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1、托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析之父母都是好老师吗 托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析 ,父母都是好老师吗?今天给大家带来托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析 ,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作真题高分范文实例赏析 父母都是好老师吗?托福独立写作真题思路分析题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Parents are the best teachers. Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.思路分析:这道题目的观点

2、太过绝对了,虽然没有all这样的词汇,但直接给出的题目意思就是父母是好老师,还是best最好的,所以对这种绝对观点采取否定的态度显然会更好写。不是所有的父母都是好老师,好的老师也不仅仅是父母。有些父母尽管善良,但对教育孩子一无所知;有些父母则不配做孩子的老师,对孩子有不良影响。托福独立写作真题高分范文Obviously, in most cases the earliest teachers people have are their parents, and parents are generally most concerned about the development of their

3、 children. However, it is not completely true to say that parents are the best teachers.First of all, not all parents are good teachers. As normal individuals, some parents more or less have some bad habits. Even though parents almost instinctively devote themselves to cultivating their offspring, t

4、he outcome might turn out to be disappointment, for all children tend to unconsciously or subconsciously copy everything including bad ones from their parents. Another deficiency of parents as teachers is the fact that most parents are lack of common senses of education. All too often we observe som

5、e parents tend to pursue their cherished but failed dream by forcing their children to develop in a prearranged direction. Ironically, when their children do not follow the instructions, the children will be regarded as disobedient or allegedly rebellious. In fact, it is parents rather than their ch

6、ildren that virtually disobey common senses.Moreover, some parents are qualified as good teachers, but not all of them are the best ones. When children are in the preliminary school, it is not surprising that parents are perhaps capable of teaching their children almost every subject even better tha

7、n professional teachers in the school. But the situation will not last long. We live in a world where knowledge is accumulated by multiplying and at the same time becomes more and more specialized.Therefore, to be a professional in a certain field today takes much longer time than has ever been befo

8、re. No parent is able to be professional in all fields, though they might be experts in one or more fields. Wise parents often release rather than charge their children as early as possible. They are aware of the possibility outside thefamily.Parents may, nevertheless, help their children much more

9、than do good teachers. Most parts of children education are virtually beyond teachers reaches. It is parents that supplement. Psychology studies have shown us that parents love sometimes has astonishingly magic power to their children. Albeit Einsteins mother and that of Forest Gump are both good ex

10、amples. On the other hand, parents might do their children harm more than do bad teachers as well. The natures of those children whose parents have divorced are often severely distorted. In a word, it is rather superficial to simply say that parents are the best teachers.十大托福写作题型教育类i. Some people be

11、lieve that educating children altogether will benefit them. Others think intelligent children should be taught separately and given special courses. Discuss both views and give your own opinion.ii. Today, more school leavers are unable to find jobs. Discuss the causes of rising unemployment among yo

12、ung adults and suggest any solutions.全球化影响There is a disagreement on the impact of increased business and culture contact between countries on a countrys identity. What is your opinion?政府投资People should keep all the money they earn and should not pay taxes to the state. Do you agree or disagree?文化类i

13、. It is more important for a building to serve its purposes than to look beautiful. Architects do not need to worry about whether it is a real work of art. Do you agree or disagree?ii. The international tourism is the biggest industry in the world. To what extent do you think its advantages far outw

14、eigh its disadvantages?生活工作Some people think that changing jobs periodically is good. What is your opinion?科技影响Many employees may work at home with modern technology. Some people claim that it benefits only workers, but not employers. To what extent do you agree or disagree?广告类There are many adverti

15、sements directed at children. Parents argue that children are misled, while advertisers consider advertising a source of useful information. What is your opinion?动物类Far too little has been done to prevent animals and plants from dying out, although people have noticed this problem for a long time. W

16、hy have people failed to improve this situation? What are your suggestions?传媒类Some people suggest that there should be restrictions on a detailed description of crimes in the newspapers and on television. To what extent do you agree or disagree?环境类It is said that the best way to solve the worlds env

17、ironmental problems is to increase the price of fuel. To what extent do you agree or disagree?托福写作题型考点解析一、绝对题这类题目在题目中一般都会含有should一词,或者含有“应该做”或“不应该做”的意思,问你如此做应不应该。考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作*。例如这个题目就是应不应该题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take cour

18、ses every five years to update their knowledge.(120XX4 CN)二、比较题这类题目在考试中也是比较常见的,题目中会含有2个或者3个选项来让你选择。这些选择当中可能是不同事物的横向对比,也有可能是同一事物的纵向对比,或者是今夕对比,这种情况出现的较多。如果出现这类题目时可能会同应不应该题或者是现象证明题进行混搭,这样效果会更好一些。例如下面的题目就是比较题型:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: nowadays advertisements are more honest tha

19、n they were in the past.(121214 NA)三、应不应该题这类题目在题目中一般都会含有should一词,或者含有“应该做”或“不应该做”的意思,问你如此做应不应该。考生要根据这些“应该”和“不应该”来写作*。例如这个题目就是应不应该题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: all school teachers should be required to take courses every five years to update their knowledge.(120XX4 CN)四、现象证明题在这

20、一类托福独立写作题目中,主要是在讨论一个现在可能存在的或者是将来可能会发生的现象,问你这个现象有没有或者是会不会出现,考生按照这个思路去拓展写作*。例如下面这个题目就是一个现象证明题:Do you agree or disagree with following statement: in modern times, grandparents cannot give their grandchildren useful advice because the world of today are too different than it was in the past.(140112 CN)对

21、托福独立写作题型和考点有了了解之后,考生就可以有针对性的进行练习和提高,在考试时做到有条不紊。托福综合写作模板:金融危机托福综合写作模板:According to some economists, a financial crisis is an unavoidable event for the global market and it happens every several years as a result of long-term economic development. During the recession, multiple social issues such as t

22、he unemployment rate, the price of commodities and even the investment in public service are affected in an adverse way. Our entire society is negatively impacted and it is the responsibility of our government to introduce solutions to these social issues. Normally, increasing investment in areas li

23、ke the green industry will provide a boost in the economy as well as help with sustainable development. By upgrading the technology of environmental protection, people will not only benefit from an increase in job positions, but they will also have the chance to enjoy better living conditions as wel

24、l.一、单词和词组1、unavoidable 不可避免的=inevitableOnce athletes start their sports career, intensive training is unavoidable.2、sustainable development 可持续发展The use of land is of essential importance to the survival of mankind and the sustainable development of modern society.二、句型结构By , 通过= by (1) By emphasizin

25、g the first-class quality of the products, advertisers attempt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers.(2)Advertisers attempt to leave a better impression on the potential buyers by emphasizing the first-class quality of the products.三、适用考题In times of an economic crisis, in which area should the government reduce its spending? a. libraries b. public transportation c. police.


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