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1、雅思阅读关键词定位 雅思阅读,核心的2大步骤是定位+理解。如果定位失败,找不到出题点,找不到原文关键词,答题就是空中楼阁。给大家带来了雅思阅读关键词定位,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读关键词定位雅思阅读关键词定位真相1:心态紧张,视线模糊烤鸭心理太紧张了,一味的追求速度,心理想着:快快快!我要比火箭快!于是,紧张的心理,模糊了视线,于是在考场上,阅读的*,变成了介样:烤鸭萌,你一紧张,阅读*变成了介样,请问你怎么可能定位得粗来呢?所以,做阅读第一步,心态调整好,别那么紧张,阅读的速度其实,不用那么快的!刚开始定位第一题时可以稍稍慢点,没关系,或者看第一组题目,如果


3、测原文也可以定位考试中一定有些题目,是烤鸭看到之后不知道怎么定位的,因为这样的题目,关键词太难画了。如下例:例:What is the smallest species of Bovid called?学生看到介个题目,内心是奔溃的。怎么定位呢?Bovid是*主题词,*多次重复出现,不具备定位的价值。找smallest species,文中压根木有出现啊。怎么定位呢?这个时候,其实可以预测答案和原文的形式,来定位。谈到一个物种的大小,要么就是说高度,要么就是说重量,是不是?所以,结合题文同序的原则,去文中快速锁定出现讲身高或是体重的地方,快速定位,预测一下看是不是出题点。文中符合这个特点的原文

4、是:This diversity of habitat is also matched by great diversity in size and form: at one extreme is the royal antelope of west Africa, which stands a mere 25 cm at the shoulder; at the other, the massively built bisons of North America and Europe, growing to a shoulder height of 2.2m.(答案:royal antelo


6、0道题左右的题目,很难找到一样的关键词,只能通过意思,识别同义替换来定位。当然,这样的题目在定位时还是要结合题文同序的原则,先大概锁定出题点的大概段落,再去快速扫读句子,弄清大意,通过意思,通过识别同义替换来定位。雅思阅读中的同义替换也有几种情况,烤鸭们心里也需要门清的,阅读考试中,同义替换的有以下几种形式:同义词组/近义词组互换词性互转(如loss-lost, confidence-confident)抽象具体/上下义词的同义替换(如fire fighting tools- fire engine, helicopter等)类似summary的高度总结和概括(以上内容,请具体参阅雅思语言那篇

7、*)雅思阅读关键词定位最大真相:定位不到,其实就是实力有待提高,踏踏实实,提升实力实力提升,需要词汇+长难句,有一定的词汇基础之后,更重要的是提升句子结构处理的能力,快速处理长难句的能力,并且看句子时,不要只是停留在英文的表面,要理解!理解!理解!理解就是反应出中文意思来。烤鸭们,“路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索”。目光和志向定得长远些,不要想着,我今天学习,明天就要出成绩出结果。要想想,如果坚持学习,1个月后,3个月后,1年后的你会是什么样!加油!雅思阅读模拟试题This reading test contains 14 questions. You should spend about 2

8、0 minuteson this task.To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with pen andpaper.Read the passage below and answer 14 questions.Bird Body LanguageABirds are becoming popular as pets, but unlike with more common pets,owners of birds are often not familiar with the behavioural patterns o

9、f theanimal which allow them to recognise what the pet needs and wants. For example,most of us can recognise the behaviour a dog exhibits when he is hungry or wantsattention, but how many of us know how birds go about showing the same feelings?By learning about the behavioural patterns of birds, its

10、 owner can forge astronger relationship with his pet. Owners can learn how to read bird bodylanguage, including movements of the eyes, wings, tail and beak. In addition,the sounds the bird makes can also indicate the mood, desires, and requirementsof the pet.BA birds eyes are different from a humans

11、. While both birds and humanshave pupils and irises (the black and coloured parts respectively), birds havethe ability to control the size of their pupils by enlarging and reducing theiririses quickly. This behaviour, flashing, is something birds may do when theyare angry, interested, or frightened.

12、CA bird also communicates through the use of their wings. A bird may lift oropen his wings as a sign of happiness. But if the bird starts opening andclosing their wings, it may signal anger or pain. If a bird fails to fold itswings against its body, and instead lets them hang by their side, the bird

13、 maybe ill. Healthy adult birds will typically tuck their wings against their bodieswhen they are at rest.D Birds often use their tail feathers to communicate, so an understandingof this behaviour will help the pets owner. A bird may move his tail from sideto side, called wagging, to express happine

14、ss (similar to dogs in behaviour andmeaning). Happiness is also the emotion expressed by other kinds of tailmovement, such as up and down. However, if a bird fans his tail feathers out, itis usually a way to show anger or aggression.EWhile the birds beak is used mainly for eating and grooming, a bir

15、d mayalso communicate by using beak movements. For example, a bird may click his beakonce as a greeting, and several clicks can be taken as a warning. Birds maysometimes bite, but it is often difficult to determine the reason behind it birds bite as a way to defend territory, show anger or express f

16、ear.FFinally, the sounds a bird makes are very important in communication. Birdsuse vocalisations to communicate with each other (and with their owners).Singing is the sign of a happy bird, and many birds love to sing when others arearound. Birds may also purr, though this is not the same as a cats

17、purr. Abirds purr sounds more like a low growl, and may indicate annoyance. Finally, abird may click his tongue against his beak, and this often indicates a desire tobe picked up and petted.QuestionsComplete the summary below.Choose NO MORE THAN TWO WORDS from the passage for each answer.Part of the

18、 bodyEyesWingsWingsWingsTailTailBeakBeakMovementRapid change _(1)_ size of pupils, called _(2)_Wings in an _(3)_ position_(4)_ of wingsWings _(5)_(7)_ in any directionFanning outOne clickSeveral clicks ReasonAnger, interestContentmentAnger or pain_(6)_HappinessAggression_(8)_WarningThe Reading Passa

19、ge has six paragraphs, A-F.Which paragraph contains the following information?Write the correct letter A-F in boxes 9-14 on your answer sheet.NB You mayuse any letter more than once.9) Mentions behaviour connected to a birds state of health10) Describes how birds say hello11) Compares the behaviour

20、of two different pets12) Compares humans and birds13) Discusses the importance of learning about bird behaviour14) Describes how birds indicate they want physical contact参考答案Answers1) in2) flashing3) open4) movement5) hanging down / at side6) illness7) wagging / movement8) greeting9) C10) E11) D/F12) B13) A14) F雅思阅读关键词定位


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