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1、在职备考GRE心路历程分享 在职备考GRE心路历程分享 ,学习经验人生体悟倾囊传授,今天给大家带来在职备考GRE心路历程分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。在职备考GRE心路历程分享 学习经验人生体悟倾囊传授回头看,一切都是那么的不经意,一切又好像没有经历过一样。或者改变的是内心,改变的是对生活的态度,改变的是对人生的不服输的勇气。心里有个目标,一切都是美好的,纵然日子过的很苦逼。从去年到今年,从白天到黑夜,从恐慌到从容,从夜晚无止尽的失眠到坦然。考GRE,真的是人生的一段历练,不管成功与否,当你走过,一切都会云淡风轻,可是,你的脸上却从此有了更加自信的笑容。还记得,第一

2、次考完后,那沮丧的心情,和万念俱灰的行为;还记得,每天告诫自己我只要比别人多看一分钟的书就好的誓言;还记得在桌前写着的“坚持,按部就班,你就战胜了自己”!这一切的苦楚,都汇聚成了考试结束后那个report record的按钮上。当屏幕弹开的瞬间,我惊讶了:148+161。对于大神来讲,这个成绩显得有些拿不出手,但是对于一个参加工作后,在职复习的我来说,这个成绩已经满足了我的要求。很多东西,我觉得适度就好,论坛里太多的刷分手,也许你在大一,所以你有时间,但是对于大四、研究生、或者工作之后的人来讲,每考一次,都是内心的涅盘。需要付出的东西,多的只有经历过的人才知道。那么多日日夜夜,那么多兢兢业业,







9、哪怕千疮百孔,至少我走过,我不后悔。大家共勉GRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词131. faction / fiction / factitious / fictitiousfaction: A faction is an organized group of people within a larger group, which opposes some of the ideas of the larger group and fights for its own ideas.e.g. A peace agreement will be signed by the leaders of the

10、countrys warring factions.factitious: produced by humans rather than by natural forcesfictitious: Fictitious is used to describe something that is false or does not exist, although some people claim that it is true or exists.132. calamity / calumnycalamity: A calamity is an event that causes a great

11、 deal of damage, destruction, or personal distress. (FORMAL)(=disaster)calumny: Calumny or a calumny is an untrue statement made about someone in order to reduce other peoples respect and admiration for them. (FORMAL)(=slander)(污蔑,诽谤(的话)133. team / teemteem: If you say that a place is teeming with p

12、eople or animals, you mean that it is crowded and the people and animals are moving around a lot. (=swarm)134. callow / callouscallow: A callow young person has very little experience or knowledge of the way they should behave as an adult.callous: A callous person or action is very cruel and shows n

13、o concern for other people or their feelings.135. contrite / contrive / connivecontrite: If you are contrite, you are very sorry because you have done something wrong. (FORMAL)(= apologetic)contrive: If you contrive to do something difficult, you succeed in doing it. (FORMAL)connive: If one person c

14、onnives with another to do something, they secretly try to achieve something which will benefit both of them.136. discrete / discreetdiscrete: Individually separate and distinct:discreet: Careful and prudent in ones speech or actions, especially in order to keep something confidential or to avoid em

15、barrassment:137. impressive / impressionableimpressionable : easily influencedGRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词121. substantiate / substantial / substancesubstantiate: To substantiate a statement or a story means to supply evidence which proves that it is true. (FORMAL)substantial: Substantial means large in amount o

16、r degree. (FORMAL)122. rebuke / rebuffrebuke: If you rebuke someone, you speak severely to them because they have said or done something that you do not approve of. (FORMAL)(责骂)rebuff: If you rebuff someone or rebuff a suggestion that they make, you refuse to do what they suggest.123. scatter / spat

17、terspatter: If a liquid spatters a surface or you spatter a liquid over a surface, drops of the liquid fall on an area of the surface.124. tether / feathertether: If you say that you are at the end of your tether, you mean that you are so worried, tired, and unhappy because of your problems that you

18、 feel you cannot cope.To ruffle someones feathers means to cause them to become very angry, nervous, or upset.125. meander / demeanordemeanor: Your demeanor is the way you behave, which gives people an impression of your character and feelings. (FORMAL)126. myopia / myriadmyopia: Myopia is the inabi

19、lity to see things properly when they are far away, because there is something wrong with your eyes. (FORMAL)( =short-sightedness)myriad: Myriad means having a large number or great variety.127. disposition / predispositiondisposition: Someones disposition is the way that they tend to behave or feel

20、.(=nature)A disposition to do something is a willingness to do it. (FORMAL)(=inclination)predisposition: If you have a predisposition to behave in a particular way, you tend to behave like that because of the kind of person that you are or the attitudes that you have. (FORMAL)128. accede / cede / re

21、cede / accessaccede: If you accede to someones request, you do what they ask.(FORMAL)recede: If something recedes from you, it moves away.129. congenial / congenital / genial /genesiscongenial: A congenial person, place, or environment is pleasant.(FORMAL)congenital: A congenital characteristic or f

22、eature in a person is so strong that you cannot imagine it ever changing, although there may seem to be no reason for it.(= incorrigible)genial: Someone who is genial is kind and friendly.genesis: The genesis of something is its beginning, birth, or creation.(FORMAL)130. figment / pigmentfigment: If

23、 you say that something is a figment of someones imagination, you mean that it does not really exist and that they are just imagining it.pigment: A pigment is a substance that gives something a particular color.(FORGRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词1. impudent / imprudentimpudent: very rudeimprudent: not wise or sensi

24、ble: not prudent2. insolent / indolent / redolentinsolent: rude or impoliteindolent: not liking to work or be activeredolent: causing thoughts or memories of something3. witty / wittingwitty: funny and cleverwitting: cognizance / news4. discernible / discerningdiscernible: able to be identified as s

25、eparate and distinctdiscerning: able to see and understand people, things, or situations clearlyand intelligently5. exhaustive / exhaustedexhaustive: including all possibilities: very thoroughexhausted: be tired out or worn out6. aver / avert / averse / avow / advent /advertaver: to say something in

26、 a very strong and definite wayavert: to prevent (something bad) from happeningaverse: having an active feeling of repugnance or distasteavow: to declare or state (something) in an open and public wayadvent: second comingadvert: announcement; notification7. feckless / recklessfeckless: weak and inef

27、fective; worthless;irresponsiblereckless: not showing proper concern about the possible bad results of your actions8. mean / mienmien: a persons appearance or facial expression9. humdrum / conundrumhumdrum: dull, boring, and ordinaryconundrum: a confusing or difficult problem10.immune / immure / inureimmure: to enclose within or as if within wallsinure: to cause (someone) to be less affected by something unpleasant在职备考GRE心路历程分享


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