预测题做了很多写作逻辑思路的练习,做到遇到题目能迅速想到如何组织观点与语言,逻辑上尽量做到层层递进;3. 平时在练习写作过程中,要注意把老师上课讲过的词汇句型尽量多应用到*里,做到学以致用。通过反复的练习这些句型与词汇,自己就能总结出一套自己写作习惯的模板,在考场上才能避免拖延时间;4. 雅思小作文在写作分数里虽占比重不大,但是对能否拿到7分很关键。小作文平时要多背固定句型,同时多练习,把背的句型应用到自己的写作中来。小作文要从线形图入手,因为线形图练熟以后会发现饼、柱、表都是和线形图相类似的写法,包括语言、词汇、信息的采集;5. 在

3、课程结束的备考时间里,一定要每周练习2-3篇大作文并积极检查和改进作文中的问题。主要按照: .否有三大从句 .型结构多不多样 .有没有中心句 .搭配得不得当 和单复数 .有双谓语这几个要点反复查阅和修改。雅思大作文:children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games雅思大作文题目:Nowadays, children spend too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Some people believe this has negative

4、effects on childrens mental abilities. To what extent do you agree or disagree?作文范文:TV and computers have been indispensable devices in every family during the modernization. Unexpectedly, kids are familiar with all of them and regard the electronic technologies as a main way of entertainment. And n

5、o one can deny that the benefits brought by these are meaningful for the development of childrens mental development.Watching TV and playing computer game are the major method for most students to have fun in the spare time, which would relax them easily with the convenient access in every home; wit

6、h the increasing stress becomes a necessary part in different phrases of school, students in all ages who are under huge pressure need to figure out an efficient way to refresh themselves in the limited free time, which can help them concentrate on later study and be healthy for their brains. As a r

7、esult, considering the characters of TV programs and computer games, like low price and diversity, parents and schools can rely on them. Besides, TV programs and computer games with the support of new technologies have involved intelligent and inspiring design; children exposed in these technologies

8、 can cultivate thinking habits and explore their potential, which is essential and positive in the mental development.Unfortunately, spending too much time on both TV and computer can be harmful definitely. There is a lot of meaningless information from TV, even including nasty or violet plots, by w

9、hich childrens mind can be affected. At the same time, some computer games are not suitable for kids, so that they can learn nothing but just waste energy, not even mentioning practice their thoughts. However, the essential supervision and guidance from parents and teacher can contribute to the effe

10、ctiveness of using TV and computers in developing the mind and reduce the negative impacts.In conclusion, the disadvantages cannot cover the benefits of TV and computers, and the worry would not be serious, if people put them into good use with right instructions, combining the strict policy from th

11、e government.雅思大作文:technologies have changed the way children spend their free time雅思大作文题目:New technologies have changed the way children spend their free time. Do you think the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?作文范文:As the advent of technology, the era has been converted into an intelligent and

12、 virtual one. The trend influences many walks of life of children who have been getting used to the life with various electronic devices. However, the impacts and consequences of using technologies in kids spare time are considered cautiously.Gradually, there is no doubt that the new technology, esp

13、ecially like VR games and high-tech devices, becomes a significant entertaining method which most parents can afford and be willing to buy for their children, owning to the multi-functional, and stimulating character, which could inspire or even motivate the youth to think and create better than the

14、 traditional ways, cultivating good studying habits to prepare further education; beside, it is also an effective approach to know how the new technology would change the world. Additionally, almost all the students now are under the tremendous pressure brought by family and school; thus, if they ha

15、ve the opportunity to have access to the new technology, they would experience a different way to relax themselves.Unfortunately, the disadvantages of these new technologies are looming. Kids curiosity could drive them to keep playing such games, and comparing with the adults, young people who are i

16、mmature and lack of self-discipline could be addicted easily; as a result, this kind of technology may contribute to the distraction in the study. Another drawback that should be blamed is that todays technologies pay more attention to the personal development and involve a lot of individual work; b

17、y spending too much time on them, young students would prefer to stay alone, avoiding to communicate face to face as the essential social skills, which leads to the potential risk of being isolated and depressed for the younger generation.In conclusion, I do believe that the advanced technologies is

18、 the main trend for students to use in the future, and they need to learn how to master them well, while the disadvantages are alerting teachers and parents to think what the best is to supervise and guide the kids; improving the understanding of these technologies for both adults and children can b

19、e the only way to put them into good use.雅思大作文:women should play an equal role as men雅思大作文题目:Some people believe that women should play an equal role as men in a countrys police force or military force, while others think women are not suitable for these jobs. Discuss both views and give your opinio

20、n.作文范文:Gender inequality is still a defining aspect of law enforcement, even in todays world of slowly increasing employment fairness. Women comprise only a small percentage of the local law enforcement in agencies across the all nations, and most of them hold clerical positions.In fact, women play

21、an important role in the national force. For starter, the society requires female army to demonstrate its equality in gender issue, providing citizens with all prospective opportunities in personal choice of career. This given law also improves the social balance in relationship between male and fem

22、ale employees and sets a role model for other jobs as well. Secondly, modern warfare has now filled with advanced devices so that we are no longer worrying about the physical incapability of women in comparison to men. Thus, higher education and training allow them to master theses skills as well as

23、 men. In addition, some particular jobs are better done by women, including nurses and doctors in the battle field. They are proved better in caring injuries and treating the wounded.However, we have to admit that there is a gender difference between male and female soldiers in the actual warfare, w

24、here males perform more active and efficient in combat with enemies. The rule that women are not allowed in the frontline is never a discrimination or gender inequality but is a protection to women. Similar conditions apply when we consider men with different levels of combat abilities, because we always choose the strongest for the battle field and the notion of gender is never an issue.In conclusion, I believe that it is surely reasonable for females to play a role in modern army but in actual combat, we use the best without gender consideration.雅思考试经验:写作突破6.5分技巧


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