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1、4大差异解析雅思听力和托福听力区别 4大差异解析雅思听力和托福听力区别,今天给大家带来了4大差异解析雅思听力和托福听力区别,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。4大差异解析雅思听力和托福听力区别雅思听力和托福听力差异1:听力材料形式在听力材料来看,两者是有很明显的差别的。雅思听力共两个对话,两个独白。而托福听力不含加试的情况是两个对话,四个独白(讲座形式)。因此从听音的节奏上来看,雅思听力确实会比托福听力简单一些,毕竟听对话和听独白,显然听对话的难度会小一些,节奏更好把握。雅思听力对话的内容是2/4,而托福听力对话的内容是2/6。从这个层面上来看,雅思听力比托福听力更容易把握听





6、材料。而雅思听力对于有一定英语基础的同学们来说,不需要过多的前期准备,一样可以快速上手。如果从具体的备考内容上来说,雅思听力需要全面梳理剑桥官方的真题系统,出题点在真题书籍里面都已标记出,大大减轻了考生的备考难度。加之积累一些学术类话题的词汇。而托福听力亦需要全面梳理ETS官方给出的托福考试在线测试的考题,即官方真题Official,需要自己分析每一道选择题的出题点,找到相应的出题规律和技巧,加之积累比雅思听力难度更大的托福听力学术场景词汇。因此从整个备考大致内容上来看,托福听力也是要难于雅思听力的。雅思听力提分训练素材:假消息是如何传播开的?Can You Believe It? On Tw

7、itter, False Stories Are Shared More Widely Than True OnesSARAH MCCAMMON, HOST:Now its time for All Tech Considered.(SOUNDBITE OF MUSIC)MCCAMMON: This weeks report reminds us of this famous line, a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes, sometimes attributed

8、to Mark Twain, sometimes Winston Churchill, sometimes another person altogether. Regardless of who said it, a new study of how news travels on Twitter confirms the basic truth of that quote. Heres NPRs Laura Sydell.本周的报告让我们想起了这条著名的路线,一个谎言可以走遍世界的一半,而真理正在穿鞋,有时归因于Mark Twain,有时是温斯顿邱吉尔,有时是另一个人。不管是谁说的,一项关

9、于新闻如何在Twitter上传播的新研究证实了该报价的基本真实性。这里是NPR的Laura Sydell。LAURA SYDELL, BYLINE: It may not be news that lies spread faster than the truth.But on Twitter, its a lot faster.SINAN ARAL: The sheer vastness of the difference in the speed, breadth, depth that false news spread compared to the truth was surpris

10、ing.SYDELL: This is Sinan Aral, one of the authors of a study on the spread of false news on Twitter. Hes professor of management at MIT. He says false stories on Twitter are 70 percent more likely to be retweeted than the true ones. And the study found its not bots that are doing the retweeting.这就是

11、Sinan Aral,一个对假新闻的传播推特研究作者。他是麻省理工学院的管理学教授。他说,推特虚假故事70%更可能比真实的转发。而研究发现,这不是机器人做转发。ARAL: And the bot results points to human judgment and human decision-making as being a potentially more important factor than we might have thought.SYDELL: The study tracked 126,000 news stories that spread on Twitter b

12、etween 20XX and 20XX. Though the study did not ask people why they retweeted certain stories, it did find that false stories often triggered strong feelings of disgust and surprise. Leanne Baker is one of those people who unwittingly retweeted a false story.这项研究追踪了20XX至20XX年间在Twitter上传播的126000个新闻故事。

13、虽然这项研究并没有问为什么人们被某些故事,却发现虚假的故事常常引发厌恶和惊讶的强烈的感情。Leanne Baker是那些人在不知不觉中被一个虚假的故事。It was a post that said the alleged Parkland shooter had trained with a right-wing militia group. He did not.LEANNE BAKER: Twitter just takes off when events like this happen, and the news and posts are coming in so fast.SYD

14、ELL: The story went viral. Baker says ultimately, she realized it was not true because she follows people who are experts in their field.BAKER: Another lady I follow that specializes in extremist groups and studies them, she started saying, you know, hold on a second, this isnt adding up (laughter).

15、SYDELL: The problem with Twitter and social media is that it amplifies the way gossip spreads in the real world. Deb Roy is co-author of the study and a professor at MIT.DEB ROY: How do you get a few billion people to stop for a moment and reflect before they hit the retweet or the share button, esp

16、ecially when they have an emotional response to what theyve just seen?SYDELL: Roy served as Twitters chief media scientist between 20XX and 20XX. He says the false news problem is hard to solve. Fact-checking organizations can be slow.Machines are faster, but a study showed they were only right 75 p

17、ercent of the time.ROY: You will often flag stories that turn out to be perfectly fine, right? And whats the cost-benefit tradeoff of doing that?SYDELL: Twitter helped fund the study. Its response to it was help. The company is asking for proposals on how to deal with the problem. One proposal its e

18、valuating is finding a better way to authenticate and verify users. But Twitters faced criticism, especially from right-wing groups, that its taken down accounts simply because it doesnt like the ideology of the user. In a stream conversation with users, CEO Jack Dorsey said theyre going to work har

19、d on the problem.Twitter资助了这项研究。它对它的反应是有帮助的。公司正在就如何处理这个问题提出建议。其评估的一个建议是寻找一种更好的方法来验证和验证用户。但Twitter面临的批评,尤其是右翼集团的批评,是因为它不喜欢用户的意识形态,而拒绝了账号。在与用户的谈话中,首席执行官杰克多西说他们将努力解决这个问题。(SOUNDBITE OF ARCHIVED RECORDING)JACK DORSEY: We want to be very open and very vulnerable with you all about what were facing and wha

20、t our challenges are and the way we would like to move everything forward.SYDELL: Dorsey said changes werent going to happen overnight. Unfortunately, thats a lot slower than the speed at which false news spreads. Laura Sydell, NPR News.雅思听力高频词汇vulnerable 脆弱的ultimately 最终tradeoff 权衡proposal 建议gossip

21、 流言蜚语extremist 极端主义decision-making 决策authenticate 进行身份验证a lie can travel halfway around the world while the truth is putting on its shoes 谎言可以环游世界,而真理却在穿鞋。雅思听力提分训练素材:残奥会上的故事雅思听力MP3下载:bbs.zhan/thread-430177-1-1.htmlMARY LOUISE KELLY, HOST:Tomorrow the Winter Paralympic Games begin a 10-day run in Sou

22、th Korea featuring the worlds best athletes with disabilities. U.S. snowboarder Mike Schultz is a medal contender competing in his first Paralympics. And as NPRs Tom Goldman reports, Schultz is helping others compete as well.明天冬季残奥会将在韩国举行,为期10天,是世界上最好的残疾人运动员。美国的滑雪运动员Mike Schultz是在他的第一次残奥会的奖牌争夺者。NPR的

23、Tom Goldman报道,舒尔茨也在帮助其他人比赛。TOM GOLDMAN, BYLINE: Close to 700 athletes are gathered in Pyeongchang for the Paralympics. Theyll take part in six sports, including alpine skiing, biathlon and snowboarding. Most of these athletes have dramatic stories to tell. Mike Schultz has one thats hard to beat.接近7

24、00的运动员都聚集在平昌残奥会。他们将参加六个体育项目,包括高山滑雪、冬季两项和滑雪板。大多数运动员都有戏剧性的故事要讲。Mike Schultz有一个很难打败。MIKE SCHULTZ: December 13, 20XX - yeah, that kind of changed everything a little bit.GOLDMAN: Schultz, in his understated Minnesota kind of way, recounts the day he nearly died. He was at the time a top pro snowmobile r

25、acer nicknamed Monster Mike. But on that day at a race in Michigan, Schultz got bucked off his machine.SCHULTZ: I landed on my left leg with all my weight.GOLDMAN: The leg hyperextended at a horrifying angle.SCHULTZ: Totally bent the wrong way. I kicked myself in the chin with my toe.GOLDMAN: The ac

26、cident severed an artery, and he nearly bled to death. Doctors had to amputate his left leg 3 inches above the knee. Mike Schultz had raced snowmobiles and dirt bikes since he was a teenager. Despite his injury, he wasnt ready to give them up. But he knew he couldnt get back to his beloved sports wi

27、th his basic and clunky prosthetic walking leg.事故使他的一条动脉断了,他几乎流血而死。医生不得不锯掉他的左腿膝盖以上3英寸。当他还是一个少年的时候,Mike Schultz已经能够驾驭雪上摩托和自行车了。尽管他受伤了,但他还没有准备好放弃。但是他知道他不能回到他心爱的运动,和他笨重的假肢。SCHULTZ: Yeah, heres the original drawings for the Versa Foot.GOLDMAN: Schultz shows off the beginnings of what would end up changi

28、ng his life and others, as he recounted in a 20XX appearance on Conan.(SOUNDBITE OF TV SHOW, CONAN)SCHULTZ: I was in the garage fixing things, and Im like, what better project than building your own leg? And.(LAUGHTER)CONAN OBRIEN: Youre certainly motivated.SCHULTZ: I was very, very motivated.(CHEER

29、ING, APPLAUSE)GOLDMAN: He built a leg specifically for sport. The Versa Foot and Moto Knee gave Schultz all-important shock absorption and range of motion. Seven months after his injury, he won an X Games silver medal. In 20XX, he started his company BioDapt to make his inventions available to other

30、 athletes, like Keith Deutsch.为了运动他特地造了一条腿。Versa Foot和Moto Knee 给了他非常重要的减震和运动范围。在他受伤七个月后,他赢得了一枚银牌。在20XX,他开创了他的公司biodapt,他的发明提供给了其他运动员,像Keith Deutsch。SCHULTZ: For the purpose of this conversation, Sergeant retired Keith Deutsch.GOLDMAN: Deutsch lost a leg in 2003 serving in Iraq. Hed been a snowboard

31、 instructor and raced in the sport. In 20XX, in Colorado, he met Schultz, who lent him the Moto Knee to try.KEITH DEUTSCH: Its the most familiar Ive felt since I lost my leg.GOLDMAN: Deutsch was joyous. Schultz says giving Deutsch that moment was strong stuff. Their connection was significant for an

32、other reason. It got Schultz on a snowboard for the first time.DEUTSCH: Hes not afraid of going fast. And he picked it up really quickly. The guys in the Olympics - what? - three, four, six years after he started.GOLDMAN: Seven to be exact.SCHULTZ: So Im balancing on a round peg underneath the board

33、. Ive got a 12- pound medicine ball bouncing on the ground.GOLDMAN: Schultz works out in a small gym adjacent to his office. Its all part of a large converted storage shed where Schultz also makes his prosthetic devices. The shed is next to the house in St. Cloud that he shares with his wife and you

34、ng daughter. One takes it all in - his business, his success in snowboarding - and you wonder. Was that horrible day in 20XX actually a good thing?舒尔茨在他办公室旁边的一个小体育馆里锻炼。这是一个大型改装仓库的一部分,舒尔茨也在那里制造假肢。小屋与他妻子和年幼的女儿一起住在圣云的房子旁边。其中之一就是他的生意,他在滑雪板上的成功你会好奇吗?。20XX那可怕的一天真的是件好事吗?SCHULTZ: Not a day goes by my life w

35、here I dont wish I could have my leg back. I wish I could grow my leg back today.GOLDMAN: Schultz says all the success has been hard earned, and there have been failures along the way. And there are things people dont see, like the time he was carrying his infant daughter at night and not wearing hi

36、s prosthetic leg.SCHULTZ: I tripped. And I had to chuck her across the room so she could land on the bed. Those are the moments I - that are real, you know? I cant carry my daughter around without worrying about tripping, possibly injuring her.我绊倒了。我不得不把她扔到房间的另一边,这样她就可以在床上着陆了。那些时刻是真实的,你知道吗?我不能带着女儿到处

37、跑,担心绊倒可能会伤害她。GOLDMAN: Tomorrow, the public Mike Schultz will be on full display. Hes been chosen to carry the flag and lead the U.S. delegation at the Paralympics opening ceremony. Tom Goldman, NPR News.雅思听力高频词汇underneath 在下面tripped 绊倒snowboarding 单板滑雪skiing 滑雪opening ceremony 开幕式instructor 教练bounce 反弹biathlon 冬季两项balance 平衡athlete 运动员


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