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1、比利时:历史名人的逃亡胜地 今天和大家分享比利时,一个历史名人的逃亡胜地,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。比利时历史名人的逃亡胜地Karl Marx was forced to migrate to the Belgian capital in 1845 after being expelled from both Germany and France because of the political ideology he was spreading. From Belgium, he wrote together with Friedrich Engels, his most famous

2、 book, the Communist Manifesto.卡尔马克思因其传播的政治意识形态而被德国和法国驱逐出境,他于1845年被迫移居比利时首都。马克思在比利时与弗里德里希恩格斯一起撰写了他最著名的作品共产党宣言。The author of Les Miserables, Victor Hugo also made Belgium his home. Hugo was not expelled from France, but as a defender of democracy, social justice and the abolition of the death penalty

3、, he was a very serious opponent of Napoleon III. Thats why he escaped from France and came to Brussels in 1851, where he stayed seven months at Grand Place. He then returned to Brussels in 1861 to write Les Miserables.悲惨世界的作者维克多雨果也在比利时安了家。雨果并未被驱逐出法国,但作为民主、社会正义和废除死刑的捍卫者,他强烈反对拿破仑(执政),因此他逃离了法国并于1851年来

4、到了布鲁塞尔,并在布鲁塞尔大广场住了七个月。之后他于1861年回到了布鲁塞尔,并创作了悲惨世界。Alexandre Dumas, the author of major works like The Count of Monte Cristo, was another famous author who lived in Brussels. Dumas moved to Brussels in 1851, the same year as his friend, Victor Hugo. Although he pretended he was forced to migrate for po

5、litical reasons, the truth is he was facing prison in France because of debts, had no other option. Dumas lived in Boulevard de Waterloo for two years before reaching an agreement with his lenders and returning to Paris in 1853.亚历山大杜马斯是另一位在布鲁塞尔生活过的著名作家,他创作了基督山伯爵等经典著作。1851年杜马斯移居布鲁塞尔,而他的朋友维克多雨果也于同一年移居

6、布鲁塞尔。尽管杜马斯假装自己是出于政治原因而被迫移民,但事实上,他在法国因债务而面临牢狱之灾,其实是别无选择。杜马斯在滑铁卢大道住了两年,之后他与债权人达成协议,于1853年返回巴黎。Probably the most influential man of the 20th century: Albert Einstein. Einstein, who was the mind behind major scientific discoveries, lived in Belgium on and off between 1902 and 1933. His last trip to Belg

7、ium was of the most significance. In 1933, Adolph Hitler was elected German Chancellor. While the Jews suffered from the first discriminatory measures, Albert Einstein, who was living in California, decided not to come back to Germany. He headed to Belgium, and stayed in Le Coq for six months with h

8、is wife, before going back to the USA indefinitely.20世纪最有影响力的人可能就是阿尔伯特爱因斯坦了。爱因斯坦提出了许多重大科学发现,在1902年至1933年间,爱因斯坦偶尔在比利时居住。他的最后一次比利时之行最为重要。1933年阿道夫希特勒当选德国总理。当犹太人第一次遭到歧视性对待时,阿尔伯特爱因斯坦决定不回德国了,当时他住在加利福尼亚。后来,他前往比利时,与妻子一起在勒高克住了六个月,然后从此移居美国。比利时十大必去胜地Five: Ardennes.阿登For hiking, biking and camping, visitors to

9、Belgium should head to the rugged hills of the Ardennes如果喜欢远足、山地自行车或是露营,游客可千万不要错过这片丘陵地带,with their tight forests, caves and cliffs.这里尽是崇山峻岭,怪石嶙峋的洞穴以及悬崖。They are home to wild boar, deer and lynx and hide a number of friendly villages,这里是野猪,麋鹿以及猞猁的家园,这片地区还有许多美丽的村庄,lots of castles and a few other notab

10、le sights.城堡以及其它著名景点。The impressive caves of Han-sur-Lesse,莱斯河畔昂村洞穴神秘莫测,the castle of Bouillon and the modern Labyrinth of Barvaux are some of the best picks.美丽的布容城堡和巴尔沃迷宫绝对不能错过。The city of Namur makes a great base from where to explore the Ardennes那慕尔也是前往阿登探险的大本营,and has some fine sights itself too

11、.这座城市本身也有许多值得欣赏的景点。Four: Antwerp.安特卫普Antwerp is a city with many faces.安特卫普极具多样性。While it may not be as historically preserved as Bruges or Ghent,它虽然不比布鲁日或根特这样的历史名城,it is a very dynamic city, offering a perfect mix of history and present-day modern life.但它是一个充满活力的城市,它是历史与现代的完美结合。Lovers of great food

12、, great beer, and good times,这是一座美食之城,啤酒之城,更是享受休闲时光的良好场所,this city is most well-known for the Diamond District,这座城市被誉为“宝石地区”,where more than 70 percent of the worlds rough diamonds are traded.因为全球超70%的未加工宝石全部在这里进行交易。Art abounds in Antwerp, with Revenshuis celebrates the baroque works of Peter Paul R

13、uebens这里的文化气息浓厚,鲁本斯故居陈列着许多鲁本斯的巴洛克画作,and the Plantin Moretus Museum is the home of printer and bookbinder Christoffel Plantin.普朗坦-莫雷图斯博物馆纪念的是印刷业者,装订者克里斯托费尔普朗坦。Architectural wonders await with the 1351 construction the gothic Cathedral of Our Lady,这里的建筑也是非比寻常,其中就包括哥特式圣母主教座堂,and the majestic combinatio

14、n of baroque and Gothic architecture of the Saint Pauls Church.还有集巴洛克和哥特风格于一身的圣保罗教堂。Three: Ghent.根特Belgiums best kept secret, Ghent is a city of history.比利时最鲜为人知的秘密,根特是一座历史名城。During the Middle Ages, it was one of the richest and most powerful cities in Europe.它是中世纪最富饶,权利最为集中的欧洲城市之一。It was once consi

15、dered the second largest city north of the alps, after Paris.被公认为阿尔卑斯山以北第二大城市,仅次于巴黎。The impact of this rich past can be clearly seen如今,我们还能看到这座城市的辉煌历史,when viewing the imposing architecture of churches and the houses of rich traders.这里的教堂蔚为壮观,商人富豪的府邸更是金碧辉煌。The whole of the city center is restored in

16、 this fashion,整个市中心都是如此威严壮观,and still breathes the atmosphere of a thriving late-medieval city state.中世纪末的鼎盛之势依然可见。This is particularly so along the scenic old Graslei harbour,这种感觉在格拉斯雷港湾最为明显,and grand medieval cathedrals and the Gravensteen castle.还有宏大的中世纪教堂以及伯爵城堡。Two: Brussels.布鲁塞尔Known for its di

17、versity of sites and places of interest,这里的著名景点数不胜数,Brussels is the capital city of Belgium and is likely where visitors will begin their sightseeing.作为比利时首都,这里绝对是游客率先浏览的地方。As the headquarters of many European institutions,它还是众多欧洲组织的总部所在地,Brussels might also be considered something of a capital for

18、the European Union.更可以算作是欧盟“首都”。Most notably, the Grand Place is the citys center and was established in the 13th century.大广场位于布鲁塞尔中心,创建于十三世纪。Terrace cafes and pubs are plentiful around this central square,户外咖啡馆和酒吧更是数不胜数,as are other sites of interest such as the stunning Gothic style Town Hall.此外,这

19、里还有像哥特市民大会厅等著名景点。Shopping is plentiful amid the Galeries St.Hubert,圣休伯特拱廊街是购物天堂,a centrally located glass-roof arcade filled with shops, cafes, and theaters.在这片玻璃拱廊之下满是商店,咖啡馆和剧院。One: Bruges.布鲁日The spirit and history of the Vikings emits strongly in this lovely city of canals维京人的传统与历史在布鲁日运河体现得淋漓尽致,th

20、at have earned it the title as the Europes Venice of the North.这座城市还有欧洲“北方威尼斯”之称。Easy to traverse, Bruges is home to glorious medieval architecture,布鲁日有许多辉煌的中世纪建筑,particularly on the southern side of the citys main hub, the Grote Market Square.尤其在南部市集广场最多。Flanking its western side, visitors can enjoy the neo-gothic style amid Provincial Court.在广场西面,游客可以领略布鲁日法院区的新哥特式建筑。The striking Belfry Tower is just north of the square.北面是美丽的钟塔。Other sites not to miss include the spectacular Gruuthuse Mansion,其它必看景点还有格鲁休斯豪宅,and the impressive Saint Johns Hospital, which was built in 1188.还有始建于1188年的圣约翰医院。


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