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1、GRE考试语文数学时间安排省时计划完整分享 GRE考试中的时间限制一直以来让不少考生深恶痛绝,明明会做的题目,却因为时间不够而来不及完成,最终影响了得分,今天给大家带来GRE考试语文数学时间安排省时计划完整分享,希望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。GRE考试语文数学时间安排省时计划完整分享GRE语文部分时间安排省时计划GRE语文部分难度较高,而且时间方面相对于数学来说更为紧张。每个SECTION中考生都需要在30分钟内完成总计20道题目,每道题目的平均解题时间只有1分30秒。而由于涉及两大类不同的题型,各个类型的题目其解题策略和时间管理的技巧也各不相同,因此下面分开介绍。1.

2、阅读首先,GRE考试语文每个SECTION中,一般会包含10道左右的阅读题,常见形式是1一篇长篇阅读,3-4篇短篇和逻辑阅读。建议考生根据*长度,花费2-4分钟左右的时间读完每篇*。读*也要讲究方法,特别是在面对文字量较大的长篇阅读时,最好以了解*大意和整体结构为重,不要纠结在细节上。如果之后的题目中涉及到*细节,再返回查找。而根据题目的难度和长度,每道题目的解题时间从30秒到60秒为佳。2. 填空GRE填空部分有四种题型,分别是单空、双空、三空和等价。一般语文每个SECTION中,填空等价题大约在10题左右。从难度上来说,三空和等价难度相对较高,但各题型在耗时方面不会相差太多,毕竟填空本身题

3、目都是比较短的。建议大家填空题最好适当提高一下速度,每道题目尽可能在1分钟内完成解答。另外填空也并非只靠词汇,有些题目假如使用一些技巧往往可以更快速地找到正确答案。GRE数学部分时间安排省时计划GRE数学部分一般由2-3个SECTION组成,每个SECTION有20道题目,考试时间为35分钟,考生完成每一道的平均时间为1分45秒左右。对于中国考生来说,GRE数学难度相对较低,因此这部分是作为保分部分来做的,考生应该以尽可能多地完成题目得到高分为目标。在时间安排上需要注意以下几点:1. 迅速进入解题环节对于每一道问题,考生应该在迅速读完题目并理解后就进入解题环节,不要流连在题目细节上,也要避免反

4、复读题浪费时间。有喜欢多读两遍题目的习惯的考生应努力改正这种坏习惯,练好一遍读完题的技巧。2. 所有信息都不漏解题时,考生如果发现自己陷入困境无以为继,那么很大可能是遗漏了某些题目中提到的细节,遭遇这种情况的考生,请返回题目中再找一下是否有遗漏的信息。3. 遭遇难题学会放手GRE考试题目难度起伏较大,即使是相对简单的数学也很有可能遭遇到少数难度较高的题目,面对难题是及时放手还是死磕到底?的建议是一道题目,无论如何解题时间不要超过2分钟。也就是说,如果花了2分钟时间你还没有头绪和思路,那么十有八九你并没有把握做对,所以猜测一个答案然后继续完成其它题目才是比较理智的做法。为了一道题浪费太多时间,影

5、响到后面其他题目的解题时间,对于整个数学部分来说得不偿失的。考生面对难题还是应该学会放手。以上就是和大家分享的GRE考试语文数学两个部分的时间安排和省时技巧。希望各位考生都能有所了解,学会合理分配考试时间,高效而准确地完成GRE考试的各个部分,取得理想的成绩。GRE考试备考词汇之高频形近词91. employ / deploy / ploydeploy: To deploy troops or military resources means to organize or position them so that they are ready to be used.ploy: A ploy

6、is a way of behaving that someone plans carefully and secretly in order to gain an advantage for themselves.(策略)92. apposite / oppositeapposite: Something that is apposite is suitable for or appropriate to what is happening or being discussed. (FORMAL)93. object / objection / objective / objectivity

7、objective: Objective information is based on facts.94. lurid / lucidlurid: If you say that something is lurid, you are critical of it because it involves a lot of violence, sex, or shocking detail.95. covet / covert / overtcovet: If you covet something, you strongly want to have it for yourself.(FOR

8、MAL)covert: Covert activities or situations are secret or hidden. (FORMAL)overt: An overt action or attitude is done or shown in an open and obvious way.96. stationary / stationerystationary: Something that is stationary is not moving.(=static)97. supple / supplement / supplicatesupple: A supple obj

9、ect or material bends or changes shape easily without cracking or breaking.supplicate: A supplicant is a person who prays to God or respectfully asks an important person to help them or to give them something that they want very much. (FORMAL)98. binge / hinge / fringebinge: If you go on a binge, yo

10、u do too much of something, such as drinking alcohol, eating, or spending money. (INFORMAL)hinge: A hinge is a piece of metal, wood, or plastic that is used to join a door to its frame or to join two things together so that one of them can swing freely.fringe: To be on the fringe or the fringes of a

11、 place means to be on the outside edge of it, or to be in one of the parts that are farthest from its centre.99. thorough / through / though100. staple / stablestaple: A staple food, product, or activity is one that is basic and important in peoples everyday lives.听英文歌学GRE单词:I feel so sluggishI feel

12、 so sluggish, I cant get out of bedI want to obliterate, to erase the thoughtsinside my headI cant move, Ive got no mobilityWell its an enigma. Its a mystery whatshappening to meIts the same thingOh, MonotonyGets so tediousI dont care, so call it apathyEvery day is all that happensEvery day is all t

13、hat happensThe sky is dark an dominousIts so foreboding, its so menacing, sothreateningThe future looks desolate from hereLike a clairvoyant I can see the future andits a wasteland from hereIts the same thingOh, MonotonyGets so tediousIts average, boring mediocrityEvery day is all that happensEvery

14、day is all that happensAnd why am I so indifferent, why dont I careHow do I mitigate the damage and make it lesssevereHow do I rectify it, to make things rightI cant get a handle on it tonightTonightThe days are uniform, theyre all the sameAll this conformity, this similarity drives meinsaneNorthing

15、 will ameliorate or ease the hurtIts all brouhaha, its chaos and Im justabout to burstIts the same thingOh, MonotonySomethings got to giveIm impervious, nothing gets through to meI dontcare, so call it apathyEvery day is all that happensEvery day is all that happensEvery day is all that happensEvery

16、 day is all that destroy completelymobilityn.the ability to moveenigman.a mystery or puzzlemonotonyn.dreary regularity or samenesstediousadj.long and tiresomeapathyn.lack of caring or emotionominousadj.predicting evil or disastermenacingadj.threatening danger or harmforebodinga

17、dj.expectation of who can see the futuredesolateadj.barren, uninhabitedmediocrityn.the condition of being averageindifferencen.lack of interest or ease or correct a mistakeuniformadj.n.characterized by samenessconformityn.the quality of make betterbrouhahan.a noisy, chaotic situationimperviousadj.incapable of being penetrated


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