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1、雅思阅读提升技巧之刻意训练 阅读能力提升非易事, 刻意阅读训练很重要,今天给大家带来了雅思阅读提升技巧之刻意训练,希望能帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【雅思阅读提升】 阅读能力提升非易事 刻意阅读训练很重要进行刻意阅读练习有两个关键,一个选取恰当的阅读材料,第二是培养阅读理解技能。关于阅读材料的选取选取阅读材料时,每个人根据自身的现有水平,选取那些有一定难度又可以通过一定练习驾驭的材料。比如你觉得雅思的阅读有挑战性,那么可以去找雅思阅读的题源*作为训练材料,等到能够驾驭雅思阅读*,再去找难度更高的*进行训练。有一个基本的建议就是:阅读训练材料以新闻报刊为主。原因是报刊*篇幅较短,

2、而且信息量大,逻辑性强,非常有利于培养理解能力。你可能会注意到,试卷上的阅读板块叫“阅读理解”(reading comprehension),而不叫“阅读”,这其实揭示了一个道理:阅读过程是由两个部分组成的,一个叫阅读,一个叫“理解。而很多人往往只注意到了“阅读”,并没有去训练“理解”能力。网上关于快速阅读的技巧多如牛毛,各种各样的技巧会让你“读”得更快,比如阅读时控制光线和环境,用手指或者笔辅助视线定位。但这些并没有什么用,它们关注的只是阅读的问题,而“理解过程”跟不上,读得再快也毫无用处。最关键的,是要提高“信息处理”的能力。比如这句话:To take part in a severe c

3、ontest between intelligence,which presses forward ,and an unworthy,timidignorance obstructing our progress.几乎没有一个生词,然而你看懂了吗?是读了一遍就懂还是来回读了很多遍才弄懂的?决定阅读能力的,并不是“读得多快”,而是“理解得多快”。所以刻意阅读练习的关键其实是培养理解能力。一般来说,影响阅读理解能力主要有以下几个因素:1.词汇量2.语法句法基础3.背景知识词汇量是阅读理解的基石。千万不要以为有大学四六级水平的词汇就够了,那是欧美国家文盲水平,读不懂外刊和原版书的。受过良好教育的英文




7、在的理由。阅读的时候,对于看到的每一个段落、句子、短语甚至每一个单词,都应该多思考:作者为什么要这么写,有什么目的?句子与句子之间有没有什么联系?读*,不仅仅要认识单词,还要搞清楚*的结构、写作意图和逻辑关系。只有这样,才能真正训练理解能力。雅思考试阅读理解练习试题及答案Study Finds Web Antifraud Measure IneffectivePublished: February 5, 20XX New York Times1. Internet security experts have long known that simple passwords do not ful

8、ly defend online bank accounts from determined fraud artists. Now a study suggests that a popular secondary security measure provides little additional protection.2.The study, produced jointly by researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, looked at a technology called site

9、-authentication images. In the system, currently used by financial institutions like Bank of America, ING Direct and Vanguard, online banking customers are asked to select an image, like a dog or chess piece, that they will see every time they log in to their account.3.The idea is that if customers

10、do not see their image, they could be at a fraudulent Web site, dummied up to look like their banks, and should not enter their passwords.4.The Harvard and M.I.T. researchers tested that hypothesis. In October, they brought 67 Bank of America customers in the Boston area into a controlled environmen

11、t and asked them to conduct routine online banking activities, like looking up account balances. But the researchers had secretly withdrawn the images.5.Of 60 participants who got that far into the study and whose results could be verified, 58 entered passwords anyway. Only two chose not to log on,

12、citing security concerns.6. The premise is that site-authentication images increase security because customers will not enter their passwords if they do not see the correct image, said Stuart Schechter, a computer scientist at the M.I.T. Lincoln Laboratory. From the study we learned that the premise

13、 is right less than 10 percent of the time.7.He added: If a bank were to ask me if they should deploy it, I would say no, wait for something better, he said.8.The system has some high-power supporters in the financial services world, many trying to comply with new online banking regulations. In 2005

14、, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council, an interagency body of federal banking regulators, determined that passwords alone did not effectively thwart intruders like identity thieves.9.It issued new guidelines, asking financial Web sites to find better ways for banks and customers t

15、o identify each other online. January 20XX was set as the compliance date, though the council has yet to begin enforcing the mandate.10.Banks immediately knew what they did not want to do: ask customers to download new security software, or carry around hardware devices that feed them PIN codes they

16、 can use to authenticate their identities. Both solutions would add an extra layer of security but, the banks believed, detract from the convenience of online banking.11.The image system, introduced in 2004 by a Silicon Valley firm called PassMark Security, offered banks a pain-free addition to thei

17、r security arsenals. Bank of America was among the first to adopt it, in June 2005, under the brand name SiteKey, asking its 21 million Web site users to select an image from thousands of possible choices and to choose a unique phrase they would see every time they logged in.12.SiteKey gives our cus

18、tomers a fairly easy way of authenticating the Bank of America Web site, said Sanjay Gupta, an e-commerce executive at the bank. It was very well received.13.The Harvard and M.I.T. researchers, however, found that most online banking customers did not notice when the SiteKey images were absent. When

19、 respondents logged in during the study, they saw a site maintenance message on the screen where their image and phrases should have been pictured. The error message also had a conspicuous spelling mistake, further suggesting something fishy.14.Mr. Gupta of Bank of America said he was not troubled b

20、y the results of the survey, and stressed that SiteKey had made the banks Web site more secure. He also said that the system was only a single part of a larger security blanket. Its not like were betting the bank on SiteKey, he said.15.Most financial institutions, like Bank of America, have other wa

21、ys to tell if a customer is legitimate. The banks often drop a small software program, called a cookie, onto a users PC to associate the computer with the customer. If the customer logs in from another machine, he may be asked personal questions, like his mothers maiden name.16.Rachna Dhamija, the H

22、arvard researcher who conducted the study, points out that swindlers can use their dummy Web sites to ask customers those personal questions. She said that the study demonstrated that site-authentication images are fundamentally flawed and, worse, might actually detract from security by giving users

23、 a false sense of confidence.17.RSA Security, the company that bought PassMark last year, has a lot of great data on how SiteKey instills trust and confidence and good feelings in their customers, Ms. Dhamija said. Ultimately that might be why they adopted it. Sometimes the appearance of security is

24、 more important than security itself.Questions 1-5Do the following statements agree with the information given in the passage? Please writeTRUE if the statement agrees with the writerFALSE if the statement does not agree with the writerNOT GIVEN if there is no information about this in the passage1.

25、According to internet security experts, secondary security measures provide little additional protection against fraud.2.In the Harvard and MIT study, two subjects didnt log on without seeing the correct pictures.3.According to Schechter, more than 90% of online banking customers studied logged on w

26、ithout seeing the right pictures.4.The image system is the only security measure that the banks mentioned in the passage have currently.5.Bank of America is the first bank that adopted the image system.Questions 6-13Answer the following questions or complete the following sentences by choosing NO MO

27、RE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.6.What is ING Direct and Vanguard?7.What might online banking customers be cheated to give at a fraudulent Web site?8.What may stop online banking customers from using new verification methods?9.The key to online banking security is to verify the _ of customers.10

28、.Where is PassMark Security located?11.What is the reason why SiteKey is popular among online banking customers?12.What was used instead of images in the Harvard and M.I.T. study?13.How many security methods are mentioned in this passage?参考答案:1. 第一段 Now a study suggests that a popular secondary secu

29、rity measure provides little additional protection.似与问题文字很接近,但是原文中a popular secondary security measure是指特定的一个措施,而非泛指所有secondary security measure。原文没有其它secondary security measure安全有效性的内容。故应选择NG。2. 见第4、5段内容。第四段 But the researchers had secretly withdrawn the images.即研究人员撤下了图形,第五段Only two chose not to l

30、og on, citing security concerns.,有两个人因为安全考虑未进入。3. T 见第6段。4. F 见第11、14段。5. F 见第11段 Bank of America was among the first to adopt it,可见首批采用图形识别软件的银行并非Bank of America一家。6. A financial institution 见第二段。7. (their) passwords 见第三段。8. less convenience 见第十段。9. identity 见第八、十段。10. Silicon Valley 见第十一段。11. easy

31、 to use 见第十二段。12. site maintenance message 见第十三段 When respondents logged in during the study, they saw a site maintenance message on the screen where their image and phrases should have been pictured.13. 4 分别见第十段的 download new security software和hardware devices that feed them PIN codes,第十五段的a small software program, called a cookie,以及*提到的site-authentication images。雅思阅读提升技巧之刻意训练


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