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1、3个必备要素把握听力提速要点 雅思听力是雅思考试四大组成部分之一,它源于交际性测试的最前沿发展形式任务型测试,今天给大家带来了3个必备要素把握听力提速要点,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。3个必备要素把握听力提速要点首先,觉得雅思听力速度快,最传统也是最有效的解决方法就是多听。除了反复练耳朵,别无捷径。除此之外,建议平时大声朗读*,并且保持一定的速度。听和说是密切联系的,因此,快速的朗读在一定程度上是可以促进听力水平的提高的。需要注意的是,朗读时要记得考察自己的读音是否正确标准,否则适得其反。其次,英语基础的不牢固,对英语词汇的辨识度不够,所以要听说结合,正确的发音。听和说是息息相关的:听力不


3、和读音之间还没有建立起稳定的联系。对于这种情况,一是要在平时记单词的时候大声朗读(注意保证读音的质量),通过综合刺激形成稳固印象;二是平时练习时多搜集此类听得懂但写不出的词。雅思听力机经小范围预测:Section ThreeSection3 V101218Questions 21-2621.when the organization is first founded, there are B A. No clear objectsB. No formal structuresC. No premises22. the reason they are unsatisfied is B A. Ty

4、pe of workB. The way of work shared C. cannot be appreciated23. the attitude towards the former leader is that C. he has done too much24. the view on new recruit is that: C25. how about the working result: A. children have all received the education26. what problems have they solved: BA. EmploymentB

5、. Administrator stop workingC. Financial trainingQuestions 27-3027. culture of the organization28.a role as a leader29. management of change30. the other article nature of voluntary雅思听力机经小范围预测:Section FourSection4 V110305s4 V06111s4 V7131S4Questions 31-4031. people get more nervous if the speech is

6、important32. The speech is not a gift but can be learned by people.33. audience will only remember the last thing you said34. Make sure your contents to be well-organized35. Dont start your speech until audience is paying attention36. you can make your notes on cards or a sheet of paper37. dont need

7、 to write speech in full38. People can only memorise one or two ideas39. Make it short and time yourself40. Not just read your talks雅思听力小范围预测:Section OneSection One场次 20XX0618 20XX0118 20XX 场景 学校咨询题型 填空 10内容概述 介绍一所小学,咨询学校填空 101. from 8:10 to 9:00am2. school will contact parents on the emails/phone3.

8、 parents can attend art course with their kids4. next gathering for parents: July5. new gym next to the canteen and sport fiddle in the back6. need not wearing uniform that with name on the coats,comfortable shoesdo not wear boots.7. Activities: cooking, music and chess8. day trip: 8 summer camp in

9、Countryside9. a professional dentist emergency took place10. Students when they ride bike to school wear bright clothes and a helmet.雅思听力小范围预测:Section TwoSection Two场次 20XX0813 20XX097 20XX0813 20XX0520 20XX1205 20XX场景 旅游介绍题型 填空 4 单选 2 配对 4内容概述 关于 mitchell island 的 travelling advice选择 21. 可以坐什么交通工具到

10、小岛上? AA. plane B. ferry C. hovercraft C. hover craft 为干扰项是,但是他又说这个项目被取消了还是怎么了,所以 不能选。2. 第二个选择题是问坐出租车需要彭彭提请注意什么?选 B.A. uncomfortable B. unroadworth C. unregistered配对 43-6.是 Matching 题,要求分别把 E-east coast;N-north coast;W-west coast 对应到相关服务的选项上3. 第一个服务好像是什么餐饮之类的,self-cafeteria restaurant 这一项填 E4. natural walk to amusing park,填 N5. shop,不用填6. 第四个高尔夫课程 Golf Course,填 N填空 47. tropical diseases8. 要带 bottles of water9. snakes 原文:因为说是东海岸有危险动物,好像是例如西海岸的蛇10. 岛上有犯罪记录的是 monkeys 原文:这里提到过的“犯罪”是谁干的,说是本地的猴子为了找食物。


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