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1、雅思阅读考试技巧分享 在备考雅思的过程中,学会雅思解题技巧是必要的,今天给大家带来了雅思阅读技巧,一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读考试技巧:问答题答题步骤回答问题(short-answer question tasks)回答问题是根据所给*或图表回答问题。在IELTS阅读测试中通常是用下列单词提问:. what、which、when、where、who、whose、whom、why、 how 等。除了利用上述单词进行提问外,有时会在答题指引中将所提问题列出。回答问题答题步骤:1. 仔细查看答题指引,了解回答何种问题。2. 查看例句,确定答题方式。3. 要确定问句的种类,一

2、般疑问句可按正常形式回答(例如:yes/no),如果是选择疑问句或者是以wh/how开头的问句就一定要具体回答4. 仔细理解问句所提问题。5. 特别要注意问句中所提问题的关键词语(例如:单数、复数),以及问句中表明数量、时间、地点的词语。6. 将问句中的关键词语与*中相关句子中的词语进行匹配。7. 确定问句与*中相关句子含义是否一致,得出答案。雅思阅读考试技巧:分类题分类题(Categorizing) 在分类题中,一般有三个类别(我们可以称之为甲、乙、丙)以及一些项目,要求是将这些项目分别归入这三个类别之中。在*中,一般会讲述两种不同的事物,我们姑且称它们为A和B. 类别甲中归入与A类事物有关

3、的项目,类别乙中归入与B类事物有关的项目,而类别丙中归入与A和B都有关的项目。 在*中,作者会对A和B 两类事物进行分别探讨和互相比较,因此我们在阅读时就必须注意作者在谈论和比较A和B 的时候是否提到这些项目,并把这些项目归入到适当的类别中去。一般来说,作者会在不同的段落中讲述A和B 两类事物,不过有时A和B 会在同一段落中被提到,因为作者要把它们作一个详细的比较。T: Desktop publishing3 The first stage in the old method of preparing INFO was the gathering together of all text, p

4、hotographs and graphics which would make up the bulk of the magazine. The next step was marking the text for the printer-a rather laborious, and occasionally hit-and-miss affair! In essence, this meant judging the approximate length of the articles and choosing appropriate print sizes and styles (fo

5、nts). The appropriately marked pages were then sent to the printer for type-setting. The end-product of this type-setting phase is called a galley and takes the form of continuous columns on long sheets of paper.4 At this stage the fun begins! All the columns of text have to be cut and manually past

6、ed onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine. If one had misjudged the length of text at the type-setting phase, then screams of agony would mingle the pervading smell of glue in the editorial offices as a very stressed editor wrangles bits of text

7、and photographs. The flexibility of this old system was very limited, page layout was largely pre-determined and type-setting errors meant long and time-consuming proof-reading, both at the galley stage and at the final page proof stage. An additional problem with the old method is the length of tim

8、e between the copy date (stage 1) and the publication of the magazine (about six weeks for INFO).5 Desktop publishing made our life a lot easier. Now with our new system, we first type the text of the article on an ordinary word-processing package (MultiMate Advantage II is used but any other packag

9、e is usable) or we ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk, typed with almost any word processor on an IBM or compatible PC computer. The second stage is to design the page frame, i.e. size, number of columns and margins. We then place the text in the page with an easy command called

10、 “Autoflow”.6 The third stage is the design of the layout: placing illustrations and choosing the most suitable typeface. At the last stage, we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. After making all corrections, the files containing our next INFO ar

11、e copied on to a disk and sent to our printers for publication.Q: Below are headings showing the sages involved in printing any document. According to theinformation in the passage:write T if the stage is necessary in traditional printing;write D if the stage is necessary with desktop publishing;wri

12、te TD if the stage is necessary in both methods.I1 gathering inputI2 designing page frameI3 marking textI4 type-settingI5 page designI6 cutting and pastingI7 proof-reading解题:这里选取的是*的第三到第六段,其中三、四两段谈论traditional printing(T),而五、六两段探讨desktop publishing(D)。在traditional printing中,首先是the gathering together

13、 of all text, photographs and graphics,其次是marking the text for theprinter,再其次then sent to the printer for type-setting,然后是have to be cut and manually pasted onto sheets of paper marked out in columns, to give the layout for each page of the magazine,最后是long and time-consuming proof-reading;而在desktop

14、 publishing中,首先是ask our contributors to send us their article on a disk,其次是design the page frame,然后是the design of the layout,最后we print the articles on the laser printer and pass them on to colleagues to be proof-read. 根据这些列出的两种印刷方法的各个步骤,我们可以准确地将上述的项目进行归类:I1 gathering input - TD;I2 designing page fr

15、ame - D;I3 marking text - T;I4 type-setting - T;I5 page design - TD;I6 cutting and pasting - T;I7 proof-reading - TD.雅思阅读考试技巧:多选题多选题是雅思阅读考试里一项比较难而且比较另类的题型,因为其他任何题型只会有一个答案与之对应,而多选题往往会要从选项中选出2-3个答案。很多同学会觉得多选题不知道从何下手,在别的题目中使用的关键词定位技巧在这类题目中有点茫然。其实多选题并没有想象的那么难,用一句话来介绍我喜欢用的方法是:把多选题的每一个选项都转化为一个True/False/N

16、ot Given题来做。做完之后,所有选True的选项便是应该选择的正确答案。比如剑4-94页的20-21题:The list below gives some statements about anthropology.Which TWO statements are mentioned by the writer of the text?A It is important for government planners.B It is a continually growing field of study.C It often involves long period of fieldw

17、ork.D It is subdivided for study purpose.E It studies human evolutionary patterns.那么我们可以把5个选项看做5个TFNG题,然后去解答这些TFNG题。因为TFNG往往是大家练习得很多,现存的技巧很多,特别具有“定位+做题”特色的题,所以大家做起来会觉得轻车熟路。直接划出每个选项中的关键词,如government planners, growing field, filedwork, subdivide, evolutionary patterns. 接下来用这些词去定位,会发现只有D和E是true,其他的都是NG

18、,所以正确答案就是DE。在剑4-95上还有一道题,大家可以马上尝试自己做这个题目,实践一下上述方法。雅思备考 高效阅读*的技巧雅思备考高效阅读技巧一:掌握*结构如果我们掌握了雅思阅读的三大类*结构介绍说明类、问题解决类和实验研究类,那么在考试中遇到结构相似的*就可以判断出自己需要的信息大概在*的哪个位置,提高大家的做题速度。介绍说明类的*一般都是先引出主题,然后就按照事物发展顺序来介绍,所用语言多是客观性的描述,最后通常是总结一下这个现象或事件的意义。比如说,剑桥真题中的what do whales feel?、alternative medicine in australia、Johnson

19、s dictionary等都是这类*。问题解决类的*同样是先引出主题,然后就对问题产生的原因和影响进行分析,最后就是提出一些合适的应对措施或者目前没有合适的办法,需要寄希望于未来。这类*多是对于一些社会、环保自然等一些消极方面的现象的分析,比如说剑桥真题中的the truth about the environment、endless harvest、disappearing delta等。实验研究类的*更为固定,一般先介绍实验目的、实验对象和实验条件,然后就是实验过程和实验的关键部分,最后就是分析数据,得出结论。剑桥真题中的类似的*有visual symbols and the blind、

20、nature or nurture、the effects of light on plant and animal species等。更为具体的对三类*结构的讲解大家可以参考雅思阅读*的三个精品结构雅思备考高效阅读技巧二:熟悉*背景知识大家生活中肯定都有这样的经验,看自己熟悉领域的*会比较快,比较容易理解;遇到不熟悉的*,就会降低阅读速度,以求能理解*。雅思阅读备考也是一样。如果我们能够熟悉积累众多不同题材*的背景知识,那自己面对不同类型的*都能阅读的很快。比如说,你经常看太空方面的科技知识,那在考试中遇到同样题材的*,由于对背景知识的熟悉、对专业术语的熟悉,那阅读的速度就可以既快又准确。我

21、们通常都是通过雅思阅读的题源来学习积累相关的背景知识。常见的题源有:New Scientist、The Economist、American Scientist、Scientific American和National Geographic。更为具体的雅思阅读题源的备考方法大家可以参考雅思阅读*有哪些*雅思备考高效阅读技巧三:标记重点内容雅思阅读浏览*的过程中,还有一个非常重要的技巧需要给大家分享,那就是学会做笔记。我们知道,雅思阅读*会有一些常见的考点,比如说段落大意、人名配对、对长难句的理解、*主题、一些事件流程等。如果我们在略读*的时候,就将这些重点信息标记出来,那做题的时候不仅方便定位


23、而是需要靠做题者自己去归纳。例如“剑四”52页30题题干“a description of the mental activities which are exercised and developed during play”,在*相关段落中很难甄别出上述信息。还有T/F/NG题中,虽然题目顺序与原文答案出现顺序一般保持一致,但也不能完全排除顺序打乱的情况出现,例如“剑五”19页8-13题。要做出这些题,那就非读*不可了。2结构阅读法那么雅思*该怎么读呢?首先,我们来看看雅思权威考官Vanessa Jakeman和Clare McDowell两位专家是怎么说的:“When you go to

24、 university or college you may be overwhelmed by the amount of reading you are expected to do. You will have to do a lot of this reading on your own and you will need to be able to read discriminatingly. This means you will need to have the skills required to focus in on the information that is impo

25、rtant to you and to skim through the information that isnt.”按照他们的说法,雅思阅读就是考察学生在读长*时筛选信息的能力,即read discriminately,知道哪些是重要信息必须细读,哪些是无用的,可以忽略。雅思考题的设计思路不仅是为了测试考生的语言水平,更在于帮助考生培养起一套适合英联邦大学教学观念的学习方法。在英国念文科的同学都会有这样一种共识,那就是一学期要看很多书,写很多essay,有的同学虽然很刻苦,整日地泡在图书馆里做书虫,但还是读不完reading list中的必读书。再对比周围英国同学,他们不见得比我们刻苦,却


27、,怎样能在几分钟内,梳理出作者的写作思路呢?对于这个问题我们知道,雅思*的学术性虽然决定了它的深度,但另一方面也决定了相对固定的*结构。因为学术是严谨的,在形式上它有一套严格的规范(the established academic caliber)。就学术范畴的*而言,其观点可以犀利独到,但论证必须缜密,所以*层次结构相比起他体裁是稳定的。换言之,学术*有点八股文的味道。那么我们就可以利用这点迅速掌握*结构继而掌握思路了。*的性质决定了*的结构。在剑桥雅思的前言中,关于阅读有这样一段话: “The passages are on topics of general interest. At least one text contains detailed logical argument.” 据笔者观察,所有雅思*都可以分为两大类:介绍性的学术说明文和论辩性的学术论文。雅思阅读考试技巧


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