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1、雅思阅读判断题套路分析 雅思阅读判断题套路分析 ,懂考官更懂考题。给大家带来了雅思阅读判断题套路分析,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读判断题套路分析 懂考官更懂考题在应试的世界里翱翔的一类学霸,记得他们分享的经验之一是:要学会从出题人的角度去思考题目。这条经验放在雅思阅读判断题上尤为适用,要知道这些题目,是他们通过改写原文得出的。请看*的雅思阅读判断题出题套路分析。雅思阅读判断题套路规律1:原文准确改写,答案选TRUE。雅思阅读判断题套路规律2:原文准确改写一部分,其余是原文的相反,答案选FALSE。雅思阅读判断题套路规律3:原文准确改写一部分,其余要么原文没有相关

2、信息,要么和原文内容只是形似。答案选NOT GIVEN。此外,雅思阅读判断题改写的方法也比较固定:规律1: 特殊名词,譬如说人名,地名,日期,一般不改,如果改了,一般答案就是FALSE。规律2:很难找替换的词一般不会换,譬如说children, parents, 等等。规律3:普通单词一般都会直接替换,或者改写。因此,我上课的时候经常叫学生大胆预测一下怎么改写。譬如说剑12的82页。雅思阅读判断题套路实例之第9题题目:In 1887, HM Ashley had the fastest bottle-producing machinethat existed at the time.预测1:

3、1887, HM ASHLEY不改写。预测2:machine很难替换,不改写。预测3:fast普通单词,可能会改写,譬如说quick, efficient等。原文:from 1887 onwards, .HM Ashley introduced a machine capable of producing 200 bottles per hour, .more than three times quicker than any previous production method.答案:选True。你会发现原文就是题目的改写,符合我们的预测。雅思阅读判断题套路实例之第10题题目:Michael

4、 Owens was hired by a large US company to design a fully-automated bottle manufacturing machine for them.预测1:Michael Owens不改写预测2:fully-automated不改写预测3:hired, a large US company, design会有相应的改写或者替换原文:The first fully automated machine was developed in the USA by Michael Owens-founder of .答案:FALSE题目说的是h

5、ired,原文如果是recruited,就是TRUE,而原文是founder,信息相反,所以FALSE.雅思阅读判断题套路实例之第11题题目:Nowadays, most glass is produced by large international manufacturers.预测1:glass不改写预测2: nowadays可能改写,譬如说today, currently, now等预测3:international manufacturers 可能改写,譬如说multinational producers, corporations等等。原文:Today, glass .it has

6、become a .operating in .global market.答案:Not given原文只是改写了一部分,而另外一部分原文有形似的信息,譬如说global,但是没有说manufacturers。所以,剑桥出题人其实就是个改写能力很强的人。在改写过程中出题。如果你的写作能力强,替换表达的能力强,你就可以看懂这些套路。雅思阅读提高的四点建议一、预测*考点阅读完*之后,建议考生不要提笔直接做题,首先应该观察一下*里有哪些题型,并且还可以去关注一下题目数量,判断这类*到底是哪一种类型的*,再去预测考点在*中的分布情况。二、掌握中心意思划分中心词是每位考生都会做的一件事情,但是我发现有很

7、多考生都是定位一题做一题,然后再去划下一题的定位词的。我觉得这种做法会浪费多余的答题时间,同时也不能很好地运用到顺序原则,更不能够帮助 考生去快速的判断题目定位难度。所以上面所说的这种划定位词的做法是不可取的。建议考生可以先划出所有题目的定位词,只有在判断各题目定位难度后,我们才能够更好地利用顺序原则确定大致出题范围。三、先易后难在观察完题型,并且划出了所有的题目定位词后,考生往往都会对各题型和题目难度做大致判断。建议考生应该先去做容易定位到以及那些难度较小的题目,做完之后再去做那些比较难找或者是那些难解答的题目。这样我们才可以在基础题上快速得分,保证正确率,同时还可以避免在难题上浪费太多时间

8、。四、注意题目之间的联系阅读考题中常常都会出现一些考点重合的情况。所以考生在做题的时候要不断注意题目之间的联系,一旦发现了有考点重合的几道题就可以放在一起做。雅思阅读怎么提高做题效率?如果自学没找对方法,还是找一个专业的老师辅导,毕竟一个人遇到难题也无人帮助解答,很容易降低自己的学习效率。雅思阅读模拟This reading test contains 10 questions. You should spend about 20 minutes on this task.To make it more authentic, download the test and do it with p

9、en and paper.Read the passage below and answer 10 questions.Early ClocksHumans have been trying, in various ways, to keep track of the passing of time for around 6000 years. This means, of course, that for the very long stretch of human history before this time, people didnt have ways to divide the

10、day other than the rising and the setting of the sun. It is thought that the ancient Sumerians may have been the first true time-keepers, but this is not clear as archaeological evidence is not sufficient. There is evidence, however, that the ancient Egyptians incorporated time-keeping as an aspect

11、of their daily life over five thousand years ago.The earliest type of clock, and the one which was used in ancient Egypt, was the sundial. As the name suggests, the sundial uses the sun to show the time. There were many different types of such clocks in use at that time, but it is one type, the obel

12、isk, which has become most closely linked with ancient Egypt. An obelisk is a tall, narrow stone tower, built outside, which would cast a shadow on the ground in different places during different times of the day. As time progressed, obelisks became more complex, and markings around the base of the

13、tower could indicate further time divisions.Two centuries after obelisks were first used the Egyptians had expanded upon the idea and created more complex sundials. Sundials as we think of them today are flat stone objects with a long, narrow bar, called a gnomon, attached at the centre of the face,

14、 or surface of the stone. The sun would shine down on the gnomon and its shadow would fall on the face, indicating the time of day.Water clocks were among the first clocks which didnt depend on the sun or stars to keep time. The oldest one known dates back to 1500 BC, and water clocks or clepsydras

15、became popular in amongst the Greeks and Arabs a thousand years later. The Clepsydra (Greek for “water thief”) consisted of a reservoir for holding water, and a mechanism by which water would and steadily flow or drip into the reservoir. The rising level of the water would indicate how much time had

16、 passed since the dripping began.The earliest water clocks were not very accurate, but as with the sundial, as time passed, water clocks became more mechanised and complex and they were increasingly outfitted with gadgets some rang bells or gongs, some showed the movement of the planets, and some op

17、ened little windows to display statues or figures. Just before the turn of the century, the Greeks built what is called the “tower of winds”, a complex water clock showing time, seasons, wind direction, and much more. Around this time, water clock making took root in China, and after a thousand year

18、s of development, another famous clock, the eponymous Su Sung clock tower, was built. This tower clock was over 30 feet tall and contained a variety of mechanisms not only for telling time accurately, but for following the position of the stars and planets.The history of the development of clocks co

19、ntinued in Europe, and starting a few hundred years after the building of the Su Sung, clocks were developed that kept time due to other natural phenomenon, mostly related to natural motion the pulling of gravity, the swinging of pendulums, and finally, the released tension of coiled springs, a mech

20、anism which, for the first time, allowed portable watches to become a reality.QuestionsLabel the diagram below.Choose NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS from the passage for each answer.Classify the following features according to the type of clock:A) SundialsB) Water ClocksC) Other kinds of clocksWrite the c

21、orrect letter, A, B or C in boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet.7) Developed in Europe after the Su Sung8) Served purposes other than telling time9) Were easily portable10) Oldest recorded time-keeping device参考答案Answers1) Obelisk2) Sundial3) Gnomon4) Face5) Water clock / Clepsydra6) Reservoir7) C8) B9) C10) A雅思阅读判断题套路分析


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