1、托福独立口语高分模板和参考范文详解:18岁能投票吗 今天给大家带来托福独立口语高分模板和参考范文详解:18岁能投票吗,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立口语高分模板和参考范文详解:18岁能投票吗?本期托福独立口语话题Do you agree or disagree with the following statement?18-year-old adults are not mature enough to vote.托福独立口语参考范文Well, I think there are several ways to keep myself healthy.In my
2、opinion, 18-year-old people already have the ability to vote. Firstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions.)
3、 And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions. For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to lear
4、n about the information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell us not to just repeat what others say but think by ourselves. So we are mature enough to vote.托福口独立语模板分析在此,说一下本题的几个常见错误发音:adult 这个音是/?d?lt/ 或者 /?d?lt/ (注意,a这个原音发音不同的时候,重音是不一样的)mature 这个音是/m?t?r/ 前面不是/ma/是/m?/
5、。一些细节解读分析1. 18 years old18岁的人I think +people who are already 18 years old are mature enough to vot18岁的人,正确的说法如下:A. 18-year-old people 【作定语,通常都是这样,加了连字符,就成了形容词。比如:在校的活动 on-campus activities】B. people who are 18 【作表语】C. people who are 18 years old 【作表语】2. 我们能够对“我们的”行为负责 + behavior是不可数名词we can take res
6、ponsibility for the our behaviors and actions3.concerned发音问题I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country 这里的concerned,不要发成concered,中间那个n不要吞掉。这是考生经常会犯的错误。建议再练习一下environment和government,也要注意不要吞n。4. 没有细节1. 语言考试并不是完全不看内容。大家要知道,语音确实加分,不过,内容也不容忽视。2. 增加细节和例子并不难,看下面示范A. de
7、tails 是把你说的事情具体化,如: we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions.我们能对自己的行为负责,具体化后: At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions.我们自己独立做决策,因此我们的选票能够代表自己的意见。B. exemplification 是把你说的事情搞成一个具体的事件,如: young people above 18 are
8、 very concerned about the future of the country. 年轻人关心国家的未来。具体到一个例子:For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn about the information related to national policies. 我和我的朋友,我们就成天看新闻。托福独立口语参考答案分享Well, I dont think I can agree with statement because I think +pe
9、ople who are already 18 years old are mature enough to voteFirstly, because I think when we are 18, we are adults, which means we can take responsibility for the our behaviors and actions. (At the age of 18, we begin to make decisions independently, and thus our votes can represent our own opinions)
10、And also I think young people above 18 are very concerned about the future of the country and they have the ability to reason and also enough knowledge about politics, which will help them to make right decisions.For example, my friends and I are just 18 years old, and we often surf online to learn
11、about hte information related to national policies. And our politics teachers always tell me, Please dont just repeat what others say but think by yourself, think critically. So I am pretty sure that we are mature enough to vote. So I am pretty sure that we have the capability to decide what is good
12、 for the nation and the people and thus we definitely are old enough to vote.So I think they have both the right and capability to decide what is good for the nations and what is good for the people. So thats why I think they are old enough and mature enough to vote.托福口语考什么?怎么提高分数?托福口语对于很多新参加托福的新手来说
15、试你能不能在北美的校园里上课,所以测试的都是学术性的东西.评分之重在于内容和逻辑性.当然,在内容和逻辑性得到保证的前提之下,提高一下发音和流利度还是很有必要的.I口语有四道题是有模板的,一定要把模板练熟,这样讲起话来有逻辑性,其实做一些书上的好的模考题就行了,主要是听力和练熟模板.上面便是针对托福口语第一题和托福口语第二题等具体考查内容的介绍,相信即使没有参加过托福口语的同学也能比较清楚地有一个认识了,希望大家能提早准备将来有一个好的成绩。你的托福口语水平如何能有重大突破?1.间接转述(Indirect Speech)托福口语转述的实质是将听到的和看到的话语用自己的话以口头方式再转达出来。“直
16、接引述”是直接引用说话人的原话,而要用自己的话把别人的意思转述出来就称为“间接转述”。新托福口语考试中一般应采用“间接转述”的方法:针对特定问题,用自己的话把读到、听到的对话内容或演讲内容再重复出来。对考生来说,这当然是一个更高层次的要求。因为,首先要听得懂、读得懂别人的观点,其次才能在此基础上进行加工处理,变为自己的语言再陈述出准确意思来。这时候,“善于把别人的东西据为己有”就不再是一个“恶劣的行径”了。此时此刻,它将转化为一个极为有效的、甚至是高效的手段,以此来达到“借鸡下蛋”的目的。请看下面托福口语题:例1:My mother said: “Im so tired that I dont
17、 want to cook. Shall we eat out tonight?”My mother said that she was so tired that she didnt want to cook and she suggested that we should eat out that day.例2:Tom said: “Ive already seen the film.”Tom said that he had already seen the film.间接转述应注意以下几点规则: 在转述的引语前一般要用连词that:(如例1、例2所示); 托福口语练习中要根据意思改变人
18、称; 当要转述的言语为连贯的话语时,应用go on(继续),continue(接着),add(补充)等,以及各种引述动词,如:note(指明),remark(谈及) 间接转述不是重复原话,因此,时态要有所变动。一般来讲,现在时变为过去时,过去时变为过去完成时。指示代词、地点及时间状语也要作必要改动。2.释义、意译(Paraphrasing)Paraphrase (to express in a shorter or clearer way what someone has written or said) 就是用你所知道的,或者对你来说较容易的词汇、短语、以及语法去解释那些较为难懂的语句。3.
19、概述(Summarizing)Summarize (to make a short statement giving only the main information and not the details of a plan, event, report, etc.) 就是用简练话语概括描述一篇材料的中心思想。相信通过介绍大家已经知道在托福口语训练中应该做些什么了吧!托福口语题的描述要求大家多进行练习和总结,这样才能让你的托福口语水平有重大突破。托福口语怎么去除中国式的表达?大家在练习托福口语时其实要明白根本的目的是以后出国时能更好的交流,那么我们说话就不能用中国式的英语表达了,这点要在托
20、福口语练习时就注意,毕竟习惯很可能在托福口语学习时就养成了,以后改也不容易,下面就来说说怎么去除中国式的表达。中国人的英语以Chinglish或Chenglish闻名于世。中国人最大的英语发音问题就是没有连读。但这都不是最主要的语言问题。一部分中国人再说英语时,听起来没有礼貌;并不是这些中国人本身没礼貌,而是他们还没有习惯英语的礼貌表达方式,托福口语学习中也是如此。比如,中国人在餐厅或咖啡厅,会说:”我想要一个汉堡“。但是如果直接把这些话翻译成英文”I want to have a hamburger”或” I want to have a coffee”. 老外会觉得这样说话很没有礼貌,当然
21、他们也不会直接告诉你。而在西方国家,老外们一般会说:“Could I have a hamburger, please?”或“Can I have a coffee, please?”另外,在别人表达感谢的时候,我们也可以不用说You are welcome,这个实际上稍显得正式,貌似有点把自己当回事而觉得帮了人家大忙的味道。回答Cheers 或No worries就好了显得简单地道多了,托福口语练习中也要注意。再比如,中国人在拒绝别人邀请的午宴和晚宴时会说:“抱歉,我不能去,我还有别的安排。”翻译成英文就是“Sorry, I cant. I have another appointment.
22、”如果这样说那别人第二次也许不会再邀请你了。老外们一般这样说:“That is a good idea! I would like to join in but I have another appointment today.”所以如果想让自己的托福口语听上去更好更加礼貌,我们可以:1,比较多地使用情态动词:can, could, may, might, would等等。2,比较多的使用虚拟语气。如would(had)rather, would(had)sooner, would(just)as soon等等。3,句尾加上 Please就显得有礼貌多了。4,陈述句的表达可能显得生硬或没礼貌时,尽量使用疑问句,否定句或从句,以免让听者感觉说话者带有强烈的主观判断或武断的感觉。以积极的,建议性的比较的,人性的语气去代替。5,说话要以他人为中心。以肯定他人,赞同他人为前提。上面介绍了如何在托福口语学习中养成礼貌的英语表达习惯,大家在托福口语练习时就要纠正过来,毕竟托福口语评判也都是美国人,他们更喜欢这种地道的表达。