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1、快速解决托福阅读指代题必备5条实用口诀分享 托福阅读的指代题难度并不高,但解题所需花费的时间却往往是其它题型的数倍。今天给大家带来了快速解决托福阅读指代题必备5条实用口诀分享。希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。快速解决托福阅读指代题必备5条实用口诀分享1、见到代词找指代,指代通常在前方这句话是代词指代题的总则,考生务必牢记:代词永远出现在原词之后,原词永远出现在代词之前。根据这条原则考生可以快速排除选项中出现在代词之后的词汇,锁定正确答案。2、主代主,宾代宾,所有格,就近找代词指代的语法规则非常严格,因此考生要优先考虑代词在句中充当的成分:主语、宾语、还是所有格代词,然后在前

2、句中快速寻找对应的语法成分就可以轻松解题。仅依靠这条规律就可以解决大部分代词指代类题目,例如:When small fish venture too close to the tentacles of these living flowers, they are stung and eaten.题目中代词“they”在主句中充当主语成分,考生迅速定位前方从句中的主语“small fish”,题目就迎刃而解。又例如所有格代词(你的、我的、他的等等)通常指代前文中最靠近该代词的核心名词:Florists often refrigerate cut flowers to protect their

3、fresh appearance.题目中的所有格代词“their”之前有两个名词“florists”和“flowers”,语法基础薄弱的考生要花些时间才能弄清楚所谓“他(它)们的”究竟是谁们的?事实上根据“就近原则”,在距离代词最近的地方找到符合句中语意的核心名词,就可以锁定答案。而上述句中距离“their”最近的名词时“flowers”,因此正确答案就是它。3、平行结构有搭配,多重指代层层推所谓平行结构实质就是分层次描述,阅读部分经常出现“not only., but also.”,“one., the other.”,“some., others.”等固定搭配对两层或多层语意进行描写,通过

4、对这种常见结构的把握,考生就可以快速锁定答案。例如:Many adults, poor and disillusioned with farm life, were lured to the cities by promises of steady employment, regular paychecks, increased access to goods and services, and expanded social opportunities. Others were pushed there when new technologies made their labor cheap

5、 or expendable.虽然上述语句语法结构和语意都较为复杂,但不难看出题目中“many people., others.”是固定搭配,因此“others”做为代词所指代的名词必定是前文中的“many people”,正确答案应为“adults”。此外,为了增加难度,对于代词指代的考察也经常在定位方面设置障碍,既通过一层推理很难锁定目标词汇。因此考生需要多一点耐心和多一份细心,在前文内容中层层回溯,逐一定位,抽丝剥茧,最终必然能够顺利解题。例如:The principal difference between urban growth in Europe and in the North

6、 American colonies was the slow evolution of cities in the former and their rapid growth in the latter. In Europe they grew over a period of centuries form town economies to their present urban structures. In North America, they started as wilderness communities and developed to mature urbanism in l

7、ittle more than a century.4、单数复数都对应,主动被动要分清代词指代题中有一些常见陷阱,例如同时出现大量名词,有单数、有复数、有可数名词、也有不可数名词,让考生雾里看花;或是将前文中的主动句改写成后文的被动句,颠三倒四,让考生头晕脑胀。po解这种陷阱的手法其实很简单,无论怎样变化,代词指代总有一定之规,例如:In the past, biologists considered mushrooms and other fungi as a type of non-free plant. Today, however, they are most commonly reg

8、arded as a separate kingdom of living things.本题中就不宜直接使用前文提到的“主语带主语”原则。代词出现的语句是被动句,因此“they”不再指代前文主语,而是指代前文中的宾语。那么“they”指代“mushrooms and other fungi”还是“non-free plant”呢?考生不必感动彷徨无助,口诀中已经明确指出,代词的单复数必然与原词单复数一致,因此正确答案只能是“mushrooms and other fungi”。5、定位排除和代入,验证语意要记牢总而言之,代词指代题的解题步骤清晰明了:第一步定位文中代词,用上述方法搜索原词;第

9、二步分析选项,排除位置和语意不符的词汇;第三步带入原句中简单翻译,进行验证。考生务必注意,验证是十分必要的一步,也是保证冲刺满分的不二法门。一旦遇到拿不准的题目,只要花几秒钟时间将代词指代的成分带入原句中验证一下,真伪立辨,保证万无一失。托福阅读长难句100句:鹿群的数量Wild life zoologist Hulmut Buechner(1953), in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington through recorded time, says that since the early 1940s, the state

10、 has had more deer than at any other time in its history, the winter population fluctuating around approximately 320,000 deer ( mule and black-tailed deer), which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period.(65, TPO4)词汇:biotic /ba?t?k/ adj. 关于生命的,生物的fluctuate

11、/fl?kt?e?t/ v. 涨落,波动approximately /?prks?m?tli/ adv. 大约yield /ji?ld/ v. 生产,产生;屈服,让步;分析:修饰一:(in reviewing the nature of biotic changes in Washington through recorded time),插入语,其中还有两个介词(in Washington) (through recorded time)中文:回顾在华盛顿有记录的时间内生物变化的特性修饰二:(since the early 1940s) ,介词短语中文:自从20世纪40年代早期修饰三:(th

12、e winter population fluctuatingaround approximately 320,000 deer (mule and black-tailed deer) ,大家能看懂这个修饰即可。其实这里有一个独立主格结构,嗯,好吧,不知道也能看懂的。中文:冬季鹿群的数量在大约32万只鹿(杂交鹿和黑尾鹿)左右波动修饰四:(which will yield about 65,000 of either sex and any age annually for an indefinite period.),从句,修饰winter population,其中for an indef

13、inite period表示不定期中文:这些鹿群每年将会不定期繁殖出各个年龄段的公鹿和母鹿各大约6.5万只主干:Wild lifezoologist Hulmut Buechner(1953) says that,后面接宾语从句参考翻译:野生动物学家Hulmut Buechner(1953)在回顾华盛顿有记录的时间内生物变化的特性之后说道:“从20世纪40年代早期,华盛顿州拥有鹿的数量比以历史任何时期都多,冬季鹿群的数量在大约32万只鹿(杂交鹿和黑尾鹿)左右波动,这些鹿群每年将会不定期繁殖出各个年龄段的公鹿和母鹿各大约6.5万只”托福阅读长难句100句:太平洋岛殖民文化层The basic c

14、ultural requirements for the successful colonization of the Pacific islands include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation skills to get to the islands in the first place, domesticated plants and gardening skills suited to often marginal conditions, and a varied inventory of fishing

15、implements and techniques. (48, TPO5)词汇:colonization /?k?l?n?ze?n/ n. 开拓殖民地,殖民appropriate /?pr?pr?t/ adj. 适当的,合适的 v. 挪用,擅用;拨出(尤指款项)domesticate /d?mest?ke?t/ v. 驯养marginal /m?d?n(?)l/ adj. 边缘的,边界的;(土地)无生产力的inventory /?nv?nt?ri/ n. 详细目录, 清单implement /?mpl?m?nt/ n. 工具,器具分析:修饰一:(for the successful colon

16、izationof the Pacific islands),介词短语,修饰requirements中文:太平洋岛成功的殖民修饰二:(toget to the islands in the first place),非谓语动词,修饰skills中文:最先到达这些岛修饰三:(suitedto often marginal conditions),非谓语动词,修饰skills中文:适应常年贫瘠条件主干部分:The basic cultural requirements include the appropriate boat-building, sailing, and navigation sk

17、ills, domesticated plants and gardening skills and a varied inventory of fishing implements and techniques.就是是三个并列结构,The basic cultural requirements include A, B and C,然后A和B里有修饰成分。参考翻译:对于太平洋岛成功的殖民基本的文化条件包括:最先到达这些岛需要的适当的造船、航行和航海技术、适应常年贫瘠条件的驯养植物和园艺技术以及各种各样的捕鱼工具和技术。托福阅读长难句100句:甘薯的传播As Patrick Kirch, an

18、 American anthropologist, points out, rather than being brought by rafting South Americans, sweet potatoes might just have easily been brought back by returning Polynesian navigators who could have reached the west coast of South America. (39, TPO5)词汇:anthropologist /?nr?p?l?d?st/ n. 人类学家rather than

19、 prep. 而不是raft /r?ft/ n. 筏 v. 用筏子载运(人或货物)navigator /n?v?ge?t?/ n. 航行者,航海者;领航员,导航员;导航仪分析:修饰一:(an American anthropologist),同位语,修饰Patrick Kirch中文:美国人类学家修饰二:(rather than being brought byrafting South Americans),介词短语,rather than是托福阅读里一个高频短语啊,大家记住它是一个介词,表示“而不是”中文:不是南美人用筏运来的修饰三:(by returning Polynesiannavi

20、gators),介词短语,修饰bringback中文:玻利尼西亚返航者修饰四:(who could have reached the westcoast of South America. ) ,从句,修饰navigators中文:已经去过南美西海岸主干:sweetpotatoes might just have easily been brought back参考翻译:正如美国人类学家Patrick Kirch所指出的,甘薯并不是南美人用筏运来的,而是通过已经去过南美西海岸的玻利尼西亚返航者很方便就带来了。托福阅读长难句100句:水力资源Only the last of these was

21、suited at all to the continuous operating of machines, and although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills, it had one great disadvantage: streams flowed where nature intended them to, and water-driven factories had to be located on their banks wh

22、ether or not the location was desirable for other reasons. (64, TPO6)分析:修饰一:(although waterpower abounded in Lancashire and Scotland and ran grain mills as well as textile mills) ,从句中文:虽然水力在Lancashire和Scotland十分丰富,能够运转谷物厂和纺织厂修饰二:(where nature intended them to) ,从句中文:水的流向是自然决定的修饰三:(whether or not the location wasdesirable for other reasons.) ,从句中文:而不管这个位置由于其他原因是否合理参考翻译:只有最后一种完全适合持续运转的机器,虽然水力在Lancashire和Scotland十分丰富,能够运转谷物厂和纺织厂,但它有一个缺点:水的流向是自然决定的,所以水力驱动的工厂不得不位于河岸边,而不管这个位置由于其他原因是否合理。


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