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1、雅思阅读信号词怎么找 雅思阅读*中的信号词就好比是高速公路上的标识牌,见到了它们,就可以知道目的地距离自己的位置还有多远,需要直走,还是拐弯。今天给大家带来了雅思阅读信号词怎么找,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读信号词怎么找一、顺接和递进例词:also, furthermore, moreover, what is more, in addition考点:And Western scientists are starting to draw on this wisdom (C6, P28, Q31找标题)解析:And在这句话开头,有一定的递进含义,this wisd

2、om则是指代了前面一句话出现的their wealth of traditional knowledge(因纽特人传统的知识),所以这两句话有紧密的联系,同学们在读题的时候要通过发现信号词,然后发散地看它的前后句,最后把考点考察的 意思补充完整。二、对比和转折例词:however, but, although, nevertheless, on the other hand, by comparison, while考点:But such projects must be built to higher specifications and with more accountability t

3、o local people and their environment than in the past. (C7 P24 Q20)解题:此题是段落大意配对题,在确定H段段落大意时,段落中间but之后出现的那句话就是解题的关键,根据句子中出现的两个比较级,可以确定答案应该为X The need to raise standards.考点:While suggestopedia has gained some notoriety through success in the teaching of modern languages, few teachers are able to emula

4、te the spectacular results of Lozanove and his associates. (C7 P27 倒数第二段 Q39, 40)解析:段首句用while引起注意,我们可以根据success, 和后半句中的few teachers, spectacular results, 搞定最后两个填空题。三、相似例词:similarly, in other words, that is, put another way, as 考点: Thus, we concluded that the blind interpret abstract shapes as sighte

5、d people do.(C4, P28, Q40)解析:题目考的是对*的总结。因此解题时重点看*中表示结论的句子,thus这个单词给了我们提示,而句子中的as.do表达的是一个相似的逻辑,因此答案可以确定为B。四、排列次序例词:firstly, second, another, the second, the most, the best, next, then, now, later, since, eventually, finally考点:First, it lacked the necessary technical vocabulary. Second, it lacked the

6、 grammatical resources required to represent the world i an objective and impersonal way,. (C5, P49, Q30-31)解析:题目30-31考的是并列和否定的逻辑关系,原文中的first, second, 对应的就是题目中的neither.nor.这个并列关系,这两题的答案就迎刃而解了。考点:First mechanism, then mass use of chemical fertiliser and pesticides, then monocultures, then battery rea

7、ring of livestock, and now genetic engineering the onward marching of intensive farming has seemed unstoppable in the last hal- century, as the yields of produce have soared. (C7, P44, Q15)解析:段首句连用表示次序的信号词,first, then, then and now, 体现发展的不同阶段。(the stages of development of farming industry C7 P77 选择配

8、对)五、强调作用例词:in fact, in essence, in particular, emphasize考点:This, in essence, is the problem of modern sociobiology- to discover the degree to which hard-wired genetic programming dictates (C5, P21, Q18 信息包含题)解析:信息包含题考察细节是在哪个段落出现,在做此类题目时,要注意信号词与考点的密切相关性,从而迅速找准答案。这里出现了in essence(实质上),起了一定的强调作用,迅速扫读后,发

9、现同时出现了题目关键词sociobiology, 破折号后面的介词to表目的,与题目中的the general aim of一致对应。六、最高级、比较级例词:est, most, best, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable, exclusively, extremely.考点:Making a rapid emotional assessment of the events of the moment is an extremely demanding job for the brain, animal or human. (C5, P

10、44, Q24)解析:题目中出现了最高级the most difficult tasks, 因此在原文中也应该相应的出现最高级。除了明显的the most, -est, 还有些单词本身也含有最高级的含义,比如extremely, exclusively, superficially, 文中的这个extremely demanding对应的就是题目中的最高级,所以答案也确定。七、因果关系例词:as, because, since, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, the caused of考点:Unt

11、il recently, not much was known about the topic, and little help was available to teachers to deal with bullying. Perhaps as a consequence, schools would often deny the problem.(C6, P94, Q33)解题:题目问的是学校否认问题反应了什么,就是这个现象的根本原因。因此原文中consequence就给解题提供了信息,根据consequence之前的一句话就可以将答案找到。八、举例子和说明例词:for example,

12、 for instance, that is to say, i.e., such as, including考点:Other substances were then introduced: including fillers, such as woodflour, asbestos or cotton (C5, P39, Q5 流程图)解析:我们看到such as后面是举例子,such as后面的例子可以作为定位词,woodflour, asbestos, cotton就是fillers的其中一种。Fillers在这里就是一个概括性的词语,常常是考点。雅思阅读考试小范围预测:Passage

13、 OnePassage 1Title: 一个人对 Sacks 的书“Musicophilia”的书评单选 4题Question types: YES/NO/NOT GIVEN 6题Sentence completion 3题*内容回顾 一个人对 Sacks 写的 music 与 brain 的 book 的评价。题型难度分析 还是以选择和是非无判断题为主。剑桥推荐原文练习:剑5-3-1、剑6-1-1、剑7-2-1雅思阅读考试小范围预测:Passage TwoPassage 2Title: StorytellingWhich paragraph contains the following in

14、formation? 无 NB 5题人名理论配Question types: 对 4题填空 4题(集中在一个区域)属于旧题,但是在回忆中出现较少。*内容回顾于 storytelling, 有亚里士多德,荷马。这篇*应该算是本次考试中难度较大的一个,信息段落配对题,乱序的。题型难度分析:题中,会占据考生大量的时间。人名理论会给学生审题造成压力,致使*在做题中时间耗费太长。细节配对是雅思考试中比较难的题型,我们来分析一下这类题目的做题技巧:首先,让我们来了解一下这种题目的出题特点。1. 彻底同义转换和其它题型不同的是,这种题型是对原文一句话或者一段话进行的彻底同义转换,个别甚至是高度概括,因此几乎

15、不存在任何定位词,因此不能根据定位词到原文中定位答案。考生必须具备非常强的语言理解能力,才能快速识别出*信息和段落信息的相似之处,从而找到答案。2. 完全乱序题型技巧分析由于这种题型是要求把细节信息与所在的段落进行配对,因此是绝对打乱顺雅思阅读精读每日一练:圣诞节如何变成购物节?THERE were no neatly wrapped presents. Nor were there tinseled trees or Santa Claus. Christmas in preindustrial Europe and America looked very different from to

16、days iteration. Drunks, cross-dressers and rowdy carolers roamed the streets. The tavern, rather than the home or the church, was the place to celebrate. “Men dishonor Christ more in the twelve days of Christmas, than in all the twelve months besides,”so despaired Hugh Latimer, chaplain to King Edwa

17、rd VI, in the mid-1500s. Some 200 years later, across the Atlantic, a Puritan minister decried the “lewd gaming” and “rude reveling” of Christmas time in the colonies. Those concerns seem irrelevant now. By the end of the 19th century, a rambunctious, freewheeling holiday had turned into the peaceab

18、le, family-centred one we know today. How?没有包装整洁的礼品,没有俗丽的圣诞树,也没有圣诞老人。工业化前的欧洲和美洲的圣诞节和他们现在每年过的,看起来很不一样。人们在大街上痛饮、异装秀、欢唱。酒馆才是庆祝圣诞节的地方,家里或教堂不是。在1500年,爱德华六世的牧师Hugh Latimer悲叹道“人们在圣诞节12天里对上帝的不敬,比在其它12个月里加起来都多”。大概200年后,一个新教的牧师谴责了北美殖民地里圣诞节期间人们进行的下流游戏和放纵的狂欢。但是,这些景象,和现在似乎已经不相关。到了19世纪末,圣诞节这个粗暴放纵的狂欢节,已经变成了我们如今所见的

19、平和的,以家庭为中心的节日,这种转变怎么发生的?Men dishonor Christ more in the twelve days of Christmas, than in all the twelve months besides。人们在圣诞节12天里对上帝的不敬,比在其它12个月里加起来都多In early modern Europe, between about 1500 and 1800, the Christmas season meant a lull in agricultural labor and a chance to indulge. The harvest had

20、 been gathered and the animals slaughtered (the cold weather meant they would not spoil). The celebration involved heavy eating, drinking and wassailing, in which peasants would arrive at the houses of the neighboring gentry and demand to be fed. One drinking song captured the mood: “And if you dont

21、 open up your door, / We will lay you flat upon the floor.” Mostly this was tolerated in good humora kind of ritualized disorder, when the social hierarchy was temporarily inverted. Some were less tolerant. In colonial Massachusetts, between 1659 and1681, Puritans banned Christmas. They expunged the

22、 day from their almanacs, and offending revelers risked a five-shilling fine. The ban did not last, so efforts to tame the holiday picked up instead. Moderation was advised. One almanac-writer cautioned in 1761 that “The temperate man enjoys the most delight, / For riot dulls and palls the appetite.

23、” Still, Christmas was a public ritual, enacted in the tavern or street and often fuelled by alcohol.在近现代早期的欧洲,也就是公元1500年至1800年,圣诞季意味着农业劳动的停息和放纵的机会。农田的收成在库,牲畜已经宰杀(天冷让宰杀后动物的肉不容易腐败)。庆祝活动涉及大吃大喝,期间农民们会去临近的乡绅家里要求接受款待。一首歌反应了当时的心情“如果你不开门,我们就让你从竖着走的人变成横着躺的人”。大部分时候,农民们的行为会被善意的容忍,这是一种仪式化的失序,社会阶层短暂的发生倒置。That s

24、oon changed. Cities had expanded at the turn of the 19th century to absorb the growing number of factory workers. Vagrancy and urban poverty were by now common. Rowdiness at Christmas could turn violent, with bands of drunken men roaming the streets. Its little surprise that members of the upper cla

25、sses saw a threat in the festivity. In his study of the holiday, Stephen Nissenbaum, a historian, credits a group of patrician writers and editorialists in America with recasting it as a domestic event. They refashioned European traditions, like Christmas trees from Germany and Christmas boxes from

26、England, in which the wealthy would present cash or leftovers to their servants. St Nicholas, or Santa Claus, whose December name day coincided with the Christmas season, became the holidays mascot. Clement Clarke Moores poem “A Visit from St Nicholas”, first publized in 1823, helped popularize his

27、image. In it, a jolly Santa descends via reindeer-pulled sleigh to surprise children with presents on Christmas Eve. Newspapers also played their part. “Let all avoid taverns and grog shops for a few dazays,” advised the New York Herald in 1839. Better to focus on “the domestic hearth, the virtuous

28、wife, the innocent, smiling, merry-hearted children.”情况很快就变了。城市在19世纪末吸收了更多的工厂工人。流浪和城市贫困至今都普遍,在当时更是严重的问题。一群醉汉在圣诞期间的大街上游荡可能会引发暴力。所以上层社会的人把这个节日视为威胁毫不奇怪。历史学家Stephen Nissenbaum把圣诞节被驯化为家庭内部节日归功于上层社会的作家和编辑们。他们复兴了欧洲的传统,如来自德国传统的圣诞树,圣诞礼品盒本来是英国的富人用来给佣人们装剩菜或钱等礼物的。It was a triumph of middle-class values, and a c

29、oup for shop-owners. “Christmas is the merchants harvest time,” one industry magazine enthused in 1908. “It is up to him to garner in as big a crop of dollars as he can.” Soon this new Christmas would become a target of criticism in its own right: as commercialized and superficial. Nevertheless it l

30、ives on.这是中产阶级价值观的胜利,也是零售店主们的出乎意料的好运。“圣诞节是商人们收获的季节”,一份工业杂志在1908年兴奋的表示。“只要他能,想挣多少钱就能挣到多少钱”。没多少时间,这种新的庆祝圣诞节的方式本身就成为批评的目标:因为过于的商业化和肤浅。但是,我们仍然这么过。雅思阅读经济类高频词汇enthuse:热心garner: 获得,储存tinseled:亮闪闪的,俗丽的iteration:重复,迭代tavern:酒馆chaplain:牧师lewd:下流的revel:狂欢decry:谴责rambunctious:粗暴的wassailing:痛饮almanac:年历expunge:擦除Rowdiness:吵闹Vagrancy:流浪Its little surprise 毫不奇怪patrician:上层社会的virtuous :善良的grog shop:小酒馆enthuse:热心garner: 获得,储存序出题的。雅思阅读信号词怎么找


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