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1、托福阅读如何高效解题保证得分 托福阅读如何高效解题保证得分?这些提速提分技巧赶紧来学?今天给大家带来了托福阅读如何高效解题保证得分,希望能够帮助到大家在托福考试中拿高分,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读如何高效解题保证得分?这些提速提分技巧赶紧来学托福阅读提分需具备基本技能首先需要明确的一点是,托福考试 中对于考生的阅读能力有较高要求,而这种要求不仅体现在阅读部分,考试中的其它部分也都需要运用到大家的阅读能力,因此,提升阅读能力是解决托福阅读时间问题的关键所在。具体来说,托福考试不仅有单独的托福阅读理解测试,而且在口语以及写作方面的测试中也明显的对阅读能力提出了要求。按照ETS的官方说

2、明,托福阅读中的*都是科普*,结构特征和内容特征是比较明显的,所以大家可以从以下四个方面来提升托福阅读的解题效率减少耗时。1. 打好词汇基础是阅读提速第一步想要做好托福阅读,背托福单词是最基础的。这个就是需要学员自己完成任务。但是尤为重要的一点是,托福考试中,对单词的考查不仅仅是背过单词含义就可以,更重要的是要学会应用,学会在*中理解使用单词。2. 搞定长难句阅读速度更理想同中文的一句一句短小的句子不同,英文中的句子多是长句,有时候一个句子就是一段。而且英文的句子多是主从复合句,以中式的思维逻辑来学习会很不习惯,不能适应句子的2.语序。这就需要托福考生在平时的训练中多读多看,扩大泛读。3.把握


4、很多时间。多做笔记也能提升阅读速度除了上述技巧外,托福阅读考试过程中,学会快速记笔记也是有效地把握*结构,记录重要信息的手段。如果大家能够养成边读边记的习惯,会让理解效率大大提高。从这个角度来看,同学们更应该以托福考试为契机,培养自己这种良好的阅读习惯,从而在学习和研究中达到事半功倍的效果。托福阅读:当心否定事实信息题中的“陷阱”Negative Factual Information Questions,一般译作否定事实信息题,有时也被称为反向事实信息题、排除列举题或选非题,在阅读十大题型中出错率一直较高。出错的原因,往往被简单归结于“粗心大意”。诚然,在其他题型的解答过程中,同学们往往都是

5、在努力寻找与原文说法最为接近的选项,而遇到否定事实信息题,由于思维惯性,在看到与原文说法基本一致但本该被排除的选项的时候,往往会忘记题目中那个大大的EXCEPT或NOT,导致错选。但是,只是说不要“粗心大意”并没有什么用,就像在穿越雷区的时候只是说“要当心哦”并没有太多实际的帮助。只有当我们了解到哪里可能埋雷,哪里可能会有陷阱,才更有可能避开危险,安全抵达目的地。而在否定事实信息题的解答过程中,对题型认知不够准确是一些题目错误率居高不下的主要原因。而且这锅还真得由ETS(即托福考试出题人)来背。在其出版的托福考试官方指南中,关于否定事实信息题的介绍如下:Negative Factual Inf

6、ormation QuestionsThese questions ask you to verify what information is true and what information is NOT true or not included in the passage based on information that is explicitly stated in the passage. To answer this kind of question, first locate the relevant information in the passage. Then veri

7、fy that three of the four answer choices are true and that the remaining choice is false. Remember, for this type of question, the correct answer is the one that is NOT true.简单翻译就是,这类题型要求你根据*中所明确给出的信息判断哪些选项的说法是正确的,哪些是不正确或*中未提及的。需要先在*中定位相关信息,然后判断哪三个选项的说法正确而哪个选项是错误的。并且记住,对于这类题型来说,正确答案反而是那个说法不正确的选项。以上,

8、同学们很容易得出的结论即是,为了答对否定事实信息题,我们需要排除三个与原文说法一致的选项,找到那个说法不一致,或未提及的选项。而在绝大多数时候,这个判断选项的思路是正确的。例如在Spartina这篇*中,有一道否定事实信息题:Spartina alterniflora, known as cordgrass, is a deciduous, perennial flowering plant native to the Atlantic coast and the Gulf Coast of the United States. It is the dominant native specie

9、s of the lower salt marshes along these coasts, where it grows in the intertidal zone (the area covered by water some parts of the dayand exposed others).According to paragraph 1, each of the following is true of Spartina alrerniflora EXCEPT:A. It rarely flowers in salt marshes.B. It grows well in i

10、ntertidal zones.C. It iscommonly referred to as cordgrass.D. It occurs naturally along the Gulf Coast and the Atlantic coast of the United States.正确答案A中的否定词rarely使得该选项与原文第一句的说法正好相反。但是,有些题目之所以错误率高,或同学们在答题的时候觉得难,觉得正确答案不好找,往往因为这些题属于所谓的“例外”,即常规思路看似不适用的情况。有许多否定事实信息题,仅从选项的措辞来看,四个选项看似都与原文的某些内容一致。而这是我们在解读官方

11、指南的时候往往会忽略掉的一种可能性,也即是*标题中所指的“陷阱”。如果没有意识到这种可能性的存在,遇到此类题目的时候,出错的几率自然大大提高。例如以下这道经典例题,来自Westward Migration这篇*:Why were these hundreds of thousands of settlersmost of them farmers, some of them artisansdrawn away from the cleared fields and established cities and villages of the East? Certain characteris

12、tics of American society help to explain this remarkable migration. The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis uprooted them and drove them acrossthe Atlantic. Many of those who expe

13、rienced this sharp break there after lackedthe ties that had bound them and their ancestors to a single place. Moreover,European society was relatively stratified; occupation and social status were inherited. In American society, however, the class structure was less rigid;some people changed occupa

14、tions easily and believed it was their duty to improve their social and economic position. As a result, many Americans were an inveterately restless, rootless, and ambitious people. Therefore, these social traits helped to produce the nomadic and daring settlers who kept pushing westward beyond the

15、fringes of settlement. In addition, there were other immigrants who migrated west in search of new homes, material success, and better lives.According to paragraph 2, all of the following are reasons why Americans migrated westward EXCEPTA. the desire to move from one place to the nextB. the hope of

16、 improving their socioeconomic statusC. the opportunity to change jobsD. the need to escape religious or political crises本题正确答案D选项来自原文中的这句话The European ancestors of some Americans had for centuries lived rooted to the same village or piece of land until some religious, political, or economic crisis

17、uprooted them and drove them across the Atlantic. 很多同学在答题的过程中只记得看到了“因为宗教或政治而迁徙”这个内容,从而认为D选项与原文说法一致,就想当然的按照惯例排除了这个选项导致错选。但只要稍微细心,就能够意识到这是部分美国人的欧洲祖先迁移到美国的原因,而不是美国人西迁的原因,反而是可以直选的正确答案。而另一道来自Role of Play in Development这篇*的例题:Play is not without considerable costs to the individual animal. Play is usually

18、 veryactive, involving movement in space and, at times, noise making. Therefore, it results in the loss of fuel or energy that might better be used for growth orfor building up fat stores in a young animal. Another potential cost of this activity is greater exposure to predators since play is attent

19、ion-getting behavior. Great activities also increase the risk of injury in slipping or falling.According to paragraph 3, each of the following is a cost to animals that engage in play EXCEPTA. exposure to predatorsB. abuildup of fat storesC. a lossof fuel that could be used for growthD. riskof injur

20、y from slipping or falling正确答案B选项看似在*中有直接对应的内容“building up fat stores”,但仔细阅读会发现,失去用以形成脂肪的能量才是玩耍的代价之一,而脂肪本身的积累并不是。甚至这里的B和C选项可视作一对矛盾选项,非此即彼,必有一为正确答案。同样,在Industrialization in the Netherlands and Scandinavia这篇*中有一道题:The political institutions of the four countries posed no significant barriers to indust

21、rialization or economic growth. The nineteenth century passed relatively peacefully for these countries, with progressive democratization taking place in all of them. They were reasonably well governed, without notable corruptionor grandiose state projects, although in all of them the government gav

22、e some aid to railways, and in Sweden the state built the main lines. As small countries dependent on foreign markets, they followed a liberal trade policy in the main, though a protectionist movement developed in Sweden. In Denmark and Sweden agricultural reforms took place gradually from the late

23、eighteenth century through the first half of the nineteenth, resulting in a new class of peasant land owners with a definite market orientation.According to paragraph 5, each of the following contributed positively to theindustrialization of the Netherlands and Scandinavia EXCEPTA. Generally liberal

24、 trade policiesB. Huge projects undertaken by the stateC. Relatively uncorrupt governmentsD. Relatively little social or political disruption正确答案B选项也似乎与原文中的“grandiose state projects”一致,但联系前半句话中的without就会意识到正好与问题中的EXCEPT对应,这个答案也是可以直选出来的。而这道题的B和C选项也是原文中的并列结构,被处理成了正好矛盾的选项。还有更多例题这里就不一一列举了,而我们可以得出的结论是:否定


26、够回答问题。说到底,仔细读题目,仔细读原文,仔细读选项,句子要看完整,不要看一半就想当然,等等这些最基本的要求,是在练习和考试中都要始终如一地坚定贯彻执行的。所谓的技巧,无非是对于各种规律和套路的总结。对于前人的经验,从来不是去盲目相信或生搬硬套,而是在反复验证的过程中,去完善和优化,并最终成为自己可以熟练运用的能力。托福阅读:寻找题干能力对于highlighted sentences解题过程的重要性Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence i

27、n the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or leave out essential information.在这里要注意,highlighted sentences的题目是直接给出明确的做题指导的,那就是错误的句子会1)漏掉句子中的重要信息。2)曲解句子的意思。在现实做题备考过程中,学生们往往很容易看出曲解句子意思选项,知道不可以选,但容易在一些信息全对的选项上犹豫。这几个选项的信息原文句子都有提到,那我究竟应该选择哪一个选项呢?其实在托福考试的highlighted sentences题型中

28、,其实有一条“潜规则”,那就是:那句highlighted sentence的主干其实就是句子的重要信息。所以,在这个时候,分析句子题干就成为了一个至关重要的能力。就让我们先一起看一道例题吧!Paragraph3: The West had plenty of attractions: thealluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, the black loams of the prairies were tempting to New England farmers working their

29、rocky,sterile land and to southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion and erosion. In 1820 under a new land law, a farm could be bought for$100. The continued proliferation of banks made it easier for those without cash to negotiate loans in papermoney. Western Farmers borrowed with the confide

30、nt expectation that the expanding economy would keep farm prices high, thus making it easy to repay loans when they fell due.5.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in the highlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the meaning in important ways or l

31、eave out essential information.O Because the West had more rivers and forests than the East, its soil was more productive.O The fertile soils ofthe West drew farmers from regions with barren soils.O Farmers living in western areas of the United States were more affected by soil erosion than farmers

32、living in eastern areas.O The soil in western areas of the United States was richer than soil in eastern areas.这是TPO 20-1 Westward Migration 的 highlighted sentences 题,初看这道题,很多单词量不够大的学生是很有压力的,所以他们会觉得这道题很难做出来的原因是因为太多单词看不懂,比如alluvial,fecund, loam, prairies, sterile, depletion 但对于很多单词量大的同学,也很容易选择A或者D这两个

33、选项,然后在我提示他们答案并不是A的时候表示惊讶:啊?那剩下还有别的选项能选吗?其实,出现这两种情况的原因都是因为同学们没有从找题干的角度分析这道题。于是现在,就让我们先暂时不看选项,而是单独看这个highlighted sentence,找寻一下这个句子的主干。其实,这个句子虽然复杂,但静下心里看,主干还是很明显的。这个句子的冒号前后是两句话,重点是冒号后面的那一句,仔细看的话,会发现the alluvial river bottoms, the fecund soils of the rolling forest lands, the black loams of the prairies

34、这一群很复杂的词组组成了主语,were tempting to and to 构成了谓语,New England farmers working their rocky, sterile land和southeastern farmers plagued with soil depletion and erosion.构成了宾语,所以整个句子的结构就非常清晰了,那就是:X.X.X were tempting to X.X.X and X.X.X.翻译成中文就是:X.X.X 正在引诱X.X.X.所以,这个句子的主干,是一定包含了X.X.X正在引诱X.X.X 这个意思的,如果选项中没有包含了这个意


36、种意义上来说,就算同学们不认识那些生词,只要找到主干,知道temptto的意思,就也能运用我们的分析主干技巧来顺利选出B选项。现在,同学们是不是已经掌握了托福的highlighted sentences 主干就是句子的重要信息的“潜规则”了?有了这样的技巧,大家就再来试一道题吧!The frequency with which certain simplemotifs appear in these oldest sites has led rock-art researchers to adopt adescriptive termthe Panaramitee stylea label w

37、hich takes its name from theextensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia, whichare covered with motifs pecked into the surface.6.Which of the sentences below best expresses the essential information in thehighlighted sentence in the passage? Incorrect choices change the me

38、aning in important ways or leave ways or leave out essential information. The oldest rock art sites have simpler motifs than the best known sites of Panaramitee North. Because motifs primarily associated with the Panaramitee region are common in the oldest sites, the term Panaramitee style has becom

39、e the general term for rock art of this type. Because the Panaramitee style is socommon in the older sites, researchers have described it most extensively. The motifs carved in the rocky surface of the Panaramitee region make up the oldest form of rock art discovered in Australia.这道题的答案是.B因为原句的主干是X.

40、X.X has led researchers to adopt a term。所以正确选项里面一定要包含X.X.X让研究人员采用一个term的信息。纵观4个选项,A,D都没有这个信息,其实C选项也没有,described it most extensively并不是采用一个term,更何况extensive(ly)在原文中并不是修饰describe而是修饰rock pavements,所以这里还出现了信息错误。最后再让我们来看B选项,B选项虽然没提到researchers,但它包含了一个term被采纳的信息。所以B选项是毫无疑问的正确答案。托福送分题型词汇题词汇量少的宝宝可看好了哦!最易忽视

41、的线索1:与词汇搭配的介词。任何词性的单词与介词搭配,词义都由介词的词义定。举个简单的例子:seek for/search for/hunt for/look for,都由for 来搭配,虽然四个动词从词义上来说有区别,但都是表示找寻什么,也是因为介词for的作用。For有表“目标”的意思。TPO1-224. But neither the human imitative instinct nor a penchant for fantasy by itself leads to an autonomous theater.The word “penchant” in the passage

42、is closet in meaning toA. Compromise B. Inclination C. Tradition D. Respect解析:介词for可以用来表示“去向,趋势”。比如:Ill leave for Chicago tomorrow.四个选项里面B具有明显的趋向性,所以答案为B。DELTA EXERCISEWhen hoisted up in the sky, the microscopic particles act as multiple surfaces on which the moisture in clouds can condense as tiny

43、droplets.The word “hoisted”in the passage is close in meaning toA. Lifted B.Grouped C. Returned D. Pointed解析:介词up可以用来表示“在上面”,所以答案为A。TPO1-337. This is because the gaps among the original grains are often not totally plugged with cementing chemicals; also, parts of the original grains may become disso

44、lved by percolating ground waterThe word “plugged”in the passage is closet in meaning toA. washed B. dragged C. filled up D. Soaked through解析:介词with可以用来表示“在一起、用、有”。plugged 所在句子句意大致为:原本的颗粒之间的缝隙并没有完全被粘性的化学物质所X.X。鉴于有with,可以猜测是因为粘性的化学物质把缝隙连起来了,C选项的filledup表示填充,正好符合,所以答案为C。DELTA EXERCISEOne of the roses

45、most common associations in folklore is with death. The Romans oftendecked the tombs of the dead with roses;The word “decked” in the passage is closet in meaning toA. Painted B. Separated C. Decorated D. Disguised解析:decked和介词with这里搭配,with就表示“用和伴随”。那么通过句意可以猜到是用玫瑰花装饰死者的坟墓,所以答案为C。TPO2-337. At the same

46、time, the image that the spectator looked at expanded from the minuscule peepshow dimensions of 1 or 2 inches (in height) to the life-size proportions of 6 or 9 feet.The word expanded in the passage is closet in meaning toA. Was enlarged B. Was improvedC. Was varied D. Was rejected解析:expanded和介词from

47、to在这里搭配,而fromto本来就表示变化。from后面是1or 2 inches (in height)1或2英寸高,to后面是life-size6 or 9 feet真实大小,6或9英尺。那么“从小变大”,答案为A。线索2:逻辑关系-转折or 同义重申。所以答案应该在与原文句子里的单词有近义词或反义词当中寻找。是不是太简单粗暴了?是的,我们就是这样的。所有的逻辑关系我们都可以简化为转折和同义重申。有转折词的即为转折,无转折词的即为同义重申(同样的范畴和语气通过不同的方式再说一次)。词与词之间:TPO1-215. In seeking to describe the origins of

48、theater, one must rely primarily on speculation, since there is little concrete evidence on which to draw. The most widely accepted theory,championed by anthropologists in the late nine teenth and early twentieth century, envisions theater as emerging out of myth and ritual.The word “championed”in the passage is closet in meaning toA. Changed B. Debated C. Created D


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