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1、a、an、the的用法 a、an、the的用法你们都了解了吗?今天给大家带来了a、an、the的用法,希望能够给帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。a、an、the的用法a an是不定冠词 意思是一个,指的可以是任何东西the是定冠词 是特指一个东西a 和 an 的区别是当后面接的单词的音标是以原音开头的话 就用an比如 an apple an orange an English teachera cow a sheep一般以a e i o开头的单词前面都是要用an的u虽然是原音字母 但是一般不用an的比如a university studentthe 是指特定的东西比如那根笔在哪里

2、Where is the pen?冠词articles:a,an,the,/ 的用法we use a/an with singular countable nouns:a/an用在单数可数名词中1.the first time you mention a thing/person.第一次提到的人或事eg: I saw an old man with a dog2.When you say what something is or what somebody does.当你说什么是什么或者某人做什么的时候eg: Its a nice house.She is a lawyer.3. in exc

3、lamations with What.!感叹句中eg: What an awful day!4. in expressions of frequency.表达频率eg: I have classes three times a week.We use the:1.When we talk about something weve already mentioned.当我们谈论我们已经提到的事情时eg: I saw an old man with a dog.The dog was barking.2.When its clear what youre referring to.涉及的事物很清

4、楚eg: My father opened the door.The children are at school.3.When theres only one of something.独此一样eg: The moon goes round the Earth.4.with place in a town(cinema and theatre).小镇里的电影院和剧院eg: Im going to the cinema tonight5.with superlatives(最高级)eg: Its the best restaurant in town.We dont use an articl

5、e:(不用任何冠词)1.When we are speaking in general(with plural and uncountable nouns.)compare:对比I love flowers.(=flowers in general)泛指I love the flowers in my garden.(=the specific flowers in my garden)特指eg: Women usually talk more than men.Love is more important than money.2. with some nouns,(home,work,sc

6、hool,church)after at/to/from.eg: Shes not at home today.I get back from work at 5:30.3. before meals,days,and months.eg: I never have breakfast.4. before next/last+day,week,etc.eg: See you next friday.英语语法:哪些情况下不用冠词a/an/the?在英语语法中,术语零冠词(zero article)是指在口语或写作中,一个名词或名词短语前没有冠词(a、an或the)。零冠词也被称为零限定词(zer

7、o determiner)。一般来说,零冠词与专有名词、不可数名词或可数名词复数连用。此外,在表达交通运输方式(by plane)或某些时间和地点的惯用表达(at midnight, in jail)时,一般不使用冠词。My mothers name is Rose. I gave her a rose on Mothers Day.我妈妈叫罗斯。母亲节那天我送给她一朵玫瑰花。Every mile is two in winter.每一里路在冬天都会加倍漫长。This plant grows in sandy soil and on the edges of swamps.这种植物生长在沙质土

8、壤和沼泽边缘。David Rockefeller was authorized to hold the position of director of the Council on Foreign Relations.大卫洛克菲勒被任命担任外交关系委员会主任。美式英语与英式英语中的零冠词用法在美式和英式英语中,在“school学校”、“college大学”、“class课堂”、“prison监狱”或“camp夏令营”这些词使用惯用意义时,前面一般不加冠词。The students start school in the fall.学生们秋天开始上学。College provides oppor

9、tunities for students to learn and meet new people.大学为学生们提供学习和结识新人的机会。然而,在美式英语中,有一些名词前要加定冠词,在英式英语中则不用。When I was in the hospital, I often wished there were fewer hours in the day.美式英语当我住院时,我常常希望白天的时间能短一些。When Elizabeth was in hospital, she was occasionally visited by her parents.英式英语伊丽莎白住院时,她的父母常常会去

10、看望她。零冠词与可数名词的复数和不可数名词可数名词是可以有复数形式的名词,如狗或猫。在名词的复数形式中,可数名词前有时不加冠词,特别是一般名词。当名词是复数,但数量不确定时,同样不加冠词。Dogs love to run around outside.狗喜欢在外面跑来跑去。The boy loves to play with toys.这个男孩喜欢玩玩具。不可数名词是不能计数的,如air或sadness。还有一些名词通常不可数,但在某些情况下可数,例如water或meat。(这些名词可以通过某些特定的测量方式来计数,比如some或much。)Clean air is important for

11、 a healthy environment.空气清洁对健康的环境是非常重要的。The man was overcome by sadness when he lost his home.那个人失去家的时候悲痛万分。不定冠词a/an的用法前此说过了“定冠词的常见用法”,意犹未尽。*就来谈谈不定冠词(indefinite articles) a/an 的用法。不定冠词最基本的用途就是用来表示“一”这概念,如: A stitch in time saves nine. Jason is an internationally known scholar.此外,a/an 还有下列 6 种用途:常和ti

12、me、measurement等有关的名词连用,以表示“每” 的概念,如: I teach five days a week. This type of vegetables is sold at one dollar a kilo. My car usually runs sixty kilometres an hour.常和 hundred, thousand, dozen 以及数目及数量连用,如: That factory turns out at least a hundred tyres a day. Noels monthly salary is a thousand dollars

13、. I have a number of sponsored students. Mary has a lot of money.在“of / at”后面出现,以表示“同一类”这概念,如: Birds of a feather flock together.11. Please come one at a time.12. Things of a kind come together, so do people of a mind.常在“rather, quite, many, half, what, such”等字后面出现,形成固定用法,如:13. Tom is rather a fool.

14、14. I think Chinese is quite a useful language.15. Many a student has asked that question.16. The visitor left half an hour ago.17. What a fine day it is!18. How can you say such a thing?用在“so, as, too, how +形容词”这些结构里,如:19. We have not had so hot a day before.20. Susan is as clever a girl as Anna.21

15、. That is too difficult a book for beginners.22. No one knew how serious a problem it was until later.出现在许多惯用语中,如:23. Bob always has a bone to pick with others.24. Some students turned a deaf ear to the teachers advice.25. All must learn a language with an eye to mastering it.26. I hope you will mak

16、e an effort to attend the meeting punctually.27. Jason has an aversion to being idle.28. The news of Jacks sudden resignation came as a bolt from the blue.高考英语语法: a与an的用法a用于辅音前;an用于元音前。一般说来,元音字母发元音,辅音字母发辅音,但需请注意以下3点: 1. 拼写以辅音字母开头读音却以元音开头的单词hour, honest, honor等单词的拼写虽然以辅音字母h开头,但其读音却以元音开头,因此,前面要用an。可熟记

17、下面这句话: An hour ago, an honest man accepted an honorable task. (一小时前,一位诚实的人接受了一项光荣的任务。) 2. 拼写以元音字母开头读音却以辅音开头的单词useful, university, usual, European, united, one-eyed, one-way等单词的拼写虽然以元音字母开头,但其读音却以辅音开头,因此,前面要用a。可熟记下面这句话: In a university, a European and a one-eyed man walk along a one-way road with a us

18、ual tool. This is a usual thing. (在一所大学里,有一个欧洲人和一个独眼龙拿着有用的工具沿着一条单行道行走,这是件平常的事。)如: Five years ago her brother was _ university student of _ physics. (上海卷)A. a; theB. an; theC. an; /D. a; / 【分析】答案选D。因为university是以辅音j开头的要用a,排除B和C;physics是学科名词,前面不用冠词。 3. 英文字母前用a还是用an的问题在26个英文字母中,a, e, i, o, f, h, l, m, n, r, s, x等12个字母的读音是以元音开头的,其余字母则是以辅音开头的。如: Please pay attention to your spelling. You have dropped _ ”m” here. (全国卷) A. anB. theC. /D. a 【分析】答案选A。因为字母m的发音是以元音e开头的,所以用an;这里的an的意义与one相当,表示“一个”。a、an、the的用法


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