1、雅思考试经验总结 3战4国5城, 雅思陪我仗剑走天涯。今天给大家带来了雅思考试经验总结,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。【雅思官方红地毯】3战4国5城 雅思陪我仗剑走天涯初来乍到蕉风椰雨新加坡第一次考雅思,高二,在济南市山东大学的考点。考试完的那一刻放下笔,心中释然又忐忑。随后又参加了口试,面试官是一个英国大叔,不记得说到哪里戳到笑点,我们俩都笑了,顿时内心的紧张瞬时荡然无存。不长的等待,我终于拿到了我的雅思成绩。七分!接着,高中毕业了。凭借着雅思和高考成绩我顺利来到了新加坡一所知名大学念会计。北国风光倏忽变成了蕉风椰雨。刚来到新加坡,路痴的我不知道迷路多少次。在智能手机和
2、谷歌地图还没有流行起来的时候,一次次一个人流连在新加坡的大街小巷。课业跟不上时,也曾一个人在家里痛哭。英文不够好,小组讨论总有些底气不足,课堂展示只能硬着头皮说。我决定把Fortune Favours the Bold作为自己的座右铭,就算心里胆怯也鼓足勇气,绝不不放弃尝试。从大一入校开始我就参加了大学的志愿者组织,曾帮孤寡老人粉刷墙壁,也曾在人来人往的乌节路为红十字会发传单,鼓励路人志愿献血。课余,我不甘平淡,拉上老友去报名宝莱坞跳舞社,我们两个中国人跟一大群印度妹妹每周大汗淋漓的练习。到了学校表演时,穿上大红大金的跳舞服,画上浓浓的印度妆。平时性格比较文静的我们大胆地走上舞台,热烈地随音乐
6、。假期还是要旅行,只是这一轮目的地变得稍微小众一点。我在冰岛的深夜乘一辆大巴追逐北极光。走进埃及的金字塔,触碰那阴暗处的墙砖。我来到土耳其,无人的海边,跟养猫的看门人喝一杯茶。我乘火车到希腊,看昔日的荣光,与今日的萧条对应。而课余我干了各种各样乱七八糟的事情。包括去化学公司做会议翻译,参加杜伦奖培训,业余帮一家英国的咨询公司联系中国的业务,学法语,翻译歌谣童谣,录中文儿歌唱片,去学校IT部门做助手。当然还有:学做饭,弹吉他,犯花痴,看英国相声, 周末做火车乱跑。也许因为各种丰富的经历,毕业不久,我就拿到了一个在香港工作的offer。行业:商业情报和尽职调查。下一站:香港香港20XX年的冬天来香
8、朋友们出海,爬山,在兰桂坊看球赛,在湾仔找美食。香港似乎总是有无穷无尽的活动,各种艺术展览,音乐表演,文化节目层出不穷。我又认识了不少来自天南地北的朋友,听他们讲各自精彩的故事。不知不觉,我竟也爱上了香港。虽然也许她只是我人生中的一站,但旅途的精彩不是比直接到达终点更有趣吗?没有牛津剑桥常春藤的光芒,也没有各种投行实习经历的辉煌。我只是一个平凡的女孩,从一座小小的城,走到了一座大城,又走过了一座座不同的城。带着不同时期的雅思纪念,穿梭于城与城间,我悄悄成长.雅思备考:大作文分析之广告在社会中扮演的角色Do advertisements play a positive or negative r
9、ole in our society?Arguments1. Advertisements provide the most direct comprehensive and detailed information. We get to know about household goods from advertisements.2. Advertising itself is a business that has provided a great number of jobs.3. With advertisements, people save a lot of time in sho
10、pping, looking for jobs, etc.4. Daily life needs advertisements because the main function of advertising is to disseminate information on commodities, services, culture, employment, student enrolment and even marriage.5. A cheerful, witty advertisement makes such a difference to a drab wall or a new
11、spaper full of news of calamities.6. Without advertisements, newspapers, commercial radios and television companies could not survive.7. You can find a job or rent an apartment, buy or sell a house, etc. by way of advertising.8. Advertising is a process of artistic creation.9. Advertising creates ma
12、ss markets. Without advertisements, manufacturers may find it difficult to sell their products.10. Advertising helps stabilize industry and employment, improves quality, and, by competition, helps keep prices within bounds.Counter-arguments1. Advertisements are imposed upon a captive audience: e.g.
13、on television.2. Advertisements on TV are a nuisance: they interrupt television progranunes at a shocking frequency.3. Consumers have to pay more for the goods owing to the advertising expenses: high prices are maintained by such artificial means.4. Advertisements are simply misleading and cheating.
14、 They are filled with flowery phrases and empty promises.5. Fake advertising cheats consumers and, in some serious cases, threatens gullible peoples lives.6. Advertisers are inconsiderate to the public. What they care about is making money.7. Advertisements are not based on the quality of the goods,
15、 but on the principle that if one keeps talking about the same thing long enough, eventually people will pay attention to it.8. Advertisements are an insidious form of brainwashing, using the same techniques, like slogans, catchphrases, etc.9. Some advertising is offensive: it appeals to base instin
16、cts.10. Advertising cheapens the quality of life: most ads are in poor taste.雅思备考:大作文范文之如何看待空运水果蔬菜题目:Air transport is increasingly used to export some types of fruits and vegetables to countries where those plants can not grow or are out of season. Some say it is a good thing, but others consider th
17、is use of transport cannot be justified. What do you think?范文:Nowadays, there is no denying that air transport has become a heated argument on which people hold quite diverse standpoints. Some people claim that different types of fruits and vegetables can be exported to countries where those plants
18、are everyday requisites that are not available in the market, while others advocate that this use of transport cannot be justified. As far as I am concerned, I am of the viewpoint that it is essentially important to make good use of air transport, provided that it is properly regulated and superinte
19、nded by corresponding government watchdogs.Firstly, air transport can cater for the basic needs of those people who have almost no access to those daily necessities since these fruits and vegetables are out of their local market. Recent surveys have found that nearly 60% of the countries or regions
20、all over the world have to import goods and products from other countries with an aim to satisfying peoples requirements, and among those things from other countries such agricultural products as fruits and vegetables rank in the first place.Furthermore, air transport can not only boost the local ec
21、onomy but also increase the fiscal revenue of the government. Furthermore, the government can take advantage of the money to improve the living standard of the locals. Only in this way can local residents benefit a great deal form air transport.Last but not least, air transport allows countries in t
22、he world to specialize in the state-of-the-art techniques of manufacturing and processing in order to optimize natural resources that are the most valuable wealth that human beings shall cherish so as to stimulate their economy continuously since the trend of global cooperation and co123boration is
23、inevitable and indispensable.From the above-mentioned analysis, we can easily reach the conclusion that air transport of fruits and vegetables plays a vital and indispensable role in both people life and the countrys economy, and I have the convicted faith that people will really utilize it positive
24、ly and proactively.雅思备考:大作文范文之21世纪的进步与挑战题目:Many people are optimistic to the 21st century and see it as a opportunity to make positive changes to the world. To what extend do you agree or disagree with their optimistism? What changes would you like to be made in the new century?范文:Entering the new m
25、illennium, our world has reached its peak in the development of society, economy and technology. Faced with opportunities and challenges, we should take a rational attitude and be confident about the future.First of all, technology has brought us advances and challenges. For instance, more families
26、own private cars. We have more leisure time to enjoy on weekends. Information technology brings people closer in communication. However, the environmental pollution is accelerating. The air we breathe smells like gas from cars. And the food we eat may be contaminated with harmful chemicals discharge
27、d from plants into underground water. While the economic development has made our life more comfortable, it has also polarized the society in the distribution of wealth. More wealth is held by a very small percentage of the population, leaving millions of people struggling to make a bare existence.S
28、econdly, long-existing problems have not been solved in spite of the constant progress of our society. Millions of people are still suffering from poverty and wars. There are other problems such as how to find cure for new diseases, how to solve the threatening energy crisis, how to deal with global
29、ization issues, and how to achieve lasting peace with the possibility of a nuclear war.There are too many changes we want to bring to our world. But the primary ones are: I want to help people in the world no longer suffer from hunger and wars. I want to get the pollution under control and clean up
30、the polluted places. I also desire a peaceful, rich, healthy, beautiful planet for everyone in the 21st century.To conclude, in the 21st century, we face opportunities and challenges. While the progresses are significant and wonderful, old problems still remain. We need to work hard to put a stop to issues such as world hunger, wars, and environmental pollution to make the world a better place for all.雅思考试经验总结