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1、关于雅思听力的十条贴士 雅思备考外国视角是如何的呢?今天给大家带来了雅思备考外国视角之关于雅思听力的十条贴士,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【雅思备考外国视角】关于雅思听力的十条贴士1 Make sure you improve your general listening skills before you take the IELTS test and dont use practice tests as a way to improve your score. Many students do this and think it is enough. Doing p

2、ractice tests will not help you to improve you score significantly although they will help you to become familiar with the test. Listen to everything you can. The internet is a good source of listening material.确保提升你的综合听力水平之后,再参加雅思考试。不要把雅思考试,或者说剑桥雅思的真题测试作为一种提升分数的方式。很多烤鸭都是这么做的,并且认为这样就足够了。其实做模拟测试是无法显著

3、地提升你的分数的,尽管它们是可以让你更加熟悉雅思考试。听一切你可以听的东西吧!解读:这点真的是肺腑之言,太多的人复习雅思的方式,就是抱着真题做,其他一概不管,对于听力来说,做这种模拟题,真的这是一个很小的部分。我个人也一直认为剑雅真题最主要的功能是用来检验你的阶段性复习效果的,不能把它当成是你提分的练习书籍。老老实实地从基础做起,提升听说读写的各项语言能力才是最万全的雅思备考之道。2 Learn how to spell!The IELTS test requires correct spelling of all words, not just the ones that are spell

4、ed for you, so make sure you know how to spell some common words in English. Also make sure that words that should be capitalised ie proper nouns and names for example, are written with an initial capital letter.学会拼写!解读:雅思的听力词汇,可以说是对你的对词汇的记忆程度很好的一项了,你必须记住单词的拼写。所以,是非常有必要地专门去记忆雅思听力词汇的。幸好,市面上是有此类的专项书籍的

5、,所以,烤鸭们要记住了:雅思听力词汇应该专门记忆。3 Before each part of the test you will hear someone say: You will hear a conversation between or you will hear a lecture on It is very important to listen to this information because it gives the topic for what you are about to hear and makes understanding the rest much eas

6、ier. It is not written on your question paper, so listen carefully.解读:这个是讲每一个听力题之前的录音会有一段小的提醒告知你接下来一段录音是关于一个什么的(谁谁之间的对话,主题关于什么的讲座),必须要留心听这一部分,它可以使你事先对接下来要听到什么有一个心理准备。因为很多人在这个环节都是紧紧地盯着题目看,有可能忽略了这段录音对主题的一个提示。4 During the test, use your time well. Read the questions quickly and try to decide which type

7、 of word goes in the spaces eg is it a noun, verb or adjective? Write N for noun and A for adjective and V for verb in each space. This will help you focus and listen for the word you need.考试当中,合理利用时间,要学会通过题目的语境来判断空白处需要填入的单词有些什么特征,比如,它应该是什么词性(动/名/形),它是单数还是负数,是数字,日期还是其他,这些你都可以稍稍做些标记,从而可以帮助你听的时候更加集中注意

8、力在关键的单词上。5 At the end of each section you have 30 seconds to check your answers. Use this time wisely to go back and check your answers by checking for word forms, plurals (did you forget an s on plural words?) and spelling.每一部分之后以后30秒的检查答案时间,注意好好利用来检查单词的形式是否正确(拼写,单复数等等)6 You know that Section 3 is

9、almost always about education. Quite often you will hear students and a tutor talking about an assignment. Make sure you know all the vocabulary you can about studying at university. This will help you to understand section 3 and gain some extra marks.第三部分基本都是关于教育的。通常的场景是学生和老师之间谈论作业。解读:对于这一部分,对于这种特定

10、的常考的场景,一定要事先了解常用的词汇。7 In section 4 there is a lecture on a general topic and there are quite often multiple choice questions to go with this. There is a lot of reading to do in this section so try to get through as much as possible in the time you have.第四部分一般是特定话题的一个讲话,常常是出多项选择题的地方。所以,一定要在时间允许的情况下提前

11、把题目的选项都通读一遍解读:多项选择题是公认的非常难的题目,选项多,信息量大,干扰也很多,所以抓紧进入真题前的几十秒时间快速了解每一个选项的特征信息(人,物,数量)十分关键!8 All the choices in the multiple choice questions will be heard, which makes them difficult. If you dont know, you can guess but come back to that question at the end of the test as you may be able to give a bett

12、er or educated guess at the end of the test.9 At the end of the test you have 10 minutes to transfer your answers onto an answer sheet. As you do so check your answers are correct and that you are writing your answers into the correct numbered space. That is to say that the answer for question 9 goe

13、s onto the answer sheet in space number 9. In practice tests many students get this wrong so dont throw away marks through a careless mistake.10 Dont leave any blank answers! In both listening and reading you should write something in the answers box. If you dont know, then make a guess. You never k

14、now: you may just be right!雅思听力小范围预测:Section TwoSection Two场景:讲座题型:单选4,地图6内容概述:介绍Brisbane fun run单选4:11. 在哪里park A sports ground 否定shopping center,river12. Timing chip放在哪里:B shoe13. 什么颜色先跑A yellow 否定purple red14. 需要更多志愿者做什么 B handing out water 否定give first aid地图6:15. F stage16. A T-shirt17. B bag co

15、llection18. H Information center19. G Prize20. I雅思听力小范围预测:Section ThreeSection Three场景:学术讨论题型:单选5,填空5内容概述:讨论field trip in Mexico21 . 怎么参加field trip: C fill in form 否定A inform tutor22. How much the university pay:A 45023. Definition of desert by biologist:A rain evaporate faster than fall24. Destinat

16、ion of field trip: B marine desert 否定desert scrub和desertgrassland25. 为什么选这个地方 C birds26. 只开放什么学生:life science graduate27. ship as a base28. write a journal29. oldest 1200030. 书名 baked earth雅思听力小范围预测:Section FourSection Four场景:Lecture题型:填空10内容概述: 研究elephant填空10:31. dates of births and mothers32. many

17、 layers33. Cooperate: two elephants use rope to find food34. lack of rain35. how they work change36. weight is high37. emotion bones when dead38. older female aware of danger39. difficult to study in wild40. how sensitive one to another雅思听力小范围预测:Section OneSECTION1场景 课程咨询题型 填空 10内容概述 妇女新手咨询Scuba div

18、ing 课程1. 一女的要报游泳班男的劝她先上level of the beginning basic - or for beginners.2.the month on July3.on a Saturday4.Initially, they will have indoor training.5.等学员学完课程,they will diving in a lake at a mountain.6.Equipment : only need to buy diving mask.(学员什么都不用买,学校准备好了,不过那个女人觉得用自己 的mask)7.We also give homework every night8.Cost total: 75.50 一节课and deposit of 110(第一天必须先交)9.问要填表的时候 registration number/ name on the form10.如果需要更多信息,看website关于雅思听力的十条贴士


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