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1、托福阅读句子简化题解题流程精讲 托福阅读句子简化题解题流程精讲, 3个步骤搞定难点题型,今天给大家带来了托福阅读句子简化题解题流程精讲。希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读句子简化题解题流程精讲 3个步骤搞定难点题型托福阅读句子简化题解题流程介绍1 看原句是否有逻辑关系2 原句有逻辑关系,看选项,保留逻辑关系选项,去除无逻辑关系选项3 半句细节对比解题注:逻辑关系一般有,对比、转折、因果、条件等等托福阅读句子简化题思路实例分析If the pores are large, the water in them will exist as drops too heavy f

2、or surface tension to hold, and it will drain away; but if the pores are small enough, the water in them will exist as thin films, too light to overcome the force of surface tension holding them in place; then the water will be firmly held.A.Surface tension is not strong enough to retain drops of wa

3、ter in rocks with large pores but it strong enough to hold on to thin films of water in rocks with small pores.B.Water in rocks is held in place by large pores and drains away from small size pores through surface tension.C.Small pores and large pores both interact with surface tension to determine

4、whether a rock will hold water as heavy drops or as a thin film.D.If the force of surface tension is too weak to hold water in place as heavy drops, the water will continue to be held firmly in place as a thin film when large pores exist.解题:1看原句是否有逻辑关系,初步浏览了一下,看到了but这个表转折的连接词,这是一个有逻辑关系的句子。2 看选项,找到表转

5、折的连接词,只有A选项符合。原句的大意是:如果孔很大,那么里面的水就大如水滴,表面的张力不能将其托住,里面的水很快就会流尽;但是如果孔足够小,孔里的水如薄膜一般轻,不足以克服表面张力,那么水就会被牢牢的固定住。A句的大意是:对于大孔岩石中的水滴而言,表面张力不够大,不能将其托住,但是,对于小孔岩石中薄膜般的水而言,表面张力就足够大可将其保留住。托福阅读长难句分析:冶金术发展Unlike in the Americas, where metallurgy was a very late and limited development, Africans had iron from a relat

6、ively early date, developing ingenious furnaces to produce the high heat needed for production and to control the amount of air that reached the carbon and iron ore necessary for making iron. (50)词汇:metallurgy /m琂夀氂崀搂鈀椂/ n. 冶金 (术,学)ingenious /渂d椂渀樀夂猂/ adj.1(指人)善於用新 的或简单的方法解决复杂问题的,心灵手巧的2(指物件)设计独特而精巧的

7、;3(指主意)别出心裁的, 奇妙的furnace /f渂樀猂/ n. 熔炉分析:修饰一:(run by steam) ,非谓语动词,修饰printing presses,大家注意这里的run不是谓语动词,而是后面的found,这里易混中文:通过蒸汽运行修饰二:(by hand),介词短语,修饰printing presses,注意rather than,超级高频短语,之前也碰到过了,它是一个介词,“而不是”中文:而不是通过手修饰三:(to produce a thousand pages in anhour rather than thirty.) ,非谓语,it指代这里的内容中文:生产一千张

8、纸在一个小时内而不需要三十小时。主干:operators found it possible参考翻译:修饰一:(Unlike in the Americas),介词短语中文:不像在美洲修饰二:(where metallurgy was a very late and limited development) ,从句中文:冶金术发展非常晚而且有限修饰三:(developing ingenious furnaces) ,非谓语动词中文:发展了独特而精巧的熔炉修饰四:(to produce the high heat neededfor production),非谓语动词中文:它可产生冶铁所需要的高

9、温修饰五:(to control the amount of air) ,非谓语动词中文:控制空气的数量修饰六:( that reached the carbon and ironore) ,从句,修饰air中文:接触碳和铁矿修饰七:(necessary for making iron. ) ,形容词短语,修饰air中文:对于冶铁是有必要的主干:Africanshad iron from a relatively early date参考翻译:不像在美洲,那里冶金术发展非常晚而且有限,而非洲拥有铁比较早,他们发展了独特而精巧的熔炉,它可产生冶铁所需要的高温,并且控制接触碳和铁矿的空气用量以满足

10、冶铁需要。托福阅读理解之如何巧抓关键词TPO25-2 The Decline of Venetian Shipping:Paragraph 2 This decline can be seen clearly in the changes that affected Venetian shipping and trade. First, Venics intermediary functions in the Adriatic Sea, where it had dominated the business of shipping for other parties, were lost to

11、 direct trading. In the fifteenth century there was little problem recruiting sailors to row the galleys (large ships propelled by oars): guilds (business associations) were required to provide rowers, and through a draft system free citizens served compulsorily when called for. In the early sixteen

12、th century the shortage of rowers was not serious because the demand for galleys was limited by a move to round ships (round-hulled ships with more cargo space), with required fewer rowers. But the shortage of crews proved to be a greater and greater problem, despite continuous appeal to Venics trad

13、ition of maritime greatness. Even though sailors wages doubled among the northern Italian cities from 1550 to 1590, this did not elicit an increased supply.如何在托福阅读答题中兼顾时间和正确率首先,对于阅读来说,最为基础的环节还是建立在足够的单词量环节中的。所以,在托福阅读练习准备过程中,词汇累积是必不可少的。那么,当然也会有很多同学会问到,如果要顺利阅读一篇托福*,多少词汇才是行呢?其实很简单,如果认认真真大的背了一遍托福词汇书,如果你发

14、现自己的已经可以掌握了其中70-80%,也许你会自然发现阅读理解对你来说,并不是一件什么特别困难的事情了。而仅仅对于托福阅读来说,我们还是需要透过词义来理解句子的内容,所以,在有些方面也不分纠结每个单词的详细含义,带着句子去理解词汇含义,才是的方法。而想要提升自己的托福阅读速度,词汇仅仅只是一个基础的环节,而在很多时候语法也是非常重要的。在托福阅读的时候,特别是遇到一些长难句的情况下,不能仅仅只是明白大意就好,要通过词汇与语法的互相结合,精准定位,准确找到答案。对于这些需要结合语法完成理解的句子,建议大家,可以找到一些长句和复杂句进行反复练习,为自己找到方法,然后运用在整篇*的阅读中。而想要托福阅读的效率,有时一些不良的阅读习惯也是给大家的练习很大的影响。比如,在托福阅读的过程中,我们通常都会习惯于逐字逐句阅读、出声阅读等等,因为,这些都会拖延阅读时间。而想要提高自己阅读的效率,建议大家要学会对于*中的一些逻辑关系词提高敏感度,比如,因果关系(because, so, therefore); 递进关系(also, furthermore),这样不但能够大大的提升的阅读速度,同时对于之后的答题也会带来很多帮助。


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