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1、2020交际英语口语分享 交际英语口语:对代理请求的回应. As the volume of business concluded by you is not big enough, we won t consider the question of agency.鉴于贵方去年成交的数额不大,我方不会考虑代理的问题。. We think it premature for us to discuss the question of agency at present stage.我方认为现阶段讨论代理的问题对我方来说还为时过早。. The time is not yet mature to di

2、scussion of agency.讨论代理的时间还不成熟。. We would like to say that this initial stage contract between us, both side do not understand each other very well, so there seems to be no sufficient bases for us to negotiate agency.我方想要说的是在我们履行合同的初期,双方的相互了解还不够,因此我们讨论代理的条件还不太具备。. I am afraid that this is not good t

3、ime yet to push the sales of our product in your market.恐怕现在还不是在贵方市场上推销我方产品的时机。. We do not think the time is right for the discussion of the question of exclusive agency.我们认为讨论代理问题的时机尚不成熟。. We regret to say that since there is so far no transaction concluded between us, we have to decline your quest

4、 for agency.由于我们双方迄今未成达任何交易,很遗憾我方不得不拒绝贵方申请代理的要求。. The question of agency is still under consideration and we hope you will continue your effort to push the sale of our product at present stage.代理的问题还在考虑中,我方希望在现阶段贵方还要继续努力推销我方的产品。. We shall not consider pointing you as our sole agent until your sales

5、record justify our doing so.待你们的销售成绩足以表明可以委托你方代理时,我们才会考虑此事。. Shall we discuss the matter of agency when your market condition turns better?我们是否等到中方市场情况好转时再来谈代理的事情,好吗?. We have honestly consider your proposal to represent us in your city for the sale of Chinese porcelain vases and have now appointed

6、you as our agent.我方已认真考虑了贵方关于在你们城市代理我方推销中国瓷器花瓶的建议,现决定委托贵方做我方的代理。. Your application for sole agency is now under our careful consideration, if possible we should like to know your plan to push the sale of your products.你们想代理的请求我们正在仔细考虑当中,如可能的话,我们很想了解你方推销我们产品的计划。. I think we have to about your proposa

7、l about agency carefully.我想我们必须慎重考虑你方关于代理的建议。. Please tell us your detailed plan of sales promotion so that we may proceed with our negotiations about the terms of agency agreement.请告知我方贵方促销的详细计划,以便商议代理协议的条款。. Your proposal for sole agency will soon be under careful study.你方代理的建议我方很快就会认真研究。. We are

8、not inclined to consider any questions concerning agents.我方不打算考虑任何与代理有关的问题。. We are not prepare to point a agent for your district.我方不准备在你们地区委托贵方做我方的代理。. We have no intention of considering exclusive sells in your market at present.目前我们还没有在贵方市场指定代理的意向。. We are not ready yet to discuss the question o

9、f agency in the present moment.目前我方还不准备讨论代理的问题。. Since the market situation is not known to us, we are not going to take the question of sole agency into consideration for the time being.由于我们不甚了解你方市场的情况,目前还不准备考虑代理的问题。. We are glad to offer you for the sale of our products in your city.我方很高兴委托贵方在你们城市

10、代理销售我方的产品。. We have decided to offer you an appointed as our sole agent for New York.我们已决定委托贵方作为我们在纽约的代理。. Your experience in this field makes us believe that you can be a good agent.我方相信,贵方在这方面的经验能帮助你们成为一个好的代理商。. We feeling inclined to agree to your agency of our products.我们拟同意贵方代理我方的产品。. We are wi

11、lling to negotiate with you on your proposal to act as our agent.我方愿意就你方充当我方代理的建议同你方商谈。. After paying due consideration to your proposals and investigating your business standing, we have decided to appoint you as our agent in the district you defined.经考虑你方的提议以及调查了你们的业务情况以后,我们决定委托你在你方提议的地区内做我方代理。. C

12、onsidering that you are experienced in promoting the sale of our crafted paper and your market still have potential, we have decide to appoint you as our sole agent in your local market.考虑到你方有推销我们的牛皮纸方面的经验,市场又有潜力,我们决定指定你方为我方在贵国市场的代理。. We regret that we are unable to accept your proposal since we alr

13、eady have an agent in your area.在贵地区我方已经有了代理,民以很遗憾我方不能再接受你们的建议。. We have already appointed a Tokyo-Silk as our agent in your territory.我方已经在你们地区委托了东京丝绸公司做我方的代理了。. Sorry, we have already several representatives of our products in your district.对不起,在你们地区,我方已经委托好几个代理商销售我方的产品了。交际英语口语:代理条件和要求. Every six

14、month, wed like to receive from you a detailed report on current market conditions and users comments on our products.我方希望每半年从你处收到一份关于市场的现行销售情况和客户对我方产品的意见的详细报告。. Your market report should show how big demands for our products is in your market.你们的市场报告应该表明我方产品在贵方市场上的需求量有多大。. The market report should

15、include the trend of the development of the market, upward or downward.市场报告应该包括市场发展的趋势,上升下下降。. Wed you to send us your sales statistics every six month instead of every year.我方希望贵方能每半年向我方通报一次你们的销售统计数字,而不是一年一次。. As our agent you should send us your market report regularly at least once every three mo

16、nth.作为我方代理,你方应该经常寄来市场报告,至少每个季度一份。. At the beginning of the sales promotion you have to try every means to overcome sales difficulties.在推销的初期阶段,你方一定要设法克服销售方面的种种困难。. To effectively promote sales, your way of doing business should always comply with the constantly changing circumstances.为了能更有效地促销,贵方做方式

17、应该要紧跟不断变化的商场情况。. During the agency please pay close attention to the consumers comments on our products.在代理过程中,请密切注意消费者对我方产品的意见。. You are under obligation to display optimum samples of the products during the duration of the agency.在代理机构存续期间,你方有义务陈列产品的样品。. We hoped that you will strictly observe all

18、 the terms and condition of the agency agreement.希望你方能严格遵守代理协议中的所有条款。. We cant give you exclusive agency of the whole European market without having the slightest idea of your possible annual marketing turnover.在一点都不了解贵方能做得到的年销售额的情况下,我方无法给你们整个欧洲市场的代理权。. Before we know your sales volume, your plan fo

19、r promotion and import licenses conditions, it is rather difficult for us to consider your proposal.在了解贵方的销售额、促销计划以及进口许可证等情况之前,我方很难考虑贵方的建议。. We have noted your quest to act as our agent in your district, but before going further into the matter, we should like to know more about your market.我方已经注意到贵

20、方要在你们的地区做我方代理的请求,但在进一步研究此事前,我方想更多地了解贵方的市场情况。. To enable us to make further study of your proposal, would you please let us know as early as possible the sales prospects of the item in your market, your program in detail, your business organizations in various districts and their activities.为了帮助我方进一步

21、地研究贵方的销售计划,请贵方尽快告诉我方该产品在贵方市场上的销售前景,你们的详细计划,你们在各地区的销售组织以及他们的销售情况。. Unless you increase the turnover we can hardly point you as our sole agent.如果贵方不提高销售额的话,我方很难委托贵方作为我方的代理。. If you can push the sales successfully for the next month we may appoint you as our agent如果下半年贵方能推销我方产品的话,我方也许可以委托贵方做我方的代理。. We

22、feel it would be better to consider the matter of agency after you done more business with us.我方认为在贵方同我方增加贸易以后再考虑代理的问题。. To be our agent you need to increase your annual turnover.作为我方的代理,贵方需要提高你们的年销售额。. To be our agent you are requested to push your sales of our product effectively.作为我方的代理,请你们有效地推销我

23、方的产品。. We hope you will do your best to push the sale of our products.我方希望你方能尽力推销我们的产品。交际英语口语:买卖保险Please give us the policy rates for FPA coverage and for WPA coverage.请告诉我们平安险和水渍险的保险费率。. We require the current insurance rates for land transportation.我们需要了解陆(海、空)运的现行保险费率。. I have some glassware to b

24、e ship to Hong Kong. What risks should I cover?我有些玻璃器皿要运到香港,应该保哪些方面的险呢?. What is the insurance premium for these goods?这些货物的保险费是多少?. We need to send a shipment to England. We want to find out about your marine insurance.我们有一批货要运到英格兰,我想了解一下你们的海上保险。. Please let us know the premium of breakage.请告知我们破碎险

25、的保费是多少?. What kind of insurance do you usually provide?你们通常能提供什么保险品种?. What kind of insurance can you suggest for these goods? We dont want to take the risk of losing money because of under insurance.这批货物你们认为投保什么险种好?我们不想冒因投保不足而造成损失的风险。. I have a batch of glassware to be shipped in the fourth quarter

26、, but I dont know what risks should be covered. I would like to know some details and your advice of course will be highly appreciated.第季度我有一批玻璃器皿需要运输, 但我不知道应该保什么险,我想了解一些细节问题,当然,如果你们能给一些建议的话,我会很感谢的。. If we insure against free particular average, can you compensate us for all the losses if the ship s

27、inks or bums, or get stuck?如果我们保平安险的话,一旦船沉了,烧毁了或搁浅了,你们会赔偿我们的所有损失吗?. The machines are to be insured against all risks.这些机器投保一切险。. We only cover FPA and war risk.我们只保平安险和战争险。. There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage. FPA will be good enough.它们不是易碎品,运输途中不会有损坏,保平安险足够了。. Our goods

28、are very valuable, so I want insure against all risks.我们的商品很贵重,所以我想保全险。. Wed like to get a policy for total loss only for these goods.我们想为这批货物投保全损险。. Id like to get a AR insurance policy. That way, we will be covered for any kind of loss or damage.我想投全险,那样的话,任何损失或损坏就都在投保范围内了。. Im afraid that WPA cov

29、erage is too narrow for a shipment of this nature. Please extend the coverage to include TPND.恐怕对这种性质的货物只保水渍险是不够的,请加保偷盗提货不着险。. Would you insure our goods to be shipped from Shanghai to Lisbon next month?能为我们下个月从海运往里期本的货物投保吗?. Can you cover our goods against breakage?能为我们的这批货投保破碎险吗?. We should be gla

30、d if you would provide cover of $, on computers, in transit from Tokyo to Beijing.如果你们能为这些从东京运往北京的计算器投保美元的话,我们会很高兴的。. Please insure us against all risks $, value of , sets of “Butterfly” sewing machines, sailing for New York.请为我们运往纽约,价值为美元的台蝴蝶牌缝纫机投保一切险。. Please insure for me against all risks pieces

31、 of high-quality furniture valued $,.请为我投保价值为美元的件优质家具的一切险。. We wish to insure against all risks for the sum of $, on cases glassware.我们希望能投保价值为美元的箱玻璃器皿的一切险。. We shall shortly be making regular shipments of leather goods to Canada, and shall be glad if you will issue an all risks marine insurance pol

32、icy for $, to cover these shipments.我们将很快定期往加拿大运送皮制品,所以如果你们能为我们这些货物签发价值为美元的一切险水险单的话,我们会很高兴的。. Please insure for us these products at invoice value plus % (at % of the invoice value).请按票面价值加%为我们投保这些商品。. Wed like to cover our ordered goods against WPA for % of the invoice value according to our usual

33、practice.请按照惯例把我们所 订的货按发票金额%投保水渍险。. Please hold us covered for the cargo listed on the attached sheet.请为我们投保附页上的商品。. For this consignment, we shall cover WPA and risk of breakage for % of the invoice value.我们为这批货物投保按票面价值加%的水渍险和破碎险。. Our company will insure against all risks for % of the invoice valu

34、e.我公司以发票价值%投保一切险。. Please insure the electric fans at % of the invoice value.请将电风扇按发票金额的%保险。. The machines are to be insured against all risks.这些机器投保一切险。. We only cover FPA and war risk.我们只保平安险和战争险。. There are not delicate goods that can be damaged on the voyage. FPA will be good enough.它们不是易碎品,运输途中

35、不会有损坏,保平安险足够了。. Our goods are very valuable, so I want insure against all risks.我们的商品很贵重,所以我想保全险。交际英语口语:出门在外语言不通我想请一位日本人翻译。Id like to have a Japanese interpreter. .nterpreter “口头翻译”。我不会说英语。I cant speak English.No English! (我英文不行。)我的英语不太好。My English isnt good enough.请安排一位会说日语的人。A Japanese-speaking pe

36、rson, please.请再说一遍。Pardon me?Arent you John? (你不是约翰吗?)Pardon me? (什么?请再说一遍?)Excuse me?I beg your pardon?Could you repeat that?您说什么?What did you say?您能慢一点儿说吗?Would you slow down, please?Please say it more slowly.我们想请一位会说日语的导游。Id like a Japanese-speaking guide, please.What can I do for you? (您有什么事?)Id

37、 like a Japanese-speaking guide, please. (我们想请一位会说日语的导游。)I want a Japanese-speaking guide.有会说日语的人吗?Does anyone speak Japanese? .于当无法用英文表达自己想说的事情时。Does anyone here speak Japanese?Is there a Japanese speaker here?我们语言不通。I cant make myself understood. .ake oneself understood 表示“(用外语等)表达自己的意思,让别人明白自己的感觉

38、”。I cant get my point across.I cant get through to him. (无法让他明白。)我不知道这用英文怎么说。I dont know how to say it in English.I dont know it in English.I cant express it in English. (我不能用英文表达。)日语中的“义理”用英文怎么说?How do you say giri in English?How do you say giri in English? (日语中的“义理”用英文怎么说?)You say, obligation。(用英文是obligation。)Whats giri in English?How should I say giri in English?How can I express giri in English?Whats the English word for giri?英文管这叫什么?What do you call this in English?2020交际英语口语分享


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