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1、雅思阅读的是非无判断题解题方法讲解 是非无题型一定算的上是难点之一。除了要求烤鸭们找的“快准狠”之外,在偷换概念,考察细节上,下面给大家带来了雅思阅读的是非无判断题解题方法讲解,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧雅思阅读的是非无判断题解题方法讲解1题目,你真的读懂了吗?读懂雅思题目可谓是一切的开始,如果烤鸭们一开始连题目都读错的话,想要顺利答对题估计只能是去靠运气了环球君在这里提醒一句,想要看懂题目,基础词汇量还是很必要的,所以该背单词的时候,各位切记不要偷懒哦2定位词你找准没有时候雅思的定位词会很具有迷惑性,各位要注意辨别,看环球君给大家举个例子:剑4 Test1 Passa

2、ge1 第5题The study involved asking children a number of yes/ no questions such as Are there any rainforests in Africa?烤鸭们看见大写字母简直激动有么有?于是迅速的定位为Africa然而很遗憾的告诉大家,这个是不对哒通读整句我们不难发现这个句子的主语是【the study】,所以study才是重点定位词哦各位!如果在日常训练中,发现定位词找不准,不妨试试看多找几个关键定位词,提升自己的准确率。3回到文中再定位回到文中再定位的时候呢,会容易出现一个比较尴尬的情况,就是定位词找不到了啊!

3、如果只是一般的同义替换,烤鸭们一般都能搞定,但是定位词有时会被彻底的改头换面,烤鸭们找的时候内心真的是迷之尴尬比如很经典的一个案例,就是雅思将language解释成【表达情感与思想的载体】这种解词猜意,就需要靠平时积累才能顺利搞定了。还有一种情况,就是定位词在文中的位置较为分散,需要联系上下文进行解读,这种情况下基础较弱的烤鸭们,还是从自己最基础的阅读基本功开始抓起来吧4理解原文出答案已经顺利在文中找到了相对应的关键词,却意外发现原文中的句子是个super复杂的长难句,导致了理解上的困难,从而最终判断错误,这种情况应该怎么办呢?最好的方法当然是缩句啦我们来看个例子:剑4 Test1 Passa

4、ge1,第四题The fact that childrens ideas about science form part of a larger framework of ideas means that it is easier to change them.定位词是childrens ideasa large framework解题关键在于easier to change them该句在文中对应的原文为.but organized, conceptual framework, making it and the component ideas, .more robust but also

5、accessible to modification.烤鸭们看到这里的more,再看到一个but also,也就是说,more修饰的是robust和accessible to modification,又因为accessible含有easy的概念,所以这个题目应该选true,而很多烤鸭会忽略了这个由but also连接的隐含比较级别,而误选到not given,就很可惜啦!雅思阅读:你如何分得清Y/N/NG的区别Yes1.题目是根据原文同义表达,通常是同义词之间的替换或者是同义结构。举例:原文:According to the survey of 20XX, men are taller th

6、an women.题目:The survey of 20XX finds that women are smaller than men.定位词:年代20XX考点词:taller(同义结构)原文:Frogs are losing the ecological battle for survival, and biologists are at a loss to explain their demise.题目:Biologists are unable to explain why the frogs are dying.定位词:biologists 学科类的专有名词,生物学家考点词: una

7、ble(同义词)2. 题目是根据原文中的话来推断出来。举例:原文:On 13 July 1907, Baekeland took out his famous patent describing his Modern-day plastic preparation, the essential features of which are still in use today.题目:Modern-day plastic preparation is based on the same principles as that patented in 1907.定位词:年代1907考点词:same(句

8、子意思推断答案)No1. 题目与原文的意思相反: 通常是反义词, 否定词(no/never/not)+同义词,或者是反义结构举例:原文:Eating hamburgers is beneficial to peoples health.题目:Eating hamburgers is bad for peoples health.定位词:Eating hamburgers考点词:形容词bad原文:Data showing the scale of the nickel sulphide problem is almost impossible to find.题目:There is plenty

9、 of documented evidence available about the incidence of nickel sulphide failure.定位词:nickel sulphide考点词:plenty of 介词短语做形容词2. 原文中是几个条件得出一个结论,条件以并列的方式出现,常用both.and., and, or 或者also等, 题目却出现must 或者only,表示只有这个条件就可以得到结论。举例:原文:Since the Olympics began, 36 out of 58 gold medals have been won by the athletes

10、 from China and USA.题目:Only the competitors in China have won the gold medals in the Olympics.定位词: Olympics考点词:only3. 原文是某种理论或者是感觉,比如theory, feel等,而题目是事实或已经被证明,常有fact 或者prove等词。举例:原文:The professor feels/guesses that H7N9 can transmit from people to people.题目:The professor proves that H7N9 can transm

11、it among the people.定位词:H7N9考点词:proves4. 原文和题目使用了表示不同频率或者范围的词汇。比如: 原文中用most,题目中用all或者few;原文中用sometimes,题目中用often之类的词; 原文中用possible而题目是impossible等。举例:原文:Most people in the class are from Shanghai.题目:All the people in the class are from Shanghai.定位词:Shanghai考点词:All5. 原文中包含条件状语if/unless/Provided that(假

12、如) 或者是in 和 with介词短语表示条件状语,题目却去掉了这些表示条件状语的部分。举例:原文:The Internet is a hazardous tool in the hands of small children.题目:The Internet is a dangerous instrument.定位词: Internet考点词: dangerous原文: Lily can ride the bike with the help of her mother.题目: Lily can ride the bicycle.定位词:Lily考点词: canNot Given1.题目在原文

13、中找不到依据。切记不能光凭自己的知识理解来判断,即使出现题目中说“地球是方的”.2. 题目的范围比原文的范围小。(如果反过来,就是T)举例:原文:Tea is good for peoples health.题目:People can get benefits from Green Tea.3. 题目中有比较结构,原文中无比较结构。举例:原文:And the future? It is anticipated that, in the years to come, leisure facilities spending will account for between a third and

14、a half of all household spending. Whilst it is difficult to give exact figures, the leisure industry will certainly experience a long period of sustained growth.题目:In future, people will pay less for the leisure facilities they use than they do today.定位词:leisure facilities考点词:less4. 题目中有表示趋势的词或词组,而原

15、文却无法找到相关的表达。举例:原文:The future, we are told, is likely to be different. Detailed surveys of social and economic trends in the European Community show that Europes population is falling and getting older. The birth rate in the Community is now only three-quarters of the level needed to ensure replaceme

16、nt of the existing population. By the year 2020, it is predicted that more than one in four Europeans will be aged 60 or more and barely one in five will be under 20. In a five-year period between 1983 and 1988 the Communitys female workforce grew by almost six million. As a result, 51% of all women

17、 aged 14 to 64 are now economically active in the labor market compared with 78% of men.题目:The rise in the female workforce in the European Community is a positive trend.定位词:European Community female workforce(专有名词)考点词:positive这道题引出:如果原文没有提到,也只能是NG。或者,题目中表示现在情况,而原文表示将来或者过去,也是NG,反之亦然。5.主体动作发生的时间段不一样,

18、导致信息无法判断。举例:原文:Since the early years of the twentieth century, when the International Athletic Federation began keeping records, there has been a steady improvement in how fast athletes run, how high they jump题目:There was little improvement in athletic performance before the twentieth century.定位词:年代

19、twentieth century考点词:little,before6. 题目中句子的主语或宾语和原文中的主语和宾语进行了“偷天换日”, 因此无法判断,为NG。举例:原文:In the last 20 years, scientists have detected an increasing variety of toxic contaminants in the North, including pesticides from agriculture, chemicals and heavy metals from industry. These are substances that ha

20、ve invaded ecosystems virtually worldwide, but they are especially worrisome in the Arctic.题目:Industry in the Arctic has increased over the last 20 years.定位词:Arctic,20 years考点词:increased对于Y/N/NG这类题目,还有1项黄金法则,不妨在时间紧急又太纠结的时候用起来:题目中若出现must,only,all,most及always等极端绝对化的词语,答案是80%是F,20%是NG。举例:原文:Hydroelectr

21、ic power is at present the earths chief renewable electricity source, generating 6% of global energy and about 15% of worldwide electricity. Hydroelectric power in Canada is plentiful and provides 60% of their electrical requirements. Usually regarded as an inexpensive and clean source of electricit

22、y, most big hydroelectric projects being planned today are facing a great deal of hostility from environmental groups and local people.题目:Canada uses the most hydroelectric power in the world today.定位词:Canada ,hydroelectric power考点词:most雅思阅读练习题:Video games are great literature?Its an unfortunate fea

23、ture of working as both a novelist and a games designer that I end up sitting through a lot of panels, round-tables, conferences, discussions and other exercises in head-nodding where digital people try to get to grips with(对付;处理)storytelling, or where story people try to understand the digital worl

24、d. (身兼写小说和设计游戏两职,我工作中一个非常不幸的特征是不得不经常置身许多专题会、圆桌会、研讨会、讨论会以及其他摇头晃脑的锻炼场合,在这些场合中,数字人试图解决讲故事的问题,或者讲故事的人试图理解数字世界。) Both these types of event have their aggravations.(这两类活动都各有其令人恼火之处。) When digital people run workshops or colloquia or jams (there are infinite names for the basic principle of bringing people

25、 together in combination with coffee) about storytelling, they often seem not to notice that quite a lot of very clever people have been thinking very hard about stories for, oh, the past 3,000-4,000 years. Ive heard people suggest that maybe stories have a “pattern” or “structural ordering” that ho

26、lds together their parts, without apparently realizing that a lot of people have written about this, from Aristotle on. And lets not even get on to (听信) the people who say things like “data is a story”, “products are a story”, “your robo-vacuum cleaner has a story to tell you”. No it isnt, no theyre

27、 not, and no unless artificial intelligence(人工智能)has come on much faster than anticipated(期待) it doesnt. But more aggravating even than this are the forums, summits, breakout sessions and seminars on “digital literature” run by exceedingly(非常,特别地) well-meaning arts people who can talk for hours abou

28、t what the future might be for storytelling in this new technological age whether we might produce hyperlinked(超链接的)or interactive(互动的)or multi-stranded novels and poems without apparently noticing that video games exist. And they dont just exist! Theyre the most lucrative(有利可图的), fastest-growing me

29、dium of our age. (电子游戏岂止简单地存在!它们可是这个时代最赚钱,成长最快的媒介!)Your experimental technological literature is already here; its the noise youre trying to get your children to turn down while you pen(用笔写)your thoughts about the future of location-based storytelling.(技术实验性的文学已然在这儿,就是你在梳理基于地点的故事讲述之未来的时候,想方设法让你孩子关小的

30、那些噪音。) When I bring this up with arts and literary types, I often get the sort of “oh come, come” response that can only emerge (出现)from someone who has no familiarity whatsoever with what video games are, have been, and can be. (当我向那些艺术和文学类的人提起这点时,我得到的反应通常是“噢,别,别”,只有那些对电子游戏的过去,现在和未来毫不知情的人才可能做出这种反应。

31、)“You cant claim that Grand Theft Auto has literary merit,” they say. Maybe you can plenty of people have but no, I wouldnt cite GTA as fascinating experimental literature any more than Id cite robo-Godzilla-fighting blockbuster Pacific Rim as an example of avant-garde(先锋派)film-making (its fun thoug

32、h). But are there video games experimenting with more interesting storytelling than any “digital literature” project Ive seen? Yes, certainly. And if you want to think of yourself as well read, or well cultured, you need to engage with them.(如果你想自己成为一个阅读广泛、文化精深的人,你就需要融入到它们之中。) To pick just 10 exampl

33、es from recent years, its hard to imagine how you could opine on(对发表意见)the future of literature without having played the brilliantly characterful and fourth-wall breaking Portal, the sombre(阴郁的)and engrossing(引人入胜的) Papers, Please, or the dazzlingly surreal (超现实的)exploration of the American subcons

34、cious, Kentucky Route Zero. Are you interested in discussing experimental “read it in any order” literature(一种文学形式,读者可以从任何地方开始阅读)? Then for goodness sake, play the mystery narratives of Her Story and Gone Home and the hilarious and unsettling The Stanley Parable. If you want to talk about how writer

35、s can engage with politics, capitalism, or the environmental movement, youll be showing your ignorance if you havent played Oiligarchy. Interested in how storytellers can engage with themes of mortality(死亡)? Youll want Spider: The Secret of Bryce Manor, or Jason Rohrers short, powerful game Passage,

36、 or the sublime Journey. Each of these games could and probably should be taught in schools to inspire(激励)the next generation of creators. The problem is that people who like science and technology, and people who like storytelling and the arts have typically been placed in different buildings since

37、 about the age of 16. We havent been taught how to admire each others work, to recognize excellence, or even to know that there is excellence in “the other culture”. Theres a kind of sullen arrogance(自大,傲慢) on both sides, with some people in both camps simply denying that the other knows anything wo

38、rth listening to. There is a kind of “worthy” arts professional who thinks that knowing nothing about games like saying “I dont even own a television!” is a marker of intellectual superiority.(有一类自诩为“有价值的”艺术专业人员认为,对游戏一无所知,比方说些“我甚至连电视机都没有!”之类的话,就标志着他们在智力上要高人一筹。) But we cant afford that kind of thinki

39、ng any more. Being culturally educated about video games is as important as going to museums or learning about opera. Games often manage to be both great art and an economic powerhouse; were doing ourselves and the next generation a disservice (伤害)if we dont take that seriously.(如果我们不认真对待的话,我们会对自己和下

40、一代造成伤害。) Vocabulary Get to grips with 对付,解决 Artificial intelligence 人工智能 Anticipate 期待 Exceedingly 非常地;极端地 Hyperlink 超链接 Interactive 互动的 Lucrative 有利可图的 Emerge 出现 Avant-garde 先锋派 Opine on 对发表意见 Somber 阴郁的 Engrossing 引人入胜的 Surreal 超现实的 Mortality 死亡 Inspire 激励 Arrogance 傲慢 Do somebody a disservice 对某人

41、造成伤害 读雅思真题,记基础词汇 1.That may mean that more artificial intelligence companies will start to emerge to meet this challenge.(剑5T3P3) 参考译文:那就意味着会有更多的人工智能公司出现,以适应这一挑战。 2.In the late 1970s, the infant mortality rate for the children of illiterate mothers was around 110 deaths per thousand live births. (剑6T4P2) 参考译文:20世纪70年代,未接受过教育的母亲的婴儿死亡率大概是1000个出生婴儿中有110例死亡。 3. A teacher who continually draws attention to rewards or who hands out high grades for ordinary achievement ends up with uninspired students, Eisenberger holds. 埃森伯格认为,老师如果不断让学生注意到回报,或者对一般的成绩就给高分,其结果会让学生失去动力。雅思阅读的是非无判断题解题方法讲解


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