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1、雅思阅读如何考8分技巧分享 阅读技巧是比较容易get的,如果你没有上过阅读的培训班,阅读做不完的话,有可能是欠一个“点拨”。今天给大家带来了雅思阅读如何考8技巧分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读如何考8技巧分享我的词汇量不算大,用各类背词汇APP测都在8000左右,有一次测出了6000,吓尿了,赶紧把内APP卸载了定定神但是几次考雅思,阅读从未下过8。我人生中为词汇做过的唯一一件事,就是背了一本四级词汇,是真的一本,没停留在A或者B或者C。我的语法还OK,高考比较努力,刷了两三遍高中英语语法。再就是大学期间为了装逼,订过一年的China Daily,每期会精读两




5、为可能你差的是那一节课,也可能你差的是英语能力中最基础,最难短期提高的东西。三板斧轻松拿下雅思阅读!第一板斧巧用“明显定位词”雅思阅读除了“段落标题(List of Heading)”题型外,无论其题型如何变化,做题的步骤最终都可以归纳为“定位 + 语言信息处理”。定位主要依靠的是扫读法,考查考生在短时间内找到所需信息的能力。寻找定位词有三大原则:1所找的定位词不能是全文不断重复出现的词,比如*的标题,也就是说定位词不能是全篇*都在讨论的事情;2定位词不需要太多,越精辟越好;3定位词在题目中和在原文中最好是相同的,即使有所变化,这种变化也是容易识别的。定位词有“明显”和“非明显”之分,明显定位

6、词具有一些显著的特征,为考生确定定位词时的首选。下面我们来看一些例子:1数字数字可以说是最明显和最简单的定位词,尤其是阿拉伯数字,阅读时一眼扫过去基本就可以将其抓取出来,例如:题目:The 1990 survey related to 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists.分析:这两个特别引人瞩目的数字是关键词,其中的任何一个都可以帮助考生快速在文中定位所需的信息。原文:The 550,000 consultations with alternative therapists reported in the 1990 survey.

7、此外,可以作为明显定位词的时间表达有时候也包括时间的上下义转换,这类定位词的识别难度并不大,比如:在题目中是数字“2000”,表示“2000年”,但是在原文中是new millennium或turn of the century。经典推荐:考官级口语写作9分范文资料超级大汇总(史无前例数百篇)有时候也出现关于“时代”的表达,它们同样也可以作为明显定位词,比如题目中出现的Industrial Age、Middle Ages或Medieval Times基本都能在原文中找到相同的表达。2专有名词常见的专有名词包括人名、地名、国名、机构名、组织名等,这类词语的首字母通常是需要大写的,所以比较容易识别

8、出来,例如:题目:Popper says that the scientific method is hypothetico-deductive.原文:Popper was arguing that the nature of scientific is hypothetico-deductive and not as is 题目:Following the construction of the Tavanasa Bridge, the architect failed to 原文:But the Tavanasa Bridge gained little favourable public

9、ity in Switzerland 3专业术语专业术语通常都是具有名词性质的词语,一般情况下都比较长,基本没有变化的可能性,例如:题目: made using a less poisonous type of phosphorus原文: were safe because the red phosphorus was non-toxic 4特殊印刷常见的特殊印刷字体包括粗体、斜体、连字符、引号等,这些都是比较明显的定位词,很容易抓取出来,例如:题目:It has been suggested that children hold mistaken views about the pure s

10、cience that they study at school.原文:Many studies have shown that children harbour misconception about pure, curriculum science.题目:Scientists have yet to determine the cue for Chusquea abietifolias seasonal rhythm.分析:该题中Chusquea abietifolia用了斜体,而且它是一个术语,在文中可以原封不动地找到该词,因此是一个很好的定位词。原文:Every bamboo of t

11、he species Chusquea abietifolia on the island of Jamaica flowered, set seed and died during 1884.第二板斧胆大心细,沉稳包抄如果说“明显定位词”是天上掉下来的馅饼,那也不能期待天天都会掉馅饼。当我们在题目中找不到 “明显定位词”时,那该如何是好呢?在名词(组)、动词(组)、形容词(组)和副词(组)中,最不容易发生变化的,或者说即使发生变化也最容易识别的当属名词(组)了。那么,当我们需要用名词(组)来做定位词时,又有哪些注意事项呢?1挑选意思最具体的名词(组)题目: a belief that all

12、 the health-care resources the community needed would be produced by economic growth.分析:在这道题里,我们可以看到4个名词(组),因为*的主题是讨论“一个国家所需要的医疗保障”,因此health-care resources和community不能成为定位词。在belief和economic growth中,前者所指太过宽泛,不好用来定位,后者的意思就明确多了。原文:It was assumed without question that all the basic health needs of any c

13、ommunity could be satisfied, at least in principle; the invisible hand of economic progress.2用修饰成分确定该名词(组)的范围题目:Performance has improved most greatly in events requiring an intensive burst of energy.分析:在这道题里可以看到2个名词(组),因为*的主题是讨论“运动员表现的进步”,因此performance不能成为定位词。在使用events作为定位词时,要把相关的修饰成分一起划入进来,以限定event

14、s的范围。原文:For the so-called power eventsthat require a relatively brief, explosive release of energy, 第三板斧化繁为简,如虎添翼定位词和关键词有着不一样的功能。简单来说,定位词是为了帮助考生快速在*中找到答案的出处。关键词则是为了帮助考生将一个大题中大量的文字信息处理成为少量的文字信息,化繁为简,以提高解题的效率。找出正确的关键词对于那些没有顺序原则的题型(如细节配对题)有特别重大的意义(注:关键词的划法和定位词的划法是一致的)。让我们先来看一个细节配对题:1细节配对题Questions 36-4

15、0:Match the languages A-F with the statements below which describe how a language was saved.LanguagesA Welsh D RomanschB Maori E AinuC Faroese F Kaurna36. The region in which the language was spoken gained increased independence.37. People were encouraged to view the language with less prejudice.38.

16、 Language immersion programs were set up for sectors of the population.39. A merger of different varieties of the language took place.40. Written samples of the language permitted its revitalization.很明显,这道题的定位凭借的是方框里首字母大写的语言名称。因为这个题型不遵循顺序原则,因此到原文中定位之前,最好将36-40这五句话的信息进行处理,这样效率会高很多。我们可以看到,原本50个词的信息量经过

17、处理后变为了具有关键意义的21个词(红色标注字体),整整减少了一半。再来看一个多项选择题:2多项选择题Which THREE of the following statements are true of Johnsons Dictionary?A. It avoid all scholarly words.B. It was the only English dictionary in general use of 200 years.C. It was famous because of the large number of people involved.D. It focused m

18、ainly on Language from contemporary texts.E. There was a time limit for its completion.F. It ignored work done by previous dictionary writers.G. It took into account subtleties of meaning.H. Its definitions were famous for their originality.未经处理时,这个题共有80多个词,处理完关键词后,考生只需带着30来个词(红色标注部分)的关键信息到*进行查找即可。雅

19、思阅读全真模拟题:数码节食Digital DietATelecommuting, Internet shopping and online meetings may save energy as compared with in-person alternatives, but as the digital age moves on, its green reputation is turning a lot browner. E-mailing, number crunching and Web searches in the U S. consumed as much as 61 bill

20、ion kilowatt-hours last year, or 1.5 percent of the nations electricityhalf of which comes from coal. In 2005 the computers of the world ate up 123 billion kilowatt- hours of energy, a number that will double by 20XX if present trends continue, according to Jonathan Koomey, a staff scientist at Lawr

21、ence Berkeley National laboratory. As a result, the power bill to run a computer over its lifetime will surpass the cost of buying the machine in the first place giving Internet and computer companies a business reason to cut energy costs, as well as an environmental one.BOne of the biggest energy s

22、inks comes not from the computers themselves but from the air-conditioning needed to keep them from overheating. For every kilowatt-hour of energy used for computing m a data center, another kilowatt-hour is required to cool the furnacelike racks of servers.CFor Internet giant Google, this reality h

23、as driven efforts such as the installation of a solar array that can provide 30 percent of the peak power needs of its Mountain View, Calif., headquarters as well as increasing purchases of renewable energy. But to deliver Web pages within seconds, the firm must maintain hundreds of thousands of com

24、puter servers in cavernous buildings. Its a good thing to worry about server energy efficiency, remarks Googles green energy czar Bill Weihl. We are actively working to maximize the efficiency of our data centers, which account for most of the energy Google consumes worldwide Google will funnel some

25、 of its profits into a new effort, dubbed R? (for renewable energy cheaper than coal, as Google translates it) to make sources such as solar-thermal, high-altitude wind and geothermal cheaper than coal within years, not decades, according to Weihl.DIn the meantime, the industry as a whole has employ

26、ed a few tricks to save watts. Efforts include cutting down on the number of transformations the electricity itself must undergo before achieving the correct operating voltage; rearranging the stacks of servers and the mechanics of their cooling; and using software to create multiple virtual compute

27、rs, rather than having to deploy several real ones. Such visualization has allowed computer maker Hewlett-Packard to consolidate 86 data centers spread throughout the world to just three, with three backups, says Pat Tiernan, the firms vice president of social and environmental responsibility.EThe i

28、ndustry is also tackling the energy issue at the computer-chip level. With every doubling of processing power in recent years has come a doubling in power consumption. But to save energy, chipmakers such as Intel and AMD have shifted to so-called multicore technology, which packs multiple processors

29、 into one circuit rather than separating them. When we moved to multicoreaway from a linear focus on megahertz and gigahertzand throttled down microprocessors, the energy savings were pretty substantial, says A Hyson Klein, Intels marketing manager for its Ecotech Initiative. Chipmakers continue to

30、shrink circuits on the nanoscale as well, which means a chip needs less electricity to deliver the same performance, she adds.FWith such chips, more personal computers will meet various efficiency standards, such as Energy Star compliance (which mandates that a desktop consume no more than 65 watts)

31、. The federal government, led by agencies such as NASA and the Department of Defense may soon require all their purchases to meet the Electronic Product Environmental Assessment Tool standard. And Google, Intel and others have formed the Climate Savers Computing, Initiative, an effort to cut power c

32、onsumption from all computers by 50 percent by 20XX.GSleep modes and other power management tools built into most operating systems tan offer savings today. Yet about 90 percent of computers do not have such settings enabled, according to Klein. Properly activated, they would prevent a computer from

33、 leading to the emission of thousands of kilograms of carbon dioxide from power plants every year. But if powering down or unplugging the computer (the only way it uses zero power) is not an option, then perhaps the most environmentally friendly use of all those wasted computing cycles is in helping

34、 to model climate change. The University of Oxfords C11mateP offers an opportunity to at least predict the consequences of all that coal burning.HC02Stats is a free tool that can be embedded into any Web site to calculate the carbon dioxide emissions associated with using it. That estimate is based

35、on an assumption of 300 watts of power consumed by the personal computer, network and server involved or 16.5 milligrams of C02 emitted every second of use. The typical carbon footprint is roughly equivalent to 1.5 people breathing, says physicist Alexander Wissner-Gross of Harvard University, who c

36、o-created the Web tool.Question 1-6Use the information in the passage to match the people (listed A-E) with opinions or deeds below. Write the appropriate letters A-E in boxes 1-6 on your answer sheet.NB you may use any letter more than onceA Jonathan KoomeyB Ally son KleinC Pat TiernanD Bill WeihlE

37、 Alexander Wissner-Gross1 Figuring ways to optimize the utilization of energy in certain significant departments in the company2 A revolutionary improvement in a tiny but quite imperative component of the computers3 Targeting at developing alternative sources within the near future4 An astounding es

38、timate on the energy to be consumed by computers in a short period based on an unchangeable trend5 A powerful technique developed for integration of resources6 A failure for the vast majority of computers to activate the use of some internal tools already available in themQuestion 7-10Do the followi

39、ng statements agree with the information given in Reading Passage?In boxes 7-10 on your answer sheet, writeTRUE if the statement is trueFALSE if the statement is falseNOT GIVEN if the information is not given in the passage7 To chill the sever does not take up considerable amount of energy needed fo

40、r the computer.8 It seems that the number of the servers has a severe impact on the speed of the internet connection9 Several companies from other fields have a joint effort with the internet industry to work on the ways to save energy.10 Actions taken at a governmental level are to be expected to h

41、elp with savings in the energy in the near future.Question 11-13SummuryComplete the following summary of the paragraphs of Reading Passage, using No More than Three words from the Reading Passage for each answer. Write your answers in boxes 11-13 on your answer sheet.The11has also been reached 10 sa

42、ve up energy in every possible way and the philosophy behind it lies in the fact that there is a positive correlation between the ability to process and the need for energy. In this context, some firms have switched to12which means several processors are integrated into one single circuit to make significant energy savings. What is more, they go on to13on an even more delicate level for the chips to save more energy while staying at the constant level in terms of the performance.雅思阅读如何考8分技巧分享


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