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1、8分烤鸭的万言雅思考试经验之阅读篇 雄文速速来膜拜 ,8分烤鸭的万言雅思考试经验之阅读篇。今天给大家带来了雅思8分经验分享,希望可以帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。8分烤鸭的万言雅思考试经验之阅读篇考试概述考试前我是7月6号回的北京,一回到家就立刻开始复习了,因为当时报考时30号,只有20多天时间,以前根本没有看过雅思,但是我一年前有在X.X.X上过雅思考试班的课。但是距离现在已经有两年时间了,很多东西印象不是很深了。我6号回到北京,7号就开始复习了。不论平时还是双休日还是生日,我一天没有落,基本上就是每天早上9点起床,10点背着书包到附近的大学教室里面去看书,12点去吃饭,1点在




5、但是想做好阅读,靠背单词是绝对无法实现的。(没背单词的童鞋不要听到这里就想偷懒,赶紧背单词去!)你看到一段话,每个单词你都明白意思,可是放在一起怎么也说不通意思,管个p用呢?阅读水平提高的重点就是阅读英文*,它可以帮助你熟悉外国人使用句子的方式,也就是说话的方式,这是和中国人有很大不同的。尤其是新闻,相信英语培训机构的老师也没少给大家推荐英文新闻网站吧,你要是不喜欢在网站上读,可以买China Daily,是很好的报纸,我每次上飞机都会拿一份读,神马Teens周刊之类的初高中级英语报纸读物就算了吧。我都可以给他们投稿了。还有就是读英文小说,英文小说是个很好的东西,一本英文小说的词汇量可以相当与

6、一本字典。但是读这些东西(新闻小说)时,一定不要遇词就查,要通过句子,前后文去猜大意,忽略一些无关紧要的词,也要学会注意到一些必要的,反复出现的词,这才是阅读英文正确的方法,你回忆一下,咱们在读中文小说时不也是这样在读的吗?我推荐Twilight Saga系列,因为这几本书词汇量比较贴近青少年,一开始读英文小说时,尽量不要去读一些比较成人的读物,更不要去读心理学之类的英文读物,浪费时间,而且会非常累。而且要有耐心,要有恒心,要专注,你的阅读速度会提高的很快,到那时候,你也不用什么所谓的做题技巧了。雅思写作思路之特殊群体是否应该在大学录取时获得特殊待20XX年8月雅思写作预测题目:特殊群体是否应

7、该在大学录取时获得特殊待遇。Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, think universities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education. To what extent do you agree or disagree?支持反方Such treatment is unfair for their counterparts with urban and wealthy family back

8、ground because they have to face the same tests and examinations with the same assessing standard. Consequently, the results will be unobjective and will end up being meaningless procedures.This special treatment is no less than a previlige which can lead to the over-?reliance of its beneficiaries.

9、What is worse, those students will probably take it for granted that they deserve it and will not value such treasurous opportunities.支持正方The potentials of those who are poor and rural are probably unfully exploited either due to limited financial means or because of inadequate facility and teaching

10、 staff, which means that they are not competing on the same level with those who are affluent or from cities.If offered such chance, the disadvantaged students would undoubtedly cherish it and spare no effort to make the opportunity worthwhile. Thus through painstaking work they would hopefully make

11、 meaningful achievement.雅思写作思路之食物长途运输的利弊20XX年8月雅思写作预测题目:食物长途运输的利弊。Today food travels thousands of miles from the farm to the consumers. Why is this? To what extent do you agree or disagree this is a positive trend?原因Technological progress empowered modern means of transport, tightly connecting food

12、origins and consumers.The process of industrilisation and urbanisation made a large amount of rural workforce engaged in cities and meanwhile, created the right condition for large scale agricultural production, which typically use automatical machinery to achieve sizeable yields in one place.支持正方Ma

13、ss production made it possible for food producers to limit their cost, and sell food in much larger quantity and with much cheaper price than before.It also means that more options are largely available to consumers, since the sizeable production and efficient transport eliminated the barrier of dis

14、tance, e.g. Canadian people can enjoy pineapples in winter. 国家进口食物的利弊It promotes related industries, especially logistics. 国家进口食物的利弊支持反方The long distance transport of food gives birth to environmental problems, such as the air pollution caused by air flight and the voluminous exhausts of lorries.Com

15、pared with locally grown food, the food delivered from miles away is relatively unfresh, and to prevent it from turning spoiled, many producers use chemical preservers, harming peoples health.Some producers even use biological injectants, e.g. growth hormone to feed poultry andlivestock, which under

16、mine food security.论据共享题国家进口食物的利弊Counties should produce food for all population and import food as little as possible. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?雷同题Food travels thousands of miles from farm to consumer. Some people think it would be better to our environment if peopl

17、e only ate local food. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the advantages outweigh disadvantages?雅思写作思路之关于城市规划20XX年8月雅思写作预测题目:关于城市规划。Some groups, such as poor people and people from rural areas, think universities should make it especially easy for them to get access to university education

18、. To what extent do you agree or disagree?城市规划In many cities, planners locate schools, homes, offices, shops in specific areas, which were widely separate from each other. Do you think advantages overweigh disadvantages?支持正方Inhabitants could enjoy a great deal of convenience according to the new urb

19、an planning,e.g. people will have no difficulties in finding particular places where they have never been.It is more like a paradise for women when all the shopping malls are deployed together. Not much extra time is required to travel from one shopping center to another; as long as they finish visi

20、ting one of them, the only thing they need to do is to walk to another.To locate specific areas separately could enable people to live peacefully and quietly. For those who used to live near the noisy shopping center, they no longer need to be burdened with noisy days and nights, for those who used

21、to work near factories, they no longer need to suffer from the disturbance, and for those who used to live near highly-?contaminated factories, they no longer need to breathe polluted air.支持反方It takes long time for people to travel from one area to another, which further causes transport stress, e.g. one would have to hail a taxi for soap.Unless it is a city still lies in the blueprint, it is unrealistic to completely separate areas with different functions, e.g. the construction and removing cost will be so astronomical that no government can undertake.8分烤鸭的万言雅思考试经验之阅读篇


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