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1、14种雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之最难选择题 在雅思阅读考试中,共计40题,而选择题已占半壁江山。今天给大家带来了14种雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之最难选择题,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。14种雅思阅读题型技巧讲解大全之最难选择题雅思阅读选择题之题型要求这是一个传统题型,大家都很熟悉。但就是这种大家都熟悉的题型,IELTS考试也要弄出新花样:四选一和多选多两种。四选一,选项肯定是四个。即要求从A、B、C、D四项中选择一个最符合题意的选项。多选多,选项肯定是五个或五个以上,而正确答案的数目肯定在两个以上。哪个更难呢?很多同学会好不犹豫地说是多选多。实际上,多选多很容易,是一种

2、简单题型。它具有以下几个特点:(1) 正确答案的数目是已知的。在题目的要求中会告诉你要选出几个选项。题目要求中常WHICH FOUR, WHICH THREE 等字样。(2) 答案在原文中是集中出现的,对应原文中的例举。找着一个答案,其余几个就在它的前后不远处。我们举一个中文阅读的例子来说明。*如下:帕金森症是一种顽症。它是由大脑中缺乏一种叫多巴胺的化学物质引起的。(后面删减100字)很多名人深受其苦。比如,我们的改革的总设计师邓小平、拳王阿里、以故数学家陈景润等等。(后面删减100字)题目是:以下哪三个人得过帕金森症?A. 邓小平B. 里根C. 拳王阿里D. 布什E. 陈景润 答案:ACE四

3、选一在考试中,一般比较难。它的特点是:四个选项,哪个都像。好像在原文中都提到了,但又都和原文的叙述不太一样。很容易选错。选择题和问答题的区别在于:问答题要求你自己从原文中找答案。而选择题给你四个选项,让你选择,在给你提示的同时,也给了你一个陷阱。有些选择题,如果改为回答题,你可能能够做对,但给了你四个选项,反而选错了。考试中,四选一,A类和G类一般都是每次必考,考一组,共3题左右。多选多,不是每次必考。雅思阅读选择题之解题步骤(1) 找出题干中的关键词,最好先定位到原文中的一个段落。将题干中的关键词与原文各段落的小标题或每段话的第一句相对照。有些题目能先定位到原文中的一个段落,着必将大大加快解

4、题时间,并提高准确率。但并不是每个题目都能先定位到原文中的一个段落的。如果题目中的关键词难以确定答案的位置,选项中的关键词也可以作为定位的参考依据。(2) 从头到尾快速阅读该段落,根据题干中的其他关键词及选项确定正确答案。正确选项常常是原文相关词句的改写。确定一个段落后,答案在该段落中有的具体位置是未知的。所以,需要从头到尾快速阅读该段落,确定正确答案。短问答的答案常常是原文原词,而选择题的答案常常是原文相关词句的改写。(3) 有些题目比较简单,可以直接选择。对于难题,可以用排除法确定正确答案。有些题目比较简单,从原文很快找到对应答案。这时可以直接选择不必看其它选项。既可以节省时间,同时也避免

5、受干扰选项的误导。有些题目比较难,看每个选项都有点像,但又都不太象。这时,可以用排除法,先排除掉肯定不对的选项,然后在剩下的选项中再做出选择。通常,有两个选项必有好排除,另外两个有一定的难度。请参见本题型的注意事项部分,其中分析了干扰选项的特点。(4) 要注意顺序性,即题目的顺序和原文的顺序基本一致。题目是有顺序性的。第一题的答案应在*的前部,第二题的答案应在第一题的答案之后。这个规律也有助于同学们确定答案的位置。雅思阅读选择题之注意点1. 如果一个选项合乎题意,还要看其它选项中是否有bothand、all of the above的字样。我们举一个中文阅读的例子:原文:如果你随便停车,要罚你

6、款,还要把你的车拖走。题目:如果你随便停车,将:A. 被罚款B. 你的车被拖走C. 没事儿D. both被罚款and你的车被拖走 答案:D如果选项中有一个是all of the above,它是正确选项的可能性很大。Bothand是正确选项比all of the above小一些。总之,如果一个选项合乎题意,不要马上选。看一眼其余选项中是否有bothand, all of the above的字样。2. 注意题干中是否有not, except的字样。题干中有这些词时,通常是将它们大写并使用黑体,特别醒目。如果不注意看,必然答错题。如前面的关于帕金森症的中文阅读*,可能出一道四选一的题目:题目:

7、下面的人得过帕金森症EXCEPTA. 邓小平B. 里根C. 拳王阿里D. 陈景润 答案:B3. 干扰选项的特点做选择题的过程就是与干扰选项做斗争的过程。清楚干扰选项的特点,就能做到百战百胜。干扰选项特征如下:A. 无:选项中所讲的内容在原文中根本不存在,或找不到语言依据。要注意,答题的唯一依据是原文,不能凭借自己的知识或主观想象。B. 反:与原文相矛盾的选项。这时要注意题干或原文中是否有NOT、EXECPT等词,也要注意反义词。C. 满:含有“绝对意义”的词汇如must、always、all、will的选项,一般为错误选项。选项中含有“相对意义”的词汇如can、may、sometimes、so

8、me、not always,一般为正确答案。也就是说,越是模棱两可、含含糊糊,越可能是正确答案,因为它适用的范围更广。这条规律的适用性很强,实践证明它的准确率在90%以上。D. 偏:似是而非,与原句部分相似的选项。这是不太容易排除的。E. 混:张冠李戴,有时题干是主语,选项是谓语,要留心题干的主语和选项的谓语构成的主谓结构是否张冠李戴。这种干扰项规律也比较明显,常常是这样的:原文:甲事物的特征是X。乙事物的特征是Y。题干是甲事物,选项中肯定有特征Y,但肯定没有特征X。为什么呢?特征Y就是让你选的干扰项,如果选项中有特征X,你肯定会选它,就不会选错了。也就是出题者为了这个精心布置的陷阱成功,他会

9、舍弃特征X,而在*的其它地方谈到甲事物的时候,出现一个正确答案。4. 正确选项应是原文的改写,与原文特别一致的选项应引起怀疑。正确选项应是原文相关词句的改写,所以与原文特别一致的选项是正确选项的可能性不大。实例讲解雅思阅读单选题 题型特点与解题方法全搞定雅思阅读选择题概述我们觉得,四选一的选择题目就是判读题目的变体。这是为什么呢?你看,选择题是不是给你一个题干,下面给出A. B. C. D四个选项,如果你选了B,你会发现B选项的信息与题干的信息组合后,与原文对比后,跟原文是一致的,就相当于是一道TRUE题。A选项和原文比较后,是和*矛盾的就相当于是一道FALSE题,C.D和原文对比后,很可能是

10、找不到的,就相当于是两道NOT GIVEN题。所以,做选择题会比较耗费时间,一定要注意时间控制。那么,选择题有哪些规律呢?选择题的出题规律是:1. 按顺序出题;2. 一段考一题。在剑桥9里面有一篇叫做“The development of museums”的*中,原文有6个段落,后面出来6道选择题,那说明什么?是不是在告诉你一段一道题呀!当然,如果一篇*里只出三道选择题,在第二题和第三题之间间隔一段或几段是有可能的。选择题的做题步骤是:首先读题干,划出定位词,再读一下选项,根据如下几个原则看是否有选项可以先排除。原则一是:有绝对词例如:only, all, every, always的选项先排

11、除;原则二:逻辑不通的先排除,例如在剑桥8里有篇*讲日本的数学教育成功的*里,有个选项时:“学生被鼓励抄作业”,逻辑是不是很不通?可以排除。最后一个排除原则是:负面陈述可以排除,例如在剑桥6里的一篇讲电影发展历史的*中,有一个选项是:“观众没有鉴赏能力”,陈述非常负面,可以排除掉。有了定位词,排除可能的错误选项后,下一步就是读*,根据原文最终锁定答案了。雅思阅读单选题之单句理解型是最简单,最好做的选择题了,所谓单句理解就是指题目对应于原文中的一句进行考察,只要读懂了原文中带有定位词的一句话,就可以出答案了。我们看一道剑桥例题:The writer suggests that newspaper

12、s print items that are intended toA. educate readersB. meet their readers expectationsC. encourage feedback from their readersD. mislead their readers读题干,定位词是newspapers,看选项,D的逻辑有问题可以排除。接着找原文:Newspapers and broadcasters are there to provide what the public wants. 是不是等于B选项啊?所以答案就是B. 读懂原文一句话就可以了,比较简单吧!

13、雅思阅读单选题之考举例意图有些题目会问作者文中为啥会举例,你想如果你是作者,举例是不是为了说明自己的观点呀,所以考举例意图的选择题要重点读两种前后的观点句。请看真题例子:The writer quotes from the worldwide fund for nature to illustrate howA. influential the mass media can be.B. Effective environmental groups can be.C. The mass media can help groups raise fundsD. Environmental group

14、s can exaggerate their claims原文对应的是:Understandably, perhaps, they sometimes overstate their arguments. In 1997, for example, the worldwide fund for nature issued a press release entitled: “ two thirds of the worlds forests lost forever”. The truth turns out to be nearer 20%.原文中世界自然基金是带fro example后作为

15、例子出现,所以重点要看前面的观点句,就是:they sometimes overstate their arguments他们有时会夸大他们的主张,与D选项一致,所以答案为D。雅思阅读单选题之全段理解型考整段理解的会比较难,因为必须把整段读完,领会出内部逻辑后,才能最终锁定答案。请看真题例子:What does the writer say about Americas waste problem?A. it will increase in line with population growthB. it is not as important as we have been led to

16、believeC. it has been reduced through public awareness of the issueD. it is only significant in certain areas of the country原文:The fourth factor is poor individual perception. People worry that the endless rise in the amount of stuff everyone throws away will cause the world to run out of places to

17、dispose of waste. Yet, even if Americas trash output continues to rise as it has done in the past, and even if the American population doubles by 2100, all the rubbish America produces in the 21st century will still take up only one-12000th of the area of the entire US.原文的前半段讲的是人们的糟糕观念,认为地球会没有处理垃圾的地

18、方了将来,后半边说即使关于美国的两个假设实现了,整个美国在21世纪生产的垃圾也只占国土面积的12000分之1,所以答案应该是B就是不像我们原来被引导的认为的那么严重。雅思阅读模拟题:Lighting Up The LiesLighting Up The LiesYou should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Reading Passage below.Last year Sean A. Spence, a professor at the school of medicine at the Unive

19、rsity of Sheffield in England, performed brain scans that showed that a woman convicted of poisoning a child in her care appeared to be telling the truth when she denied committing the crime. This deception study, along with two others performed by the Sheffield group, was funded by Quickfire Media,

20、 a television production company working for the U.K.s Channel 4, which broadcast videos of the researchers at work as part of a three-part series called Lie Lab. The brain study of the woman later appeared in the journal European Psychiatry.Functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) purports to d

21、etect mendacity by seeing inside the brain instead of tracking peripheral measures of anxietysuch as changes in pulse, blood pressure or respiration measured by a polygraph. Besides drawing hundreds of thousands of viewers, fMRI has pulled in entrepreneurs. Two companiesCephos in Pepperell, Mass., a

22、nd No Lie MRI in Tarzana, Calif.claim to predict with 90 percent or greater certitude whether you are telling the truth. No Lie MRI, whose name evokes the casual familiarity of a walk-in dental clinic in a strip mall, suggests that the technique may even be used for “risk reduction in dating”.Many n

23、euroscientists and legal scholars doubt such claimsand some even question whether brain scans for lie detection will ever be ready for anything but more research on the nature of deception and the brain. An fMRI machine tracks blood flow to activated brain areas. The assumption in lie detection is t

24、hat the brain must exert extra effort when telling a lie and that the regions that do more work get more blood. Such areas light up in scans; during the lie studies, the illuminated regions are primarily involved in decision making.To assess how fMRI and other neuroscience findings affect the law, t

25、he Mac-Arthur Foundation put up $10 million last year to pilot for three years the Law and Neuroscience Project. Part of the funding will attempt to set criteria for accurate and reliable lie detection using fMRI and other brain-scanning technology. “I think its not possible, given the current techn

26、ology, to trust the results,” says Marcus Raichle, a neuroscientist at the Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis who heads the projects study group on lie detection. “But its not impossible to set up a research program to determine whether thats possible.” A major review article last

27、 year in the American Journal of Law and Medicine by Henry T. Greely of Stanford University and Judy Illes, now at the University of British Columbia, explores the deficiencies of existing research and what may be needed to move the technology forward. The two scholars found that lie detection studi

28、es conducted so far (still less than 20 in all) failed to prove that fMRI is “effective as a lie detector in the real world at any accuracy level.”Most studies examined groups, not individuals. Subjects in these studies were healthy young adultsmaking it unclear how the results would apply to someon

29、e who takes a drug that affects blood pressure or has a blockage in an artery. And the two researchers questioned the specificity of the lit-up areas; they noted that the regions also correlate with a wide range of cognitive behaviors, including memory, self- monitoring and conscious self-awareness.

30、The biggest challenge for which the Law and Neuroscience Project is already funding new researchis how to diminish the artificiality of the test protocol. Lying about whether a playing card is the seven of spades may not activate the same areas of the cortex as answering a question about whether you

31、 robbed the corner store. In fact, the most realistic studies to date may have come from the Lie Lab television programs. The two companies marketing the technology are not waiting for more data. Cephos is offering scans without charge to people who claim they were falsely accused if they meet certa

32、in criteria in an effort to get scans accepted by the courts. Allowing scans as legal evidence could open a potentially huge and lucrative market. “We may have to take many shots on goal before we actually see a courtroom.” says Cephos chief executive Steven Laken. He asserts that the technology has

33、 achieved 97 percent accuracy and that the more than 100 people scanned using the Cephos protocol have provided data that have resolved many of the issues that Greely and Illes cited.But until formal clinical trials prove that the machines meet safety and effectiveness criteria, Greely and Illes hav

34、e called for a ban on non-research uses. Trials envisaged for regulatory approval hint at the technical challenges. Actors, professional poker players and sociopaths would be compared against average Joes. The devout would go in the scanner after nonbelievers. Testing would take into account social

35、setting. White lies“no, dinner really was fantastic”would have to be compared against untruths about sexual peccadilloes to ensure that the brain reacts identically.There potential for abuse prompts caution. “The danger is that peoples lives can be changed in bad ways because of mistakes in the tech

36、nology,” Greely says. “The danger for the science is that it gets a black eye because of this very high profile use of neuroimaging that goes wrong.” Considering the long and controversial history of the polygraph, gradualism may be the wisest course to follow for a new diagnostic that probes an ess

37、ential quality governing social interaction.Question 1-7Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-D) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-D in boxes 1-7 on your answer sheet.NB you may use any letter more than onceA Henry T. Greely Judy IllesB Steven L

38、akenC Henry T. GreelyD Marcus Raichle1 The possibility hidden in a mission impossible2 The uncertain effectiveness of functional magnetic resonance imaging for detecting lies3 The hazard lying behind the technology as a lie detector4 The limited fields for the use of lie detection technology5 Severa

39、l successful cases of applying the results from the lie detection technology6 Cons of the current research related to lie-detector tests7 There should be some requested work to improve the techniques regarding lie detectionQuestion 8-10Do the following statements agree with the information given in

40、Reading Passage 1?In boxes 8-10 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage8 The lie detection for a convicted woman was first conducted by researchers in Europe.9 The legitimization of using scans in

41、 the court might mean a promising and profitable business.10 There is always something wrong with neuroimaging.Question 11-13SummaryComplete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More than Three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxe

42、s 11-13 on your answer sheet.It is claimed that functional magnetic resonance imaging can check lies by observing the internal part of the brain rather than following up 11 to evaluate the anxiety as 12 does. Audiences as well as 13 are fascinated by this amazing lie-detection technology.(转第二页)*题目:谎

43、言揭秘题材:论说文结构:A:Sean A. Spence关于毒死孩子的妇女的测谎实验B:fMRI的测试方法及引起的关注C:人们的怀疑及fMRI测谎的理论依据D:为fMRI设立的研究项目,Henry T. Greely 和Judy Illes不信任fMRIE:fMRI的研究对象令Henry T. Greely 和Judy Illes提出质疑F:fMRI所面临的问题,企业却急于应用fMRI技术G:fMRI的安全性和有效性标准设置有许多技术问题要解决H:Henry T. Greely对于fMRI的警告及作者的建议试题分析:Question 1-7题目类型:List of opinions and d

44、eeds参考译文:去年,英国谢菲尔德大学医学院教授Sean A. Spence 在对一位将自己照顾的孩子毒死的妇女的大脑进行扫描时发现,这位被定罪的妇女在否认自己的犯罪事实时,看起来像是在说真话。这项关于欺骗的研究,连同其它两个由谢菲尔德小组领导的研究是由Quickfire Media赞助的,Quickfire Media是一家电视节目制作公司,播出频道为英国的第4频道,该频道播放这些研究人员在工作时的视频,构成一个由三部分组成的系列节目的一部分,该系列叫做“谎言实验室”。对该妇女大脑的研究之后出现在欧洲精神病学杂志上。功能磁共振成像仪(fMRI)声称能通过看到大脑的内部来进行测谎,而不是通过

45、追踪焦虑的外在表现:如通过测谎仪测出的脉搏,血压或呼吸的变化,功能磁共振成像技术除了吸引成百上千的观众外,还吸引着企业家的目光。两家公司马萨诸塞州Pepperell市的 Cephos 公司和加利福尼亚州Tarzana市的No Lie MRI 公司声称对人们是否在说实话的预测的准确率可以达到90%甚至更高。No Lie MRI 这家公司的名字本身就会让人想起一个熟悉的情景就像走进一家位于商业区的牙科诊所,表明该技术甚至可能被 用于“降低约会的风险。”许多神经科学家和法律学者却怀疑此说法,有的甚至质疑对谎言的探测而进行大脑扫描测谎是否真的有用,还是只是一些对谎言的性质和大脑所做的更多的研究罢了。功

46、能磁共振成像仪追踪到达大脑激活区的血流的行踪。测谎背后的假设是,当大脑在说谎时,它需要额外的运作并且负责这些额外运作的大脑区域需要更多的血液供给,而这些区域在被扫描时就会亮起,在对谎言进行研究时,这些被照亮的区域就是主要参与决策的区域。为了评估功能磁共振成像仪和其他神经科学的发现如何影响法律,麦克阿瑟基金去年出资1,000万元来资助一个将耗时三年的“法律和神经科学项目”。部分资金将会用来尝试设置使用功能磁共振成像仪和其它脑部扫描技术来进行测谎的准确性和可靠性的标准。华盛顿大学圣路易斯医学院负责该项目测谎研究小组的神经学家 Marcus Raichle 认为“在现有的技术前提下,很难完全相信测谎

47、的结果,但是建立一个项目以确定测谎结果的可能性这项提议是可行的。”斯坦福大学的 Henry T. Greely 和英国哥伦比亚大学的 Judy Illes 在去年发表在美国法律与医学杂志上的一篇评论*中探讨了现行研究的不足之处以及为了推进技术进步可能需要改进之处。两位学者发现,迄今为止进行的测谎研究(总数仍低于20)还不能证明磁共振成像仪作为测谎仪在现实世界中的任何的精度水平上都是有效的。大多数的研究都是以团体而不是以个人为对象。这些研究的对象是健康的年轻成年人所以不清楚如果对象变成因为服用了药物而影响了血压或是导致动脉堵塞的人时,这些研究结果是否还适用。两位研究人员质疑了这些发亮的区域,他们指出,该区域也和一系列认知行为具有相关性,包括记忆,自我检测和自我意识。的挑战同时也是“法律和神经枓学项目”为其资助了新的研究项目是如何减少测试协议的人为干预程度。关于一张扑克牌是否是黑桃7的谎言可能无法激活与回答你是否抢劫了街角的一家商店时的大脑皮质的同一区域。事实上,迄今为止最现实的研究,有可能是来自“谎言实验室”这个电视节目。两家经营这样技术的公司不是再等待更多的数据。Cephos公司提供的免费的扫描是针对一些符合特定标准由法院准许的声称自己是无罪的人。允许对大脑的扫描作为法律证据可能会打开一个潜在的巨大和利润丰


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