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1、雅思阅读高分技巧分享 如何高效备考雅思,今天给大家带来了雅思阅读技巧,一起来学习吧,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读技巧之万能标记法一.在词下方做标记1.表示次序关系递进关系: also, apart from, besides, moreover, furthermore时间先后: now, later, before, after, since, when, first, second, next, at last, eventually, finally排列次序: another, the secondeven morethe most the best the least在词下

2、面划横线2.表示比较关系对比转折: but, however, though, although, yet, nevertheless, on the other hand.相似关系: like, as, similar to, in the same way, or.在词下画三角3.表示因果关系as, because, for, since, owing to, thanks to, lead to, as a result, result in, consequently, therefore, thus, hence, so, cause.在词下画圈4.表示举例说明关系that is t

3、o say, in other words, e.g. such as, for example, for instance.将(词)括起来5.表示特殊含义最高级 est, most, best.唯一性 only, unique, merely, barely, exclusively.比较级 er, more, better, superior, inferior, preferable.在词下划波浪线6.表示目的关系In order to, so as to, to, for.在词下划双横线二.写在文旁的人名 地名 专有名词大写名词首字母提炼(人名注意名和姓是否同时出现)三.在文上做标记观

4、点,概念及表明观点的词:idea, thought, concept, view, opinion, perspective, explanation, prediction, result, consequence, summary, aftermath.notice, indicate, say, believe, suggest, allege, conclude, appear to, think, point out, argue, remark, note, report, reason, discover, propose, imply, study, refute, claim

5、直接将单词用直线划掉时间 打上方框(文字表述的写出数据)数字,特殊符号 圈出来四.在词上方做标记表示态度的形容词/副词/动词 标正负号?:advantegeous, pessimistic, positive, effectively, praise:Strange, difficult, devastating, harmful, shamefulSurprisingly, ironicallyIgnore, blame, doubt, reject, question, balkPractise makes perfect,方法再好,自己如果不练习,考场上也是用不出来的,大家一起加油!雅思

6、阅读技巧之常见丢分点一、对题目考点把握不清,不知如何确定keywords很多考生在平时的练习和考场上面对划keywords总是单一的跟着感觉走,或是将一道题目中大部分的词都划下来作为keywords, 完全失了方向和重点,直接导致答案很难在原文锁定。所以,keywords是对题目的浓缩,也是题目的线索词,更是考点。考生们应该在平时的课堂和练习中,多加总结考点词的特点,以达到用一到两个词就涵盖整个题目的效果。利用keywords定位答案,更集中目标,更有方向性。例如:在剑桥7,“Why pagodas dont fall down”的分类题中,“size of eaves up to half

7、width of the building”, 这道题目看似比较长,信息多,其实如果了解数字是一个考点,就能果断划出half这个keywords, 并且根据做题经验,预测到其在原文必定会变换形式成fifty percent。如果在原文寻找答案前就把握了以上这些,找起来自然速度快了许多。二、不能权衡做题的优先性,无法把握做题时间很多烤鸭在面对雅思阅读考试时,都会感叹时间不够,有的考生会剩下半篇*没有读完,更有甚者,一个小时只够用来做两篇*。其中做题速度无法达到要求的原因有很多,词汇量,阅读方法,做题技巧无一不是。此外,还有一个很重要的因素:不会取舍,不会衡量做题的优先性。专家提示,雅思阅读3篇*

8、,存在难易程度的差别。考生应选择自己擅长或熟悉的话题*优先做。而对一篇*而言,做题顺序可以如下排布:Heading题 - 填空型题(表格,图示,简答,summary, 完成句子) - 判断题 - 选择型题(单选,多选),平均每篇*的做题时间控制在20min, 如时间到,还有少量题目(1-2题)没有做完,可放宽少许时间完成。若还余留多题未完成,建议先舍弃,做下一篇*,因为不排除下一篇*,看似*话题难,但题目容易的情况。难度系数高的题目在每个人面前都一样,我们希望确保容易的题目百分百的拿下。三、遇到生词,束手无策,无法正常进行阅读和做题雅思阅读考试*于国外原版的期刊或杂志,话题覆盖面广,科技,自然

9、,环保,社会,文化,工作,生物,地理等无不涉及,所以遇到生词在情理之中。但一部分烤鸭遇到生词后就信心全失,慌乱至极,打破了自己原有的阅读节奏和速度,做题时也因为生词被卡壳,结果题目不仅没有解出,还影响了后面的做题速度和时间,可谓“一发动而迁全身”。对此,专家认为,生词的出现在所难免,只要大家有基本的词汇量,完全可以将生词的问题逐一击破。A. 有时候生词属于比较专业的词汇,它们的出现不是为了考察考生的词汇量,更多的是检阅大家的应变和判断能力。尤其在题目中出现的所谓生词,更是可以坏事变好事,成为考生定位答案的线索词。比如:在剑桥7 “Why pagodas dont fall down”一文,5-

10、10题的分类题中第6题“tiles on eaves”,很可能考生在三个单词中有两个都不认识,这时候如何是好呢?首先,先观察这两个生词的词性。在介词“on”的前后,且分别加了“s”, 可以判断是名词。在这篇建筑类的*中论及我们不认识的名词,想必不是日常词汇,所以完全可以把“tiles”和“eaves”作为定位词去原文寻找答案。B. 有时候生词的含义可以在上下文中直接得到。在雅思阅读*时遇到的生词,有相当一部分的含义可以通过多种猜测单词的方法得到,所以,在生词的周围或上下文寻找其解释不失为有效途径。例如,剑桥4的*“How much higher? How much faster?”中,有这样一

11、个句子:“One of the most important new methodologies is biomechanics, the study of the body in motion.” “biomechanics”这个单词从构词法上看,我们只能够知道其和生物有关,此时,看后面的同位语部分就能很好的帮我们解释这个词的意思,直接且易懂,即对身体在运动状态下的研究。雅思阅读技巧之倒装句型.全部倒装(1)There/Now/Then/Here+谓语+主语:There comes the bus.Now comes your luck.There goes the bell.注如果主语是人

12、称代词时,不引起主谓倒装。Here(There)we are.Here you are.谓语动词一般是移动性动词或表示状态的动词。如:come/go/run/lie(位于)/stand(位于)/rush/be等。(2)副词up/down/upon/out/back/over/away/off/ahead位于句首时,要用全部倒装:Off went the teachers.Ahead sat an old woman.Out rushed the boys.(3)So/Nor/Neither+谓语+主语:Mary has never been to China,neither(nor)has h

13、er husband.(4)表语+谓语+主语:(参照本节的修辞性倒装部分)Happy indeed are those who received good news.What she did Was important,but more important was the way she did things.(5)介词/分词短语+谓语+主语:Lying on the floor was a boy aged about five.部分倒装谓语的一部分(如助动词、情态动词或to be)置于主语之前,引起部分倒装。(1)由否定词(not/never/little/no sooner/not un

14、til/hardly/rarely/scarcely/seldom/nowhere)开头的句子引起部分倒装.Little did we expect that he would fulfill his task so rapidly.No sooner do I get one problem settled before another appears.Never before have we made so great achievement in science and technology.Not until dark did he got home.In vain did we tr

15、y to persuade him to give up smoking. (我们都没有办法劝他戒烟。)On no account should any money be given to a small kid.By no means are we satisfied with the success we have achieved.At no time and under no circumstances will China be the first to use nuclear weapons.(3)当频度状语(often/always/once/many a time/now an

16、d again/every other day/every two hours)等及方式状语thus等置于句首时,引起部分倒装Thus was the Emperor deceived.Not only did I forger to close the window, but also I forget to lock the door.(5)从属连接词 “no sooner.than, scarcely.when, hardly.when”等表示“一就”概念时,且“no sooner, scarcely,hardly置于旬首时,引起部分倒装。此结构中的谓语动词用“过去完成时(从句)+过去时

17、(主句)Hardly had he arrived when she heard the telephone ring.No sooner had we gone home than it began to rain heavily.(6)Only+状语+部分倒装:Only in the street did I meet him.Only then did he realize the importance of learning English.Only when the war was over in 1948 was he able to get happily back to wor

18、k.(7)虚拟条件句中若有“were,should,had,”时。可省略“if,引起部分倒装.Should it rain tomorrow, I shall stay at home.Were I you,1 wouldnt buy this book.Had we not helped him, he would not have succeeded.Business is risky.But should we succeed,we would be rich.(8)当“Sothat”中的“so”位于句首时,引起部分倒装;如果谓语为“be”,则引起全部倒装。其构成倒装的基本结构为So+形

19、容词/情态动词/to be十主语So fast did he run that I couldnt keep up with him.So loudly did he speak that students at the back heard him clearly.The question we have already discussed at some length.A very reliable person she is.Terribly cold it certainly was.Two years ago that was.表语前移,引起全部倒装,表示强调:为了使句子结构达到平衡

20、协调,将表语提前,使带有较长修饰语的主语置后,以避免头重脚轻。Gone were the restrictions that prevented blacks voting.Such was Albert Einstein.a simple man of great achievements.More serious was the question of how the president would present the joint announcement.宾语后置,改变语序,避免头重脚轻:You should leave to us what you havent finished.

21、Please translate into English the following sentences.The site of the battle brought back to him memories of the Anti-Japanese War.I tore into little pieces a small notebook with questions that Id prepared in advance for interviews.有时将较长的名词修饰语与名词隔开并置于句末,避免头重脚轻。There is a labeler the handle with my name and address on it.Word came that a typhoon had hit several cities along the coast.A new book will come out on how to memorize words in a scientific way.雅思阅读高分技巧分享


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