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1、托福口语备考优先训练哪些能力技巧更重要 托福口语备考优先训练哪些能力技巧更重要?这4种能力请抓紧练,今天给大家带来了托福口语备考优先训练哪些能力技巧更重要,望能够帮助到大家,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语备考优先训练哪些能力技巧更重要?这4种能力请抓紧练托福口语高效备考重点:猜题能力如果是同种国籍之间,交流基本上是没有什么问题的,因为即使因为地方语言不通,但是文化相同,即使靠猜也能够猜得出对方的意思。但是在中国的教学当中,不能够“猜测”。可是在语言的学习当中,猜测很重要。因为可能你在交流的过程当中,有一个单词没有听懂,这个时候就需要对对方的含义进行猜测。不然的话,交流就会中断,没有办


3、的思维方式。但是这种方法是错误的,传译是衡量口语的非常重要的标准。想要取得口语练习有效的效果,一定要理解美国人的思维方式以及对于中英文的不同,把握大方向的前提才能够取得有效的进步。托福口语高效备考重点:词汇积累能力新托福 中经常会出现学术类的专业词汇,向像生物类、医学类等的专业词汇。所以大家在记单词的时候就要对于一些专业类的词汇进行留意,即使不会拼写,也要做到眼熟、耳熟,不要让这些生涩的词汇影响了在口语考试里的表现。托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:interesting clothes in your country本期托福独立口语高频话题Describe one type of int

4、eresting clothes in your country and explain why it is interesting.学生对此话题的表述答案What comes to me at first are Chinese traditional school uniforms. They are very interesting and worth studying from my own opinion. These uniforms are all kinds of old-fashioned designs and has undergo slight changes in t

5、he past decades. For example, before college, whenever I went to a new school, I always received a similiar pair of pants and a jacket as my uniform. Despite the uncomfortableness to wear, students in China are always required to wear these uniforms when attending schools. I think this kind reflects

6、 the Chinese teaching methods that is teachers are always the most authoritative ones in class and students should always follow the rules and listen to their teachers. I think these clothes reflects something in the basic found amental education system.资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 Chinese traditiona

7、ltraditional Chinese2 all kinds of old fashion designall have an old fashion design3 undergounderwent表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 that is (delete)2 these clothes reflectsthese clothes reflect#FormatImgID_0#此高频话题高分口语模板分享What comes to me at first are traditional Chinese school uniforms. They are very intere

8、sting and worth studying in my own opinion. These uniforms all have an old fashioned design and had undergone slight changes in the past decade. For example, before college, whenever I went to a new school, I always received the similiar pair of pants and a jacket as my uniform. Despite their uncomf

9、ortableness to wear, students in China are always required to wear these uniforms when attending schools. I think this kind reflects the Chinese teaching methodsteachers are always the most authoritative ones in class and students should always follow the rules and listen to their teachers. I think

10、these clothes reflect something foundamental in the education system.托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:advertisements have too much influence本期托福独立口语高频话题Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: advertisements have too much influence on consumers choices?学生对此话题的表述答案Well, I agree with the statement. We

11、 know that advertising is a way for company to attarct more consumers to buy their products. To some extent, some companies will just show good things of their products on advertising, but they didnt show bad things. Besides, I think the advertising spokeperson will influence consumers. For example,

12、 just for me, if i see my idol on the advertising, i will immediately to buy their product. So i couldnt agree with the statement that advertising will influence consumers.#FormatImgID_0#资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 show good things of productsshow the good things about2 on the advertisingon the adve

13、rtisement表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 I will immediately to buyI will immediately want to buy/ immediately buy2 I couldnt agree with the statementI couldnt agree more with the statement#FormatImgID_1#此高频话题高分口语模板分享I agree that companies use advertisements to make people buy their products. Some companies o

14、nly show the good things about their products,but they did not show the bad things. Another example is that the spokesperson will influence consumers to buy their products. For example, whenever i see my idol in an advertisement, i immediately want to buy the product. So i couldnt agree more that co

15、mpanies use advertisements to make people buy their products.托福独立口语热点话题名师批改实例讲解:experience of asking for help本期托福独立口语高频话题Describe an experience when you asked help from others.学生对此话题的表述答案When I was involve d in a academic study program in school, I was asked to find a professor who could give us mor

16、e information and resources. Unfortunately, the contact inform ation about professor I got went a bit wrong. So when I arrive at the place, I could not find him. At that time, I saw a lady in another office was smiling at me. So I just walked in and asked if she could help. In the end, she gave all

17、the information and resources I needed and I didnt have to search everywhere in that building for the professor.#FormatImgID_0#资深讲师批改意见语法方面出现的错误(Grammar)1 a academican academic2 give usgive me3 about professor I gotI got about the professor表达部分存在的问题(Expression)1 went a bit wrongwas a bit wrong2 so w

18、hen(too long) (delete)3 when I arrivewhen I arrived#FormatImgID_1#此高频话题高分口语模板分享When I was involved in an academic study program in school, I was asked to find a professor who could give me more information and resources. Unfortunately, the contact information I got about the professor was a bit wron

19、g. When I arrived at the place, I could not find him. At that time, I saw a lady in another office was smiling at me, so I walked in it and asked if she could help. In the end, she gave me the information and resources I needed and I didnt have to search everywhere in that building for the professor.


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