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1、雅思阅读新变化大盘点 很多刚入门的考生在备考雅思阅读过程中,不会注意到近几年雅思阅读的变化,整理了雅思阅读新变化,一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读新变化大盘点在雅思考试过程中,阅读的提分还是相对比较容易的,尽管题量大、内容学术性也很强,但考生们需要注意的是,雅思阅读考察的一个考生的阅读理解能力而不是阅读速度的能力,并不需要考生完全阅读完全部内容再做题。关于雅思阅读新变化根据近几年的雅思考试统计,雅思阅读题量上发生了变化,填空题、选择题和段落标记题,配对题,选择题的题量增多,而段落标记题则减少,对于考生来说这是好事,毕竟阅读考试时间有限,段落标记题特别耗时间而且容易连错。作


3、,优先选择句子主语或宾语。最后小站雅思君提醒各位考生的是,关键词定位的技巧还是需要考生用练习去实践,名词作为关键词定位并不适合所有题目,有时动词也可以成为关键词定位,如果一种关键词定位无法帮助考生找到答案范围,那么多尝试其他的方法,灵活运用考试技巧才是雅思阅读高分的不二法门。剑桥雅思阅读真题之做题思路讲解Reading Passage 1 :The Orion SpacecraftQ3: Some extreme advocates of the Orion believed that the fears about nuclearTechnology were no necessary.问题

4、: 文中第 2 段不是说支持者们觉得不用担心核工业吗,为什么答案是 NG 呢?解答: 原文 Some of the more extreme advocates of the Orion system present it as the holy grail of space travel, which could have taken mankind into a new age of space travel in the 50s or 60s were it not for misplaced fears about nuclear technology.这道题先理解“were it n

5、ot for”,意思是“若不是有的话,若非”。文中说:“极端支持者认为它是太空旅行的里程杯,要不是对核技术错误的害怕,它应该可以在五六十年代就把人类带入太空旅行的新纪元。” 文中表达的意思是极端支持者认为五六十年代对核技术是错误的害怕。没有提到需不需要害怕或审慎的担忧核技术,故选 NG。难题。Reading Passage 2 :Economizing of the PoorQ19: The surveys of ERS help low-income households develop economizing practices.问题: 原文应定位何处?为何答案是 NO,我选的是 NG?解

6、答: C 段第 2 句,注意“such surveys shed little light on the economizing practices of households.” Little 表否定。Q22: Brand-name products are promoted more frequently.问题: 没有找到原文根据。解答: F 段第 3 句中:“.private-label products, which are on promotion less often.than the brand-name alternatives. ”Q23: Middle-income hou

7、seholds purchased less private-label RTE cereal thanlow-income households.问题: 没有找到原文根据。解答: F 段第 4 句,重点看“with those shares decreasing with increasing income levels”,可推出 middle-income 的状况。Reading Passage 3 :Development of MathematicsQ3: It is Archimedes who made the first estimate of .问题: 找不到定位。解答: 文中

8、第 1 段第 2 句,早在“second and third millennia B.C.,”就测量 值了。Q29: Psychometrics was cited in Einsteins Grand Theory of Relativity.问题: Harvey 的解释:“爱因斯坦的宏观相对论在文中提到只是一个时间参考,和心理测验一点关系都没有。”可文中并没有说明究竟有没有关系,为什么不是 NG?解答: Harvey 再解:相对论是物理学里的,和心理学真的没有关系!你别说你不知道,别逼我。Q30: At the time the US entered the First World War

9、, average American adults intelligence was equal to that of a thirteen-year-old.问题: 原文可以找到与题目同样的表达,为什么 FALSE?解答: 该陈述是一个 quite astounding conclusion,而真实情况是文中并未提及。文中举例说明智商测验用的不好,得出可笑的结论。雅思阅读全真练习系列:Global warmingGlobal warmingYou should spend about 20 minutes on Questions 1-13 which are based on Readin

10、g Passage 1 below.Questions 1-5Reading Passage 1 has six paragraphs A-F .Choose the most suitable headings for paragraphs B-F from the list of headings below.Write the appropriate numbers i-viii in boxes 1 - 5 on your answer sheet.List of Headingsi The plaintiffs?viewpoints on regulating emissionii

11、Federal government being taken to courtiii Possible impact of the case on other lawsuitsiv Regulating air pollution by twelve Statesv Stance of the Bush administrationvi Viewpoints of Bill Clinton on regulationvii The call for emission caps and reductionviii Uncertainty in ruling by the Supreme Cour

12、tExample AnswerParagraph A ii1. Paragraph B _2. Paragraph C _3. Paragraph D_4. Paragraph E _5. Paragraph F _Green states take the federal government to courtNov 30th 20XXFrom The Economist print editionA WHEN the subject is global warming,the villain is usually America . Although it produces a quart

13、er of the greenhouse gases that are heating up the planet,it refuses to regulate them. When other countries agreed on an international treaty to do sohe Kyoto protocolAmerica failed to ratify it. But not all American officialdom is happy with the federal governments stance. In fact,12 states disagre

14、e so fiercely that they are suing to force it to curb emissions of carbon dioxide,the most common greenhouse gas. The Supreme Court heard argument in the case on November 29th. The outcome will not be known for months,but the political wind seems to be shifting in favour of firmer action to counter

15、climate change.B The Clean Air Act charges the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) with regulating air pollution from vehicles. But the EPA argues that Congress did not intend to include CO2 under that heading,and that to do so would extend the EPAs authority to an unreasonable extent. Furthermore

16、,it contends that regulating emissions would not do good unless all or most other countries did the same. That is in keeping with the policies of President George Bush,who opposes mandatory curbs on emissions and believes that any international accord on global warming should apply to all countriesu

17、nlike the Kyoto protocol,which exempts poor ones,including big polluters such as China and India . Ten states,among them gas-guzzling Texas and car-making Michigan,also back the EPA.C The plaintiffs comprise 12 states,three cities,various NGOs,and American Samoa,a Pacific territory in danger of vani

18、shing beneath the rising ocean. They are supported by a further six states,two power companies,a ski resort,and assorted clergymen,Indian tribes and agitated grandees such as Madeleine Albright,a former secretary of state. They point out that under the administration of Bill Clinton,the EPA decided

19、that it did have the authority to regulate CO2. The act,they note,says the EPA should regulate any air pollutant that may reasonably be interpreted to endanger public health or welfare. It goes on to define public welfare to include effects on soils,water,crops,vegetation,manmade materials,animals,w

20、ildlife,weather,visibility,and climate.D The Supreme Court may give a mixed ruling,decreeing that carbon dioxide is indeed a pollutant,but one the EPA is free to ignore or regulate as it pleases. Or it might dismiss the complaint on the grounds that the plaintiffs did not have the right to lodge it

21、in the first place. In theory,they must prove that the EPAs foot-dragging has caused them some specific harm that regulation might remedya tall order in a field as fraught with uncertainty as climatology. Even if the court found in the plaintiffs favour,rapid change is unlikely. By the time the EPA

22、had implemented such a ruling,Congress would probably have superseded it with a new law.E That is the point,environmental groups say. They want Congress to pass a law tackling global warming,and hope that a favourable court ruling will jolly the politicians along. Moreover,the case has a bearing on

23、several other bitterly-contested lawsuits. Carmakers,for example,are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law based on certain provisions of the Clean Air Act that require them to reduce their vehicles CO2 emissions. If the Supreme Court decides that the act does not apply to

24、CO2,then the Californian law would also be in jeopardy. That,in turn, would scupper the decision of ten other states to adopt the same standard.F However the Supreme Court rules,many state governments are determined to tackle climate change. California is in the vanguard. Its legislature has passed

25、a law that will cap and then reduce industrial emissions of greenhouse gases. Seven eastern states have formed the Regional Greenhouse Gas Initiative,which will treat emissions from power plants the same way. Almost 400 mayors have signed an agreement to cut their cities emissions in line with Kyoto

26、 . Many businesses,even some power companies,would rather see regulation now than prolonged uncertainty. And several of the leading contenders for 20XXs presidential election are much keener on emissions caps than Mr Bush. Change is in the air.Questions 6-9Do the following statements reflect the vie

27、ws of the writer in the reading passage?In boxes 6 - 9 on your answer sheet writeYES if the statement reflects the views of the writerNO if the statement contradicts the views of the writerNOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage6. Texas and Michigan are among the 12 states whi

28、ch call for regulating air pollution.7. An American island is in danger of disappearing beneath the rising ocean.8. The plaintiffs can prove that the EPA抯 foot-dragging has caused them harm that the regulation might remedy.9. The Supreme Courts ruling may influence the results of other lawsuits.Ques

29、tions 10-13Answer the following questions with NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS each in boxes 10 - 13.10. What country produces 25% of the worlds greenhouse gases?11. Which president opposes mandatory curbs on emission, George Bush or Bill Clinton?12. Who are trying to get the courts to strike down a Californian state law that require them to reduce their vehicles CO2 emissions?13. What would some power companies rather see than prolonged uncertainty at present?雅思阅读新变化大盘点


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