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1、托福口语高分短语汇总整理 托福口语高分短语汇总整理,这些地道表达不可不会。今天给大家带来托福口语高分短语汇总整理 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语高分短语汇总整理 这些地道表达不可不会托福口语高分地道短语汇总分享Walk on air 兴高采烈例句:Some students seem to walk on air after they succeed in passing the entrance examination of college.一些学生在考入大学后似乎有些忘乎所以了。At an awkward age 即将成年例句:Tom was very ea

2、sy to bring up and never seemed to have an awkward age at all.汤姆是一个很容易带大的孩子,他好像从来就没有成年前的那种彷徨。Autumn of somebodys life 在垂暮之年例句:Its amazing that somebody can still contribute to society even in the autumn of his life.令人惊异的是,有人在垂暮之年还能够为社会作贡献。Paint the lily 多此一举例句:Comment upon this would be to paint the

3、 lily.对此发表评论无异于画蛇添足。Lay at somebodys door 归咎于某人例句:Dont lay the blame at my door; you spilled food on the carpet,too!不要只责怪我;你也把食物打翻在地毯上了呀!Wall-to-wall 无处不在的例句:Within minutes, the presidential salvo is wall-to-wall on the wire services and TV news,then the Internet.几分钟之内,总统保留态度的看法就被各大新闻通讯社和电视新闻台铺天盖地地作

4、了报道,接着上了互联网。To Put on the dog 摆阔、装门面例句:What I like about him was that he never put on the dog to show off his money.我喜欢他的一点的是他从来不乱花钱来炫耀他的富有。On the side 作为兼职例句:Hes a teacher,but he does some journalism on the side.他是教师,但还兼职做一些新闻工作。Get into the swing of thing 积极投入某事例句:It took time to get into the swin

5、g of things.熟悉情况需要一些时间。托福口语 综合部分第五题做题技巧形式:听力+作答听力时间:60s到90s内容:有关校园场景的对话人物包括:两个学生;一个学生一个教授;一个学生和一个校管理人员问题包括:安排上的冲突,请假,搜寻资料,学生选举,手头拮据等话题安排:同时涉及两个人必须想出一个共同的解决方案, 涉及一方说出问题,另外一方或双方同时想出两个解决方案作答:1、描述对话中所讨论的问题2、说出自己偏向哪一个解决方案3、解释为什么喜欢那个解决方案解释时可以引用对话中的信息,也可以加入自己的经历(注意重点是对话中那人遇到的问题)时间:准备时间: 20s答题时间: 60s备考TIPS:

6、1、该题往往会背要求作为拿分的项目,也是综合口语部分唯一一个允许有个人观点的题目。所以在听力中,一定要记录好那个学生的问题和解决的方案。2、听:听力时要注意:对话中描述的问题/冲突是什么如果解决问题(2个解决方案)你觉得哪种方案好,为什么Problem往往不是单纯的,而是复杂矛盾的,分几个回合说完。3、答题逻辑:PROBLEM+2 SOLUTIONS+PREFERENCE+WHYSolutions针对Problem不同层面提出,注意提炼中心句。关切性的话可以略去。答题时在复述问题和解决方法后,一定要给出自己的建议,想不出来就选择一个S提出的方案或把S提出的各种办法按照轻重缓急排序,形式上不可缺

7、少!一定要说 “the man/woman offers her/him TWO(or THREE) solutions.”This is to ensure that you get all the solutions even if you cant finish you answer in time, so the examiner will still give you a good score.4、时间分配:The OPTIMAL time allotment is: 10 seconds for the problem, 17 seconds for each solution,

8、and 10 seconds for your choice and why,and about 6 seconds pausing throughout your answer.5、问题不用听!每次都一样!省下10-15秒整理笔记。问题:“briefly describe the problem that was discussed in the conversation and to state which of the two solutions you prefer, and finally to explain why you prefer that solution”。6、建议的句

9、型:YOU CAN, YOU SHOULD, YOUD RATHER, WHY NOT, WHO DONT YOUTHERE IS A POSSIBILITYIS IT POSSIBLEHAVE YOU EVER THOUGH ABOUTANOTHER THING YOU CAN DO ISYOU NEED TOIF I WERE YOU, ID RATHER7、要用计时软件进行训练,最好给自己的建议留出15秒钟时间。模版:1、In the conversation, the man/women has a problem with his/herschedue/report/essay /s

10、tudy(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)He or she couldnt get/check out/afford .问题具体化)He/she needs to.he woman/man/professor/officer gives him/her twosolutions/options(基本上是2个solution)The firstsolution/option is(概括,不用具体化)Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)And I think the second choice is preferabl

11、e for the following reasons:(自己的建议)First,the woman may confront the same problem in the future, itis better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiencesAlso,I have once faced thesame situation as the woman does, and I.、(1)The man/woman has a problem/situation, which is that.+but/howeve

12、r(如果有冲突的话)(2) The man/ woman gives two suggestion. Suggestion one is suggestion two is。(3) If I were the man/woman, I would follow the first/second suggestion.或者是 In my opinion/as far as Im concerned, the best thing for the man/woman to do is。(4) Because I think每一个省略为2句话。3、In this conversation, the

13、man/woman is having a hard time dealingwith the problem that 。 And the woman/man offers him/ her two possible solutions. One is The other is 。 And if it were my choice, I would choose the former/latter one, because”4、In the conversation, the man/woman has a problem with his/her schedule/report/essay

14、 /study(听得时候判断到底是哪方面的问题)He or she couldnt get/check out/afford .问题具体化)He/she needs to.o, the woman/man/professor/officer offers him/her two solutions/optionsThe first solution/option is(概括,不用具体化)Another suggestion the professor/woman gives is(概括,不用具体化)And from my point of view/As for me, the second

15、choice is preferable for the following reasons/the best way to solve this problem is :(自己的建议)First, the woman may confront the same problem in the future, its better for her to handle it now and gain some helpful experiences. Also, I have once faced the same situation as the woman does, and I .这么干的)

16、, it works well pretty well for me.5、The woman/man is facing the problem that So the man/woman offers him/her two solutions. One is.Another is。 Well, to me, I prefer the first/second one. because (理由,常直接来自听力),(如果有时间),I was once faced with the similar trouble; I chose to(说支持的具体选择) and everything turn

17、ed out to be all right.(记主要观点,要求发表自己观点)托福口语 综合部分第六题做题技巧托福口语第六题主要模仿美国学校课堂情景,涉及到一些学术类的题目,考生在进行托福口语第六题备考的过程中主要尽量积累一些常见的学术词汇,提炼自己的托福口语第六题模板,尽量在最短的时间内完成思索过程,用流利的语言将自己的答案表述出来。下面我们就来看一下托福口语第六题的模板及备考方法。听力:时间:60s到90s内容:学术类题目:教授就某个学术问题所作的讲座的节选范围:生命科学、社会科学、自然科学和人文科学组织形式:开始:解释概念、强调一个问题或介绍一种现象;然后:讨论重要的方面或相关观点;讲座


19、此在听力中一定要注意听懂讲座在想说明什么,重点在于抓住演讲者的观点和例子。5、本部分的备考套路大多为:现象-举例式,概念-应用式, 过程-作用式。因此在听力一开始,迅速判断听力属于三个模式中的哪一种,这对于我们预测*内容并听懂内容有很大的帮助,笔记也要按照这种模式相应的展开。托福听力第六题模版:1、In the lecture, the professor discusses/argues/demonstrates .in several points/aspectsFirst, he says thatand he gives an example ofSecond, he mentioned thatand he shows some data/researchs about托福口语高分短语汇总整理


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