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1、雅思阅读速度慢怎么办 雅思阅读速度慢?是种病得早治,给大家带来了雅思阅读速度慢怎么办 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。雅思阅读速度慢?是种病得早治01为什么雅思阅读速度慢是一种病?慢点读有的时候是必要的,也是重要的,但有的时候(在雅思考试中)就会导致一些问题,比如: 做不完 因为时间快到了让你产生焦虑的情绪 在没有答案的段落上浪费太多时间备考花在阅读上的时间太多,一天细细的读一套*就头昏脑胀,导致其他科目没有时间准备很多人读的慢的原因不是读不快,而是因为一种习惯和方法。当你习惯了一个字一个字去读,希望弄懂每个单词,每个句子的意思,看不懂的句子(长难句)会反复读 2-3 遍

2、,甚至去想句子背后的深意或是太过于注意细节。甚至有位兄弟跟我说做题前不读完全文会不舒服。其实快速的雅思阅读,对我们的帮助到底有多大呢?就像自行车可以从龟速到骑得像闪电一样快,做饭可以从很拖拉到很麻利,雅思阅读速度也是可以训练和提升的。当你“一目十行”的时候你会发现:你能很简单速度也很快的了解整段以及整篇*的大意,这会帮助你更快的定位正确答案, 你有更多的时间去思考答题,而且也有时间检查答案了。当然一味地快读也是不对的!保持较高的阅读速度是雅思阅读考试的要求,但同时考试技巧也是非常重要的。有的时候我们要读很快,有的时候需要停下脚步来找答案。所以我们需要知道什么时候需要快,什么时候需要慢。通常来说

3、,如果我们要了解一整段的大意,我们会使用略读.(skimming),当我们在找寻特定的信息(人名,地名,时间日期等)我们会使用扫读(scanning)这两种快速阅读方法。但当我们发现答案的大概位置时,我们需要精读(close reading),仔细对比题干与原文,发现正确答案。什么时候用closereanding呢?即,当我们发现答案的大概位置时,仔细对比题干与原文时,咱们才精读。所以雅思阅读精读不是指你一个字一个字的去读,碰到生词就卡壳,停下来,查个单词,然后继续读/或者不查单词,但反复阅读上下文希望能搞清楚这个单词的意思,又或者是努力的分析长难句想搞清楚每一个从句的意思,这种阅读方法,不叫

4、精读,也不适用于雅思阅读考试。千万不要为了快而快,为了慢而慢,你之所以快,之所以慢是由题目类型决定的。比如,如果你只是需要找出一整段的中心句或大意,你就应该快速的读这一段的第一句,第二句和最后一句,迅速定位核心主旨句。如果你在找填空题的某一个词或词组,那你就必须在找到信号词或关键词以后,逐字阅读,找到最适合的那个词。02怎样做到简便的快速阅读?解决这个问题的办法就是把单子看做一个整体,一段段(而不是一个字一个字)的读,咱们来看一个例子:Did you know that / your brain does not process/ words individually? Instead it

5、processes them / in groups of 3-5 words together. / These are sometimes called chunks. / Unfortunately, many of us are /taught at school to read / each word individually /. Also, when reading in/ another language we often / read and think about /the meaning of words individually.来,试读上面的这段话,不要一个字一个字的

6、读,按照我给的破折号隔开的这么读。刚开始读的时候有点不习惯吧?慢慢来,你会发现你的阅读速度不断加快了。(这是因为你的阅读速度跟上了你的大脑处理速度-一次 3-5 个单词)希望你每天用这种方法来刷几篇真题*,遇到不懂的单词可以直接跳过,不要让眼睛停留在某一个单词上,然后数一数 5 分钟你大概读了多少内容。就这样持之以恒的练习,雅思阅读速度会有明显的提高。因为你的眼睛一直盯住的都是词组或短语,所以这样练习还有一个好处,就是提升你的语法和词汇,所以它是一种全方位的能力提升。的确需要花点时间,但这很值得。03雅思阅读速度提升的小建议你没有必要为了每一个问题读整篇*,你只需要找到你需要读的信息。碰到不认

7、识的单词不要急,你可以通过上下文去猜它的意思,如果猜不出来,就跳过去。一篇雅思阅读*连 native speaker 都不敢保证每个词都认识就更不要说你了。如果算平均时间的话,大概是 90 秒一道题,但有的题难一些,有的题简单一些,没有必要练习的时候卡每一题的时间我的确建议大家难题多花点时间,但也不是无限时间。有些题就是给冲8分9分的同学设置的,不一定每个人都能做出来。也许你最终做出来,但跟所耗费的时间来比太不值。一般情况下,简单的题在前面,难题一般是在后面有些同学有个习惯,就是喜欢默念或者小声读*,我建议你不要再这么干了,这会严重拖累你的阅读速度。如果你习惯性的重读句子(就是读一遍以后没弄懂

8、又回头再重读)我建议你手里拿张纸,遮挡住已经读过的内容,这样坚持一段时间,这个坏毛病会改掉。最后,一定要要先读题,后看*,这样读起来更有目的性。不然读完整篇再看题,还要看第二遍*,极大的浪费了宝贵的时间。雅思阅读素材积累:Why so few university slots?GETTING into college in America has gotten considerably more difficult over time. Zubin Jelvah writes:Thanks to the positive effects of higher education on pay,

9、the competition for entrance into the top colleges has increased sharply over the past three decades-particularly in the Northeast and California. But over the same period, the number of slots available at these schools has stayed largely unchanged, leading to a situation where demand far outstrips

10、supply.He says that this has led students to go to ever greater lengths to develop a competitive advantage in applying for university admissiontaking advanced placement courses and test preparatory courses, and investing heavily in extracurricular activities. But thats a positive, right? Competition

11、 is forcing students to learn more and be more involved in the community.To a certain extent, yes, but new research suggests that intense admissions competition also brings with it serious costs. Mr Jelvah cites a paper by John Bound and Brad Hershbein and says:The researchers argue that instead of

12、better preparing high school students for the rigors of higher ed, increased competition may actually be counterproductive. They find that increased competition is negatively correlated with college enrollment and earnings at age 25 for students in a subset of highly competitive states.The authors t

13、hemselves note:In conjunction with the psychological and informational costs associated with competitive pressure . these results should raise doubts that the increased competition for college admission has had a net positive effect on what and how students learn.From an economic standpoint, it also

14、 seems probable that stagnant supply coupled with rising demand should generate a predictable price response. And sure enough:That chart is from Niraj Choksi at the Atlantic. Now Claudia Goldin and Lawrence Katz have argued convincingly that recent growth in income inequality can be attributed to a

15、relative decline in the supply of college graduates and a corresponding increase in the relative supply of lower skilled workers. But James Heckman has established that declines in college completion are about a drop in the rate of college enrolment and a corresponding decline in high school graduat

16、ion rates. Heres the conclusion to a Vox piece by Mr Heckman and co- author Paul LaFontaine:In the first half of the 20th century, growth in high school graduation was the driving force behind increased college enrolments. The decline in high school graduation since 1970 (for cohorts born after 1950

17、) has flattened college attendance and completion rates as well as growth in the skill level of the U.S. workforce. To increase the skill levels of its future workforce, America needs to confront a large and growing dropout problem.The origins of this dropout problem have yet to be fully investigate

18、d. Evidence suggests a powerful role of the family in shaping educational and adult outcomes. A growing proportion of American children are being raised in disadvantaged families. This trend promises to reduce productivity and promote inequality in the America of tomorrow.Mr Heckman tends to focus h

19、is policy solutions on the very young where, he has argued, remediation efforts bear the most fruit. At the same time, its possible that the relative lack of success of remediation efforts later on in a students career is directly related to the above state of affairs.There is a wage premium earned

20、by high school graduates relative to non- graduates, but its pretty smallmuch smaller than the gap between high school graduates and those with college degrees. The big advantage of a high school diploma is that it clears the way for a student to move on to the next level.But the next level is incre

21、asingly out of reach for disadvantaged students. Money is occasionally the problem, but competition may be more of an issue. Disadvantaged households do not have the resources to invest in preparatory courses or multiple admissions applications. Students may not have the time after school to partici

22、pate in extracurricular activities, needing, instead, to work. And disadvantaged students are unlikely to get the parental pressure at home to continue investing in activities designed to enhance competitiveness in admissions.Perhaps the increasing competitiveness of college admissions processes are leading more students to conclude that college is out of reachwhich is therefore reducing the return to a high school diploma and increasing the dropout rate.雅思阅读速度慢怎么办


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