1、雅思阅读快速答题诀窍 雅思阅读的一大考察核心,是我们的快速搜集提取信息能力,这对应着未来的学术工作里的资料检索整合能力。给大家带来了雅思阅读快速答题诀窍,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读快速答题有诀窍 找准关键词一般来说,雅思阅读关键词可以分成两类,特殊关键词和普通关键词。下面,就分别就这两类的特点进行论述。雅思阅读快速答题之特殊关键词:在很多题目当中会出现人名、地名、数字、年份和大写字母缩写这五类特殊词。这些词的特点是,在满眼尽是小写字母的一篇*里面,特别醒目,几乎可以在短短10秒钟之内做一个精确定位。例如在人名及其观点的配对题中(如剑五p89强化玻璃),我们就可
3、育成就第12题:What is produced to help an athlete plan their performance in an event?在这句话当中,显然最能体现这句话主要意思的就是plan performance这样一个短语,所以我们可以使用它回到文中定位。因为所选词语必须代表*大意,所以通常来说选择的词语都是名词或者动宾短语。其次,应当是出现频率不高的词。关键词定位的最大优势就是可以缩小阅读范围,从而加快我们在做雅思阅读是的答题速度,如果我们定位了一个在*中处处可能出现的词语,那就失去了定位的意义。可是怎么样才能知道我们定位的词语出现频率高低呢?其实很简单,只要在开始
4、做题之前简单浏览一下标题。标题里面会透露出这篇*的大意,例如剑四 How much higher, how much faster这篇*,一看就知道例如sporting, athlete这类词语就会是高频词,如果定义这类词,可能*80%以上的内容都要阅读,就起不到任何节省时间的作用了。再次,当高频次被限定或者修饰之后,可以作为中心词使用,这是第二种情况的例外。虽然某些词原本可能是高频词,但是当有了一定修饰或者限定成分对于原来的内容进行补充之后,这个词语就会变成一个最合适的中心词。如剑三p84空气污染那篇*当中,通过标题我们了解到, air pollution, vehicles等词都是高频词。
5、但是第7题It is currently possible to measure the pollution coming from individual vehicles whilst they are moving当中,因为vehicles后面出现了一个限定其范围的从句,所以这个短语,我们将其简化为moving vehicles,它就是一个非常好用的高频词了。这就是在定义关键词的时候需要注意的几个原则和定义方法。当然,在实践中,还有两个问题要注意:其一,并不是所有题目都是和用关键词点对点定位来做的。如list of headings、细节信息定位题,都必须掌握*大意方可以下手,依靠中心词定
6、位是不能做出的;其二,因为在题目中和*中往往中心词会以同义词形式出现,所以仅仅掌握定义方法是不够的,还必须做到掌握快速浏览的技巧和对同义词的相当熟悉,才能考试中百发百中。雅思阅读题型预测: Fluoridation in the water*题目 Fluoridation in the water重复年份 20XX0312 20XX0719 20XX0119题材 医疗健康题型 选择题 3+判断 6+句子填空 5*大意 *讲述了氟化物添加对健康影响。对要不要对饮用水进行氟化处理,学者有两派不同的意见。部分参考答案:选择题:1. How hot is the area A2. People sho
7、uld not be forced to take compulsory medication3. To demonstrate that scientists finding will be influenced by socialfactors判断题:4. 待补充5. Science should not decide policy6. Scientific and social factors should be separated No7. Many sociologist ignore Ss study8. S work was not emphasized by sicnetist
8、s outside the northern AmericaNG9. Both supporters and opponents have made valid argument. YES填空题:10. Science is objective and unbiased11. Can be affected by social factors12. Scientific discovery cannot be understood at14. People should have the right to choose雅思阅读题型预测:British Woodlands*题目 British
9、Woodlands重复年份 20XX0430 20XX0421题材 自然环境题型 段落细节配对 7+选词填空 7部分答案参考:段落细节配对:27 a description of careless working practices that harm woodland F28 details of landscape prior to human intervention B29 arguments against cash rewards H30 a botanical source of evidence for the appearance of primitive woodland
10、B31 reasons for reduced economic importance of woodland E32 a reason for recent improvements of woodland management G33 an implication for people of unhealthy tree A选词填空:Evolution of British Woodland雅思阅读题型预测:When did music begin?*题目 When did music begin?重复年份 20XX0528 20XX0216题材 艺术题型 选择 4,+配对 5+判断 5*
11、大意 讲音乐的起源和影响,讲到了音乐和语言的关系,提到一个学者对于音乐的研究。部分答案参考:判断:27. In the first paragraph, what does the writer say about the nature ofmusic?C. Music ability is made of many elements28.Who originally states that speech and music developed at the sametime?A. John BlackingB. Nils WallinC. Steven MithenD. Steven Bro
12、wn29. In Mithens book, the theory about musicC. affect the behaviours of others30.an ancestor common for Neanderthals and homo sapiens whenA. selecting a partner配对:31.Music has a universal character C32.The contribution that Mithen has made about the evolution of music A33.The theory that language i
13、s related to the music supported by MithenE34.The previous researchers contribution to the evolution of music B35.The previous review about the music DA. has an effect on the other researchersB. useful while limited in several ranges of scope.C. despite cultural influences itD. is not the same in ai
14、l traditions.E. was not originally accepted by some researchersF. was based on historical theories36. Mithens research about music take into account the association withphysical movements. Y雅思阅读题型预测: Tick Tock Body clock*题目 Tick Tock Body clock重复年份 20XX1013 20XX1013题材 生物题型 选择 3+填空 6+判断 5*大意 *主要讲解了生物钟对植物、动物和人的影响,并且通过大量的实验进行论证。参考练习 剑 11 Test3 Passage3 How does the biological clock tick?参考答案:选择27. De Mario 的实验目的是:C 证明 new information about plants28. Chronobiology 主要 研究人体的生物机能29. work shift 和 jet lag 主要为了证明:人体在非正常情况下做出的反应。雅思阅读快速答题有诀窍